MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #3

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Missouri has legal weed dispensaries so I rule out a laced joint. Neighbors would have reported if Hazmat teams had shown up had there been any sort of lab in the house. Many people do coke recreationally and I can easily see these guys doing some with their beer while watching the game but the watching jeopardy doesn’t fit. These guys would have been talking and laughing. My money is on fentanyl. Coming to a city near you for your family and friends. Heartbreaking.
weed purchased at legal dispensaries is much more expensive than weed purchased from an illegal dealer. I think that is why LE wanted to examine the victims' phones.

Until the tox screens are released, I'm not sure what they took but I think it was more than alcohol. Kansas City is a large metro area into Kansas as well as Missouri. Overdoses are happening even among middle-schoolers. It's alarming and KC has been hit especially hard.


Lucas introduced a coordinated campaign to fight back on those numbers, including a fentanyl summit to underscore the issue. The city’s police and health departments will be part of the team.

These plans will fold in with a DEA campaign called Operation Engage, which is already running in Kansas City and several other U.S. cities.

As part of that campaign, the DEA said its agents have already this year seized nearly 70 million fentanyl-laced pills and 11,000 pounds of fentanyl powder. There's enough illicit fentanyl in those seizures for 336 million doses.

Kansas City, Kansas, police have also been cracking down on fentanyl distribution after a record 174 overdoses in the city last year.
I lost my young brother to a cocaine overdose in the 90’s. The coroner said the coke was so pure, his brain was instantly damaged. He actually said the blood vessels in his brain exploded. His girlfriend witnessed it and said he immediately fell over after taking the drug. He had been a user for awhile, so even though he had a tolerance, the coke was just not cut down enough. Fentanyl is so much stronger, I can’t imagine how quick it must act.
So sorry about your brother. This is how I picture it happening to these guys. One in the chair and two just off the patio in the grass. I think they took something, and it happened quickly. :(
I think the TOD window is going to be fairly large.

It may well be different for each of the three.

Personally, I've seen people drink to black-out stage. Inadvertently did it myself when I was 19 and used alcohol for only the second time in my life. Fortunately, I was on a friend's waterbed and not in the backyard. I was pretty shocked on the very first weekend of university, when this lovely and intelligent young woman was literally banging into walls in the dorm and then collapsed in the hallway. Later, I lived in a "co-ed" fraternity and we were low level drinkers - but would attend other frat parties and yeah, there'd be people drinking whole pitchers of beer as fast as possible, and then passing out on the lawn. Much warmer weather. And campus police cruised by at around midnight and demanded the frat bros take their buddies inside for the night. It would only be 2-3 people (except for one particular fraternity where I truly believe nearly everyone had a drinking problem - I knew some of them well and still know some of them).

Alcoholism is a disease, with strong genetic components. People sort themselves into groups according to what kind of alcohol use is expected, and on what occasions. There are too many variables, just with alcohol, to cause simultaneous deaths (but parallel deaths have happened - usually not with three people very often, but certainly with two).

Unfortunately, fent is turning up in a lot if things (illegally bought drugs). People need to realize no matter what you think you're taking; there's a good chance it has fent in it at this point.

A lot of media stories make it sound like tons of people are suddenly abusing fent. Idk, who knows what some of them thought they were taking, we only knew they died of fent. (General cases, we don't know yet about this one).

Like that case i had been talking about where a guy who supplied illegal drugs. Most of the dealers (who were also prosecuted) had no idea who they were really buy from... They thought they were buying from someone they knew. I think only a few people actually knew this was the guy. He was high up in organized crime. So, you imagine, at that point it's all about $$$ to him. He has no idea who is specifically buying, these are just order to fill to make $$. Fent wasn't a thing yet and that guy's in prison. But, there is someone supplying way up the line who is just after $$$ and otherwise doesn't care. And fent is a thing now.

I would think the police could recognize a lab used for making drugs. So, just by the fact i have not heard of total chaos drama happening at that house, i imagine they didn't find one. I have no idea what it takes to break down a lab or how long it takes (if someone was inclined to make one and then take it down because reasons). I also don't know if it still leaves evidence. I am really just thinking there wasn't one.
statements that stood out to me from the cousin interview: J is a chemist. He's created drugs for people since high school. We all know what the toxicology reports are going to reveal.

Kansas City Chiefs fan found dead did not use drugs, was ‘murdered,’ longtime girlfriend saysI question anything that a family member states. A good example is David Harrington's long term girlfriend. While there has been speculation that the three friends’ deaths may be drug-related, “David didn’t do stuff like that,” Kruse said. Now this statement was made BEFORE it came out that he was convicted of possession of a Schedule II controlled substance (schedule II drugs include opiates such as oxycodone and fentanyl, and other similar narcotics).
Host of Chiefs Watch Party Heads to Rehab, Deceased Have Ties to Drugs

So are we to believe that JW was away at school, and in another state working after school, was manufacturing drugs and shipping them home to his buddies?
Trends in Missouri match what the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration describes as a “nationwide overdose epidemic” fueled by the spread of fentanyl.

The drug has a place in reducing suffering when its use is deliberate and controlled. Diluted to thousandths of a milligram and administered by medical professionals, fentanyl can relieve pain in half the time it takes morphine and without its unpleasant side effects.

However, it takes merely one grain of salt’s worth of fentanyl to cross into a fatal dose.

“It’s grabbing hold of our children now,” said Frank Tennant, chief of Missouri’s State Technical Assistance Team, a specialized law enforcement agency that investigates crimes against children and is under the Department of Social Services. “Fentanyl scares me, and not a lot scares me.

“It’s straight from hell as far as I’m concerned.”
My 19 year old is in rehab for this very thing. He has lost 2 friends. Fentanyl does not discriminate. It is the scariest thing and only those affected seem to understand this. We are in a nation wide PANDEMIC.
MOO- working in recovery and addiction I see this more than you can ever imagine. I would almost put money on fentanyl laced coke. Or even weed. They don’t look like drug addicts and yes, ADDICTS have a look I can spot a mile away.

I bet you these guys were hard working respectable members of society who like many professionals I know would do a line or a bump here and there and unfortunately got some really bad stuff. Or may have been pot smokers and again came across something laced with lethal doses of fentanyl. It’s a real thing- dealers are lacing even weed with it.

Many times when there is a bad batch of drugs being distributed in a community we see a sudden increase in fatal overdoses and they usually happen within the same day or 2.

Wonder if we can find out if there was a sudden increase in overdoses around that time?

I hope the family’s get the answers and closure they need soon.

ETA- this doesn’t mean that JW gave it them, or produced the drug. I have no clue if he is involved in anyway but I do know recreational or occasional drug users can sleep for days. I’ve witnessed it first hand a few times.

Almost everyone I know smokes pot or takes a bump of coke now and then it's far more common and doesn't even have to be an addict, so yes, I think drugs may be involved. tainted drugs.
What amazes me more than anything is the total lack of research and reporting done by the media regarding the victims. In particular the local media. So far it looks like only TMZ has done any reporting at all, albeit they have hardly scratched the surface of easily available information.
Linda Johnson gave heart-wrenching insight into the fates of stepson Ricky Johnson Jr. and his two friends as she revealed that prosecutors are still “looking into this case fully” despite cops initially ruling out anything suspicious.
My 19 year old is in rehab for this very thing. He has lost 2 friends. Fentanyl does not discriminate. It is the scariest thing and only those affected seem to understand this. We are in a nation wide PANDEMIC.
I think that relaxing some drug laws on schedule I drugs (illegal) and tightening laws on schedule Ii-IV (can be prescribed by a doctor under certain circumstances) has really confused people.

Also, i don't think young people can remember a time before fent, so they really have no concept of how much more dangerous it is. I can remember the days when heroin was the hardcore drug (no personal experience with this), people did o.d. on it. A lot of people.

I hope the rehab helps your loved one move past this.
What amazes me more than anything is the total lack of research and reporting done by the media regarding the victims. In particular the local media. So far it looks like only TMZ has done any reporting at all, albeit they have hardly scratched the surface of easily available information.
A lot of people who were doing research and real reporting lost their jobs a long time ago.

They are probably just doing searches online of what people are saying. Well, people online say all kinds of things. Good things, bad things, and things that might not even be important. Because we don't specifically know what happened. The police kind of act like they have a theory, but until they tell us none of us know (us meaning everyone on the Internet, not just here).

For all we know, they found something that explains most of our questions.
Yeah, loads of baseless accusations against JW. He must have seen out of the window, he must be lying about not seeing calls, he must be lying about not hearing the door, he must have known what happened or more than he's said, he must be on drugs because he's in rehab, he must be suspicious because a cousin of a friend told the press etc etc. Unless there is evidence I've missed to back up this speculation?
Sure hope LE can break open those phones for whatever conversations went on concerning these five men and possibly others...and look to see if some of JW's phone was wiped of anything. Just some thoughts
I wish they'd hurry up on the TOX reports because unless they were blackout drunk and higher than kites or on depressants mixed with booze, or tainted drugs...I'm stumped. Unless they were head trauma or other wounds that incapacitated them. One guy stumbling outside getting accidently locked out and freezing but all three? Wouldn't three adult men pound on the door LOUDLY or break a window versus choosing to freeze to death?
Just jumping off...and we're back to our original and ongoing problem: LE has verified practically nothing.

For my own part, I am taking nothing in this case as fact until it is verified by authorities.
And now it seems there's even a new set of investigators starting up on this case. That in itself is interesting.
And now it seems there's even a new set of investigators starting up on this case. That in itself is interesting.
It's not a new team of investigators. Kansas City has such an overdose problem, months ago, the Mayor and city council designated a special investigative team that works with the DEA. I posted a link upthread.

Since we don't know what happened, then i don't know if knowing anyone 's background helps us figure it out.

I remember there was one case where everyone (victim, people he knew) involved had things in their past etc and it turned out the guy was murdered by a total stranger for basically no reason. (I am not saying this is a murder case, just saying sometimes people's backgrounds aren't helpful if you don't know what happened.)
I'm sure they didn't just start drinking when they arrived at JW's. Since it's never been disclosed where they were before they arrived, they could have been at a bar, their own homes, or someone else's. Watching a game is party time for many.
Exactly. The Chiefs game was the late game, begiinning at 7:00 pm Central time. The Brown/Texans game began 3.5 hours earlier. Most football fans start drinking at or before the first game, so add 4-5 hours drinking before the KC game even started. So, after 4 hours of drinking, these guys show up for this game with 30 more beers each.
I wish they'd hurry up on the TOX reports because unless they were blackout drunk and higher than kites or on depressants mixed with booze, or tainted drugs...I'm stumped. Unless they were head trauma or other wounds that incapacitated them. One guy stumbling outside getting accidently locked out and freezing but all three? Wouldn't three adult men pound on the door LOUDLY or break a window versus choosing to freeze to death?

That is why I am wondering if there was something going on, some sort of poison? Were these guys exposed to some chemicals, or something before they came over?

It is a mystery.
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