MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #12

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Well guys another intersting day of events love chats (or whatever) and all. I learned lots and thank each of you. Lunesta is about to hit i ten minutes

nght all!
I wondered that too, so I watched some of his interviews shortly after the shooting. In the one with the 2 guys standing very close to him, he has a white tank undershirt on with what looks like a black tee shirt thrown over his shoulder. He had on a black tee shirt in the convenience store. I haven't seen a video of what pants he had on after the shooting. I wondered how he left the scene undetected by all the witnesses- never heard anything about that. And I wondered if he came back and thougt it wise to remove that shirt so OW wouldn't identify him as the second person with MB.

(with the two guys
can we even imagine how this would've been playing out if the strong arm vid had not been released?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Judge Alex Ferrer with Don Lemon, telling Sunny Hostin that it most assuredly is legal to shoot a fleeing felon (the felony being the assault on OW). Sunny: no, no, no, no. JAF: "I know the case you're referring to" (I didn't catch that) "and it is legal." many more no(s) from SH and then Lemon conveniently called time and da judge said "we will debate it another time"

DL is soooo puffed up about the shooting audio being a CNN exclusive
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

was DJ wearing the same clothes all day? before/after the shooting? just wondering
Or, in my case, squeeze your breasts for running a red light.

But since I was guilty of a traffic violation, I deserved whatever a LEO decided to give me. I did not have proper respect for his position as my superior. So my body was the price I was required to pay. Although I still had to pay the ticket. And I was in college and my parents believed the cops, not me, their daughter. So I had no backup.

I will say, the sexual assault (and yes it WAS) did the trick! I have never had another traffic violation. And all it took was my dignity and sense of self. So yay. I learned up my lesson good. I never again spoke up against men who crossed lines without my consent, and also I now do whatever LE tells me to do.

But at least I am alive and free. Sort of. Except that I feel like I never should speak up when I feel sexually put-upon. Because part of me still feels like I deserve it. After 20 years. I worry for my own daughter. I wish I could tell her to go with her gut and NOT obey someone just because they wear a badge. But I am still so frightened by my experience. She will likely end up a victim like me. And I feel ashamed. Yet, hopefully she will not be shot or molested. I guess that is better than being dead.

Is this really the mentality we want? I know I wish I could move past it. But the reality is that people in authority often abuse that trust, and preaching that "if you don't obey LE, no matter what, you deserve what happens to you" is just wrong, and so very damaging.


My God, I am so sorry you experienced that. There is no excuse for sexual assault of anyone by LE, period. I wish your parents had believed you and you could have reported that slimy jerk to his superiors. It makes me sick. No, that isn't the mentality anyone wants.
Just some clean up from the last thread. The location of Wilson's car in the photos is wrong. I have pointed this out on numerous occasions, but with the rapidly moving threads and many people not reading every post in catch up, perhaps it's been missed.

Stop video below at 0:32. That is Wilson's SUV. Note the flip flop shoe (I think). Note driveway beyond second SUV.

Scroll down page to get photo of hat, then note position of white SUV to left and beyond hat.

Watch video below from 0:55 to 1:01 and note the SUV from three different perspectives (Mike's mom - so sad, hat and flip flop, and Mike's covered body - also so sad).

The difficulty in determining the location of the SUV is because of the depth perception of various cell phone cameras versus television news cameras. From Black Canseco video, Wilson's SUV looks way down the road. From Piaget's video (You Tube one, it looks less far). In KMOV video, Mike's body relative to the SUV looks much closer.

If folks would simply look at Google Maps Earth View of 2947 Canfield Dr. at full zoom and street view (choose 2971 and pan left to see hydrant and storm sewer) they will swiftly see which driveway the SUV was at relative to the first video above.

I'll repost this on the next thread until everyone sees it and is clear. :)
I think it's a crazy scenario either way- I don't think Brown would do it either, judging on later actions. That he just wanted out and away from the cops.
I could see it as a reflexive action on OW's part to the door being shut on him when he tried to open it- just grabbing the arm without thinking. I could see if the door slam pissed him off. If he was going after a jay walker (street walker?) that hard, as his chief originally stated, then he might have been in a big mood. I live one of those places where jaywalking is never ever enforced though.

What the boys were doing is not really jaywalking. Jaywalking is crossing the street in the middle of the block. This was walking down the center of the street, blocking traffic, and refusing to step out of the road. jmo

If they just wanted to get away from the cops, they could have done so a couple of times, without having that physical struggle in the car.
CNN transcript from Lemon's interview with D*rian Johns*n 08/25/14 ~ RBBM

I do not understand some of D*rian J*hnson's statements because they do not make sense. OMHO To be fair, I included a statement that does make sense. However, I am not sure who "they" are when DJ states: "And they are trying to misconstrue the fact that I am also a victim."

LEMON: And that third-person view saying that he - that big Mike charged the officer, that big Mike had a scuffle, that big Mike hit him in the eye, knocking out his eye socket, what do you say to that?

J*HNSON: I really can't - can't comment on that right now, because, like they said, I'm under investigation. So, anything regarding the case, I can't really talk about right now until furthermore - anybody let me know.


WILLIAMS: And let me be clear. He is not under investigation.


LEMON: He's a federal witness. I understand that.


J*HNSON: Like they said, at least - I can't give you a specific time because I was still in shock, because everyone keeps calling me a witness.

And they are trying to misconstrue the fact that I am also a victim

moo and all that jazz
Just some clean up from the last thread. The location of Wilson's car in the photos is wrong. I have pointed this out on numerous occasions, but with the rapidly moving threads and many people not reading every post in catch up, perhaps it's been missed.

Stop video below at 0:32. That is Wilson's SUV. Note the flip flop shoe (I think). Note driveway beyond second SUV.

Scroll down page to get photo of hat, then note position of white SUV to left and beyond hat.

Watch video below from 0:55 to 1:01 and note the SUV from three different perspectives (Mike's mom - so sad, hat and flip flop, and Mike's covered body - also so sad).

The difficulty in determining the location of the SUV is because of the depth perception of various cell phone cameras versus television news cameras. From Black Canseco video, Wilson's SUV looks way down the road. From Piaget's video (You Tube one, it looks less far). In KMOV video, Mike's body relative to the SUV looks much closer.

If folks would simply look at Google Maps Earth View of 2947 Canfield Dr. at full zoom and street view (choose 2971 and pan left to see hydrant and storm sewer) they will swiftly see which driveway the SUV was at relative to the first video above.

I'll repost this on the next thread until everyone sees it and is clear. :)

Thanks for all your work on this. :happydance: It is hard for peeps like me to visualize without help from folks like you!
I wondered that too, so I watched some of his interviews shortly after the shooting. In the one with the 2 guys standing very close to him, he has a white tank undershirt on with what looks like a black tee shirt thrown over his shoulder. He had on a black tee shirt in the convenience store. I haven't seen a video of what pants he had on after the shooting. I wondered how he left the scene undetected by all the witnesses- never heard anything about that. And I wondered if he came back and thougt it wise to remove that shirt so OW wouldn't identify him as the second person with MB.

(with the two guys)
TY. I was wondering if there was blood on his clothes/skin and he ran home to change/wash up
Or, in my case, squeeze your breasts for running a red light.

But since I was guilty of a traffic violation, I deserved whatever a LEO decided to give me. I did not have proper respect for his position as my superior. So my body was the price I was required to pay. Although I still had to pay the ticket. And I was in college and my parents believed the cops, not me, their daughter. So I had no backup.

I will say, the sexual assault (and yes it WAS) did the trick! I have never had another traffic violation. And all it took was my dignity and sense of self. So yay. I learned up my lesson good. I never again spoke up against men who crossed lines without my consent, and also I now do whatever LE tells me to do.

But at least I am alive and free. Sort of. Except that I feel like I never should speak up when I feel sexually put-upon. Because part of me still feels like I deserve it. After 20 years. I worry for my own daughter. I wish I could tell her to go with her gut and NOT obey someone just because they wear a badge. But I am still so frightened by my experience. She will likely end up a victim like me. And I feel ashamed. Yet, hopefully she will not be shot or molested. I guess that is better than being dead.

Is this really the mentality we want? I know I wish I could move past it. But the reality is that people in authority often abuse that trust, and preaching that "if you don't obey LE, no matter what, you deserve what happens to you" is just wrong, and so very damaging.


Oh my goodness, Evilsoup...I am so sorry that happened to you!! I can't even imagine! A few minutes later after reading your post....and my blood is still boiling. How dare him. I am so sorry.
Then a couple lawyers, one a Harvard grad on Fox News gave their view of how irresponsible it was of him to make a comment like that. Being it's too early in the case for anyone outside of the GJ to say such things, especially a professor at such a prestigious law school. He teaches law and should know how our system works and that we are still lacking most of the facts here.

Oh lol, I didn't know his comments had already been discussed on another network!

So it's one Harvard professor, oh sorry grad's word against another Harvard professor's word? Great. What is this world coming to?!
Sorry I have not seen complaints- was wondering the same thing about those sleuthing the dead man's twitter, or quoting that "Josie" person- since she is at best, 3rd person gossip. I guess it's not worth even linking to her here, but I sure see a lot of people here treating it as gospel. :shrug:

I figured you had seen this, but.... here you go, LE changing their story:

Quote Originally Posted by reedus23 View Post
Here is an article on FPD saying first contact wasn't related to robbery, contradicting the theory that DW knew all along they were connected to the robbery.

As to the 15, nearly last entry on that page at 18:54:26.
This is so strange.... Right from the get go, I had a strange feeling about that chief, he was stuttering over his words, looking at others for answers... He didn't seem confident at all in answering questions... How could they have still been looking for the suspect to the robbery at that point in time. Doesn't make sense at all that they couldn't put 2 and 2 together.

I bumped earlier, but Fran (mod) did say no sleuthing of MB or family. I will see if I can find it again, but you are not imagining things, lol. I agree there seems to be quite a bit of it anyway. I dunno.
I bumped earlier, but Fran (mod) did say no sleuthing of MB or family. I will see if I can find it again, but you are not imagining things, lol. I agree there seems to be quite a bit of it anyway. I dunno.

It's okay to discuss what's been reported in the MSM.
Or, in my case, squeeze your breasts for running a red light.

But since I was guilty of a traffic violation, I deserved whatever a LEO decided to give me. I did not have proper respect for his position as my superior. So my body was the price I was required to pay. Although I still had to pay the ticket. And I was in college and my parents believed the cops, not me, their daughter. So I had no backup.

I will say, the sexual assault (and yes it WAS) did the trick! I have never had another traffic violation. And all it took was my dignity and sense of self. So yay. I learned up my lesson good. I never again spoke up against men who crossed lines without my consent, and also I now do whatever LE tells me to do.

But at least I am alive and free. Sort of. Except that I feel like I never should speak up when I feel sexually put-upon. Because part of me still feels like I deserve it. After 20 years. I worry for my own daughter. I wish I could tell her to go with her gut and NOT obey someone just because they wear a badge. But I am still so frightened by my experience. She will likely end up a victim like me. And I feel ashamed. Yet, hopefully she will not be shot or molested. I guess that is better than being dead.

Is this really the mentality we want? I know I wish I could move past it. But the reality is that people in authority often abuse that trust, and preaching that "if you don't obey LE, no matter what, you deserve what happens to you" is just wrong, and so very damaging.


I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I am pretty mad at your parents after hearing this. I'm sad that they didn't support you 100%. I hope you have made peace with them and perhaps they were only trying to help? I hope parents can become more enlightened. And women should be aware that perhaps filing a report might not be able to necessarily prove anything (i.e. he said/she said) but creeps like that generally continue the abuse and the pattern and if enough women report it, there might just be bells ringing with powers that be. I think most police departments don't want this behavior continuing within their organizations. So hugs to you. I'm sorry that happened to you and appreciate you sharing your experience.
I appreciate that. But frankly, it isn't that unusual. A guy who graduated from my HS joined our small town PD after graduation. He got fired for making "inappropriate" traffic stops on attractive women and hitting them up for "dates". He was prob 23 at the time.

Yeah, so he is now (going by his FB acct) a veteran PO in a city way across the country. I guess his past record was never taken into account, although it is easily searchable via news reports and court records.

All this to say, please teach your children NOT to blindly trust some guy just because he wears a badge. Or a robe. Or a uniform. Teaching your children "respect" should include respect for themselves. If anyone tries to supersede that, then they are suspect, themselves. IMO.


Thank you for this and for sharing your experience with us.
Watching the first CNN video of Piaget, Tiffany, and atty that Frydaddy posted At 4:00 in, Piaget C is talking about the careless way OW was shooting, anyone could have been hurt. But she says there was even a bullet that landed in a building on the "opposite side of the police car" in her friend's building. I guess that could have been a shot that went off in the car during the scuffle. I heard her say that on this video early on, but now it seems important if what she says is true (about the bullet getting lodged in the building opposite the police car. If so, and if MB wasn't hit by that bullet, there may have been 2 shots that went off during the tussle?

Here's the link, she starts at 4:00 or so:
Just some clean up from the last thread. The location of Wilson's car in the photos is wrong. I have pointed this out on numerous occasions, but with the rapidly moving threads and many people not reading every post in catch up, perhaps it's been missed.

Stop video below at 0:32. That is Wilson's SUV. Note the flip flop shoe (I think). Note driveway beyond second SUV.

Scroll down page to get photo of hat, then note position of white SUV to left and beyond hat.

Watch video below from 0:55 to 1:01 and note the SUV from three different perspectives (Mike's mom - so sad, hat and flip flop, and Mike's covered body - also so sad).

The difficulty in determining the location of the SUV is because of the depth perception of various cell phone cameras versus television news cameras. From Black Canseco video, Wilson's SUV looks way down the road. From Piaget's video (You Tube one, it looks less far). In KMOV video, Mike's body relative to the SUV looks much closer.

If folks would simply look at Google Maps Earth View of 2947 Canfield Dr. at full zoom and street view (choose 2971 and pan left to see hydrant and storm sewer) they will swiftly see which driveway the SUV was at relative to the first video above.

I'll repost this on the next thread until everyone sees it and is clear. :)
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