MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #15

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It makes me pretty angry that people have been posting these fake pics, trying to make out that OW's injuries were way worse than they are (if he was even injured for certain). In the hospital bed one, I see what looks like dried blood and stitches. There is no record that OW lost any blood or had any stitches, that I know of. And he looked normal walking around after the incident, which doesn't rule out internal damage but DOES rule out this sort of visual damage!
lmao crap like this has been going on since...well... Gore invented the internet.
BBM - I think could make a diff.

IF MB was left handed,

I think he used his left hand on the storekeeper because his right hand was busy holding the cigars.

What hand did he use to hand the box of cigars to DJ? I thought it was his right hand which would imply that is his dominant hand.
Well this is just pure speculation, but they may have been called back into service after the protest Saturday. Those were some people out of their minds.

and of course, add in the "jump in front of a speeding car group" and the "stop your car in the middle of the freeway" group
Does anyone know if the prosecution can "groom" witnesses before they go in front of the GJ? Seems like it would be unfair unless the exculpatory witnesses had the same treatment.

If the witnesses are NOT counseled ahead of time some of them will probably be quite.... errrmmmm....eccentric when relaying their story.

Some articles said they were already extended the term for these jurors and the case will likely go into October, if they drag it out that long I would think they will have to drag every possible "witness" into court to fill up the time.
Does anyone know if the prosecution can "groom" witnesses before they go in front of the GJ? Seems like it would be unfair unless the exculpatory witnesses had the same treatment.

If the witnesses are NOT counseled ahead of time some of them will probably be quite.... errrmmmm....eccentric when relaying their story.

Some articles said they were already extended the term for these jurors and the case will likely go into October, if they drag it out that long I would think they will have to drag every possible "witness" into court to fill up the time.

DAs don't groom witnesses if you mean they are told what to say. They tell them to answer all questions truthfully. There is no way to groom them because the DA has no idea what questions will be asked of them by all of the grand jurors.

I was under the impression this GJ is only meeting on Wednesdays so October isn't really a long period of time.

Michael Brown's uncle collapses at St. Louis Police Foundation lunch

Most of the nearly 700 people attending the St. Louis Police Foundation event did not appear to notice as paramedics tended Ewing. The foundation is a private organization that provides financial support to city police.

Well...first of all, I hope he is ok. I the only one a little surprised he was at a lunch to support the police? What am I missing here??? stated: "St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said Ewing's attendance at the lunch demonstrated that Brown's family and people in law enforcement are "having a dialogue." That is good to know....
Please do not place pictures here of people when we do not know who they are. Unless there is a picture released by MSM it probably is not Officer Wilson.
Michael Brown's uncle collapses at St. Louis Police Foundation lunch

Most of the nearly 700 people attending the St. Louis Police Foundation event did not appear to notice as paramedics tended Ewing. The foundation is a private organization that provides financial support to city police.

I hope he's alright. I must admit I'm a little suprised. I hope it means a meeting of the minds. That would be nice.
I don't know their rules, but if they want to donate to DW, they should have some means to do so.

On their FB page they said they were setting up a Paypal so people could donate.
I hope he's alright. I must admit I'm a little suprised. I hope it means a meeting of the minds. That would be nice.

Certainly sounds like a positive step forward...I too hope he's okay.

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Does anyone know if the prosecution can "groom" witnesses before they go in front of the GJ? Seems like it would be unfair unless the exculpatory witnesses had the same treatment.

If the witnesses are NOT counseled ahead of time some of them will probably be quite.... errrmmmm....eccentric when relaying their story.

Some articles said they were already extended the term for these jurors and the case will likely go into October, if they drag it out that long I would think they will have to drag every possible "witness" into court to fill up the time.

I'm not sure if prosecutors "groom" Grand Jury witness's but they do select who they want to testify. They could "cherry pick" witness's that fit with their scenario and leave out any that don't fit in with their goal.

I've heard that Grand Jury's can call their own witness' beyond what the State provides, but how often does that happen? JMO.
I'm irritated as well about all of these fake posts. It doesn't help when trying to seek the truth from "either side." I only posted these here because I felt it was a safe place to do so, and did so with the notations that I felt they were not real. I also corrected the person who posted it on FB and would never dream of "sharing" these as the 17,000 other people have! I'm still seeing people posting the photos of the kid with the money wad!!! :facepalm:

Oh yeah, I definitely wasn't blaming you! Just the others who are trying to mislead with these pics and claims. Thanks for correcting that person, and you're right, this is a "safe" place to post this info. I don't think any of us are buying that this is OW.

I'm sorry but that word is the worst word to use. Are these terrorist negotiations?

If these demands aren't met... what then?

From moment one of the 'demands' and 'terroristic threats' that have been made it has reminded me of a hostage situation. The only difference is the demanders refuse to negotiate. Its their way or no way and the threats will be carried out if their demands aren't met.:(

Never did I ever think I would see our justice system or an entire town filled with innocent people held hostage who have nothing to do with the shooting of MB.

It reminds me somewhat of the old Mafia days when they would tell people if they did not do exactly what they told them to do they would be wearing concrete shoes in a river somewhere.
DAs don't groom witnesses if you mean they are told what to say. They tell them to answer all questions truthfully. There is no way to groom them because the DA has no idea what questions will be asked of them by all of the grand jurors.

I was under the impression this GJ is only meeting on Wednesdays so October isn't really a long period of time.


Did you follow the Zimmerman trial? Obviously the female that was on the phone during the incident WAS groomed after her first day of testimony, not sure if Crump did the grooming or the DA did, but someone sure did.
I'm not sure if prosecutors "groom" Grand Jury witness's but they do select who they want to testify. They could "cherry pick" witness's that fit with their scenario and leave out any that don't fit in with their goal.

I've heard that Grand Jury's can call their own witness' beyond what the State provides, but how often does that happen? JMO.

It happens more than we may think. They are told right up front about what powers they have. It just happened when my hubby had grand jury duty. The GJ called two extra witnesses that they wanted to hear from. The GJs ask way more questions than the DA usually does. We sure did when I was on grand jury duty and I asked my hubby if they did and he said they asked many more questions than the DA did. The DA plays a much smaller role in a GJ room.

So I don't see how they could groom anyone since the DA has no clue what questions will be asked by all 12 grand juries. They don't have to do it through the jury foreman. It is a very casual setting and each person is allowed to ask as many questions as they may have of each witness.

And like I said earlier this morning when 12 people get together they can ask a whole lot of questions and believe me they do.:)
LOL. When I was driving through rural Mississippi with my teenage niece (we are both white) we got pulled over for "no apparent reason" and the cop asked a bunch of questions like "Where are you going?" "Why are you going to Atlanta?" "What are you going to do there? Do you have a job??" etc...

He said he pulled us over because he thought my niece wasn't wearing her seatbelt, he didn't give me a ticket (the real reason was most certainly our CA plates, he was bored and curious).

Point is if I were NOT White it would be one of those obvious cases of "racial profiling by a racist small town Southern cop" etc..."

But you think he was profiling you because of your license plates?

Just realized that MB assaulted the storekeeper with his left hand.

Not that it makes a difference, I just never noticed that before.

BBM - I think could make a diff.

IF MB was left handed,
IF MB reached thru window into LEO's vehicle,
IF MB reached for gun in LEO's holster/duty belt,
IF holster was at 2:00 - 3:00 on belt (or approx'ly under his right elbow w arm at side),
THEN seems, imo, MB's leverage & strength in assaulting LEO would be more powerful
than if MB tried same motions - either
-w his left hand, if his dominant hand was right OR
-w his right hand, if dom. hand was right - because of awkward angles, etc.

Ditto, even if door had been open and LEO was turned, partially exiting the car.

Was he ambidexterous, or did he switch hands/arms for diff functions, e.g.
writing w pen, baseball pitching/batting, eating w knife & fork, punching, shooting a firearm.

I don't want to play patty-cake w anyone his size. Well, any size, for that matter.

This is an interesting line of theorization and thought I had not considered before. The swishers were clutched in his right hand after having swept them up and placed them in his right with his left if I recall. So he is carrying the individual packages of cigarsin right hand. Door being held open by Unidentified other customer Guy (UG)

He then shoves store owner with left.

Wonder what that does say about his preferred or dominant hand if anything.

I am ambidextrous but only in that way that I can do some things better left or right ad still others with either or equally.
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