MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #23

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Probably preparing for the next Supreme Court opening.

RBG is hanging in there! For a little longer, at least! But you might be right-- appointment at the end of an 8 year presidential term has been discussed a lot. Personally, I don't think EH could survive the bipartisan approval process. JMO.
Friends and former colleagues say Holder's made no decisions about his next professional perch, but they say it would be no surprise if he returned to the law firm Covington & Burling, where he spent years representing corporate clients.

The friends say Holder is also considering donating his papers to a university in D.C. or his native New York, where he could establish a civil rights center to work more on law enforcement interactions with communities of color and host public forums on those issues.

Maybe this is more of a positive move for him. Something he has always wanted to do? Certainly sounds as if he has thought about it for awhile. I wish him luck in whatever he plans to do and hopefully he can help with making those changes.
RBG is hanging in there! For a little longer, at least! But you might be right-- appointment at the end of an 8 year presidential term has been discussed a lot. Personally, I don't think EH could survive the bipartisan approval process. JMO.

I'd like to think not too. I'm pretty sure Holder will get a blanket pardon before POTUS leaves the WH.
Lol. A bunch of the lead instigators on twitter are freaking out that they're being followed. One thinks a guy is about to take him out.

I have no doubt LE is following their SM and they're probably under increased surveillance. Bound to happen when you commit and organize crimes and make terroristic threats.
If Holder's sudden resignation wasn't planned and is truly sudden - then there's more to this story, IMO.

If his resignation was planned, then I'm not buying the "no immediate plans once he steps down" claim. Color me skeptical that anyone would just up and quit their AG job but have no immediate plans.

At any rate - I'm with BettyBaby - I didn't see that coming at all!
Holder resigned?

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This is why IMO outsiders are quickly loosing respect for this situation.

They won't be satisfied with anything less than OWs head on a platter. And even if we contemplate the notion that OW is indicted, and convicted, it seems they'll still complain unless he receives the death penalty. What happens if he's convicted of some sort of manslaughter charge and gets a "light" sentence? Will they then Be outraged b/c "the punishment isn't severe enough?"

Thousands of families in this country have to contend with a loved one being killed, and often receive no justice whatsoever, or the jurors verdict means the killer receives a 5-10 year sentence.

They are presenting themselves as obtuse and unreasonable.

Saw a tweet that said Sharpton called Jackson's apology "too little, too late" and insensitive. Will post if I find his quote.
I think the reaction of the black community to a no-true bill decision will be dwarfed by a reaction from LE nation-wide to a true bill charge that's not solidly supported by the evidence.
Let's keep the political sarcasm out of it. It is okay to make comments but keep them focused on what is happening regarding the Michael Brown case. Thanks
the grand jury can also ask questions as they deem appropriate.”

Kindy: Are you in the jury room at all?
McCulloch: “I met with the grand jurors before the process started to lay out the procedures that they would follow. I told them that was the first and last time they would see and hear from me.”

Kindy: What is one of the biggest misconception about the grand jury process that you want to dispel?
McCulloch: “People seem to think I selected the grand jury. The grand jury is selected by a judge. The judge sends that list to us. We play no part in the selection process.”

I'm glad he's speaking with so many media outlets to continue to give information about the process. It won't appease some, facts like candles don't matter to everyone. French is criticizing him for not speaking to "the black media". Why are so many of these agitators around Michael's case intent on bringing back segregation?

Thanks for posting that. I'm glad he's educating us too. And you're right, some will just never be happy.
[The SnoopyDD is about to leave to go have a brain CAT angiogram...guess they need to see how much "this dawg" thinks like a cat?! Anyhoo, prayers and positive thoughts and karma would be greatly appreciated!]

Thoughts and prayers to you. Hope all goes well.
Well, AG Holder won't have to deal with the Ferguson PD Civil Rights investigation anymore!

Nor will he have to deal with the announcement of the Ferguson Grand Jury when it comes down. Nice way to slide into retirement, lol!

Since McCulloch has repeatedly claimed the Feds have every bit of available evidence, I take it as a great sign for OW that Holder is exiting stage left asap.

Should have been said long ago but I do give Jackson credit for saying it. Both him and Knowles have earned some respect in the last week or so. Now if others can take his lead and be empathetic while also objectively looking for justice (whether it's in the form of an indictment or a no indictment) and also dealing with criminals as criminals. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
But, don't celebrate too soon. Just saw a reporter on CNN saying that he thinks that Holder may resign and then spend his time working in place 'like Ferguson', reforming police departments. How is he going to do that as a private citizen?

Send him through the police academy, give him a badge and a taser and drop him off in ferguson!

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This is a mistake, IMO. You don't apologize for officers doing their job or for an unruly threatening mob and firing shots, causing delay. This will not help. The people he's trying to mollify will be angered even more, now saying, "See? They done wrong. They know it." It'll just fuel unjustified indignation.

Like this:
Chief Jackson's apology to the Browns and the St. Louis community shouldn't be in the form of a scripted video, but in a resignation letter.

He played into their hand, probably at the suggestion of the DOJ/libs/politicians. The mayor didn't need to apologize either. At this point, the tail is wagging the dog. That needs to stop. Stand by the truth and don't apologize for it. I like this man and hate that he's been attacked and a bounty placed on his head. You cannot reason with unreasonable people, and those who will riot and attack police because their candles burned something are beyond unreasonable. As Capt Johson said, that's about hate, violence, and taking from another.

I think you're wrong. In a general sense, there are 3 groups of people. First, those that are going to support LE no matter what. Second, the group that supports the violence/chaos no matter what. Third, the group of fence sitters. He's not worried about the first or the second group. I'm sure you're still going to support LE in this situation even after the apology for example. I'm sure the trouble makers are going to continue to want blood, even after the apology, as your tweet quote shows. What statements like that do is win over the fence sitters.
they apologized because the jury has already returned their's called strategy their holding out tip after election..

Other criticisms I've seen so far:

Doesn't mean it
Was scripted
Not in person
Didn't apologize for releasing Michael's robbery information
Too little
Too late
Blaming a grieving community
Just said cuz he's gonna lose his job then write a book

Haven't seen a single one of the lead protestors/agitators that accepts or appreciates it.
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