MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #1

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Maybe they should check Kara's computer? If they haven't already. :doh: Since they thought she was a run away, maybe they didn't bother.

yup, any teenage girl who looks emo must be a runaway (whatever). LE can be really frusterating in cases where they insist these girls / boys are runaways. THey just don't have the time (they feel i think) to search for kids who "want to be lost".
i do think it looks like the dude in custody for the smith case. look at that schnoze (nose)!

OMG - yes he does. Take a look at that composite, thin the hair on the sides and add a goatee. And the eyes. Kinda dark and hooded. Very similar to the picture of the KS perp coming out of Target.

I hope the KS perp confesses to everything he has ever done. His MO is very similar to the one used in the JK case and his picture is very similar to the composite here. Very scary. Except if it is him, then it is reassuring to know he has been caught and he probably does not stand a chance in you know where to post 10% on 5 mil for bond (and if he does, I'm sure they will revoke any bail amount).

OMG - yes he does. Take a look at that composite, thin the hair on the sides and add a goatee. And the eyes. Kinda dark and hooded. Very similar to the picture of the KS perp coming out of Target.

I hope the KS perp confesses to everything he has ever done. His MO is very similar to the one used in the JK case and his picture is very similar to the composite here. Very scary. Except if it is him, then it is reassuring to know he has been caught and he probably does not stand a chance in you know where to post 10% on 5 mil for bond (and if he does, I'm sure they will revoke any bail amount).


What is the JK case?
Oh nevermind, Jennifer Kesse (sp) from Florida?
Thank you for posting all of that SuziQ. I hope we can start to learn more about Kara's case. I think I will email the people running findkarakopetsky and let them know that we have started a thread. Hopefully we can get some more "local" input
I could not find an email address on her sight, but I have sent a message to the person who is running findkarakopetsky through Myspace.
yup, any teenage girl who looks emo must be a runaway (whatever). LE can be really frusterating in cases where they insist these girls / boys are runaways. THey just don't have the time (they feel i think) to search for kids who "want to be lost".
And kids "want to be lost" shouldn't be encouraged.

My dd ranaway at 15 was hidden out by bf and my inlaws they thought it was entertaining. If there are no consequences for people helping teens run and disobey their parents these perverts can continue to get away with murder. You don't know if they are runaways or not so it helps out the bad guys there are way to many "runaways" that havent been seen in years I don't think the majority of them are alive I think they have been killed and thrown away.Which means alot more "normal" looking killers out there. The only reason they were so quick on Kelseys is because her dad is a retired policeman. My dd was supposedly seen at the walmart and we couldn't get the pictures and police wouldn't follow up. We felt she was at the bf but the police said no he says she's not there. Yeah right.
mom3dd-I think you have some very valid points! I was just talking to my husband about how a lot of "runaways" are never heard from again, or are found dead. I agree that the cops looked harder for Kelsey than normal, but I don't fault them for it. My reasons are because 1. If you have a co-worker or close friend whose child goes missing, odds are you are going to utilize every resource you have to try to help bring that child home and 2. it was very obvious from the start that she was not a runaway, and sadly, those are the cases that get more attention. I wish all runaways, and abductions had equal attention, but that isn't how it is.
Did your daughter ever make it back home?
Now, it's time we give Kara the attention she deserves
I am not faulting the police it is a fact of our society. Yes we got her back 3 months and lots of $ later hired PD. I am just angry for lots of reasons. My dd was hidden from us.No charges in our case. The Conn girl 15 was hidden from her family for a year. (brainwashing does happen yes your parents are mean heres another beer or joint aren't we wonderful to you) All the long term missing endangered runaways, just plain missing, Kelsey (should never of happened can not even comprehend why it did) Kara deserved more attention from the get go. My mom said these depraved people were always out there just didn't hear about it world smaller etc but with TV and Internet I honestly think they are sicker and more brazen?
I agree, my husband was trying to tell me it happened just as much 100 years ago we just didn't hear about it then. That's wrong IMO.
My sister was a "runaway" 17 years ago, with many suspicious people involved, but even today she is listed as a runaway. It's sickening. I'm praying that things move swiftly now for Kara's family, just so they have answers if nothing else.
The Beckfords said Kara had called the morning she disappeared asking her mother to wash her work clothes because she had to be at work at 4 p.m.

She also left behind her debit card. Her checking account has not been touched. No calls had been placed on her cell phone since the morning she disappeared, so her phone records were no help, unlike the Smith case, where police were able to track signals from her phone to the general area where her body was found.

"I'm trying to clear up confusion that she was a runaway," Mrs. Beckford said. "We had not argued. She had no reason not to come home. ... We had normal teenager parent conflicts, but we were always able to talk it out."
No link has been established between the disappearance of Smith and that of Kara Kopetsky, 17, who was last seen at Belton High School, blocks from her home, on the morning of May 4.

But Belton police Capt. Don Spears said two Belton detectives are assigned to work with investigators on the Smith case.

He said Belton police were examining evidence at the home of Edwin R. Hall, 26, who was charged Thursday with kidnap and murder in Smith's death and is being held on $5 million bond. Belton police were also considering an additional search of the wooded area where Smith's body was found, which is about six miles north of Kopetsky's home.

Smith and Kopetsky did not know each other and did not have any friends in common, Spears said.

He said his office has received about 25 new tips on Kopetsky's disappearance since Monday, two days after Smith was abducted from the Target parking lot. None of those tips have been helpful, however.
It's been more than a month since a Belton family has heard from its teenage daughter.

Kara Kopetsky, 17, disappeared on May 4. She was last seen on surveillance video in her high school hallway.

Relatives said there are no apparent clues as to her whereabouts.


There have been rumors that Kopetsky ran away. However, her parents said Kopetsky hasn't touched her bank account, she hasn't used her cell phone and she didn't take any clothes.

"There has been no contact with family or any friends. She hasn't accessed her MySpace account -- it's like she's disappeared," said Jim Beckford, Kopetsky's stepfather.

Several weeks ago, there was a possible sighting of the teen in Louisburg, Kan., but nothing definitive has come of it.


Kopetsky's friends said they're going to mount a search on Sunday.

I hope the friends get lots of help for the search.
Kara called her mother to ask her to wash her uniform for work. So unless she suddenly decided to run away with nothing but the clothes on her back some time just that day, it seems she most likely did not run away. Either that or she was so cunning she asked her Mom to wash her uniform so that her mother would not suspect anything was up. I really doubt that. She didn't take her debit card--not very good planning if she ran away. She didn't take a nearly full carton of cigarettes. I am sad to hear that she smoked, especially being so young. The point is she would most likely not have left a nearly full carton of cigarettes behind if she ran away. Actually, I don't even understand why she was classified as a runaway. What am I missing?

Was her runaway status determined by default? There was no other evidence to be found so therefor she must have runaway? If that is the case than we need to change that way of thinking. It just doesn't work, and it is not logical. And, even if she did run away, she could still be in danger as many runaways can be.

I feel so sad for her family. They seemed so distraught and in pain when I saw them interviewed. I hope and pray that dear Kara is found and that the truth of what happened to her is discovered. I feel the chances of her being found alive are grim, and I hate to even say that. But, her loving family needs to know either way as hard as that is. There is no such thing as closure victims of murdered family members say. And, I believe that. But, if she has been killed, her family needs to know. And, if someone killed that dear girl, then the killer needs to face justice and be away from society forever.

It is possible that Hall is responsible for her disappearance. I think there are great similarities between the sketch and his pic. And, I am glad that LE is now actively searching for Kara, or it seems that way. It may or may not be Hall, but I do hope she is found soon.

It is possible that Hall is responsible for her disappearance. I think there are great similarities between the sketch and his pic. And, I am glad that LE is now actively searching for Kara, or it seems that way. It may or may not be Hall, but I do hope she is found soon.

I agree. The sketch of the suspect linked to Kara looks so much like the nut case Hall. I hope LE is truly trying to resolve Kara's tragic for her family. It doesn't seem to me from what I have read she was a runaway (even if she was, doesn't matter).
Prayers for Kara and family.
Kara looks so much like Hillary Swank.
I pray she is found soon.
Thank you for posting all of that SuziQ. I hope we can start to learn more about Kara's case. I think I will email the people running findkarakopetsky and let them know that we have started a thread. Hopefully we can get some more "local" input

Now that is a great idea, thanks! And I think I'm going to post in the Kelsey thread that they crosspost any info, links, etc. to here.
One thing that I noticed about Kara's myspace is that her friends started almost immediately posting as if she met with foul play and accused Kylr of being responsible. There is a heated discussion about it in the comments section. Even her friends never thought she was a runaway. And a friend of Kara's mom had blog that fingerpointed Kylr also. Given Kara and Kylr's past problems. That would be a natural assumption. However, LE seems to have cleared him.

I can't find Kara's myspace page now. Can someone link it for me? Thanks! And I would really like to find the page for the blog accusing Kylr of being involved.
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