MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #12

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Oh Mickey, you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind,
hey Mickey (huff huff), hey Mickey (huff huff)


has anyone even considered that MB had something in his hand or reached into his pocket, causing OW to believe he may have had a weapon? What happened to the cigars? Were they found with MB?

I am also wondering if DJ will be charged as an accomplice in the cigar-robbery or has he been cleared? Did OW know where DJ was when chasing/shooting MB? I do believe there had to be a lot going through OW 's mind when everything was taking place.

iirc - the police chief said during one of the news conferences that the cigarellos were recovered . . . imo
LOL, I USED to watch the news too much--that's how I learned who Ogletree is. Once I learned that nothing ever changes I quit watching it and I am much less frustrated now:)

i was actually surprised to see him speak out on this - and i'm guessing he's trying to replace sharpton as the community leader. his statement likening mbrown to ml king made me hit the ceiling.

Maybe it did corroborate OW's account, and that's why we went from *Bombshell* for most of the day, to Brown Family attorney, Parks', trying to discredit its authenticity this afternoon? :hmmm:

Just a thought... We'll see if he's still brushing it off tomorrow.

(I swear, I've come to more conclusions based on his statements and obvious evasions than anyone else's. :lol: )

:lol: same your parenthetical!
I followed your wonderful directions to get a clear picture in my mind of the scene and distances. It looks like 100+ feet from the rear of the police car to MB's body when I measure using google Earth map of the street. Is that what it looks like to you? MB's body was laying in the dip of the sidewalk where the big tree is shading the street, I believe. That's farther than I thought the distance b/n MB and OW's car was, so if I measured correctly, it looks like OW ran after MB for quite a way if it's true he was 35 ft (or was it 20 ft?) away when he shot MB.

I estimated the distance between hat and body to be around 135-145ft...could be more, could be less. And I agree it was farther than I first anticipated. I have not had a chance to read up on the 35ft estimate and how they arrived at that. I'd best guess the time it would take to run that distance at about 20 seconds or less.
I bet a profiler/body language expert could tell us what Parks' constant prefacing something he's about to say with "Well, let me just say this ..." indicates about the truthfulness of what he's about to say.

"Well, let me just say this...." is simply a way of stating...."I have absolutely NO ANSWER for what you just asked I am going to talk about something completely unrelated."

It would go something like this....
Q: DJ stated that MB was shot in the back, yet the autopsy report clearly shows that he was not.
A: Well, let me just say this...MB was an unarmed black teenager that was shot 6 times by a white police officer!!!

Q: There are reports that OW was assaulted by MB just prior to the shooting...
A: Well, let me just say this...MB was an unarmed black teenager that was shot 6 times by a white police officer!!!"

Q: Several eyewitnesses have stated that MB ran at OW just prior to being shot...
A: Well, let me just say this...MB was an unarmed black teenager that was shot 6 times by a white police officer!!!"
just watched NG show again. Can't believe how Darryl Parks doing a 180 on this audio tape.

" well Nancy, just want to be cautious, until this is authenticated...we know there is report of a first shot in the car...dont know where that would be on here..."

"In the car..."

He's so informative.
So Crump and Parks have been hitting the news circuit the past 2 days, and it seeems that besides the 'gamechanger' audiotape, the other main topic is ALL OF THE CORROBORATIVE WITNESS TESTIMONY. Crump says the witnesses by themselves should be enough to have OW arrested immediately.
On that vid, I heard Paiget say that OW RAN after MB (not stood by the SUV shooting as some posters where assuming). But then, she also stated that MB had his hands up. Then, another witness (the guy who was taking video while LE was taping the area off talking to a bystander) said that MB turned and RAN towards OW.

I would hate to be on the GJ sheesh!

Looking at the vids posted this morning of Piaget/DJ mimicing MB with "hands-up", their raised hands are low (eye level) w/their arms close to their bodies, looking rather casual as if MB were saying to OW, "Wait a minute. Wait a minute" ... not raised high above their heads with fingers spread wide, as a panicked MB, wanting OW to see he posed no danger and immediately stop firing, would have done. imo
I have questions for anyone here who believes that it is very likely that this is an unjustified shooting. I would really and truly like honest answers, if at all possible, to help me understand the reasoning. Giving all of the facts that we know at this time, would you feel any differently about the situation if:
1.) OW was black?
2.) DB was white?
3.) OW is shown to have been greatly injured in the "scuffle," i.e., concussion, loss of consciousness, fractured eye socket
4.) OW had been shot inside the vehicle during the "scuffle."
5.) It is shown that DB was under the influence of some kind of substance that produces violence

I know these are all very hypothetical questions, but just trying to isolate the reasoning for the outrage. It seems to me that none of us would be having this conversation if OW wasn't white and DB wasn't black. In other words, there would be no other explanation for the shooting other than racism - that OW is a racist cop that hates black people enough to shoot one dead in the street like some kind of an animal.

In my opinion, the most important physical attribute of MB that played the largest part in OW's mind throughout the entire incident was NOT his race, but much more his physical SIZE. My guess is that OW wouldn't have any reason to assess MB's race during this incident, because his most immediate concern was that MB was literally twice the size of OW.
"Well, let me just say this...." is simply a way of stating...."I have absolutely NO ANSWER for what you just asked I am going to talk about something completely unrelated."

It would go something like this....
Q: DJ stated that MB was shot in the back, yet the autopsy report clearly shows that he was not.
A: Well, let me just say this...MB was an unarmed black teenager that was shot 6 times by a white police officer!!!

Q: There are reports that OW was assaulted by MB just prior to the shooting...
A: Well, let me just say this...MB was an unarmed black teenager that was shot 6 times by a white police officer!!!"

Q: Several eyewitnesses have stated that MB ran at OW just prior to being shot...
A: Well, let me just say this...MB was an unarmed black teenager that was shot 6 times by a white police officer!!!"

You forgot......."in broad daylight" :rolleyes:
Did anyone just watch Michaela, talking about the audiotape, on CNN New Day? LOL

Now I understand why Parks wanted to distance himself from the audiotape. The 2 LE type panelists both asked Michaela if she was certain it wasn't a Howard Stern type punk-hoax being played on CNN. She looked startled and said why would u ask that? The one retired officer said ' it's the first thing that came to mind, it's 2 weeks later and it sounds like it could have been faked very easily. LOL He is right.

But I am sure that whomever turned it in would know that the FBI could tell if it was fake, imo.
In my opinion, the most important physical attribute of MB that played the largest part in OW's mind throughout the entire incident was NOT his race, but much more his physical SIZE. My guess is that OW wouldn't have any reason to assess MB's race during this incident, because his most immediate concern was that MB was literally twice the size of OW.

Didn't the terms "Big Mike" and "gentle giant" come from the Brown family? His immense size seems to have been his most distinctive characteristic, probably both a blessing and a curse imo.
Did anyone just watch Michaela, talking about the audiotape, on CNN New Day? LOL

Now I understand why Parks wanted to distance himself from the audiotape. The 2 LE type panelists both asked Michaela if she was certain it wasn't a Howard Stern type punk-hoax being played on CNN. She looked startled and said why would u ask that? The one retired officer said ' it's the first thing that came to mind, it's 2 weeks later and it sounds like it could have been faked very easily. LOL He is right.

But I am sure that whomever turned it in would know that the FBI could tell if it was fake, imo.

If it's faked....oh man....I don't think anyone could be that stupid but hey you never know.
Oh man, mark omara just said, " audio doesn't fit the narrative that's out there"...

Did I hear that right on CNN


Anchor, audio is more in line with Josie's accounting

Omara just threw out the "if MB tried to surrender, it supports that too"
LE will know, they know how many shots were fired by counting the shell casings found on the ground or in the car. If it's faked it can easily be debunked but LE is not releasing any info. Something doesn't seem right about it but only time will tell. Lets put it this way, it's not been verified to be a legitimate recording.
LE will know, they know how many shots were fired by counting the shell casings found on the ground or in the car. If it's faked it can easily be debunked but LE is not releasing any info. Something doesn't seem right about it but only time will tell. Lets put it this way, it's not been verified to be a legitimate recording.

Now, it would be a federal crime to provide manufactured evidence to the FBI. That said, WHO said it was given to the FBI? Wouldn't it be funny if it came back in the end that the FBI has never heard anything about this audio tape?? LOL!!

That said, I do feel it is authentic, and at first blush, seemed to validate the MB side of the story, but at further inspection, turned out to support OW's story much better. Hence...the back walking on it....

That said, MSNBC was still talking about it late last night as a smoking gun, so who knows...I find it humorous that everyone is calling out CNN as biased, but what in the world would you call MSNBC? Who is that snively guy with the glasses on there that looks like the quintessential obnoxious class nerd...he honestly makes me want to just take his glasses off and stomp on them! LOL!
LE will know, they know how many shots were fired by counting the shell casings found on the ground or in the car. If it's faked it can easily be debunked but LE is not releasing any info. Something doesn't seem right about it but only time will tell. Lets put it this way, it's not been verified to be a legitimate recording.

I know, I'm shaking my head trying to figure out why oh why is the number of shots so dang important at this venture. The only question is the amount of bullets his weapon held and what he had left. There's your answer, and yes it's always fully loaded.jmo
I know, I'm shaking my head trying to figure out why oh why is the number of shots so dang important at this venture. The only question is the amount of bullets his weapon held and what he had left. There's your answer, and yes it's always fully loaded.jmo

It's really not the number of shots they are concerned with, but rather "the pause." Some on the MB side of the situation seem to think it shows that OW had time to think about what he was doing. In other words, the action had stopped, MB had his hands in the air surrendering, and OW shot him in cold blood.
It's really not the number of shots they are concerned with, but rather "the pause." Some on the MB side of the situation seem to think it shows that OW had time to think about what he was doing. In other words, the action had stopped, MB had his hands in the air surrendering, and OW shot him in cold blood.

That pause is 2-3 seconds long. So they are making a mountain out of a molehill.
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