MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #5

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Well, we also have to remember that this incident didn't happen at the school, thankfully. It's all well and good to understand the types of cliques, etc there, though. But...the murder was committed in the community, not at school.
I searched the posts here and if this was included, I missed it: ABC News has an online video report from Oct. 28 that says Elizabeth's family "told ABC News" Elizabeth was on her way home when the suspect called Elizabeth on her cell phone and "invited" her to come back to the house.

I am new to posting, so if I've repeated old news or violated any rules, please educate me! Thanks.

Could you post a link to that report? Thanks
Did EO's family suspect anything at that time that would lead them to being that way towards them?
I saw in an earlier thread someone brought up rehabilitaion.
Let me start first by saying that I was a Corrections officer land ll for over 12 years before becoming disabled and unable to perform my job.
We had a saying when I worked there that was "Faking the Funk". Meaning doing something to make yourself look good w/o really caring to benefit from the service. I can't count how many inmates took one program after another just to make it look good when it came time for their parole hearing.
I would hear inamtes laughing and joking what a joke the program was. I can not tell you how many inmates I have seen more than once in the 12 years I worked there. Always the same excuse that they were framed or setup.
Our prison system needs to focus on making inmates not want to come back instead of making them comfortable. Rehab only works if the individual getting treated truly wants it too.
I look forward to participating here and hopefully adding some good information. Thanks.

I know what you mean. The other night my hisband and I were watching Lockdown or something like that on MSN. They were in a womens prison talking to them. There were a few that you could see had remorse and were rehabbed. There was one woman who talked a good talk but her eye's had a gleam when she talked about her son. Not in a good way but she said something to the effect that she knows that her son will be bad because he will be angry because she was in prison. It was like she was looking forward to getting out and being a part of him being bad. He was 6 years old when the interview was being done and happily living with his grandparents. He was born in the prison and has never knew anything but his GP's. I thought if she does get out I would keep her far away from the kid.
The grandparents make some serious money, and are most likely just refusing to hire AB an attorney. They always had the "You did it, you deal with it" mentality (IMO). As far as I know, there is no apparent motive, and (again jmo) there most likely isn't one. The grandparents were not only helpful, but from what they have said they allowed LE free use of their property, and allowed them to search their house several times without warrants. A person that lives in the house told me that he offered them coffee/soda/hot chocolate and umbrella's while it was raining. AB acted normal afterwards (as I've been made to understand), and from what I hear all the other children in the house offered to help search for elizabeth. As to why she went to church before school I assume its for the same reason as everyone else that did it, to grow closer to god.

Sorry If I'm being vague, but I was told what I know in confidence, and the things I was asked not to repeat I will not repeat.

I respect you for not repeating what you said you would not. You did not answer if you thought AB did this. Would you rather not say? I would understand. You must be feeling awful yourself. Did you know Elizabeth or her family?
Do you know if the family had a reason to act out towards AB's family when they came to help?
That rumor is blatantly false, and anyone that knows the family would know that. I was told while everything was unfolding aka the night she was reported missing, that they as a family walked to elizabeth's house to offer support, and attempt to comfort the family, apologize, and tell them when they thought elizabeth left. I was also told (by a person that walked with them) that they were met with hostility.

Sad how things can get turned around. I read somewhere that it was ABs family that was hostile and refused to let police in till they had a search warrent. Glad you are able to help sort the facts ILC!
I totally agree with this.

These criminals have more available to them, and for FREE, than most hard working citizens do. Free weight/exercise rooms, free education, free health, free dental, free use of computers (in some places), etc. Heck, there are even criminals who don't want to leave prison because they have it made there.

I think once you commit a crime and break the law, you should be stripped of your rights. Jail shouldn't be a country club, a free vacation, a good time, a chance to educate yourself for free, a chance to get those dentures you've been wanting, etc.

Maybe if prison was made uncomfortable for these people they'd think twice about being there. JMO

Anyone else tired of paying for cable, college, etc for convicted criminals when I can't afford those things for myself and family? Something is very wrong.
That rumor is blatantly false, and anyone that knows the family would know that. I was told while everything was unfolding aka the night she was reported missing, that they as a family walked to elizabeth's house to offer support, and attempt to comfort the family, apologize, and tell them when they thought elizabeth left. I was also told (by a person that walked with them) that they were met with hostility.

They walked "as a family" to Elizabeth's house, meaning all of them, 15 year old AB too?
Hello, Ilovecookies. Thank you for offering insight into this case. Did you go to school with the POIs mother or father?
My favorite line from an inmate when I would mention to him how all things he had were free was "It ainit free I am paying for this with my life".

Quick story. I got in trouble at work one day for making a comment. I had an inmate complain to me that he didn't get the medical treatment he wanted. I told him he was talking to the wrong person because I didn't care. He told me that was the wrong attitude to have. My reply is what got me in hot water. I told him we had honorably dischared military vets living in cardboard boxes under overpasses not knowing when they would get a hot meal much less free medical and I was supposed to feel sorry for a convicted criminal not getting the treatment he wanted. Needless to say my comment didn't go over to well.
Not well enough to feel comfortable commenting on their life.
And I have no idea if she actually did it.

No I wasn't ask you to comment on Elizabeths family. I asked because I was thinking how hard this must be for you and the others who know all the people involved. You must have walked around in a fog for the first few days. I don't mean to suggest I know how you feel or felt but I know if it were me I would not be able to stop shaking my head and wonder how it came to be.
Do those of you who are local have any sense of whether the death of the teacher was in any way related to this? Thanks.
No. Mr Currie had terminal cancer and had taken a turn for the worse.
Sad how things can get turned around. I read somewhere that it was ABs family that was hostile and refused to let police in till they had a search warrent. Glad you are able to help sort the facts ILC!

I don't think any facts have been sorted out.

I do not personally know Elizabeth's mother, but I know several people who do.

Elizabeth's family and her mother were nothing but gracious and thankful of everyone who tried to help.

I have spoken to Elizabeth's mom a few times at her place of employment, and she was always very friendly.

I have never heard a bad word about her anywhere before this afternoon.

Also, I think it is a bit ridiculous to imply that Elizabeth's mother was "high" and "out of it" at 6:15, when she was obviously perfectly coherent to call 911 and start searching at 7pm.

She didn't do anything to deserve this.
Paying for it with their life. LOL What a joke! And, they are paying with their life because of who? Because of themselves!!! No one forced them to commit the crime(s) they are in there for.

And I agree with your comment to that prisoner. It's so true.

My favorite line from an inmate when I would mention to him how all things he had were free was "It ainit free I am paying for this with my life".

Quick story. I got in trouble at work one day for making a comment. I had an inmate complain to me that he didn't get the medical treatment he wanted. I told him he was talking to the wrong person because I didn't care. He told me that was the wrong attitude to have. My reply is what got me in hot water. I told him we had honorably dischared military vets living in cardboard boxes under overpasses not knowing when they would get a hot meal much less free medical and I was supposed to feel sorry for a convicted criminal not getting the treatment he wanted. Needless to say my comment didn't go over to well.
Not well enough to feel comfortable commenting on their life.
And I have no idea if she actually did it.

And can you explain how AB walked directly to the body in the woods (when 400+ searchers, myself included, could not find it) if she didn't put Elizabeth there?
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