MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #4

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Any idea what that means? The xD3? Do you think she was flatlining? or choking herself?


It is sort of close to xtc ... rhyming slang? dunno ...
It had the perp's named in it. Person attended the funeral..

The comment is NOT pulled, and it does not mention any name or anything about any funeral.
The comment basically just "confirms" previous rumors of who the POI is and some things about how it supposedly happened. That's it.

PS: I took a screenshot of the comment in question. I don't wish to get into any arguments
It had the perp's named in it. Person attended the funeral..

Oh thank you! I have seen the perp's name in one form or another in various comments to news articles all day today... (mispelled, first name, last initial, etc) I think it will end up on national media sooner than the hearing.... It seems that it's okay to report as long as it is stated "this information is from multiple sources, but LE will not confirm" ... (aka rumor)

Any idea what that means? The xD3? Do you think she was flatlining? or choking herself?


I have no idea if this is the case or not.. but sometimes people use X and D to make smiley type faces. If you tilt your head to the left you can see them. Ex. : D XD. I have no idea if that was her intention or if it means something else, I just wanted to throw that out there.
I have a feeling that this will also be a wake up call for not only parents/guardians but school advisors, staff, instructors! I really do hope that the suicide of the journalism advisor for the school is not related, but I have a feeling it is. :(

I just read that the death of the teacher was not related- that he had been terminally ill and had just reached the point where he couldn't take it anymore.

Also, I want to know where the suspect's family is now? If they live just a few houses away from the victim, did they stay? Can you even imagine being that close to the evil? Have they shown any sympathy to or ahd any contact with Elizabeth's family since this tragedy? I'm sure no one has these answers, but have any of you wondered the same thing?

PS. I'm a long time lurker here ever since Caylee Anthony...

Any idea what that means? The xD3? Do you think she was flatlining? or choking herself?


I have seen the XD before as a smiley like smiling really big, you know your eyes close and get all squinty, but I'm not sure what the 3 is about??
The comment is NOT pulled, and it does not mention any name or anything about any funeral.
The comment basically just "confirms" previous rumors of who the POI is and some things about how it supposedly happened. That's it.
Yeh I was thinking of another one on a post someone listed on page 4 on this sight. It does mention her name. It is still there also. Written by a person who had attended visitation and funeral. I am surprised they didn't pull that comment. Last line is interesting also. Sorry I had my comments confused.
the post is still there. It just repeats a rumor that suspect called her and asked her to come back after she left.

I have no idea if that is true.

Oh, okay the post said () but not am or pm, and I did not read all of the comments. Honestly, the comments I have read overall today are so disturbing that I have decided to only read comments that someone here suggests... I have heard that rumor before, yes.
Hi All,
I joined this site to post about Morgan Harrington, the VTech junior who vanished almost two weeks ago. But as publicity surrounding Elizabeth has picked up, this case has shaken me to the core. I have spent the past hour or so going through past posts and "following the bread crumbs," as it were, and I've finally gathered the important information. (You guys amaze me, by the way, for your ability to use the internet and VERY LITTLE details to find such extensive info) I found AB on Facebook and Myspace and Twitter, and have searched through some of her MS friends, and I am deeply, deeply saddened by this case for some reason. More than any other case that I've read about or followed.
The following is the MS status of a girl from AB's high school:
"this is bigger than all of us. this is bigger than high school. & these stupid little rumors need to stop. you dont know anything.
Mood: yourethemonster.
Posted at 9:29 PM Oct 26"
This murder is tearing apart a community, and a school as well. If the allegations against AB are true, this needs to be a wake-up call...I know that AB's family situation has never been quite ideal, but this goes to show that parents and guardians NEED to be in touch with their teens' feelings. My parents were always interested...they didn't impose themselves, but I knew they cared, and that I could always go to them. I'm 20, and I can't imagine 5 years ago feeling broken and hollow enough to murder a child. Sorry if I'm being too preachy or rambling, but I can't get this case out of my head.

You are not being too preachy or rambling. You are expressing very well what most of us are feeling. I must say for a 20 year old you have the wisdom of someone much older.

Welcome to Websleuths my dear. Thank you for choosing us to post with.
Have y'all heard about the ICP and its subculture? Don't know if I can post it due to not wanting to paint them all with the same brush as AB.
To me, it doesn't sound like this particular comment had to do with self-injury or cutting or anything like that. I have a lot of FB friends who are AB's age and high schoolers (even ones this young) are doing a lot of heavy partying. So when I read that Twitter update, I assumed it meant she was out with her friends, maybe partying or drinking or just messing around and she almost "died," as she put it. Again, I've seen FB statuses like this from college students and high schoolers that have nothing to do with self-injury. But I could be wrong, and judging by other Twitter updates and typical behavior of "Emo" individuals, we probably can't rule out self-injury either. She did seem to be experiencing a lot of troubling emotions.
I haven't seen alot of discussion about this in particular, and it might be way out there, but I'm going to throw it out anyway !

So, we know that Elizabeths father(Dale Olten) and older brother are presently in jail. And her father was the live in boyfriend of a missing woman, Jasmine Haslag. Jasmine was set to testify against Elizabeths father the week after she disappeared. Elizabeths father was acquitted of federal charges that were based on a search of his vehicle that revealed nearly 80 grams of methamphetamine, over 100 grams of marijuana, over $1,000 in cash and a pistol with the serial number removed. because...surprise! Jasmine went missing and couldn't testify.

Jasmine Haslag, Msg 06/18/07, Callaway County MO - Help Find The Missing

Also, that Dale Olten was the last one to see Jasmine alive. Plus, we have this from one of our sleuths..
Hi... I live in Russellville right next to her bf that she was arrested with. Our family moved into the neighborhood 6 months before the bf did, had we known he was going to be next door we would have never done it.

a bit of interesting information about this case.. I don't know if it is related or not but, Dale Olten (bf) was arrested in Calloway County the day after her car was found. Again he had meth and guns and knives.

Cole County Sheriff has stepped up patrol around our neighborhood, and I believe they were at his house over the weekend. My concern is that he has something to hide. In the past two weeks he has built a makeshift fence around his property.

MO-Jasmine Haslag- missing since 6/18/07 from Jefferson City MO - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

So her father is heavily involved in meth trafficking, guns, knives, and robberies, and is definitely a suspect in a missing womans case....along with her older brother..

Stay with me, I'm getting there. There is also talk about AB's bio parents being involved in the same things and both are in prison. Retrieved this from INsessions where they are talking about, "what's happening at courthouse there" This gives ALOT of info about AB, her grandparents, parents,from the locals etc..

The locals on this board seem to know alot more than what's being said by media of course, and the premeditation comes from the grave being dug before the killing supposedly...

so, in response to the insanity that went on about the lack of an Amber Alert going out...could the sheriff maybe prejudged the situation because of the families involved? Since there is heavy criminal activity in each and such, could he have NOT done the Amber alert because he was convinced it had something to do with the family and all their criminal activities?
Could Elizabeths death somehow be related to all the criminal activity?
Does anyone know if Dale Olten and AB's parents are linked in any way? Did they hang out together, do drugs together, burglary, etc. together? Could this be a convoluted revenge crime?

Like I said, just throwing it out there...thoughts anyone?

also am wondering why media has been so silent in regards to how heavily involved Elizabeths family is in crime and if there is a correlation between her father and AB's parents
On another note, Elizabeth’s father’s girlfriend disappeared in 2007, he is the main person of interest in that case. I hope that if he was involved in Jasmine Haslag’s disappearance that this will be a catalyst for him to confess, so her people can find her body and get some sort of closure.

Wow!!! IIRC - Jasmine has never been found. She has a thread in the Missing/Located forum, I believe. Going to bump it up if it hasn't already been! WTH?
Yeh I was thinking of another one on a post someone listed on page 4 on this sight. It does mention her name. It is still there also. Written by a person who had attended visitation and funeral. I am surprised they didn't pull that comment. Last line is interesting also. Sorry I had my comments confused.

Some papers have more involved moderators/editors than others. It is interesting to watch how this all develops from a social standpoint (as far as rumor and naming the perp), yet so extremely tragic involving both a murdered child and a child murderer. The perp is a child. Yes, she may be old enough to know right from wrong, but it is a fact that we are not fully developed physically, emotionally, or cognitively at that age. And she probably did not have a model home until as recent as 2 years ago...
so very tragic.
Some papers have more involved moderators/editors than others. It is interesting to watch how this all develops from a social standpoint (as far as rumor and naming the perp), yet so extremely tragic involving both a murdered child and a child murderer. The perp is a child. Yes, she may be old enough to know right from wrong, but it is a fact that we are not fully developed physically, emotionally, or cognitively at that age. And she probably did not have a model home until as recent as 2 years ago...
so very tragic.

Yes, but soooo many kids do not have model homes these days. And yes it is tragic. But there is a lot of tragic going around too. Like the whole prom thing in Calif.
Good one! You can tell I hang out with a lot of teens and druggies, huh :)


lol, again, not sure, no evidence, just conjecture based on her bio parents alleged history... and yes, I have been privy by profession to the minds of teens (a little older, but still teens) for years now. I am lucky. I have not had any disclosures that would threaten either the lives of my students or others to date, and I am the kind of close reader that you'd want to have at your back ;)
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