MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #7

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I agree that the GOV should not have put it that way. It was dumb. But IF a DA is taking a case to a GJ it is the DA's duty to believe that the case should be prosecuted, and should vigorously advocate for that outcome to the GJ. If the GJ doesn't buy it (and they can subpoena more well as invite but not compel DW) then, there will be no state charges. As I said before, if the DA cannot vigorously advocate for prosecution he has NO BUSINESS taking a weak case to the GJ. JMO

IA completely, however, this case has 2 very unusual aspects to it. And by unusual I mean doesn't happen very often.

Much of what the prosecutor will present could exonerate Wilson. The forensics, and the full autopsy aren't evidence that the prosecutor can choose to not give to the GJs. He can choose to not present other info, but not that. He simply has to present that info, regardless of what it shows, and unlike most cases, that info may favor the defendant, which should result in no indictment.

The other unusual aspect to this is the public sentiment regarding this shooting. Right now, without all the facts, protestors have, in effect, taken the city hostage. They want "justice," but for most of the protestors their version of justice equates to the arrest and conviction of Wilson. PERIOD. The public is therefore shaping the decision making process of the Gov. and the DAs office.

I'm beginning to suspect that by throwing it to the GJ, they are attempting to appease the community, while distancing themselves from the responsibility of clearing Wilson. If he's not indicted, then they've followed the process, and are "blameless," and if he is indicted, the system moves forward. If the latter happens, Wilson would likely be acquitted based on what we know right now--obviously I'm assuming an acquittal would mean the evidence doesn't support a conviction. This isn't what the DA should be engaging in, but what choice does he have? They're basically rolling the dice with Wilson's life right now, and it's being done in the name of justice, driven by an angry community.

MOO, JHMO etc., etc.
I find them a real danger. I wonder if they really don't "understand" due process or if they just don't mind misrepresenting what it is to curry favor. If so, I hold them responsible for the consequences of making people believe or supporting them in their belief that a trial is automatic, that obtaining an indictment requires no due process or requires only enough people demanding an indictment. No one has stepped up to explain to this community how the justice system actually works. That justice is also due the accused under our system and that if you really want that eliminated you're going to have a lot mroe to protest about. I don't want to live under a system where the crowd determines who gets charged and goes to trial.

Antonio French @AntonioFrench · 6m The St. Louis County Prosecutor is endangering this community each day he delays filing charges against #DarrenWilson. Let a jury decide.

Antonio French @AntonioFrench
· 3m
I don't know all the facts. No one does. That's what a trial is for. That's what this community is demanding.#PeaceInFerguson requires it.

Why I have an issue with him.

just pointing that the article isn't putting a name on the source. :)

I definitely believe Wilson was assaulted. Why? 'Cause when the lawyers on the other side admit there was "strong interaction" and that "there will be more coming out about it," then the event in question not only happened, but could also be worse than what they are admitting on TV while they demand "justice" for MB.

Plus, we have seen at least two of the Brown family's attorneys making statements that strongly suggest that MB indeed did punch officer Wilson.

One was on Nancy Grace (link, quote on last thread, I will dig up if no one else has handy).

Then last night, we saw the lawyer, Parks, say to Megan Kelly (my best attempt at a transcript from my phone. The "blow" sentence is unquestionable)

Here is the video clip

Megan asks his theory on why this officer, with a good history would have opened fire on what we're told is an innocent teenager

Parks (Brown Family attorney):

"In all due fairness, at the very beginning, at the car there was a very serious situation between Michael and the officer, without question, in which there may have been blow -they had an altercation...."

He stopped at the S. Maybe it only took one punch. :cool:

I wish I could collect these attorney statements in one post, so we could just cite them whenever people say that the assault on the officer is mere speculation.

I would add that Darien said in the first (?) interview that MB had blood on him when he backed away from the car. I think that was in a transcript on USA today.
Honestly folks...let's just use a little logic and reason here for a moment. Take a deep breath and think....which scenario seems MORE LIKELY and MORE LOGICAL....

Do you think that this officer just came upon 2 young men walking to grandmas house minding their own business and started to harass them for no reason? Then, when one young man raises his hands in the air saying "please don't shoot" the officer then decides to simply unload his weapon on the young man for "no apparent reason???" Just because he black?


I suppose some might say it does, but it does NOT. Officers are not running around indiscriminately murdering young innocent black men in the streets who have their hands up begging them not to shoot. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN.

Logic has flown out the proverbial window on this situation..

Ok I've got to draft my post.. I was *suppose* to go to Dentist but apparently for 3rd week in row my car has decided to not start so waiting for the tow truck for 2nd time in 7 days grrrr!
But I have A LOT TO SAY about all of this.. momentarily..
Just WOW. Ok, skip the details, measurements, forensics and parrot unnamed sources , unconfirmed, and unofficial. JM O

Anybody can challenge the anonymous source. Feel free to do so. It didn't work out so well for President Nixon during Watergate but he did try.

I think what is lacking is the ability to empathize with law enforcement and what they face everyday. Everyday every call from a routine traffic stop or a domestic dispute can end an officers life. They are always on alert, accessing danger...

Is a dangerous job.

Of course there are bad cops....And IMO they deserve a harsher penalty than a ordinary citizen when caught, tried and convicted.
I tend to believe there are far far many more fantastic police officers...and I have absolutely nothing but respect for them.

Especially if they're working in known dangerous areas with known gang activity.

It's really no different than a trained solider in times of war. if an officer or a soldiers life is threatened...they need the ability to stop the threat to protect their own lives.

Would anyone except or suggest otherwise?


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Thank you, from the daughter, sister, mother and aunt of LEOs.
No, the article does NOT say the source is "the gateway pundit." Fox News clearly got it first-hand from a police department insider.

a source close to the department's top brass told“The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all swollen on one side,” said the insider. “He was beaten very severely.”
I wasn't responding to any printed article, I was obviously responding to the Mike Tobin video report on YouTube. I watched it.

Tobin said (paraphrasing) that the Ferguson Police Chief had said that he (Officer Wilson) was treated at a local hospital for swelling to his face and head.

Then Tobin went on to say that now there is now information coming out that he was hit hard enough to break the bones around his eye. That the info comes from the gatewaypundit and that the pundit report sources a leak from inside the County Prosecutors office. Tobin says that the Prosecutor says the information did not come from them. Tobin says that the Prosecutor won't confirm or deny the actual information.

I always like to know where the rumors are coming from, myself.
Saw a very interesting clip earlier today. It was an interview with Anderson Cooper and the Brown's attorney, Anthony Gray.[thats his name I believe.]

They were standing in front of the Court [Grand Jury] building. So Cooper was talking about the GJ proceedings. Every other time I have seen this atty he has been very brash and outspoken, much like Crump. But when Cooper brought up Dorian Johnson, and his imminent testimony, this atty was very nervous and subdued. And AC even said that it has been reported that DJ will tell the GJ that Mike Brown assaulted the officer and they struggled over the gun. " Have you heard that?" AC asked. The attorney looked nervous and kind of weakly denied it, like saying ' not that I am aware of, I am not sure where that is coming from, etc etc' But this attorney was not convincing, not confident and reminded me of the players in the Duke case once the tides began to turn.
Attorney for witness dispels rumors that story has changed

Dorian Johnson, witness to the Michael Brown killing, has not met with investigators since he was first questioned and has not recanted his statement, his lawyer said today.

Attorney Freeman Bosley said Johnson's statement that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson chased Brown, who put up his hands in surrender before being fatally wounded, stands. Bosley said he has been dealing with rumors that Johnson has changed his story most of the day.

- Staff, 1:15 p.m. Wednesday
"Severe injuries" and "orbital fracture of the eye socket" or "orbital blow out"........and the officer didn't call for back up and was physically ok to get out of his vehicle to pursue MB?

Seriously.........have any of you ever witnessed or had the combination of the above? The pain is excruciating. Your nerve endings and mind are totally scrambled. It's an explosion in your head. Why didn't Wilson stay in his vehicle and call in a "officer down"?

Wilson is either Superman or spends his spare time at a boxing ring.

This whole situation is like a game of "telephone", each time it's repeated, it gets more an more unbelievable.

Back up a minute and think how difficult it is to throw a punch through a window of an SUV, and actually "connect" to a target with any sort of damage.
I still believe Wilson got hit with the window's door frame when it bounced back off of MB and his friend. Wilson was opening the door to get out of his SUV FAST.
From twitter:
ABC News ‏@ABC 22h

NEW: #Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson has been interviewed by investigators; will be offered opportunity to testify to grand jury
"Severe injuries" and "orbital fracture of the eye socket" or "orbital blow out"........and the officer didn't call for back up and was physically ok to get out of his vehicle to pursue MB?

Seriously.........have any of you ever witnessed or had the combination of the above? The pain is excruciating. Your nerve endings and mind are totally scrambled. It's an explosion in your head. Why didn't Wilson stay in his vehicle and call in a "officer down"?

Wilson is either Superman or spends his spare time at a boxing ring.

This whole situation is like a game of "telephone", each time it's repeated, it gets more an more unbelievable.

Back up a minute and think how difficult it is to throw a punch through a window of an SUV, and actually "connect" to a target with any sort of damage.
I still believe Wilson got hit with the window's door frame when it bounced back off of MB and his friend. Wilson was opening the door to get out of his SUV FAST.

I believe that he did call for back up. Reports were that the other officer arrived within minutes.

I doubt the car door could do that damage because Johnson said the door opened and closed just a few inches.
I've never heard of a governor demanding a prosecution. With Zimmerman we saw the FL guv appoint a special prosecutor to take over the case when the county prosecutor didn't believe there was enough evidence to bring a charge. MO law doesn't allow that unless the local prosecutor has a demonstrable conflict of interest iirc, which SL County DA McCullock does not.

I read somewhere that the Governor can remove McCulluch (sp) since he has declared a state of emergency.
If the Governor demands it does the prosecutor have a choice? It appears it may be so. jmo

I believe this whole case has turned into a real powder keg (so to speak) and nobody wants to be holding the fuse. Using the GJ does two things, IMO. One the proceedings are protected with secrecy, and two the witnesses and testimony are protected from the public...and possible intimidation for the period of time between now and any possible trial. In any case feeling better to hand off the lighting of the fuse to the keg to 12 secret GJ members than any one Prosecutor, or even the AG himself.

I am in hopes the GJ takes their time to investigate fully before rendering a "true bill" for prosecution, and does not bow to pressure from media or prosecutors to do it quickly. This also could allow a "cooling" of emotions that currently are driving the bus of Justice. The GJ can ask questions and I hope they do and do not allow their judgment to be swayed. At the end of the day I believe they could have more gonads than anyone else.

All that being said, I also think one of the larger considerations for the Prosecutor for recusing himself is that the very LE organizations he may have to prosecute is also on future witness lists for future cases of criminals. LE officers have a strong brotherhood and alliance. Being the Prosecutor to put one in prison would and will not bode well. Other than political stubbornness, I see no reason not to recuse and appoint a neutral qualified Prosecutor. MO has plenty of them.

Excellent advice for everyone, regardless of age, race, or ethnicity, imo.

While I do not believe aggression toward an officer is ever wise, I am not ok with totalitarianism. If an officer does happen to be completely abusing his or her position of authority, he/she should absolutely be challenged in the most respectful and calm way possible. I have seen a ton of video of situations in which a citizen is respectfully exercising his or her rights, and an officer becomes abusive and belligerent.

Obviously, it is a minority of officers who behave this way, however if the answer regardless of situation is "Do what I tell you and I won't hurt you", then that's also unacceptable. We have rights and if an officer is violating them, we shouldn't have to worry that we'll get injured or killed simply because we didn't shut up and do what we're told.

That said, I don't feel it's applicable in this case any longer, and it is a side-bar conversation. I just wanted to comment on that. JMO!
"Severe injuries" and "orbital fracture of the eye socket" or "orbital blow out"........and the officer didn't call for back up and was physically ok to get out of his vehicle to pursue MB?

Seriously.........have any of you ever witnessed or had the combination of the above? The pain is excruciating. Your nerve endings and mind are totally scrambled. It's an explosion in your head. Why didn't Wilson stay in his vehicle and call in a "officer down"?

Wilson is either Superman or spends his spare time at a boxing ring.

This whole situation is like a game of "telephone", each time it's repeated, it gets more an more unbelievable.

Back up a minute and think how difficult it is to throw a punch through a window of an SUV, and actually "connect" to a target with any sort of damage.
I still believe Wilson got hit with the window's door frame when it bounced back off of MB and his friend. Wilson was opening the door to get out of his SUV FAST.

Actually someone said they had one and there was some pain, but they didn't know they had it until they blew their nose days later.
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