MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #7

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I disagree.

Ask any 6 year old if it's okay to punch a cop.
Ask any 6 year old if it's okay to steal.

Yes, 18 year olds take more risks and think impulsively.
This is FAR outside the normal scope of stupid/foolish young man behavior.
This is very serious criminal behavior.


Funny you should ask us to ask, so to speak:

Yesterday my six-year-old grandson painstakingly explained to me the rules of his new first grade class (his second day) and the consequences for breaking each of those rules...and yes he used the word consequences and obviously understood fully what it meant. And while I did not ask him outright if it was ok to punch a cop or okay to steal, based on the above, I'm pretty sure he would know that it is decidedly not okay, and that those actions would have consequences as well.
Shimon Prokupecz ‏@ShimonPro 2m
From the pool report #ferguson: AG Holder has been meeting with students at Florissant Valley Community College.

Holder is very familiar with protests. He held an "armed" takeover of the ROTC office while at Columbia University because he wanted the name of the [closed] ROTC office to be renamed the Malcolm X Lounge. Ultimately, it was renamed the Malcolm X Lounge. Barack Obama frequently visited the Malcolm X Lounge.

I am eager to learn of Eric Holder's speech to the students at FVCC regarding the physical injuries to Officer Darren Wilson, the subsequent shooting death of MB and his advice to the protestors. This tragic story involving Wilson and Brown has reached all nations who are, in turn, watching us.

moo omho mho and all that jazz
Holder is very familiar with protests. He held an "armed" takeover of the ROTC office while at Columbia University because he wanted the name of the [closed] ROTC office to be renamed the Malcolm X Lounge. Ultimately, it was renamed the Malcolm X Lounge. Barack Obama frequently visited the Malcolm X Lounge.

I am eager to learn of Eric Holder's speech to the students at FVCC regarding the physical injuries to Officer Darren Wilson the subsequent shooting death of MB and his advice to the protestors. This tragic story involving Wilson and Brown has reached all nations who are, in turn, watching us.

moo omho mho and all that jazz

I just wonder what he is promising.
Funny you should ask us to ask, so to speak:

Yesterday my six-year-old grandson painstakingly explained to me the rules of his new first grade class (his second day) and the consequences for breaking each of those rules...and yes he used the word consequences and obviously understood fully what it meant. And while I did not ask him outright if it was ok to punch a cop or okay to steal, based on the above, I'm pretty sure he would know that it is decidedly not okay, and that those actions would have consequences as well.

Imagine that!!!

Actions have consequences! And sometimes those consequences are not pleasurable!!!

Obviously you child is eons more intelligent than many grown adults that can't comprehend personal responsibility ...IMO

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Thank You.It has an article and a video on it. This sucks. I need cable. But I can't afford it right now.I'm sure I'll hear it soon somewhere.
No problem. I will try to post links for you. Sometimes the cable news (MSNBC, CNN, HLN and have video posted.
I have errands to run shortly.
Columbia, MO is installing badge cams on all officers by Nov of this year. Some officers have tested them over the last year. Columbia is a college town primarily, so any racial makeup can change frequently. No matter what race, a parent (who normally is always from out of town and feels their kid is an angel.

The initial rollout cost may be a sting but if you compare that cost with the cost a jurisdiction has to pay to defend just one claim in a defense attorney(s) it will pay for itself. As a future LE officer, they can and could pay for their own badge cam as part of their uniform. They are not all that expensive. There is a "maintenance cost" to store the data but having had that in this case would be immeasurable evidence.


BBM I have no,words.
That's pretty graphic, and extreme behavior if true. Only unnamed sources given.
My opinion, FoxNewsNetwork would not have broadcast and posted on their website if those sources were not reliable. I googled "Officer Wilson injuries"and found several articles.
Guy on Fox right now is saying that he had orbital blowout.

Prosecutor would not confirm or deny. Seems like they would deny if it was not true.
The reporter clearly states that the source of the leak about the orbital eye socket injury is directly from the gateway pundit. The reporter himself has no actual knowledge and is simply repeating unconfirmed rumors. The gateway pundit is a blog whose content has not been allowed here as far as I know.
Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source

when he ordered Michael Brown and his friend Dorain Johnson to stop walking in the middle of the road because they were obstructing traffic. However, the confrontation quickly escalated into physical violence, the source said..

“They ignored him and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move," the source said. "They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face.

The source claims that there is "solid proof" that there was a struggle between Brown and Wilson for the policeman’s firearm, resulting in the gun going off – although it still remains unclear at this stage who pulled the trigger. Brown started to walk away according to the account, prompting Wilson to draw his gun and order him to freeze. Brown, the source said, raised his hands in the air, and turned around saying, "What, you're going to shoot me?"

At that point, the source told, the 6 foot, 4 inch, 292-pound Brown charged Wilson, prompting the officer to fire at least six shots at him, including the fatal bullet that penetrated the top of Brown's skull, according to an independent autopsy conducted at the request of Brown's family.

Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket in the fracas, and was left dazed

full article and video at link ............
The reporter clearly states that the source of the leak about the orbital eye socket injury is directly from the gateway pundit. The reporter himself has no actual knowledge and is simply repeating unconfirmed rumors. The gateway pundit is a blog whose content has not been allowed here as far as I know.
We have to vet MSM's sources now?
JMO Also, is it simply out of the realm of possibility that the eye injury was caused by recoil from the firing of the gun? JMO

Maybe if he was shooting a desert eagle, but not a 9mm IMO.

ETA: not even with a desert eagle, I was being a bit over the top, the worse thing I have seen with a 50 cal is a busted nose and bruising.
But if the Governor demands a 'vigorous prosecution' then he is demanding an arrest, with charges and a trial. That is what he is asking for from the DA. And it makes him look very biased against the officer.

I agree that the GOV should not have put it that way. It was dumb. But IF a DA is taking a case to a GJ it is the DA's duty to believe that the case should be prosecuted, and should vigorously advocate for that outcome to the GJ. If the GJ doesn't buy it (and they can subpoena more well as invite but not compel DW) then, there will be no state charges. As I said before, if the DA cannot vigorously advocate for prosecution he has NO BUSINESS taking a weak case to the GJ. JMO
Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source

“They ignored him and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move," the source said. "They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face.
The source claims that there is "solid proof" that there was a struggle between Brown and Wilson for the policeman’s firearm, resulting in the gun going off – although it still remains unclear at this stage who pulled the trigger. Brown started to walk away according to the account, prompting Wilson to draw his gun and order him to freeze. Brown, the source said, raised his hands in the air, and turned around saying, "What, you're going to shoot me?"

At that point, the source told, the 6 foot, 4 inch, 292-pound Brown charged Wilson, prompting the officer to fire at least six shots at him, including the fatal bullet that penetrated the top of Brown's skull, according to an independent autopsy conducted at the request of Brown's family.
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