MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #23

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The other thing that pisses me off about that is he didn't even put pressure on the guy's wound. He is an idiot and the release of this video is going to get the Canfield Clan all riled up.

So according this the AP article, one would definitely agree that Ferguson truly is a corrupt town with LEOs running rampant on young black men in the community. You know what? For all of these people that have these outrageious stories, I say prove it. File a complaint. Let the DOJ investigate. Perhaps there may be a case or two, but I would be willing to bet that there is much more to the stories these people are telling. Take for instance the guy walking down the street in an "innapropriate way" or something to that effect. I would be willing to bet there is more here. Also, they say he never got his bond back. I wonder why. Did he not go to court? They can't just be keeping people's bonds now, can they? If it was truly a bond, I would imagine the bondsman would have a problem with that, don't you think? Or was it bail? I'm confused.

You want to know one thing that is consistently missing from every single complaint I have heard from the Ferguson residents? One single complaint against ODW, outside of the shooting. Still not one. No harrassment. No racism. No abuse of authority. NOTHING. They aren't even trying to make stuff up. You know why? Because under all of this scrutiny, with the DOJ right there in front of them, they know they have NOTHING.
IIRC re OW in particular, the feds must prove OW had "racial animus" toward MB.
So according this the AP article, one would definitely agree that Ferguson truly is a corrupt town with LEOs running rampant on young black men in the community. You know what? For all of these people that have these outrageious stories, I say prove it. File a complaint. Let the DOJ investigate. Perhaps there may be a case or two, but I would be willing to bet that there is much more to the stories these people are telling. Take for instance the guy walking down the street in an "innapropriate way" or something to that effect. I would be willing to bet there is more here. Also, they say he never got his bond back. I wonder why. Did he not go to court? They can't just be keeping people's bonds now, can they? If it was truly a bond, I would imagine the bondsman would have a problem with that, don't you think? Or was it bail? I'm confused.

You want to know one thing that is consistently missing from every single complaint I have heard from the Ferguson residents? One single complaint against ODW, outside of the shooting. Still not one. No harrassment. No racism. No abuse of authority. NOTHING. They aren't even trying to make stuff up. You know why? Because under all of this scrutiny, with the DOJ right there in front of them, they know they have NOTHING.

I can't see the whole story. Did they mention that gal who was upset that the conditions at the jail were not up to her specifications?

I can't see the whole story. Did they mention that gal who was upset that the conditions at the jail were not up to her specifications?


No - just these 2 specific stories:

"Brandon Smith, 28, told investigators he moved away from Ferguson four years ago because he was constantly harassed. He said he was once cited for "manner of walking in roadway" and jailed on $1,000 bond for the misdemeanor. He said he posted bond and never got the money back.

Yolanda Lanns, 43, said her family was at a store where a disturbance broke out. Police assumed her husband was part of the fracas "because he was black," used a stun gun on him three times and took him to jail, Lanns said. She said he had nothing to do with the fight."
The other thing that pisses me off about that is he didn't even put pressure on the guy's wound. He is an idiot and the release of this video is going to get the Canfield Clan all riled up.

OMG, heaven forbid the "Canfield Clan" should get riled up. God forbid this viper's nest should be upset enough to riot, loot, shoot at police, throw molatov cocktails, bricks, hold up traffic, target innocent people, burn down buildings, and set fires. As far as I'm concerned this disgusting hell hole needs to be razed to the ground, just like the other hell holes of poverty, ignorance, and violence have been.

It's time we stopped pretending there is hope/help for conclaves of crime, and call it like it is. These people do not seem to want rehabilitation, they like it like it is, they thrive on emotion and lawlessness. One excuse to riot is as good as another.

FWIW, I hate police violence. I had a run in many years ago, and was totally against LE, but that was a different story - just telling it so you know LE haven't always been MY favorite people. However, in this case I'm 100% behind OW. Each case, even the one above, needs to be judged on it's own merits.

No - just these 2 specific stories:

"Brandon Smith, 28, told investigators he moved away from Ferguson four years ago because he was constantly harassed. He said he was once cited for "manner of walking in roadway" and jailed on $1,000 bond for the misdemeanor. He said he posted bond and never got the money back.

Yolanda Lanns, 43, said her family was at a store where a disturbance broke out. Police assumed her husband was part of the fracas "because he was black," used a stun gun on him three times and took him to jail, Lanns said. She said he had nothing to do with the fight."

"manner of walking in roadway". LOL, where have we seen/heard this before?

The other case, I have no knowledge of, nor will we ever get to the truth, in my opinion.

I do know, if this is the best they can come up with, LE is doing a pretty good job.

Sorry gas station guy is an idiot.
Why don't people understand they need to keep their hands visible, Make no sudden moves, and explain, "my license is in the car, would you like me to get it?"

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This didn't happen at the end of a police chase. This wasn't a defiant suspect. This wasn't someone the trooper had any reason to suspect had done anything wrong, except the post-shooting allegation of a "seat belt violation". Hopefully, the victim will completely recover and receive substantial reparations from the citizens of SC.

No no no!
It doesn't matter what he was pulled over for.
Sudden moves and reaching in the car is frightening to a cop. Every interaction a police officer has is potentially life threatening. That's how they're trained.
Apparently, we need to train citizens to be mindful of movement when interacting with police.

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I'm an atheist. It's all stupid litter. IMO people should put that debris on top of graves, in a cemetery. Not the middle of the street or on the side of it. All IMO
Maybe a roadside small memorial is okay for a week. That's it. No more.

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It's not necessarily a religious thing. It can be for some and for others it's just a remembering a loved one. I had a friend that died way back in high school when he fell asleep at the wheel after leaving a night shift and hit a light pole. I still take a picture up there from time to time when I run across old photos. There's nothing religious in my act, just a way of saying I remember someone. Just a suggestion, but maybe the more humane thing is to be respectful and humane and just not call it anything at all if you feel it's just litter. Even if MB 100% deserved to be shot, it is still someone's child.

I'm not sure what fire codes the fire district has in London, England so maybe it's ok to block a street there in front of Kensington Palace. I'm also not sure if one would equate the death of a princess to MBrown but ok, a death is a death. I'm going to go out on a huge limb and say that 99% of people, here in the USA, leave memorials either in a cemetary or on the SIDE of a road, not in the center of one.

Oh, I couldn't eve make out what the picture was :giggle:

The memorial in the middle of the road is too much. The only reason that some are commenting is b/c it represents one more way the mob is running the show. There is no way the memorial isn't breaking laws/ordinances, and we've already witnessed what can happened from such a display.

As for the meeting last night. It makes zero sense that there were a significant number of people who left while having legitimate complaints. People have been screaming, demanding, rioting for the chance to be heard. The DOJ, with the full support of the POTUS, are willing to listen, and help bring about meaningful change. Very few are ever given such an opportunity. The only conclusions I can draw regarding so many people leaving are:

1) they really have nothing to say/complain about or
2) they'd rather voice their grievances through violence, with little to no chance of effecting change

How many people were in that line? 20, 30?

How many police interactions are there every day, month and year? thousands and thousands?

I'm not even going to assume that those are the only people with complaints, but even if they are, if there is any merit to their complaints, isn't that 20 or 30 too many? It's not an indictment on all cops but why can't it be seen as a way of improving matters? The community, even the peaceful ones, have areas to improve including speaking out against thugs and working closer with LE. But instead of getting defensive maybe those 20 or 30 or whatever the number of incidents should be looked into and things changed. It doesn't mean charges against cops, but things that can be changed.
Just jumping off of Linda7NJ's post here. I don't mind the roadside memorials where someone places a cross, or flowers, or something. If it makes them feel better, then so be it. But, in the middle of a street should not be allowed. The FPD should tell them to move it to the sidewalk or grass. If they do not, then FPD should remove it. JMO.

Then I take it you were just as upset by the dangers created by those leaving all those things in the street following Princess Diana' death. Maybe we should ask why LE hasn't asked for it to be moved (which I'm sure it will be in time). Maybe it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it out to be.

I'm not sure what fire codes the fire district has in London, England so maybe it's ok to block a street there in front of Kensington Palace. I'm also not sure if one would equate the death of a princess to MBrown but ok, a death is a death. I'm going to go out on a huge limb and say that 99% of people, here in the USA, leave memorials either in a cemetary or on the SIDE of a road, not in the center of one.

And I am sure in time, just as with Princess Diana, the road will eventually be cleared.
I'm not even going to assume that those are the only people with complaints, but even if they are, if there is any merit to their complaints, isn't that 20 or 30 too many? It's not an indictment on all cops but why can't it be seen as a way of improving matters? The community, even the peaceful ones, have areas to improve including speaking out against thugs and working closer with LE. But instead of getting defensive maybe those 20 or 30 or whatever the number of incidents should be looked into and things changed. It doesn't mean charges against cops, but things that can be changed.

Twenty or thirty complaints and here come da big DOJ boys. I'll betcha more than half of these complaints are auto related or being "disrespected". Disrespected is a BIG word in the black community, one I could never figure out when they treat others abominably.

If anyone speaks out against thugs, well you know, "snitches get stitches". This town seems to adhere to the street code in black areas all over the United States. The only time I saw it broken was Chicago/Detroit? when that little girl was shot in her own front yard. Then I heard the culprits had broken the code. Disgusting. Even more disgusting to defend this mindless violence by people with no jobs, no education, and nothing better to do.

And I agree things should be changed. They need to raze that bastion of ignorance and violence. Who needs or wants it? All children in America have had the same chance of an education. Why should anyone be held hostage by those who don't want it, and create an atmosphere were no one else can learn either? Clean out the rat's nest and Ferguson may become a decent place to live once again.

No - just these 2 specific stories:

Yolanda Lanns, 43, said her family was at a store where a disturbance broke out. Police assumed her husband was part of the fracas "because he was black," used a stun gun on him three times and took him to jail, Lanns said. She said he had nothing to do with the fight."

Don't police departments get sued every day for wrongly injuring innocent bystanders? Lots of willing attorneys offer "free" services for filing such claims if the officer acted "unreasonably" according to the particular "circumstances" s/he faced. Too many black Fergusans are coming across as powerless sheeple imo, incapable of independent thought and action.
Davey D‏@mrdaveyd·1 min
RT @bassem_masri: They told us we couldn't cross the we all crossed the street #solidarity #Ferguson

But they say that they're afraid of the police .



So far, the actions plus the weakness of the "proof" they have just don't support the words that it's a town oppressed. (Unless the oppressed are shopkeepers, drivers, or people trying to sleep, etc.)

The only theme I see is an attitude of unruly, groups of thugs, who think themselves above the laws, with an attitude of "Whatcha gonna do about it??? "

I've never lived anywhere where people got away with so much nonsense.

And the only place I've heard so many people make crazy accusations and excuses is in beleaguered Emergency Rooms.

So the question that keeps rolling through my mind is,
"Seriously? That's all you got?"

A bunch of First World Problem whiners.

There are other cities, departments, and officers who probably deserve all this scrutiny from the media to the white house.

Ferguson? Not on that list, imo.

As my friend said the other day, certain groups have been looking for a Flashpoint to get something started. They picked the wrong place, wrong victim, and wrong cop.
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