MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #3

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Does anyone else find it hard to believe that a 15 year old was able to do this all on her own? The reports say the body was very well concealed and that searchers had been in this area multiple times and didn't see anything.

Not at all.

I have to agree. I hate to gender discriminate here, but girls are way more crafty, if that's the word to use, at this age. My daughter is 14 and can put a lot of thought and creativity into her actions when so desired.

It's a kid is into 'goth' stuff and loves to watch the paranormal shows and is into horror. I guess this just proves how much parenting really does factor into our childrens outlook on life. Obviously this girl had el zippo in that department - and I think no matter what the grandparents did to normalize her situation there were going to be problems no matter what. This scale of evil is pretty shocking however.

Makes you wonder if it hadn't been Elizabeth, it may well have been any one of the younger siblings friends if it was that planned out.
Regarding the teacher, perhaps his beloved dog Molly died? It did say she was the love of his life. Perhaps with the issues with the school(possibly not heading the newspaper anymore) and the passing of his dog he decided to take his life(having two great loves taken away). I know it's a stretch, but just thinking.
A detention meeting will be held tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. to discuss whether the suspect will remain in the custody of the court or stay at her home until the certification hearing.

Can she really stay at her home??? That is insane!!!
Surely they won't let that kid move back in just down the street from Elizabeth's family.

Juvenile Authority Director Michael Couty held a press conference this morning at the Prenger Juvenile Center announcing the certification hearing will be held on Nov. 18 at 8 a.m. for the 15-year-old girl suspected of killing Elizabeth Olten.

The certification hearing will determine if the 15-year-old will be tried as an adult or as a juvenile. If a judge determines that the 15-year-old should be tried as an adult, more details about the suspect will be made available to the public.

I doubt they would release her to a home with other children not to mention to a home so close to the victims family!
Wow, I hope they keep her in custody. I bet they will. If Elizabeth was just an acquaintance, AB is certainly a danger to others!
I lost!!!why would they even think about letting her go home???
I must be missing something???
They better keep that girl in jail! Waaaay too close to her victims' home.
I have to agree. I hate to gender discriminate here, but girls are way more crafty, if that's the word to use, at this age. My daughter is 14 and can put a lot of thought and creativity into her actions when so desired.
Makes you wonder if it hadn't been Elizabeth, it may well have been any one of the younger siblings friends if it was that planned out.

I definitely agree that girls can be very crafty, in good and bad ways. I was thinking more along the lines of whether a 15 year old girl would be PHYSICALLY capable of getting a 9 year old girl into the woods (possibly lured her all the way there vs. dragging her after she died into the woods) and burying her. Especially with the amount of time she had to work with. It would most likely take awhile to bury someone, even in a shallow grave. And those woods were being searched within hours of when Elizabeth supposedly left her friends house. I earlier posted a rumor I saw elsewhere that the gravesite was dug and ready before the crime was committed, so that would have saved the suspect time. But it would still take awhile to cover up the body. Unless it was covered with leaves, branches, etc, rather than dirt. But then I have to wonder if it wouldn't have been more noticeable.
I have read a rumor on another board that there were possibly 2 people involved.
I think that she would be a suicide risk as well as a target and needs to a stay in protective custody. It is also a security risk for her family. There already is a risk for them but letting her come back home would heighten it drastically. I would be afraid for the kids that live there from her as well as danger from vigilantes. Regardless of what AB may have done or if the GP's hindered the investigation the other kids in that house are innocent victims.
This posted on twitter by KOMU news:

Media asked not to release identity of Olten killing suspect, despite information in community and online blogs.
That's interesting Prof. He is in prison 2hrs away. He must have been charged with something else when he was sent to prison.
About AB being "emo" or "goth" - I'd say about 95% of the time its harmless. I'm more than 10 years removed from it all, but when I was 14/15 I went through an "emo" phase. My friends and I listened to punk/pop-punk music, we went to all-ages concerts, I wore band t-shirts and skinny jeans and converse sneakers. I remember these jelly bracelets we used to wear, and put button pins on our backpacks. At concerts we'd wear eyeliner and red lipstick and try to meet boys to kiss. We hung out with boys who were in (bad) bands, and we made mix-CDs and wrote sappy (corny) song lyrics on our AOL profiles. I wanted to dye my hair pink but my parents quickly put an end to that idea - actually, they let me get the spray-in hair dye that washes out in the shower...but in green...and when people made fun of me that day for having "mold" in my hair, I never wanted to dye my hair again. (Man, looking back, parents are smart).

But that was considered "emo." And none of my friends drank, did drugs, smoked, had sex.. we were all really good kids. If we wanted to get in trouble I guess there were ways we could have, but that's true of any "scene." We all had great parents, and weren't interested in trouble. I knew other kids from school who weren't into anything "alternative" and got in plenty of trouble. So I think its really a lot more the KID who will get in trouble no matter where, rather than any scene that will get the kid in trouble. Granted, there are exceptions like...gangs, cults, etc.

Sorry for the rant, but I think sometimes its easy to automatically go to if the kid looks a little different rather than she's just a bad apple.
Yes, after seeing many angry locals in the "comments" section of various articles, the 15 year old would not be safe going home (IMO)
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