MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #7

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Sep 13, 2006
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The fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager Saturday by a police officer in a St. Louis suburb came after a struggle for the officer’s gun, police officials said Sunday, in an explanation that met with outrage and skepticism in the largely African-American community.The killing of the youth, Michael Brown, 18, ignited protests on Saturday and Sunday in Ferguson, Mo., a working-class suburb of about 20,000 residents. Hundreds of people gathered at the scene of the shooting to question the police and to light candles for Mr. Brown, who was planning to begin college classes on Monday.
Mr. Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, held a cardboard sign that said, “Ferguson police just executed my unarmed son.”

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Thread #6

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I think that might have been some type of error, popsicle. Look at the replies on that tweet.

Oh I am sure, I was just digging it up because ppl were scratching their heads trying to remember it. :)

TWEET CORRECTION: Two lead prosecutors tomorrow, one is African-American woman. AG did not comment on jury. Apologies.
Thanks for the new thread :)

I was about to reply to this and saw the thread was about to close

Is this a proven fact? JMO

This was a comment asking about Wilson being hit/assaulted/punched. I'm not sure which word was used in the original comment.

The Brown's lawyer has pretty much admitted this.

"Nancy, without question, there was some level of interaction, strong interaction, between the officer and Michael at the car. We don`t deny that,” Daryl Parks, attorney for Brown’s family said Monday night. “I think as evidence comes out, you'll see and hear more of that. But that`s not what killed him.”

Last night Parks was on and said it again, and stopped mid sentence when it seemed he was going to say MB hit Wilson.

To me, if they are admitting "strong interaction" between the 2 then it happened, and I have to wonder if it was even worse then the way he's willing to present the info.
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I'm so glad I thought about my buddies on websleuths I've been lost floating across the Twitterverse.. really scary place!

Running to dentist bbl can't wait to catch up on threads!
Quote Originally Posted by cady View Post
If the prosecutor does NOT believe that there is probable cause that a crime was committed and that the crime was committed by the officer, he should NOT be seeking a Grand Jury indictment. Period. JMO

Sorry for the quote not sure how to do it from the other thread.

I think with this case they would have to bring it before the GJ b/c of how it's played out so far, even if Wilson is innocent. Way to many hands in the cookie jar from the start.
Here is one truth I see as a fact (IMO) to start things rolling:

Had the officer not fired on MB, the outcome would have been a dead cop. (IMO)
Here is one truth I see as a fact (IMO) to start things rolling:

Had the officer not fired on MB, the outcome would have been a dead cop. (IMO)


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Sorry for the quote not sure how to do it from the other thread.

I think with this case they would have to bring it before the GJ b/c of how it's played out so far, even if Wilson is innocent. Way to many hands in the cookie jar from the start.
Agree. Or it would be like Angela Corey and Zimmerman... a special prosecutor being brought in.
Msmbc is going to have a "police official" give Officers Wilson's side after commercial break!!!

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<modsnip>Folks, it is quite obvious that there is a campaign from those supporting officer Wilson to justify this killing <modsnip>Yes, it is possible that it was a justified shooting, but just as possible it is going to be found that it was not. The only facts are that this boy was shot at least 6 times and died. We do not know from how far away he was shot, what position he was in when shot, where is hands were, what he was saying, what the officer was saying to him etc..<modsnip> Just as we are expecting the protesters to wait for the facts, we ourselves should wait for the facts before we give officer Wilson a medal for gunning down a KID.
Here is one truth I see as a fact (IMO) to start things rolling:

Had the officer not fired on MB, the outcome would have been a dead cop. (IMO)

This is what I find interesting to consider:

Many have stated that if MB & DJ had just moved along to the sidewalk this would have never evolved the way it did.

Let's say they did...would have another officer come along, and stopped MB and DJ again b/c they fit the BOLO?

The strong armed robbery plays a central role IMO no matter how you look at it.
PAPERDOLL :loveyou:
So glad to see you.
Bringing your post from the last thread deserves a re-post. :)

I told myself I wasn't going to get involved in this thread (lol), or this whole mess because it boils my blood.. But here I am, doing what I didn't expect to do, POST!!! lol I think this whole thing has gotten sooooooo far out of hand, AND I now think that these protesters are protesting just to jump on the CRAZY TRAIN WRECK!!!! I think they just want to get out there and act like idiots just to be a part of the idiot riot...

A black teen was killed and I believe it was for good reason and NOT because he's black. Most police officers don't just go around shooting people unless they have good reason to. What ever happened to when a police officer asks you do to something like get out of the street and walk on the sidewalk, YOU DO IT instead of starting a fight. I don't believe every police officer is a "dick" if you will.... But if you start acting like one yourself, well expect some kind of trouble. Sorry, this is how I feel...

This post is my opinion only, and is subject to making me look totally confused

Sorry for the quote not sure how to do it from the other thread.

I think with this case they would have to bring it before the GJ b/c of how it's played out so far, even if Wilson is innocent. Way to many hands in the cookie jar from the start.

I agree. It might not be the bravest move. Because of the heated nature of this case, the prosecutor, even if he did not think there was enough to charge could drop it in the GJ's lap.
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