MO MO - Jessica Runions, 21, Kansas City, 8 Sept 2016 #2

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I hope nothing has been discounted; after Jessica was last seen, there was enough time to go anywhere outside the location of the get together, and from where KY was living with his grandpa, and from the burn site. That is a huge amount of territory. I am not convinced he had it in him to travel too far away from familiar territory, but who knows but him? What would be the easiest thing to do? Dumpster? What are the landfills in the area?
Out of curiosity, I found this landfills map for Missouri: Also:
New here...and although I've read many of your thoughtful comments I'm still a little "fuzzy" on some details: 1. Where was KY's work located when he turned up that Friday morning and they sent him home for being in bad shape? 2. What time did he get there? 3. Do you know how he got there? Drove JR's car? Got a ride? I'm located on the Kansas side of the KC Metro area and was wondering if any thought had been given to searching this side of State Line. Going off a previous post it was suggested to expand search area to 30 minutes to an hour of party location. With our highway system and in the wee hours of the morning when traffic is slow it would be very easy to cross the state line in that time frame. I ask about this because grandfather AY responded to a reporter when asked if KY was working at a tattoo parlor he said "no" he worked on the Kansas side doing something with car bumpers. KY strikes me as the type of guy who would be finding sporadic work at "off the grid" auto shops or salvage yards which would be in more less traveled areas/light industrial areas and might be worth checking out. Has this thought already been discounted?
:welcome: I think we're all pretty "fuzzy" here as far as the details go due to the case being sealed, but we're trying :) As far as the questions you've asked, no one seems to have concrete facts because again, the case is sealed. Some digging around on FB in the groups that have been created for Jessica might get you somewhere. I can't link here because it's social media, but grandpa's story about the bumpers in KS seemed to check out. And you are probably right, I think he was doing sporadic work to just try to meet the stipulations of his parole. There's a video around where he was trying to get an apprenticeship at a tattoo parlor closer to his home - I think that's what he really wanted to do and where he thought his skills were. I'm from the Leavenworth County area of Kansas myself, and I completely agree with you - the highways are set up here in such a way that he could cross into KS and be back home in less than an hour. I've said it here before that he's kind of in the perfect location for a serial killer - very interconnected highways, lots of easily accessible back roads, lots of bodies of water very close and connected to one another, several thousand caves to choose from, heavily wooded areas, abandoned parks...He could have been on 435 and gone really anywhere he wanted in a matter of a half hour or less depending on location, or gone west down Bannister Road and been in Overland Park across the state line in a matter of 20 minutes from his grandfather's home, and from there, take the back roads or the highways into shawnee, up into leavenworth, all within an hour. I don't think he went that far, just meaning that everything was very accessible to him. To answer, no, you're suggestion has not been discounted at least not here that I'm aware of. Not exactly sure where LE and Jessica's search groups are looking, but the salvage yards/industrial areas idea is a good one.
Interesting article on murder trials in Missouri where a body was never found, showing the precedent exists in the state for Kylr to be charged with murder even if Jessica is not found.

Thankfully, I believe LE is making a strong case against that a jury...anywhere...would be hard pressed to step away from. While they might not be able to impose the strongest sentence without a body, he won't be out of jail for a long time.
Thanks for your comments. Think I was being a bit simplistic…said to myself, “okay he showed up at work on the Kansas side at (?) time and if I knew the location I could do a little searching from that point working my way back to the Grandview Triangle area”. Like everyone here, would just like Jessica to get found.

I don’t see KY planning this well. Think he was in reaction mode to the circumstances and therefore made some moves that weren’t overly complicated. Don’t get me wrong, not saying he isn’t clever or capable of thinking on his feet. Just believe he made some decisions that he might not have with some forethought. The window of time he had to handle this also was really pretty short. A lot of “stuff” went down between the time the two left the party at 9:30 PM and the time he showed up for work scratched and not in good shape. Showing up at work appears to be an alibi move. Since he was drunk or high or both at the party and since he appears to have “raged” I would think he was running on pure adrenaline during that time. Coming “down” from all that is not conducive to a quick nap and then a pop up at his job. Figure when he finally stopped after being turned away at his job, his body crashed and he was down for some time before getting up and dealing with Jessica’s vehicle.

That is what made me think Jessica might be somewhere between the party/AY’s house and the work KY showed up at in the morning.
Thanks for your comments. Think I was being a bit simplistic…said to myself, “okay he showed up at work on the Kansas side at (?) time and if I knew the location I could do a little searching from that point working my way back to the Grandview Triangle area”. Like everyone here, would just like Jessica to get found. I don’t see KY planning this well. Think he was in reaction mode to the circumstances and therefore made some moves that weren’t overly complicated. Don’t get me wrong, not saying he isn’t clever or capable of thinking on his feet. Just believe he made some decisions that he might not have with some forethought. The window of time he had to handle this also was really pretty short. A lot of “stuff” went down between the time the two left the party at 9:30 PM and the time he showed up for work scratched and not in good shape. Showing up at work appears to be an alibi move. Since he was drunk or high or both at the party and since he appears to have “raged” I would think he was running on pure adrenaline during that time. Coming “down” from all that is not conducive to a quick nap and then a pop up at his job. Figure when he finally stopped after being turned away at his job, his body crashed and he was down for some time before getting up and dealing with Jessica’s vehicle. That is what made me think Jessica might be somewhere between the party/AY’s house and the work KY showed up at in the morning.
I don't think you have a bad idea here. Simplistic is probably the way to go with KY. We're not talking about a criminal mastermind here who has evaded the law for a number of years because he's always five steps ahead...He might see himself as super smart as he's been able to pull the wool over people's eyes to some extent and get a pass, which accounts for that apparent ego he hefts around. I think mostly he's gotten by because he plays on people's insecurities and emotions and as a result of his poor upbringing, people feel sorry for him. Master manipulator, yes, I definitely buy that. But super intelligent, no. Most people in the category of personality disorders that I think he falls into are very skilled in manipulation and are very cunning, and I think to some extent sheer dumb luck is also on his side. He appears to want to be in control but at the same time his actions don't fit that mold either. The burning of the car says to me that at least at that point in the chain of events he was out of options and out of control. He was in so little control that he changed his whole look in the amount of time it takes to flick a match, singeing off his hair and burning his hands and face. So not thinking well on his feet and clearly not in control and maybe afraid/nervous because he was in possession of a vehicle belonging to someone the police now officially considered missing. Just my opinion, but I think whatever he did with Jessica, he most likely did it between leaving the party at midnight and showing up to work the next morning. I think that window of time can also be narrowed down by looking at his phone communications, which based on reports started in around 2 am Friday morning. I believe he was looking for an alibi for when Jessica's friends/family or police came around asking questions - he could say she dropped him off at grandpa's and that was the last he heard from her, then he went out with soandso. Same with showing up to work the next morning - he was just trying to be a good boy and follow the stipulations of his parole. Nothing to see, all is well and normal, move along - so to speak. As you said, I think he likely crashed after returning home from work on Friday morning, explaining the time span of the car being in the driveway between around 9am to 3pm (which also coincides with the time Jessica was supposed to meet her mother for a doctor appointment). Real panic didn't set in for him until after Jessica was reported missing, hence the helter skelter manor in which he got rid of the car. I would say in looking at a map, we should consider the entire metro area to start with and then narrow it down based on the few facts we do have – a large area I know but it can be done. I think that we can probably cut out the area around Blue River Road - I believe that burning the car there was reactionary and maybe even on some level an attempt to misguide an investigation into JR’s whereabouts. It’s also been heavily searched several times to my knowledge and the area has been cleared. In addition, any areas that would have taken a large amount of effort and time to get to can probably be cut out. And then we can consider any areas that he might have known well. I think areas around where the party took place at Jackson Ave in Grandview need to be considered as well as the trail back to the grandfather’s house and around that area. In my mind, our area is a big square – from Jackson Avenue in Grandview over to maybe Raytown Road including the Longview Lake area, up to the grandfather’s house at 8735 Crescent Ave in KCMO, then over to maybe State Line Road, and back down to maybe East Blue Ridge Boulevard back to the location of the party. I believe that somewhere in that square minus some tough to get to areas and the location of the car, is where Jessica will be found. Map for reference:

New here...and although I've read many of your thoughtful comments I'm still a little "fuzzy" on some details:

1. Where was KY's work located when he turned up that Friday morning and they sent him home for being in bad shape?
2. What time did he get there?
3. Do you know how he got there? Drove JR's car? Got a ride?

I'm located on the Kansas side of the KC Metro area and was wondering if any thought had been given to searching this side of State Line. Going off a previous post it was suggested to expand search area to 30 minutes to an hour of party location. With our highway system and in the wee hours of the morning when traffic is slow it would be very easy to cross the state line in that time frame. I ask about this because grandfather AY responded to a reporter when asked if KY was working at a tattoo parlor he said "no" he worked on the Kansas side doing something with car bumpers. KY strikes me as the type of guy who would be finding sporadic work at "off the grid" auto shops or salvage yards which would be in more less traveled areas/light industrial areas and might be worth checking out. Has this thought already been discounted?

Hi Argus

:welcome: to websleuths :)

Bumping the case map. You may find answers to some of your questions on there
Thanks for your comments. Think I was being a bit simplistic…said to myself, “okay he showed up at work on the Kansas side at (?) time and if I knew the location I could do a little searching from that point working my way back to the Grandview Triangle area”. Like everyone here, would just like Jessica to get found.

I don’t see KY planning this well. Think he was in reaction mode to the circumstances and therefore made some moves that weren’t overly complicated. Don’t get me wrong, not saying he isn’t clever or capable of thinking on his feet. Just believe he made some decisions that he might not have with some forethought. The window of time he had to handle this also was really pretty short. A lot of “stuff” went down between the time the two left the party at 9:30 PM and the time he showed up for work scratched and not in good shape. Showing up at work appears to be an alibi move. Since he was drunk or high or both at the party and since he appears to have “raged” I would think he was running on pure adrenaline during that time. Coming “down” from all that is not conducive to a quick nap and then a pop up at his job. Figure when he finally stopped after being turned away at his job, his body crashed and he was down for some time before getting up and dealing with Jessica’s vehicle.

That is what made me think Jessica might be somewhere between the party/AY’s house and the work KY showed up at in the morning.

On point to clarify here is when they left the party. According to Allyn, they left at 11:30PM. JR's last text was to her boyfriend at 9:30.

The coworker who said Kylr showed up Friday morning drunk and scratched up has commented on several FB MSM posts, initials YNUO, I am sure he could tell you if you really need to find out the location.
Dumpster isn't his style and is too risky. KY seems like the type that needs to be in control of the entire process. If he dumped her anywhere with an ephemeral destination it was into one of the many rivers he had to choose from IMO.

Agreed, all thou KY was in a hurry dumpsters would be unworthy of him and also way to easy for someone to have found JR
Just a hunch, I would look within a 3 mile radius of where the car was found still a lot of ground to cover. Its a starting point then due process of elimination as you go along.
Thanks for your comments. Think I was being a bit simplistic…said to myself, “okay he showed up at work on the Kansas side at (?) time and if I knew the location I could do a little searching from that point working my way back to the Grandview Triangle area”. Like everyone here, would just like Jessica to get found.

I don’t see KY planning this well. Think he was in reaction mode to the circumstances and therefore made some moves that weren’t overly complicated. Don’t get me wrong, not saying he isn’t clever or capable of thinking on his feet. Just believe he made some decisions that he might not have with some forethought. The window of time he had to handle this also was really pretty short. A lot of “stuff” went down between the time the two left the party at 9:30 PM and the time he showed up for work scratched and not in good shape. Showing up at work appears to be an alibi move. Since he was drunk or high or both at the party and since he appears to have “raged” I would think he was running on pure adrenaline during that time. Coming “down” from all that is not conducive to a quick nap and then a pop up at his job. Figure when he finally stopped after being turned away at his job, his body crashed and he was down for some time before getting up and dealing with Jessica’s vehicle.

That is what made me think Jessica might be somewhere between the party/AY’s house and the work KY showed up at in the morning.

Argus :happydance: indeed go back from where the case started with the clues that are out there. Someone acquainted with JR asked for search recommendations a few days ago so far just a few were given. The court case will come and go , but closure is finding Jessica
On point to clarify here is when they left the party. According to Allyn, they left at 11:30PM. JR's last text was to her boyfriend at 9:30.

The coworker who said Kylr showed up Friday morning drunk and scratched up has commented on several FB MSM posts, initials YNUO, I am sure he could tell you if you really need to find out the location.

Didn't that person state they wouldn't say where they worked for the sake of their job? ... It might put there only income in jeopardy by naming it and attaching KYs name with it too..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Didn't that person state they wouldn't say where they worked for the sake of their job? ... It might put there only income in jeopardy by naming it and attaching KYs name with it too.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't remember that exactly but then again it could be it's gotten lost in the mix of other reports I've read. I do remember one of the girls he texted the night Jessica went missing not wanting her face or name on the news because she fears him. The coworker posting on FB though could be a totally different person than the one you mention. I think most people who knew him before he was arrested don't want their name associated with him - the case looks strong but there's no guarantee at this point he won't walk, and even if he doesn't in the short term, he could still walk at some point. Heck, even if he faced murder 1 charges a jury could find him guilty of a lesser charge like voluntary manslaughter, for which he could serve as much as 15 but as little as 5 years. I think people just don't want their names on his radar. They may have given him a pass before with Kara and all his other shenanigans but I think he's really seen for what he is now.
Interesting article on murder trials in Missouri where a body was never found, showing the precedent exists in the state for Kylr to be charged with murder even if Jessica is not found.

Great article!! Thank you for posting. The part of the article that gives me the most hope is where it talks about the victim having a family and responsibility making it likely that someone close to them harmed them.

Jessica is so sweet and caring, it's not surprising at all that she held down a job at the nursing home as a baker for so long. She has two younger sisters that she would do anything for, and an enormous extended family that she keeps in touch with. No one deserves to be taken from their family and friends, but jessica is seriously the last person you would expect to disappear for any reason.

We have to find her!
Thanks, everyone. I am likely getting my wires crossed on the timeline, so please help! For the party, or simple get together, what time did Kylr and Jessica arrive and what time did they leave? I had thought, from a news source I cannot find now, that Kylr and Jessica left together around 9:30, and he was asked to leave alone after midnight. There are lots of mistakes in news articles, but this one says Jessica's boyfriend was there, but left early:

In the end, would like clarification on when they arrived at the party and when they left.
Thanks, everyone. I am likely getting my wires crossed on the timeline, so please help! For the party, or simple get together, what time did Kylr and Jessica arrive and what time did they leave? I had thought, from a news source I cannot find now, that Kylr and Jessica left together around 9:30, and he was asked to leave alone after midnight. There are lots of mistakes in news articles, but this one says Jessica's boyfriend was there, but left early:

In the end, would like clarification on when they arrived at the party and when they left.

Jabarn I do not want to confuse any more here were a few of the articles, still looking for the correct one.
Any who JR's boyfriend was not at the party, all thou they did exchange text messages that evening
IMO JR & KY arrived at the party @ 9:30pm

The 9:30 pm time was used on several different events which made it all so very confusing as you see below.

KCTV - 9/21
* JR last texted BF around 9:30 p.m. that night. Jessica's mother attempted to call but received no answer

KCTV - 9/14
* AY last seen KY around 9:30 pm

FOX - 9/13
* A friend who was at the party Thursday said Runions left at about 9:30 p.m

NBC - 9/11
* Jessica Runions, of Raymore, Mo., was last seen on Thursday night at 9:30 p.m. (10:30 p.m. E.T.) driving the SUV

KCPD - 9/10 - Updated 9/14
* It was reported she was last seen on Thursday, 9/8/16, at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Didn't that person state they wouldn't say where they worked for the sake of their job? ... It might put there only income in jeopardy by naming it and attaching KYs name with it too..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't think they want to talk to the press or post it on Facebook, but I'm sure if the family contacts him to ask so they can plan searches, he would tell them.

ETA: You can see Allyn state on JR's moms FB from Sept 9 that they left around 11. The 9:30 time is coming from the last text her bf got, so the last credible know contact.
Great article!! Thank you for posting. The part of the article that gives me the most hope is where it talks about the victim having a family and responsibility making it likely that someone close to them harmed them. Jessica is so sweet and caring, it's not surprising at all that she held down a job at the nursing home as a baker for so long. She has two younger sisters that she would do anything for, and an enormous extended family that she keeps in touch with. No one deserves to be taken from their family and friends, but jessica is seriously the last person you would expect to disappear for any reason. We have to find her!
I'm glad you found it helpful. It gave me hope as well that justice will be served in one way or another. I don't think you need to worry about that aspect. There is no way in my mind that KY will walk on the arson charges. A jury will not see a lot of what we know about KY but they won't need all of that to see who this guy is even if they only have circumstantial evidence to go on and testimonies from the people at the party. You know, I've said it here before that juries are unpredictable (and they are) but I think that all of that will take care of itself as the evidence and witness testimony will tell the story. The most important thing right now is finding Jessica. The justice system will take care of the rest somehow, some way. My heart breaks for you and everyone who is directly connected to this. No one deserves to go through the kind of pain that you're all experiencing. I can't even begin to imagine...Praying that peace will come soon for you all :heartbeat:
On the news tonight here in KC: Glad to see this is still maintaining at least a little traction with the mainstream news outlets. Ugh, the look on Kylr's face when they show him walking out to be transferred makes my stomach churn. Hoping the searches this weekend turn up something :please:

From the link "It's time for you to man up, Kylr, and give it up," said Jim Beckford.

Any appeal to Kylr really needs to appeal to him and not be a challenge or threat. If he doesn't like the Beckfords and feels they hate him, he will never say anything just to spite them IMO. Same goes for Jessica. If he feels any remorse at all for these things, they'll need to get to the bottom of where that remorse comes from to get a confession. I don't even think telling him they found her and will seek the death penalty would work - IMO he doesn't think he deserves to live anyway.

Overall I am really happy to see this coverage and that Kara's parents continue to campaign for her and now for Jessica. The truth will come out one way or another.
From the link "It's time for you to man up, Kylr, and give it up," said Jim Beckford. Any appeal to Kylr really needs to appeal to him and not be a challenge or threat. If he doesn't like the Beckfords and feels they hate him, he will never say anything just to spite them IMO. Same goes for Jessica. If he feels any remorse at all for these things, they'll need to get to the bottom of where that remorse comes from to get a confession. I don't even think telling him they found her and will seek the death penalty would work - IMO he doesn't think he deserves to live anyway. Overall I am really happy to see this coverage and that Kara's parents continue to campaign for her and now for Jessica. The truth will come out one way or another.
I think that if he possesses any remorse for his actions, it is very small and probably lies somewhere in the depths of his very dark soul. He's beyond just your run of the mill sociopath. I think he's probably borderline personality after doing some research. With that in mind, I think he sees this all as a game...Knowing that he has information that everyone else wants, knowing that he's the only one that can give that information, most likely feeds his ego. I assume it makes him feel in control and powerful, which based on his history seems to be what he wants. I don't think we're talking about a scared man here who fears for his life. I think this is someone who is enjoying toying with people and having that feeling of control. I do agree...Any appeal to him to give information needs to come from a place of compassion, not threats or challenges, however difficult that may be. It doesn't even have to be sincere compassion. He has insecurities too, whoever is interrogating him needs to feed into those. They need to learn his story, his history, what makes him tick, and then play into it. Only someone he can feel he can trust can do that, though.
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