MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #1

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One thing that I noticed about Kara's myspace is that her friends started almost immediately posting as if she met with foul play and accused Kylr of being responsible. There is a heated discussion about it in the comments section. Even her friends never thought she was a runaway. And a friend of Kara's mom had blog that fingerpointed Kylr also. Given Kara and Kylr's past problems. That would be a natural assumption. However, LE seems to have cleared him.

I can't find Kara's myspace page now. Can someone link it for me? Thanks! And I would really like to find the page for the blog accusing Kylr of being involved.

I can fully understand why Kara's friends and perhaps her family thought that her ex bf abducted her. I read in the beginning of this thread that there were court records and documentation of kidnapping and a restraining order. At that time there were no other similar disappearance of young girls in that area. The ex bf past the polygraph, which says a lot to me.

I trust that if the test is given by someone qualified, the results can be quite conclusive--even though they cannot be used in court. No one can be forced to take a polygraph. The fact that he did and past it means he really may have had nothing to do with her disappearance. But, we cannot be sure, and it is still possible. I think the key thing here is that we rule out nothing unless or until we have facts to substantiate it. If we let feelings get in the way, we can make mistakes in judgement.

Mypost from kelseys

Today, 10:36 PM
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this is something I found...dont kill me I didnt write it but this comment stuck out to me

you are exactly right b/c i have a friend in Kansas that works in the DA's office and actually there are probably atleast 3 more girls that he has been stalking in the area but all of the details are about to unfold unfortunately. i would like to hope that kara just ran away but it doesn't look good now that he was finally caught after one of his STALKS went bad on tape at target. thank god for this guy's neighbor for CARING and making the call to capture the suspect and thank god for target. he just got desperate and his sick fantasies got out of control, and that also makes me think that there are many more victims. all that i can say is ted bundy and that is how he got caught.

i took out the name, I thought that was best as this person has nothing to do with the case. but half way down in the comments
. She didn't take a nearly full carton of cigarettes. I am sad to hear that she smoked, especially being so young. The point is she would most likely not have left a nearly full carton of cigarettes behind if she ran away. Actually, I don't even understand why she was classified as a runaway. What am I missing?


I was actually going to ask if she smoked!! I knew she just didn't disappear from the school hallway (last place they say she was seen)! I figured out earlier today that between 2nd and 3rd hour would have been about the time a smoker would want one. Every High School has a "smoking hole" where kids sneak off to smoke without being noticed. I would say this is where or near her abduction took place. Nowadays, I would say that would be off campus since tobacco is forbidden on school property. This is also why she didn't take her phone or her atm card. She wasn't counting on being gone longer than perhaps ten minutes. (I do happen to think she was abducted and didn't run away.)

Another thought I had is if this girl was smoking pot. (Not judging here) If she went out to get high, she most likely would have been meeting someone to smoke with. I keep thinking someone saw her after the "hallway" sighting and that person doesn't want to come forward because they were smoking pot...don't want to get into trouble for it etc. So they aren't saying what they actually know. It could also lead to another scenario of meeting someone who was to give her a joint from outside of the people at school.

There have been no mention of drugs from Edwin Hall, but I have my own suspicions he smoked. This would have been a good way for him to have gotten her in his truck or car without causing a scene. She wouldn't have thought about it if they were just going to ride around to get high. He could have met her while she was at work at Popeyes easily and set up such a meeting.

Would it do any good for the dogs to try to trail her from there?

The only reason she is classified as a runaway is because there is no sign of abduction.
I was actually going to ask if she smoked!! I knew she just didn't disappear from the school hallway (last place they say she was seen)! I figured out earlier today that between 2nd and 3rd hour would have been about the time a smoker would want one. Every High School has a "smoking hole" where kids sneak off to smoke without being noticed. I would say this is where or near her abduction took place. Nowadays, I would say that would be off campus since tobacco is forbidden on school property. This is also why she didn't take her phone or her atm card. She wasn't counting on being gone longer than perhaps ten minutes. (I do happen to think she was abducted and didn't run away.)

Another thought I had is if this girl was smoking pot. (Not judging here) If she went out to get high, she most likely would have been meeting someone to smoke with. I keep thinking someone saw her after the "hallway" sighting and that person doesn't want to come forward because they were smoking pot...don't want to get into trouble for it etc. So they aren't saying what they actually know. It could also lead to another scenario of meeting someone who was to give her a joint from outside of the people at school.

There have been no mention of drugs from Edwin Hall, but I have my own suspicions he smoked. This would have been a good way for him to have gotten her in his truck or car without causing a scene. She wouldn't have thought about it if they were just going to ride around to get high. He could have met her while she was at work at Popeyes easily and set up such a meeting.

Would it do any good for the dogs to try to trail her from there?

The only reason she is classified as a runaway is because there is no sign of abduction yet in LE's eyes. No one saw her being taken and they have no proof of such activity taking place.
Great point. I must read up more on this case!!
I'm more convinced than ever that Kara didn't run away. Her leaving her ATM card at home and it not being used is one sure sign imo. Unfortunately, I think she met with harm, possibly at the hand of Kelsey's murderer. I only wish Kara 's safe return. If she's not alive, I hope and pray she will be found for her families sake.
I'm more convinced than ever that Kara didn't run away. Her leaving her ATM card at home and it not being used is one sure sign imo. Unfortunately, I think she met with harm, possibly at the hand of Kelsey's murderer. I only wish Kara 's safe return. If she's not alive, I hope and pray she will be found for her families sake.
Are they still searching where Kelsey was found, for Kara? The cops seem to have played this off as she ran away. Poor Kara, I dont think she just took off.Come Home Safe Honey
Yes, they have two Belton investigators now working with LE in Kelsey's case to try to find the connection. However, I don't think they will find any real connection unless they can get evidence from his vehicle/home or he slips up in some way during an interview about Kara. The family has also renewed searches, as I understand it and this weekend there were several.

They need to put Kara's case into overdrive and develop more leads while things are still hot in Kelsey's case. It seems this has put Kara in the spotlight for the time being and they can move forward with searching in the right areas now. People passed Kara off as a runaway and now are finally realizing it may not be the case.
I found this as a latest article update.
Police Investigate Hall's Role In Another Teen Disapearance

A former Siouxland resident, accused of kidnapping and killing a Kansas teenager, could be connected to the disappearance of another girl.

Edwin Hall lived in Sioux City at 805 Rustin Street in 2002. Records show he also at one time lived on Hayden Street in Walthill, Nebraska.

And now authorities in Belton, Missouri are trying to figure out if he kidnapped 17 year old Kara Kopetsky, who was last seen on May fourth.

Kopetsky's home is located about six miles from the woods where Smith's body was found on Wednesday.
They need to put Kara's case into overdrive and develop more leads while things are still hot in Kelsey's case. It seems this has put Kara in the spotlight for the time being and they can move forward with searching in the right areas now. People passed Kara off as a runaway and now are finally realizing it may not be the case.

Absolutely. It's a shame that a teenaged girl's missing claim is seen as being a runaway. How ludicrous. You're right, Kara's case needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.

We have to remember too that the contents and evidence in both Kelsey's car and Hall's truck haven't been released. Tons of info may be there.
Ah, SeriouslySearching you have a good point about the ciggy smoke sneak theory. I hesitate to mention anything about pot because we have no reason to think that, and I hope everyone knows it is just a possibility.

If a skilled handler/dog team, where the dog was taught scent discrimination and was presented with the least contaminated personal article of Kara's at the point last seen, the dog may have trailed to where she went from there. But, after about three days in most cases the trail goes cold. Sometimes depending on various conditions such as temperature, humidity, and surface type the trail can be good for longer. But, by now it is too late.

Also, the trail may have gone cold once she got into a vehicle. But, at least they would have a start. The dog may have trailed a little bit in the direction the vehicle went giving at least some possible idea of which way she went. But, there would have been a lot of cross contamination possibly causing some problems, and she was not given the attention early on to have done anything like that. It is too late for that now.

I heard that LE is considering searching further in the area where dear Kelsey was found. I am sorry I don't have a link. If they have a probable search area, a cadaver dog team or a human remains detection dog team would be the best bet.

The Amber Harris case is one of the worse ones I have ever seen where LE assumed the child to be a runaway. Just like Kara asking her mother to wash her uniform, Amber was seen on the bus taking off her makeup because she wasn't allowed to wear it. In both cases it's clear these girls were intending to go home. They didn't use trailing dogs from the bus stop nor did they when her bookbag was found and contained some of her clothes. She wound up being found in a shallow grave at a park 5 miles from her house.

Personally I think any runaway is in danger anyway and they often become victims so LE should be trying to find them. Isn't it a good thing to get them safely home? If I were LE I'd much rather knock on the parents door and be able to hand deliver their child to them than have that other unbearable news.

My other thoughts now that someone brought up Kara sneaking out for a cigarette. I don't doubt Edwin Hall or even some other predator would troll high school areas for victims. Kelsey did just graduate high school and these nuts often have same victim types. It's often a matter of opportunity. He could've trolled any number of times where opportunity did not present itself. The abduction of Kelsey is hardly what could be considered an opportunity, quite the opposite imo but was brought on by an uncontrollable urge. I hate to say it because we know the outcome if so but I think EH is responsible for Kara's disappearance.
Great discussions everyone The problem with Kara's case is going to be the length of time between when she went missing and when her case was thought of as being a mere runaway. She also left behind money in a bank account that has never been touched. For a teenager that's unusual, every penny is every penny.
I agree. The sketch of the suspect linked to Kara looks so much like the nut case Hall. I hope LE is truly trying to resolve Kara's tragic for her family. It doesn't seem to me from what I have read she was a runaway (even if she was, doesn't matter).
Prayers for Kara and family.

The problem with that is the sketch were from witnesses that said they saw Kara. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this but it was also two weeks after she disappeared she was supposed to have been spotted. I got the impression that she was willingly with that guy according to the witnesses. That would be one reason LE stopped seriously searching for her. They probably thought she ran off with a boyfriend instead of considering the witnesses were wrong about who they saw.
The problem with that is the sketch were from witnesses that said they saw Kara. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this but it was also two weeks after she disappeared she was supposed to have been spotted. I got the impression that she was willingly with that guy according to the witnesses. That would be one reason LE stopped seriously searching for her. They probably thought she ran off with a boyfriend instead of considering the witnesses were wrong about who they saw.

The problem that I have with the sighting is that witnesses will remember a face before they remember when they saw the face. I could very well see Hall coming across Kara and saying" Let me buy you a soda". They end up at that convenience store and three weeks later LE is asking about it.
Great discussions everyone The problem with Kara's case is going to be the length of time between when she went missing and when her case was thought of as being a mere runaway. She also left behind money in a bank account that has never been touched. For a teenager that's unusual, every penny is every penny.

If there was money in her account that just shows how ridiculous the idea of a runaway is. I didn't know there was money in the account because surely she would've withdrawn it. If she was a runaway of course she'd leave the phone and bank account alone so she couldn't be traced. I don't believe for a minute she would've left money behind.
The problem that I have with the sighting is that witnesses will remember a face before they remember when they saw the face. I could very well see Hall coming across Kara and saying" Let me buy you a soda". They end up at that convenience store and three weeks later LE is asking about it.

That's very true, witnesses are often wrong and with time memory fades. Another problem with the witness sighting if they are sure it was her had they seen her pic on the news and immediately recognized her or saw it after she was there and thought to themselves I think that girl was in my store the other day, etc. The woman that spotted Shasta Groene recognized her from the posters and pics on the news and immediately called police.
If there was money in her account that just shows how ridiculous the idea of a runaway is. I didn't know there was money in the account because surely she would've withdrawn it. If she was a runaway of course she'd leave the phone and bank account alone so she couldn't be traced. I don't believe for a minute she would've left money behind.

Totally agree.

Hope we are wrong though and that Kara is safe and sound and staying with friends.

I so wish some of these so quickly labelled runaway cases would be taken more seriously much earlier on. We see way too many of them!
The problem with that is the sketch were from witnesses that said they saw Kara. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this but it was also two weeks after she disappeared she was supposed to have been spotted. I got the impression that she was willingly with that guy according to the witnesses. That would be one reason LE stopped seriously searching for her. They probably thought she ran off with a boyfriend instead of considering the witnesses were wrong about who they saw.

And what IF they were wrong? I have seen many girls that would fit her description while "hanging out" with my teen!
Until you have seen the number of teens that go missing "ON PURPOSE" as opposed to those don' can't distinguish...which is LE's exact problem. They have to legally follow the guidelines..I guess. (Those are outdated if I may so myself!) Anytime a child goes missing...we should look at it as a "Missing" not a "Runaway" first!
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