MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #23

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It's not necessarily a religious thing. It can be for some and for others it's just a remembering a loved one. I had a friend that died way back in high school when he fell asleep at the wheel after leaving a night shift and hit a light pole. I still take a picture up there from time to time when I run across old photos. There's nothing religious in my act, just a way of saying I remember someone. Just a suggestion, but maybe the more humane thing is to be respectful and humane and just not call it anything at all if you feel it's just litter. Even if MB 100% deserved to be shot, it is still someone's child.

I'm willing to be compassionate for a week. After that, I do not want to see makeshift memorials in the middle of the street or on the side.

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Speaking of Normandy HS, I question MB's mom's claim that MB was living with his grandma so he could continue at Normandy when Ms. Brown moved out of the district. Canfield Green, where iirc his grandma lives, isn't in the unaccredited Normandy HS district. It's in the unaccredited Riverview Gardens HS district.
“What happens usually is the investigation is completed,” he said, “The police will get all the witnesses compiled, all the evidence, get transcripts of recorded witnesses. It will be completed and then it’s presented to us.”

We could have people say that’s not what the witnesses said. Now we have the witnesses speaking directly to the grand jury.”

"McCulloch, who spoke to News 4 Wednesday, said one reason the investigation is taking so long is the grand jury is hearing testimony from witnesses directly instead of through detectives."

And grand jurors are usually allowed to ask witnesses whatever they want iirc.
I'm assuming you think every memorial at every scene where someone died is littering. I can't tell you how many locations of automobile accidents where someone died have a cross and flowers and all sorts of things to remember the person. As someone else said, these stupid memorials are all amount to nothing more than littering. Yes, this one is in the middle of the street for the time being but the angst that is shown over a memorial for someone's dead son, whether the shooting was justified or not, really makes me question the world we live in these days. Stupid memorial? Really? Littering? Really?

Wanna talk about littering at a stupid memorial, complete with blocking streets and even people blocking the street, take a look at this:

View attachment 59853

Major fail at making a point. imo
Are these photos of memorials in a street open to traffic? How long after the bombing were these photos taken? TIA!

The street was blocked off after the bombing. You can see the barrier in the first picture. Once the street opened I would think they had to remove them. I think when it becomes a public safety issue DOT has to remove them. Someone could swerve to avoid a glass candle that tips over and may hit a child or elderly person that can't move fast enough. jmo
the grand jury can also ask questions as they deem appropriate.”

Kindy: Are you in the jury room at all?
McCulloch: “I met with the grand jurors before the process started to lay out the procedures that they would follow. I told them that was the first and last time they would see and hear from me.”

Kindy: What is one of the biggest misconception about the grand jury process that you want to dispel?
McCulloch: “People seem to think I selected the grand jury. The grand jury is selected by a judge. The judge sends that list to us. We play no part in the selection process.”

I'm glad he's speaking with so many media outlets to continue to give information about the process. It won't appease some, facts like candles don't matter to everyone. French is criticizing him for not speaking to "the black media". Why are so many of these agitators around Michael's case intent on bringing back segregation?
Before you go tearing down people's homes, are you 100% certain that 100% of the people there are criminals? Or is there a chance you could be razing good people's homes too? I do agree that SOME there don't want rehabilitation though.

I think there are many good people stuck there.

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I'm willing to be compassionate for a week. After that, I do not want to see makeshift memorials in the middle of the street or on the side.

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Relying on memory (not necessarily a good thing), but wasn't there fall-out when people attempted to clean up/out the Caylee Anthony memorial? And I was one of those upset by the fact that Cooper Harris' grave was bare (which is why there is a fire engine for Cooper in my siggy).

Seems like with Caylee's memorial it was pointed out that everything was getting wet, nasty and smelly (HARDLY respectful, IMO); and in Cooper's case, there are cemetery regulations in place prohibiting memorials because they prohibit lawn maintenance (and no doubt get wet, nasty and smelly too).

So, to me, the memorials are fine so long as they continue to look like they are respecting the person and do not impede the world going on around them...and a memorial in the middle of an open road is a definite impediment.
That poor girl feels she's found her calling in being the loudest, most strident chant leader. She won't give it up willingly.

Love the comments

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I've been wondering how long it would take for the real victims of these thugs to say, "Enough, we're not taking it anymore."

Looks like it's happening, between the AA gentleman and this mother last night.

I think it would have happened a lot sooner, had the citizens not been so cowed.

It's all a process and I think you're right. There are signs that the community has had enough of the criminal activity.
Then I take it you were just as upset by the dangers created by those leaving all those things in the street following Princess Diana' death. Maybe we should ask why LE hasn't asked for it to be moved (which I'm sure it will be in time). Maybe it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it out to be.
It's a reminder of how disrespectful MB was when he was alive, he wasn't gonna move out of the street. I'd love a reasonable answer as to why. What was that guys real problem that day?
[The SnoopyDD is about to leave to go have a brain CAT angiogram...guess they need to see how much "this dawg" thinks like a cat?! Anyhoo, prayers and positive thoughts and karma would be greatly appreciated!]
MB died right in front of a street school buses use/d at Canfield Green. Saw video of a bus trying to make a sharp left onto Canfield without touching the "memorial" and it wasn't easy.
[The SnoopyDD is about to leave to go have a brain CAT angiogram...guess they need to see how much "this dawg" thinks like a cat?! Anyhoo, prayers and positive thoughts and karma would be greatly appreciated!]

((((Hugs)))) ImageUploadedByTapatalk1411655102.858529.jpg
From one dawg to another! Tossing positive thoughts your way like crazy.

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From last night:
Protesting going on live right now at the police station as this gentleman talks to a black cop

The "protesting gentleman" Tef taped is pacing menacingly in front of LE SUVS cussing and yelling at said black cop. They don't want more black cops. They want no cops. Just like when they blocked off Canfield after the fire and "self policed". Of course, when they were blocking traffic, some black youths ran over Michael's main memorial in the street due to the delay. Apparently, "self policing" isn't so easy among those who don't like authority, laws, and rules.
Are these photos of memorials in a street open to traffic? How long after the bombing were these photos taken? TIA!

Don't know. If we don't like those, I can keep posting pictures of memorials in the street. None of them stay forever. Eventually MB's will be removed too. Or, maybe to make everyone happy, what they can do is build an actual stone or statue memorial in the middle of the street and then widen the road just a bit so the lanes of traffic go on either side. Kind of like this:

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