MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #15

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That doesn't look anything at all like OW, imo. This picture will just fuel the naysayers, like those who say the robbery video was 'photoshopped.' :facepalm:
LOL. When I was driving through rural Mississippi with my teenage niece (we are both white) we got pulled over for "no apparent reason" and the cop asked a bunch of questions like "Where are you going?" "Why are you going to Atlanta?" "What are you going to do there? Do you have a job??" etc...

He said he pulled us over because he thought my niece wasn't wearing her seatbelt, he didn't give me a ticket (the real reason was most certainly our CA plates, he was bored and curious).

Point is if I were NOT White it would be one of those obvious cases of "racial profiling by a racist small town Southern cop" etc..."

I have pulled over for no apparent reason as well. And that was why I kept driving (very slow and all to the right side) until the police officer had not only his lights on but turned his siren on as well. And when I jumped out of my old truck to walk up to him, to show that I'm a harmless person, he got even more upset and ordered me over his loudspeaker to get back in my vehicle!

I didn't mean to offend him or disobey him. I'm originally from Europe where the rules are very different (police car actually goes in front of a vehicle when they want to stop someone and want people to get out of the vehicle!).

As a result of all those "misunderstandings", he treated me like a criminal, which made me very nervous. I got padded down by a female officer. He asked my if I take drugs because my eyes are red! (My eyes were red from being tired as I had worked all day). He threatened me to put me in jail if anything was wrong with me Driver License, he also had my ID checked which took a while. Everything was ok, I had never been in trouble with the law.

It was not a racial thing, I'm white and so was the police officer. I first could not understand why he was so aggressive and intimidating, but later I found out what a very dangerous job those police officers actually have. So many people have guns, act crazy and are unpredictable, a simple traffic stop can turn violent and dangerous for the police officer! So I really understand why some act the way they do. JMO.
Tomorrow is the court date re the juvie records!
I don't know that it means anything whatsoever, but figured I'd pass it along for whatever it's worth. Talked to a lady today who has a son in the national guard. According to her, while they were recalled by the Governor, she said they were re-deployed to Ferguson. Anyone else hear this?

Interesting if true.

OK - I think I might have done this right...this is the photo I've seen going around. It's not even close, yet 17,000 shares!!!

ETA-OK...well...almost got it right, except the dimensions are off - the photo should be wider. But oh well...

Yep, I agree with you. That dude doesn't have Officer Wilson's distinctive hairline.
I would be more than happy to say 130 feet from now on. I'd give you a smiley thingy but it's just disappearing whenever I click on it. Or 100 of them will show up when I hit post. Anyways, in all seriousness, I only use the feet because it's easier to type than "At The Point At Which MB Apparently Stopped And Turned Toward OW."

Soooooo, 130 feet it shall be until something more definitive comes out.

ETA - And the evidence standard isn't lower on the distances. The actual distances will come out with time, just as all of the witness statements will. Maybe I will use an acronym and confuse everyone. ATPAWMASATTO. I just confused myself. lol

I'd like to buy an E!
Tomorrow is the court date re the juvie records!

I read that in addition to Charles Johnson of "Got News", a local MSM station or paper had also filed a FOIA and civil suit. Would both of those be addressed at the same time, same hearing? Or will each proceed separately? Anyone know?

In the Caylee Anthony case, it seemed the media clumped their suits into one, or the judicial system did, and only one hearing or ruling was held per "issue". IIRC. And maybe I don't remember right!
Scary if true. Makes me wonder what's coming out :(

yes, me too. If the full tox screen report gets leaked, or a verified criminal record of MB's, then there might be quite a backlash from the protestors. jmo
JLSChook post#1026:

I said it before, and I'll say it again: We need a LOL button!

Maybe these will help?


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yes, me too. If the full tox screen report gets leaked, or a verified criminal record of MB's, then there might be quite a backlash from the protestors. jmo

I hope I'm wrong. I really hope I'm wrong! But I think this is the proverbial "calm before the storm".
I wouldnt be surprised if the Natl Guard was being placed on 'hold' in case needed. I think that Crump and Sharpton are going to 'double down', and not let up, even as evidence leaks out. jmo
Unless officer Wilson joined the Hair Club for men after the shooting and before the hospital ain't him. IMO

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Well this is just pure speculation, but they may have been called back into service after the protest Saturday. Those were some people out of their minds.
Just realized that MB assaulted the storekeeper with his left hand.
Not that it makes a difference, I just never noticed that before.
BBM - I think could make a diff.

IF MB was left handed,
IF MB reached thru window into LEO's vehicle,
IF MB reached for gun in LEO's holster/duty belt,
IF holster was at 2:00 - 3:00 on belt (or approx'ly under his right elbow w arm at side),
THEN seems, imo, MB's leverage & strength in assaulting LEO would be more powerful
than if MB tried same motions - either
-w his left hand, if his dominant hand was right OR
-w his right hand, if dom. hand was right - because of awkward angles, etc.

Ditto, even if door had been open and LEO was turned, partially exiting the car.

Was he ambidexterous, or did he switch hands/arms for diff functions, e.g.
writing w pen, baseball pitching/batting, eating w knife & fork, punching, shooting a firearm.

I don't want to play patty-cake w anyone his size. Well, any size, for that matter.

OK - I think I might have done this right...this is the photo I've seen going around. It's not even close, yet 17,000 shares!!!

ETA-OK...well...almost got it right, except the dimensions are off - the photo should be wider. But oh well...

It makes me pretty angry that people have been posting these fake pics, trying to make out that OW's injuries were way worse than they are (if he was even injured for certain). In the hospital bed one, I see what looks like dried blood and stitches. There is no record that OW lost any blood or had any stitches, that I know of. And he looked normal walking around after the incident, which doesn't rule out internal damage but DOES rule out this sort of visual damage!
It makes me pretty angry that people have been posting these fake pics, trying to make out that OW's injuries were way worse than they are (if he was even injured for certain). In the hospital bed one, I see what looks like dried blood and stitches. There is no record that OW lost any blood or had any stitches, that I know of. And he looked normal walking around after the incident, which doesn't rule out internal damage but DOES rule out this sort of visual damage!

True, but it could have been posted as a 'double fake out'--by one of the 'troll' instigators. So they can say SEE, its all fake.
Unless officer Wilson joined the Hair Club for men after the shooting and before the hospital ain't him. IMO

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:laughing: yes-as the other posters had mentioned...OW definitely has a "distinctive' hairline! But hey...he OWNS it! :loveyou:
True, but it could have been posted as a 'double fake out'--by one of the 'troll' instigators. So they can say SEE, its all fake.

I'm irritated as well about all of these fake posts. It doesn't help when trying to seek the truth from "either side." I only posted these here because I felt it was a safe place to do so, and did so with the notations that I felt they were not real. I also corrected the person who posted it on FB and would never dream of "sharing" these as the 17,000 other people have! I'm still seeing people posting the photos of the kid with the money wad!!! :facepalm:
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