MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #7

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What makes you think he was a 'terrified' cop? And when did this terror kick in?

I would love to wait for the investigation process to take it's course. I just wish the good people of Ferguson would do so too.

I really do not know exactly when terror set in. Even if I could see it all come down in slow motion I would only be guessing at which point that occurred. I can't know any of the participants' emotional makeup. JMO
I agree that the GOV should not have put it that way. It was dumb. But IF a DA is taking a case to a GJ it is the DA's duty to believe that the case should be prosecuted, and should vigorously advocate for that outcome to the GJ. If the GJ doesn't buy it (and they can subpoena more well as invite but not compel DW) then, there will be no state charges. As I said before, if the DA cannot vigorously advocate for prosecution he has NO BUSINESS taking a weak case to the GJ. JMO

If the Governor demands it does the prosecutor have a choice? It appears it may be so. jmo
My opinion, FoxNewsNetwork would not have broadcast and posted on their website if those sources were not reliable. I googled "Officer Wilson injuries"and found several articles.


just pointing that the article isn't putting a name on the source. :)

I definitely believe Wilson was assaulted. Why? 'Cause when the lawyers on the other side admit there was "strong interaction" and that "there will be more coming out about it," then the event in question not only happened, but could also be worse than what they are admitting on TV while they demand "justice" for MB.

I agree that the GOV should not have put it that way. It was dumb. But IF a DA is taking a case to a GJ it is the DA's duty to believe that the case should be prosecuted, and should vigorously advocate for that outcome to the GJ. If the GJ doesn't buy it (and they can subpoena more well as invite but not compel DW) then, there will be no state charges. As I said before, if the DA cannot vigorously advocate for prosecution he has NO BUSINESS taking a weak case to the GJ. JMO

In my city, ALL cases involving a death of a suspect in custody or an officer-involved shooting are reviewed by a Grand Jury. No exceptions. The reason this was implemented years ago was because of accusations of cover-up and favoritism, both of which have been flung about in this case.

The news article linked up-thread quotes an assistant prosecutor as stating the GJ will be given all witness statements so apparently there will be no personal appearances by any witnesses.

Imagine that!!!

Actions have consequences! And sometimes those consequences are not pleasurable!!!

Obviously you child is eons more intelligent than many grown adults that can't comprehend personal responsibility ...IMO

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Linda, this is unrelated to the quote but when your son had his orbital fracture of the eye was he able to see clearly?
I've never heard of a governor demanding a prosecution. With Zimmerman we saw the FL guv appoint a special prosecutor to take over the case when the county prosecutor didn't believe there was enough evidence to bring a charge. MO law doesn't allow that unless the local prosecutor has a demonstrable conflict of interest iirc, which SL County DA McCullock does not.
I have seen different protestors being interviewed on various cable channels saying they will keep protesting until Officer Wilson is arrested and tried.

I hope they're restricted to areas away from schools and school bus routes so Ferguson children can safely start school. It's shameful that school children are being held hostage by hooligans.
The reporter clearly states that the source of the leak about the orbital eye socket injury is directly from the gateway pundit. The reporter himself has no actual knowledge and is simply repeating unconfirmed rumors. The gateway pundit is a blog whose content has not been allowed here as far as I know.

No, the article does NOT say the source is "the gateway pundit." Fox News clearly got it first-hand from a police department insider.

a source close to the department's top brass told“The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all swollen on one side,” said the insider. “He was beaten very severely.”
I don't understand what possible difference your questions could possibly make.

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Just WOW. Ok, skip the details, measurements, forensics and parrot unnamed sources , unconfirmed, and unofficial. JM O
“They ignored him and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move," the source said. "They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face.
The source claims that there is "solid proof" that there was a struggle between Brown and Wilson for the policeman’s firearm, resulting in the gun going off – although it still remains unclear at this stage who pulled the trigger. Brown started to walk away according to the account, prompting Wilson to draw his gun and order him to freeze. Brown, the source said, raised his hands in the air, and turned around saying, "What, you're going to shoot me?"
At that point, the source told, the 6 foot, 4 inch, 300-pound Brown charged Wilson, prompting the officer to fire at least six shots at him, including the fatal bullet that penetrated the top of Brown's skull
Wow TRUTH!!!
Linda, this is unrelated to the quote but when your son had his orbital fracture of the eye was he able to see clearly?

At the risk of intruding into your personal life Linda, could you share how he obtained his fracture?

I had an orbital blowout fracture, I did have to have surgery but not to repair that injury, and it was a result of being attacked by a large ex boyfriend. And I know the exact hit that did it; it was the first hit I received in the attack, and his fist was swung like a hammer, not knuckle first.

I found this article describing what exactly a blowout fracture is, among the other type of orbital fractures, and what the symptoms often are:
Honestly folks...let's just use a little logic and reason here for a moment. Take a deep breath and think....which scenario seems MORE LIKELY and MORE LOGICAL....

Do you think that this officer just came upon 2 young men walking to grandmas house minding their own business and started to harass them for no reason? Then, when one young man raises his hands in the air saying "please don't shoot" the officer then decides to simply unload his weapon on the young man for "no apparent reason???" Just because he black?


I suppose some might say it does, but it does NOT. Officers are not running around indiscriminately murdering young innocent black men in the streets who have their hands up begging them not to shoot. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN.
One thing I hope that is learned from this case regardless of the outcome, is that every action and decision you make has consequence. If he wouldn't have robbed a store, would he have been so defensive to a cop? If he would have simply walked on a sidewalk, would he have been stopped at that point at all? Each and every choice you make has a result. It would be absurd to think this situation just befell MB without some active participation of his own.

"Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of men" - Benjamin Disraeli

If he had just learned some respect for LEOs, he would, most probably, still be alive to (allegedly) steal cigars another day.
<modsnip>Folks, it is quite obvious that there is a campaign from those supporting officer Wilson to justify this killing <modsnip>Yes, it is possible that it was a justified shooting, but just as possible it is going to be found that it was not. The only facts are that this boy was shot at least 6 times and died. We do not know from how far away he was shot, what position he was in when shot, where is hands were, what he was saying, what the officer was saying to him etc..<modsnip> Just as we are expecting the protesters to wait for the facts, we ourselves should wait for the facts before we give officer Wilson a medal for gunning down a KID.

I often wonder if people confuse what discussion forums are about. Posters are not jurors, their comments are not evidence, the members have no power to convict or acquit. It's simply an exchange of opinions and information. Some people want to be able to control the thoughts and opinions of others, an impossible task. I also think it pertinent that participation in discussion is voluntary.

That said, reviewing the threads here might give one a better idea of how people's opinions have transformed. There's a lot of explanation as to how people have arrived where they are right now. And there are many unanswered/ignored questions asked of those who seem upset with a notion that Wilson was justified. Seems many simply left when it appeared the case was heading in the "justified" direction. If you are interested in a discussion, I am sure the questions can be asked again. If you are interested in a particular conclusion, I think that is unlikely.
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