GUILTY MO - Jacque Rawson Waller, 39, Jackson, 31 May 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Judge Jeanine speaking with Jacque's parents.

Dad knows exactly what happened to her; just doesn't know what CW did with her body. CW told her 30 days before disappearance she only had a month to live. Made threats for past six months; threatened triplets.

JJ asking mother, Ruby, if a complaint had ever been filed. Jacque wouldn't report anything; she was afraid if she did he wouldn't get a pilot's license he was trying to get.

Dad saying CW really had no regard for LE; was in LE for only a short time. Jacque didn't tell dad about the threats; only found out about them approx. a week before she went missing. She thought she could control CW; refused to go to LE.

JJ asking about laptop found in Jacque's car. She had been keeping a diary on it. She wanted kids to be near family, were going to start kindergarten.

Dad again talking about how CW would threaten her and the kids.

more after commercial
Judge Jeanine

Going over timeline; what CW reported. Neighbor saw CW hooking up boat around 6:30pm that evening.

Vehicle found with flat tire; laptop inside

Jacque's business cards found a month later strewn on roadside, 8 mi. from vehicle.

Lt. David James speaking with JJ. Searches on water and land. Believes she is dead. CW told LE they were in a heated argument and she left on foot; he left house, and when he returned her car was gone; other reports car was still there, he was seen hooking up the boat, her car still there. Her car was parked some distance from the residence. Car with flat tire, appears to be staged; forensics will determine what happened re: tire. CW remains uncooperative.

Guest criminal profiler going over victimology, etc.

JJ giving phone number for tip-line........

commercial break.
Thanks for the updates panthera. So very sad. Wish she had filed a report when he threatened her but even then, who knows. I think he if he wanted to murder her he would've anyway regardless of any restraining order.

My heart breaks for her parents and her kids. :(
Judge Jeanine

Dr. Robbi Ludwig being asked how to explain a mother's absence to three five-year-old children.

Dr. Ludwig also assessing CW's behavior; adversarial, angry, annoyed; perhaps in a suicidal state himself. Jacque may have felt reporting him would've put her or the children in more danger.

Joey Jackson: 100% agree with JJ that CW's attorney is telling him not to talk with LE. Separation, divorce, custody - who else has motive? CW already gave too much information in detail as to what happened that evening, i.e. she left on foot, etc.

Also going over potential trial strategy.

JJ discussing children being with Jacque's family rather than CW. JJ asking if body isn't found or charges aren't filed what happens then? Joey Jackson saying at least for now the best thing; situation would be assessed later on.

Commercial break then on to another topic.
I didn't know about the dang boat. I sure hope it won't be more difficult finding her since she's in the water. :(
I didn't know about the dang boat. I sure hope it won't be more difficult finding her since she's in the water. :(

I heard something about a boat being discussed, but didn't realize either he had been seen hooking it up to his vehicle approximately two hours after she arrived at the house.

I am still curious, however, if he didn't have any help, how he could've taken her vehicle to where it was found and gotten home.

Judge Jeanine

Dr. Robbi Ludwig being asked how to explain a mother's absence to three five-year-old children.

Dr. Ludwig also assessing CW's behavior; adversarial, angry, annoyed; perhaps in a suicidal state himself. Jacque may have felt reporting him would've put her or the children in more danger.

Joey Jackson: 100% agree with JJ that CW's attorney is telling him not to talk with LE. Separation, divorce, custody - who else has motive? CW already gave too much information in detail as to what happened that evening, i.e. she left on foot, etc.

Also going over potential trial strategy.

JJ discussing children being with Jacque's family rather than CW. JJ asking if body isn't found or charges aren't filed what happens then? Joey Jackson saying at least for now the best thing; situation would be assessed later on.

Commercial break then on to another topic.

Did they mention anything about blood found at the house? IIRC, on NG it was mentioned that blood was found but they weren't sure the amount, who it belonged to or if it was related to the case. Wondering if there has been an update on that.

Without a body it will be more difficult to prosecute but I think if they have enough CE, they may be able to go to trial.
Thanks for the updates panthera. So very sad. Wish she had filed a report when he threatened her but even then, who knows. I think he if he wanted to murder her he would've anyway regardless of any restraining order.

My heart breaks for her parents and her kids. :(

Report or not, I agree, it wouldn't have been a deterrent. If anything it could have escalated her demise, or possibly even the children.

Did they mention anything about blood found at the house? IIRC, on NG it was mentioned that blood was found but they weren't sure the amount, who it belonged to or if it was related to the case. Wondering if there has been an update on that.

Without a body it will be more difficult to prosecute but I think if they have enough CE, they may be able to go to trial.

No, her parents didn't discuss blood tonight.
I heard something about a boat being discussed, but didn't realize either he had been seen hooking it up to his vehicle approximately two hours after she arrived at the house.

I am still curious, however, if he didn't have any help, how he could've taken her vehicle to where it was found and gotten home.


True. He could have walked to a bus or something. Maybe someone saw him on a bus?
I heard something about a boat being discussed, but didn't realize either he had been seen hooking it up to his vehicle approximately two hours after she arrived at the house.

I am still curious, however, if he didn't have any help, how he could've taken her vehicle to where it was found and gotten home.


The car was found 10 miles from the home, right? How long a walk is that? About 2 hours or less if someone is on an adrenaline rush?
The car was found 10 miles from the home, right? How long a walk is that? About 2 hours or less if someone is on an adrenaline rush?

Suppose he could have walked; however, the vehicle was found alongside an interstate, with a flat tire. I do agree, that part appears staged, as if to give the appearance she had gone missing from that location. However, I cannot understand if he staged it, why he told LE she walked away from the house?

The map is helpful - thanks!

The only thing that comes to mind, if he acted alone in abandoning her vehicle, is he could have started walking along the Interstate and gotten a ride from someone.........someone who may or may not be from the area and doesn't realize the significance?

So hard to read of this case. I am SO sick of the way women are "disposed of" [by their 'significant others'] in this country!! Between the teens/young adults disappearing every day (Lauren Spierer, etc.) and the grown women/mothers disappearing along with them, I am totally disgusted. WHY is it 'open season' on women in this country?? This woman was obviously "gotten rid of" by her husband, imo, whatta monster. I hope and pray he pays for this!
I've seen her parents in two interviews this week and it breaks my heart. They are so strong even though they know what happened to their daughter.

The husband is creepy, to say the least. I sure hope they find her so that he is put behind bars for the rest of his life.

Those poor children! What a terrible tragedy!
Suppose he could have walked; however, the vehicle was found alongside an interstate, with a flat tire. I do agree, that part appears staged, as if to give the appearance she had gone missing from that location. However, I cannot understand if he staged it, why he told LE she walked away from the house?


Early on LE asked the public if anyone recalled seeing someone on a bicycle in the vicinity of the abandoned vehicle. I assume from that (and we all know what assuming can mean) that LE thought the perp acted alone in leaving the car and exited by bike. Witnesses in early MSM articles reported seeing Jacque's car at Clay's house as late as 8:30 the night she disappeared even though he said he returned around 6pm to find her car gone (2 hours after she allegedly walked away after their argument). IMO he waited until dark to deposit the vehicle to reduce the chances of being seen. This gave him several hours to dispose of her body prior to staging the "abduction on the highway" scenario.
I heard something about a boat being discussed, but didn't realize either he had been seen hooking it up to his vehicle approximately two hours after she arrived at the house.

I am still curious, however, if he didn't have any help, how he could've taken her vehicle to where it was found and gotten home.


Somebody (in the neighborhood, I think) saw him pulling the boat pretty fast..didn't know if he was leaving or coming home with it. Post is back earlier on this thread. Some people think he took a bicycle with him and rode it back from where he left her car...That sounds plausible to me.

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