GUILTY MO - Ireland, 2 & Goodknight Ribando, 7 weeks, found dead outside home, Kearney, July 2018 *arrest*

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If the husband was also under the influence, he may have chosen to drive to his Mom’s so he would not be alcohol/drug-tested after calling it in.

It’s still not clear if the kids were in the Jeep after Mom rammed it into her husband’s truck. But just guessing, they probably were.
I get the feeling Mother Dearest has a record. I wonder why the father didn't report the incident when it happened, the babies must have been in the vehicle at the time.
Seriously. WTH? She bashed his car like Tawanda on crack, at a mash up derby. Most likely with their daughters in the vehicle with her. So what does he do? he just heads home to his mothers. Like hohum. Leaving his daughters with the violent maniac.
That doesn't sit right with me.
What reason did he have to not call,and report that the psycho bashed his car up with hers? Surely he must have been worried sick about the safety,and well being of his precious daughters.

He should be locked up right alongside her for child neglect for his failure to protect his children. JMO
If the husband was also under the influence, he may have chosen to drive to his Mom’s so he would not be alcohol/drug-tested after calling it in.

It’s still not clear if the kids were in the Jeep after Mom rammed it into her husband’s truck. But just guessing, they probably were.

If her children weren't with her in the car during the demolition derby, then where were they? Either way, both were too young to be left alone.
I know it's far too late, hindsight & all that...

I wish husband had called the police, if indeed he was attacked like he said. Then police get involved and babies go safely elsewhere.

If not left in car til death I am curious if since she was breast feeding and possibly under influence of whatever ---could something strong pass thru breast milk and affect the babies and cause death? Am really hoping she didn't hurt those babies to "get even with or hurt" husband.

Nothing here is MSM . Just my theories and opinions.
Something intentional to hurt the lying, cheating, how dare him, s.o.b. She'll show him, by golly..after all she's done for him..two babies? And he wants to be with some other bimbo? ****him, and everything he stands for. (In a fury, loads two crying kids in to the car..but not the third child..nope, she's not part of him..

I think she snapped. Literally. Whatever they call that..insanity? Kids left in car as mom explodes..forgets them. (Although, I haven't a clue as to whether them being in the car overnight would actually kill them. Heat would. Was it hot overnight? In the a.m.?)

Just speculating here.. Just an opinion.
Something intentional to hurt the lying, cheating, how dare him, s.o.b. She'll show him, by golly..after all she's done for him..two babies? And he wants to be with some other bimbo? ****him, and everything he stands for. (In a fury, loads two crying kids in to the car..but not the third child..nope, she's not part of him..

I think she snapped. Literally. Whatever they call that..insanity? Kids left in car as mom explodes..forgets them. (Although, I haven't a clue as to whether them being in the car overnight would actually kill them. Heat would. Was it hot overnight? In the a.m.?)

Just speculating here.. Just an opinion.

A 7 wk old could die overnight in a car. They are so easily dehydrated and also they can get hypothermia so quickly at such a tender age.

A 2 yr old would probably be OK in a car overnight, unless they had been neglected also, and were dehydrated.

Kids can be severely dehydrated in a very short time in extreme heat. They may both have been ignored/neglected for many hours because of the family drama and the DV that followed. Tragic.
I think I am confused about the details a bit..were these two children found in moms car, or just 'outside'? (What does outside mean, anyway?). I know I saw a screenshot on the net, by a neighbor who was very shaken by mom at their door. I believe there are facts we don't have (of course.) For some reason, I can't get this off my mind today. So so very sad.
Maybe he did take them with him at the time and returned them later.
This story sounds like a woman scorned to me.
I'm not sure the dad had them but I do think this could be a case of revenge against him combined with an excess of alcohol/drugs.

IMO the two aren't mutually exclusive and I could see a scenario of her fighting with the father then "accidentally" forgetting the kids while she continued abusing some substance. Heck, how could LE even prove such a crime? So we may see her claiming intoxication/black out, like others have already mentioned.

Right now we don't have information on the circumstances so it's just speculation on part. But We've seen enough parents/caregivers hurt children to get even with their partner and if you mix toxic crap into it, well...
"Crime scene technicians from the Kansas City Police Department helped to collect evidence." The only new information I noticed. They must have found something.

The argument started at 11 pm. Most children would be in their beds at this time The 2 -yr-old in the crib and the baby in a bassinet. Unless the older daughter fell asleep or was up on the couch. If the husband decided to up and leave, where was the time for the mother to put the children in their car seats because when he walked out that door and into his truck, she was already hurling a brick at him. Then immediately into her car to hit his truck. There was no time.

Could she have then put the kids into the car after he left and driven somewhere then came home leaving them in the car. If they were left in the car at all.

Clay County mom of girls found dead faces felonies in prior incident with husband at the bottom
In the beginning, I thought she may have forgotten about the girls being in the car because of the argument, but that's obviously not the case if the fight happened inside. Now I've been wondering how much she relied on the older daughter to help care for the 2 little ones. Is it possible that the fighting woke up the girls and the oldest one picked up the baby to comfort her? When both parents went out the door, the older one may have followed because she was confused about what was going on, and the 2 year old followed her out. If the mother did take off to follow the father, the girl could have run to try to catch her and tripped, dropping the baby. Of course, that doesn't explain what happened to the 2 year old.

Another possibility is that she did load up the girls to follow him, but changed her mind because he was already out of sight and she wasn't sure where he was going. If she was under the influence of alcohol or something else, she may have just gone inside, gone to her room, slammed the door shut and passed out, expecting the daughter to bring in the little ones. If the girl wasn't told to do it, and was tired and/or scared, she may have left them in the car thinking her mother would go back out and get them. I have known a few women who would fly off the handle like that, and the kids learned early not to ask questions until mom calmed down. I really do want to believe she didn't do anything to purposely cause their deaths because we've seen too much of that already. MOO
She's arrested, not him. I think (opinion!!) this is going to all fall on her. I think he has probably seen her go off enough times that he knows the best thing to do is just to leave and let her calm down. Probably happened 20 million times before. No reason he thought this time would be more dangerous for the kids. I am hoping that it was an accident, but I won't be surprised if it was to hurt him. I have seen that more times than I can count. Those poor babies deserved so much better from this life.

Also, I am somewhat disturbed that she named the baby goodknight and she was gone so quickly. Maybe coincidence, but it doesnt set well with me.
Well I’m starting to think foul play. Dad I don’t think would have wanted mom charged and I’m not sure how eager LE would be to arrest someone after their two babies died. Jmo and all that jazz.

This is a good point. I'm guessing they suspect her.

I have no idea how to link here but theres a story that I
found when I googled 2 missouri sisters dead and it says they were arguing over him cheating.

This was my first thought, I immediately thought of Tiger Woods and that attack by his wife.

Exactly! I’d wake up on the dot every 2 hours to pump/nurse because it hurt so bad if I let it go longer. And seems a ton of baby’s around her daughters age, are tending to be cluster feeders and if that was the case she could have been nursing every 45min. She wouldn’t go very long between leaving the children and then having her body throw a hissy fit to be emptied. I just don’t believe her story!

I didn't always get engorged but at that age no way I could have gone 12 hours. It would have been excruciating. So unless she was on some major heavy duty drugs, I don't think it's possible the baby was away from her for 12 hours.

I know it's far too late, hindsight & all that...

I wish husband had called the police, if indeed he was attacked like he said. Then police get involved and babies go safely elsewhere.

If not left in car til death I am curious if since she was breast feeding and possibly under influence of whatever ---could something strong pass thru breast milk and affect the babies and cause death? Am really hoping she didn't hurt those babies to "get even with or hurt" husband.

Nothing here is MSM . Just my theories and opinions.

Very few things will go through the milk and hurt the baby. It would have to be some pretty serious drugs to do that.

This is absolutely awful.
In the beginning, I thought she may have forgotten about the girls being in the car because of the argument, but that's obviously not the case if the fight happened inside. Now I've been wondering how much she relied on the older daughter to help care for the 2 little ones. Is it possible that the fighting woke up the girls and the oldest one picked up the baby to comfort her? When both parents went out the door, the older one may have followed because she was confused about what was going on, and the 2 year old followed her out. If the mother did take off to follow the father, the girl could have run to try to catch her and tripped, dropping the baby. Of course, that doesn't explain what happened to the 2 year old.

Another possibility is that she did load up the girls to follow him, but changed her mind because he was already out of sight and she wasn't sure where he was going. If she was under the influence of alcohol or something else, she may have just gone inside, gone to her room, slammed the door shut and passed out, expecting the daughter to bring in the little ones. If the girl wasn't told to do it, and was tired and/or scared, she may have left them in the car thinking her mother would go back out and get them. I have known a few women who would fly off the handle like that, and the kids learned early not to ask questions until mom calmed down. I really do want to believe she didn't do anything to purposely cause their deaths because we've seen too much of that already. MOO

I read this regarding the older sister. "According to family members, the girls have a 9-year-old sister who was not home when they died."
Newborn, 2-year-old sister found dead; mom charged with unrelated assault of husband
I think I am confused about the details a bit..were these two children found in moms car, or just 'outside'? (What does outside mean, anyway?). I know I saw a screenshot on the net, by a neighbor who was very shaken by mom at their door. I believe there are facts we don't have (of course.) For some reason, I can't get this off my mind today. So so very sad.
She carried the girls to the neighbors. When the police arrived the vehicle doors were open.
So pretty sure they were left in the vehicle. <modsnipped> Unbuckled them from their car seats, picked them up, then carried them to the neighbors, leaving the vehicle doors open.
<modsnip> In spite of all the warnings,and awareness.
It's the only logical conclusion imo.

<modsnipped-not victim friendly>
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