MO MO - Jessica Runions, 21, Kansas City, 8 Sept 2016 #2

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Not open for further replies. I've tried to keep up with all this as much as anyone. Went way back to old links last night and found this. For me it was an 'oh my god' moment, but maybe it's just me that missed it. So, in printed part of story you will see that k.y. grandfather states that j.r.'s car had been there a lot over the weeks leading up to her disappearance. One aspect of this mystery that has always bothered me is this. When they left the party, with her driving (possibly she became the driver after a minor wreck leaving the party),he is upset, she is upset. I always felt she would have had a drop off point in mind to get rid of him. That was based on early dialogue that led me to believe she had no ties with him and was basically doing a favor for the boyfriend by taking him to the party. If that was true, I figured she wanted rid of him fast. Now, keep in mind the statements grampa makes of the two being friends, and her car being there often. I didn't know what to make of that. Did he lie, is his memory shot? I didn't know. Now, watch the crime watch video about halfway down. I was floored. Turns out crimewatch reporter came to Grampas house to do a story on Kara, which was several weeks or months before Jessica disappeared. It finally aired within days of her disappearance. The reporter didn't make a connection at the time, but as she walks up to his house, there is the black equinox, presumably, and the reporter and gramps have a through the door talk. At one point, a young female tries to insert herself into the conversation. Grampa intervenes, and you never really see her. Form your own opinion. Long story short, Grampas story combined with video of her car in his drive months prior gives a pretty good indication that there was some kind of fairly lengthy relationship going on between them. And seeing that she knew the house and apparently felt comfortable there makes me think that would have been the place she would have planned to take him after the party. If you read the text and watch the video, and you believe that a viable conclusion, then it doesn't solve anything, but certainly adds many avenues to pursue. One big one for me would be if there was this semi-hidden relationship that we know nothing about, he might have had plenty of time to form some kind of obsession for her, and I have to wonder if he didn't already have some kind of plan ready just in case things didn't go his way. Drawing from his past, I can easily see that.
Yes, I had this same 'oh my God' moment as you did. That video has been linked here somewhere but not really discussed at too much length. The segment aired originally in June I think and then re-aired in September when the car was discovered in the driveway on the video. I believe like you that this doesn't solve anything but it does add a whole other element to this case, just not sure what exactly it will do for prosecution as we don't really know the details and I doubt he's being truthful about their relationship with investigators. Prosecution can use videos and articles like that though in court to prove a connection to the jury however. I really think that regardless of what was going on, he formed an obsessive attachment with her from the time that he was released from prison. One of the witnesses from the party said he was rambling on about wanting to marry Jessica and have children with her, which also shows intense attachment on his end. I think that he latched onto and exploited Jessica's kindness and good heart from the beginning, like a sociopath/borderline personality would. He wouldn't see that kindness as a strength, but as a weakness to be used for his own gain. I don't know that he had a plan prepared, but it's very possible given his personality. I do believe that this was probably the first time that Jessica was witness to the extent of Kylr's raging temper and she may have tried to distance himself from him, triggering his possessive/jealous side and more rage. I also believe that he has reactive attachment disorder due to his childhood, which would only escalate a rageful response if he felt slighted or rejected by someone.
Yes, I had this same 'oh my God' moment as you did. That video has been linked here somewhere but not really discussed at too much length. The segment aired originally in June I think and then re-aired in September when the car was discovered in the driveway on the video. I believe like you that this doesn't solve anything but it does add a whole other element to this case, just not sure what exactly it will do for prosecution as we don't really know the details and I doubt he's being truthful about their relationship with investigators. Prosecution can use videos and articles like that though in court to prove a connection to the jury however. I really think that regardless of what was going on, he formed an obsessive attachment with her from the time that he was released from prison. One of the witnesses from the party said he was rambling on about wanting to marry Jessica and have children with her, which also shows intense attachment on his end. I think that he latched onto and exploited Jessica's kindness and good heart from the beginning, like a sociopath/borderline personality would. He wouldn't see that kindness as a strength, but as a weakness to be used for his own gain. I don't know that he had a plan prepared, but it's very possible given his personality. I do believe that this was probably the first time that Jessica was witness to the extent of Kylr's raging temper and she may have tried to distance himself from him, triggering his possessive/jealous side and more rage. I also believe that he has reactive attachment disorder due to his childhood, which would only escalate a rageful response if he felt slighted or rejected by someone.

I agree scout87. I was trying to get my point across without being too long winded. I had hoped for more dialogue. It changes the whole dynamic if they spent much time together for so long. She may or may not have known about the past. Maybe she felt safe and insulated simply because she had never seen the rage/psychotic part of his personality, as you noted. If the house was the destination, and my guess is that it was, (doesn't mean they got there, a lot of things could have happened) then I can see whatever happened taking place in the car or in the little room. Gramps is probably asleep. If he didn't hastily do something with the body, then he has a chance to get himself together a little, make a plan. Maybe he went to work and back in her car or another, with the body still there just to figure out what options he had. Ibelieve it's not a stretch that there was help at least in the burning of the car. Somebody took him to Edwards. She could have still been in the car the next day when he was not so drunk and in the wind, he could have taken her somewhere that afternoon, that evening, or that night. Maybe with help, maybe without. Then again, he could have really went off the deep end party night and the whole thing is over by 2, and then the text messages for rides. What bothers me about that is the time crunch and pulling off what has happened without a trace, driving her car drunk, in the middle of the night. She drove initially, so for her to become the passenger, or worse, something had to happen out in the open somewhere and you would hope somebody would have seen something and reported it, but there has been nothing.
I agree scout87. I was trying to get my point across without being too long winded. I had hoped for more dialogue. It changes the whole dynamic if they spent much time together for so long. She may or may not have known about the past. Maybe she felt safe and insulated simply because she had never seen the rage/psychotic part of his personality, as you noted. If the house was the destination, and my guess is that it was, (doesn't mean they got there, a lot of things could have happened) then I can see whatever happened taking place in the car or in the little room. Gramps is probably asleep. If he didn't hastily do something with the body, then he has a chance to get himself together a little, make a plan. Maybe he went to work and back in her car or another, with the body still there just to figure out what options he had. Ibelieve it's not a stretch that there was help at least in the burning of the car. Somebody took him to Edwards. She could have still been in the car the next day when he was not so drunk and in the wind, he could have taken her somewhere that afternoon, that evening, or that night. Maybe with help, maybe without. Then again, he could have really went off the deep end party night and the whole thing is over by 2, and then the text messages for rides. What bothers me about that is the time crunch and pulling off what has happened without a trace, driving her car drunk, in the middle of the night. She drove initially, so for her to become the passenger, or worse, something had to happen out in the open somewhere and you would hope somebody would have seen something and reported it, but there has been nothing.

We explored a lot of this in thread #1. I do believe they had more than just a friendship, but out of respect for her and her boyfriend we haven't been speculating on that here since it doesn't help find her. Jessica was likely not deceased in grampa's house or there would have been evidence found - cadaver dogs hitting on the room for instance, or bodily fluids wherever she passed. It likely happened in the car, and that is why KY torched it. I agree with you that he absolutely had an accomplice, though it is unclear if this person had any idea what was going on when they drove him to Edwards or picked him up. I personally believe he was picked up from near the burn site and went pretty much straight there - so one person giving him the ride. I've thought a lot about whether he kept her in the car overnight and I just don't think he risked that - it was crazy enough parking her car in his driveway that night, it would be totally insane to have left her body in it - wouldn't he have been totally paranoid about anyone walking by or someone discovering it? I would have been. Since the car was gone by 3pm the next day though, we know he was doing something with it between 3pm and 2am when it was found on fire - that is a lot of time, and you're right that it could have been driving it hours and hours away to dispose of her. For that reason I don't think they should be too reliant on a 2 hour window, even if it feels like the most likely. The main reason we think she is within the KC limits is because KY called someone that night for a ride, so the idea is he had already disposed of JR and was initially looking to get away without the car, then when he couldn't get help, chose to drive himself home - that tells me he was far enough away that walking and public transport were out of the question.

I think wherever this happened, they were in a pretty secluded location on purpose, and that is why no one witnessed anything. They went somewhere to talk, or to hang out or to park. I do not think Jessica knew anything about his past before that night, and finding out may have a huge part to play in what happened.

I've tried to keep up with all this as much as anyone. Went way back to old links last night and found this. For me it was an 'oh my god' moment, but maybe it's just me that missed it. So, in printed part of story you will see that k.y. grandfather states that j.r.'s car had been there a lot over the weeks leading up to her disappearance. One aspect of this mystery that has always bothered me is this. When they left the party, with her driving (possibly she became the driver after a minor wreck leaving the party),he is upset, she is upset. I always felt she would have had a drop off point in mind to get rid of him. That was based on early dialogue that led me to believe she had no ties with him and was basically doing a favor for the boyfriend by taking him to the party. If that was true, I figured she wanted rid of him fast. Now, keep in mind the statements grampa makes of the two being friends, and her car being there often. I didn't know what to make of that. Did he lie, is his memory shot? I didn't know. Now, watch the crime watch video about halfway down. I was floored. Turns out crimewatch reporter came to Grampas house to do a story on Kara, which was several weeks or months before Jessica disappeared. It finally aired within days of her disappearance. The reporter didn't make a connection at the time, but as she walks up to his house, there is the black equinox, presumably, and the reporter and gramps have a through the door talk. At one point, a young female tries to insert herself into the conversation. Grampa intervenes, and you never really see her. Form your own opinion. Long story short, Grampas story combined with video of her car in his drive months prior gives a pretty good indication that there was some kind of fairly lengthy relationship going on between them. And seeing that she knew the house and apparently felt comfortable there makes me think that would have been the place she would have planned to take him after the party. If you read the text and watch the video, and you believe that a viable conclusion, then it doesn't solve anything, but certainly adds
many avenues to pursue. One big one for me would be if there was this semi-hidden relationship that we know nothing about, he might have had plenty of time to form some kind of obsession for her, and I have to wonder if he didn't already have some kind of plan ready just in case things didn't go his way. Drawing from his past, I can easily see that.

That episode of CWD originally aired in June but was on again the very day Jessica went missing. Early on in the case I was looking for info as I was putting together the case map, and I came across that video on Youtube. I spotted the car in he driveway, and sent the tip to the reporter that is in the video. It was passed on to LE by the producers. That very day LE executed a search warrant at Gpas house. The reporter did a follow up story where she said 'something jogged her memory' about the equinox *cough, me* She said a young woman was in the house at the time and came to the door and said hi. The assumption is that it was Jessica.
I have been off of the thread for about a month, and am so saddened to come back and see that there are no real new developments. This is so disheartening.
I agree scout87. I was trying to get my point across without being too long winded. I had hoped for more dialogue. It changes the whole dynamic if they spent much time together for so long. She may or may not have known about the past. Maybe she felt safe and insulated simply because she had never seen the rage/psychotic part of his personality, as you noted. If the house was the destination, and my guess is that it was, (doesn't mean they got there, a lot of things could have happened) then I can see whatever happened taking place in the car or in the little room. Gramps is probably asleep. If he didn't hastily do something with the body, then he has a chance to get himself together a little, make a plan. Maybe he went to work and back in her car or another, with the body still there just to figure out what options he had. Ibelieve it's not a stretch that there was help at least in the burning of the car. Somebody took him to Edwards. She could have still been in the car the next day when he was not so drunk and in the wind, he could have taken her somewhere that afternoon, that evening, or that night. Maybe with help, maybe without. Then again, he could have really went off the deep end party night and the whole thing is over by 2, and then the text messages for rides. What bothers me about that is the time crunch and pulling off what has happened without a trace, driving her car drunk, in the middle of the night. She drove initially, so for her to become the passenger, or worse, something had to happen out in the open somewhere and you would hope somebody would have seen something and reported it, but there has been nothing.
I think regardless of what their relationship was (good friends or more), it for sure changes the whole dynamic. I feel that Kylr is a sociopath/borderline, so he would have tried to minimize whatever aspects of himself that he didn't want people to know and try to play on Jessica's own personality traits. People with traits of sociopathy or borderline personality just do not open up to people in regards to their feelings, experiences, whatever it might be. At least not often, and usually not truthfully. Typically, they want to know what makes other people tick so they can use it to their advantage (or against others) when the time is right. Whatever Jessica knew, Kylr was obviously good enough of a manipulator to make her think that he was trying to change and be a good guy otherwise I doubt their connection would have lasted much longer than their first meeting after he got out of prison. Also, her boyfriend had some sort of a friendship with him, so that probably only made her feel even more like she could trust him. I don't think he had help with whatever he did to her or with her, but I do think that someone did come into the picture at least directly after he burned the car unless he hiked his way back to a friend's house or grandpa's, which seems unlikely but you never know. There's places within walking distance that he could have gone to wait for someone to pick him up but I can see also him calling his brother after not being able to find an alibi for Thursday night/early Friday morning and saying he needed help getting out of town. Maybe he didn't even mention Jessica, just that it was almost his birthday and he wanted to go see some people in Edwards, or get drugs, whatever. I think that the burning of the car was not planned and he did it because he thought it was the fastest way to get rid of it and whatever other evidence existed in the car, otherwise I doubt it would have been done in such a helter skelter way that left him with singed off hair and a burned face and hands. I'm starting to think that maybe he did whatever he did to Jessica between leaving the party and 2am, and left her somewhere inconspicuous then returned later to finish the job in the afternoon/late evening on Friday after he'd been dismissed from work and came down from his adrenaline high and hangover from the night before. Then he found out Jessica had been reported missing and the description/license of the car was released by police and he burned it because he couldn't be seen driving it around anymore. Then again, two hours seems like a really short amount of time but if he knew of a place (like wherever Kara is) he could easily have gone there and been back at Grandpa's house in a pretty quick amount of time. I tend to ramble, so I hope all of that somehow comes together in a way that makes sense.
Sadly Jessica's Facebook group is now closed. That won't help her be found. All updates are posted by her mom on her personal FB page, which will not reach the general public. I realize the majority of the public is not always helpful - but if the family wants volunteer or professional volunteer searchers to join in, if they want national media attention or the attention of out of state SAR groups and investigators that can assist them, they have got to mobilize a public effort on social media. At the very least, Jessica is being tagged, but because her profile settings are set not to allow tagged posts to appear on her public timeline, it is useless.

I am sharing this here for Jessica's sake and whatever help it may bring. My hope is her mom appreciates whatever shares this gets, on or off Facebook - if the family reads here, please consider a public Facebook page for Jessica where you can organize search efforts, share news clips and ask for support.
Sadly Jessica's Facebook group is now closed. That won't help her be found. All updates are posted by her mom on her personal FB page, which will not reach the general public. I realize the majority of the public is not always helpful - but if the family wants volunteer or professional volunteer searchers to join in, if they want national media attention or the attention of out of state SAR groups and investigators that can assist them, they have got to mobilize a public effort on social media. At the very least, Jessica is being tagged, but because her profile settings are set not to allow tagged posts to appear on her public timeline, it is useless. I am sharing this here for Jessica's sake and whatever help it may bring. My hope is her mom appreciates whatever shares this gets, on or off Facebook - if the family reads here, please consider a public Facebook page for Jessica where you can organize search efforts, share news clips and ask for support.
I personally think that Jessica's mother would appreciate the share. It helps go one more step in getting Jessica's face and info out there. There are several groups dedicated to her, none that are organized by family thought that I'm aware of. There's a few that her family participates in but there is only one that I know of that remains public. The others that were open to the public have closed and only members can now see what goes on because there were too many people creating problems. People either want glory, or they want drama. There is no in between anymore it seems. If something isn't about them, they have to make it so that it is. It's very sad, especially when the situation involves a missing person and someone who has the potential to be a serial killer. People can't just come together for the good of helping each other. It's very frustrating and pretty ridiculous. Jessica's facebook was also hacked recently, with whoever did it sending out friend requests from her account, which would explain why settings were changed and things are not being tagged on her personal page. The whole situation just gets more sickening as time goes by. I think that the family has been hesitant thus far to get media involved in a search effort. I think now, over six weeks in, it's time to go to the major networks to get Jessica's face out there. Yes, the media are vultures, but there can be stipulations on what is asked and put out to the public. There are also shows that specialize solely in finding the missing and abused. Just to have Jessica's name out there, to raise money, to get people involved, it might help spark someone's memory. I think it also might be helpful to put Kylr's face and tattoos on flyers with Jessica, just to show who she was last seen with. As much as the family may hate to do it, I think it could also help spark someone's memory if they saw him out with her. He's hard to miss with all the tattoos.
I am sad to hear about Jessica's profile getting compromised. Hopefully investigators follow up on that.
I am sad to hear about Jessica's profile getting compromised. Hopefully investigators follow up on that.
Me too. The whole situation just seems to get worse as time goes by. I believe I read on Jessica's mother's page that law enforcement were aware and investigating the situation with Jessica's fb.
Thinking of Jessica today. Her mom is having a really rough week - I hope things start moving forward for them.
Thinking of Jessica today. Her mom is having a really rough week - I hope things start moving forward for them.

Prayers to her mom and family, holidays are approaching could not imagine the pain their going through.

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Vail has there not been any advancements with KY's case.

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I get the idea from things being said on social media that there is some lying going on by players in the case. Not really surprising. Tomorrow will be interesting, if we learn anything new at all.

Vail has there not been any advancements with KY's case.
Kylr said something to an ex gf about killING her and putting her in he pig pen where the bones and all would be eaten. He'd done it before, and he'd do it again.... why as this not taken seriously?!
In Jessica's case, LE seems to have either cleared that farm or determined it was not a realistic possibility (ie Kylr is full of ****) - That, or they are keeping any searches or investigations in Edwards very under wraps. I am certain they followed that lead as far as it could take them in Jessica's case. In Kara's case, that info came out too late for it to do them any good - if KY really did dispose of her on a pig farm, it would require conspiracy, and there would be 0 trace by the time they heard about it.
Kylr said something to an ex gf about killING her and putting her in he pig pen where the bones and all would be eaten. He'd done it before, and he'd do it again.... why as this not taken seriously?!

Jessica was mentioned in this article

No news about KY's court situation. We can probably expect it to be pretty quiet for a long time. The 2 weeks LE said they would be taking off is almost up, though.
In Jessica's case, LE seems to have either cleared that farm or determined it was not a realistic possibility (ie Kylr is full of ****) - That, or they are keeping any searches or investigations in Edwards very under wraps. I am certain they followed that lead as far as it could take them in Jessica's case. In Kara's case, that info came out too late for it to do them any good - if KY really did dispose of her on a pig farm, it would require conspiracy, and there would be 0 trace by the time they heard about it. Jessica was mentioned in this article No news about KY's court situation. We can probably expect it to be pretty quiet for a long time. The 2 weeks LE said they would be taking off is almost up, though.
IF the pig farm story is true, there could still be evidence at the site. Believe it was a Canadian serial killer, Pickton or something like that, who had a pig farm and police found remains like jawbones and teeth of victims who had been missing for several years. So, it's possible, just a very difficult crime scene as evidence wouldn't be right in plain sight. I think it was not looked into seriously by Belton PD as the case was very botched and things that should have been followed through on just weren't. They just didn't follow up on things like they should have. If KCPD is following up on those old leads from Belton, we likely will not know unless there is a murder trial (and even then not until after) or unless seals on certain records expire and the media hawks them. I do think that Kylr gets a lot of his ideas from watching television. Burning the car for example may or may not have come from an episode of 60 Minutes or 20/20 that aired prior to the car being burned. The pig farm story lifts right out of an episode of Criminal Minds. I have a feeling he's the type to make up random crap just to see who's loyal and who will tell on him. Believe the two weeks break ended about a week ago, around the second week of November. I think that Missouri Search and Rescue has still been on the case of trying to find Jessica, but the Murder Squad (KCPD homicide investigators) spent those two weeks looking into other murders in the area.
I agree with you about getting ideas from TV, he also said something about having seen someone get dissolved in a barrel of acid or something like that, and I think he got that idea from learning about John Edward Robinson. Has there even been confirmation that anyone in his family owns livestock pigs?

IF the pig farm story is true, there could still be evidence at the site. Believe it was a Canadian serial killer, Pickton or something like that, who had a pig farm and police found remains like jawbones and teeth of victims who had been missing for several years. So, it's possible, just a very difficult crime scene as evidence wouldn't be right in plain sight. I think it was not looked into seriously by Belton PD as the case was very botched and things that should have been followed through on just weren't. They just didn't follow up on things like they should have. If KCPD is following up on those old leads from Belton, we likely will not know unless there is a murder trial (and even then not until after) or unless seals on certain records expire and the media hawks them. I do think that Kylr gets a lot of his ideas from watching television. Burning the car for example may or may not have come from an episode of 60 Minutes or 20/20 that aired prior to the car being burned. The pig farm story lifts right out of an episode of Criminal Minds. I have a feeling he's the type to make up random crap just to see who's loyal and who will tell on him. Believe the two weeks break ended about a week ago, around the second week of November. I think that Missouri Search and Rescue has still been on the case of trying to find Jessica, but the Murder Squad (KCPD homicide investigators) spent those two weeks looking into other murders in the area.
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