MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #1

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That's why I'm saying I personally don't think she 'ranaway.' She left her clothes, cigaretts (her mom was gone during the day and she could have gone home and gotten them,) she left her cell phone in her locker at school, IIRC, and she hasn't used any of her $$.

It's not FREE to runaway. LOL, just ask my sis. She ran away three times. The first two times she came home within days. The third time she was gone for three weeks. Oh, we knew she was ok, just didn't know where she was. That is until the people she was staying with got tired of supporting her and called my parents to come pick her up.

Nah.....Kara didn't runaway, IMHO. She might have gone out for a smoke during school hours and been grabbed just like Kelsey. Or, that guy did look young, I never would have taken him for 26, and she might have thought he was a student and got in the car to hide her smoking and he drove away.

Once Ted Bundy would get the girls in a position he could do it, he'd knock them unconscious. That's why most of his victims were found beaten AND strangled.

I still think LE or the family needs to go back to the vicinity of where they found Kelsey and look for more victims. It's only six miles from where Kara disappeared.

Look, from what i understand, this guy supposedly worked nights and his wife worked days. I also understand he had started collecting 'scrap metal.' Well, the 'scrap metal' deal would give him a reason to be out 'cruising' during the day. Kara was at a high school, prime location to find a victim. It could have just been an 'opportunity' he couldn't resist. Girl alone while classes were in session.

IMHO, Kelsey is NOT this guy's first victim.


Excellent post, Fran. ITA with every word of it.
Anyone besides me notice that Kara's myspace page lists Nebraska? It's right down past her pic on the right hand side under other stats. Wasn't Edwin Hall's wife from there? At some point I think Edwin was living in Nebraska? May not mean anything but worth LE checking out. I don't think Edwin knew Kelsey beforehand but that may not be the case with Kara. Many serial killers and predators use different methods to get their victims.
Anyone besides me notice that Kara's myspace page lists Nebraska? It's right down past her pic on the right hand side under other stats. Wasn't Edwin Hall's wife from there? At some point I think Edwin was living in Nebraska? May not mean anything but worth LE checking out. I don't think Edwin knew Kelsey beforehand but that may not be the case with Kara. Many serial killers and predators use different methods to get their victims.
I dont see it :confused:
I can say I feel like whoever (EH) did this to kelsey did this to Kara, But IMO we cant go off the sketch. I think that was a bad tip and believe she is very close to them just like Kelsey was. I am glad she is getting more media attention now!!!
He's not a homely little thing at all. In fact, Kylr Yust is very attractive, in my opinion, and edgy enough (they used to call it 'alternative' in my day.. haha) that a girl with a rebellious streak like Kara would be completely in love with and in fact, she said so herself on her myspace about having 'dedicated the last 9 months of her life' to him. To add to that, seeing the photos of Edwin Hall, with his tattoo, goatee and when his hair was longer and if he was wearing those converse sneakers he would be EXACTLY the sort of guy Kara would not only be attracted to but even feel 'safe' with as he seems to be a lot like her type and one tends to trust one's own type more.

In any case, here's Kylr Yust's photo.

Kylr is a very attractive boy, and I don't think the guy in the sketch or Hall could even compare to him at all. The guy in the sketch and Hall look like they have something wrong with them, like fetal alcohol syndrome or some genetic problems. I wonder if Hall even had a distinct personality by having his tatoos and goatee or if it was just a cover to blend in and try to attract girls.
Kylr is a very attractive boy, and I don't think the guy in the sketch or Hall could even compare to him at all. The guy in the sketch and Hall look like they have something wrong with them, like fetal alcohol syndrome or some genetic problems. I wonder if Hall even had a distinct personality by having his tatoos and goatee or if it was just a cover to blend in and try to attract girls.

Ok, between Huffs and here and Kelsey's thread I feel like I'm putting out fires. Hall does NOT have FAS. People with FAS have no lines running vertically between their upper lips and nose. They usually have deformed ears and their eyes are almost downs like. While Hall may have had some damage done prenatally. It is NOT FAS.
Ok, between Huffs and here and Kelsey's thread I feel like I'm putting out fires. Hall does NOT have FAS. People with FAS have no lines running vertically between their upper lips and nose. They usually have deformed ears and their eyes are almost downs like. While Hall may have had some damage done prenatally. It is NOT FAS.

I agree with you Suzi. I don't see any signs of fetal alcohol syndrome in him, either. To me he looks like a run of the mill guy, and I wonder if anyone would have looked twice at him in real life previous to all of this.

I agree with you Suzi. I don't see any signs of fetal alcohol syndrome in him, either. To me he looks like a run of the mill guy, and I wonder if anyone would have looked twice at him in real life previous to all of this.


You may have hit the nail on the head, so to speak, Lion. Maybe no one DID notice Hall previously to this. Could be part of his motive. He didn't get the attention he craved. It would explain why his myspace page etc. were going for the shock value, imo.

I don't see any signs of FAS either. I believe his ego is the biggest issue.
Thats right Jade-her mother said she left a carton at home (carton has 10 packs in it)

My apologies, I misread carton.. I would never have made the point had I read propoerly :doh:
I don't think he looks like he has FAS but he does look creepy with his eyes all spread so far apart and that big nose nothing attractive about him at all like I said looks creepy to me. :silenced:

Kylr is a very attractive boy, and I don't think the guy in the sketch or Hall could even compare to him at all. The guy in the sketch and Hall look like they have something wrong with them, like fetal alcohol syndrome or some genetic problems. I wonder if Hall even had a distinct personality by having his tatoos and goatee or if it was just a cover to blend in and try to attract girls.
I hope there is some news on Kara today. (Saying a little prayer for Kara and her family.)
I do not think that it is possible to establish motive/guilt by one's appearance. It is often found that mental and emotional damage causes unusual appearance sometimes, but establishing guilt will take another turn other than what his face looks like.
There was a serial killer story that I read, (so long ago, I have forgotten who) that he told police some 20 or years after he had been convicted of many murders, (might be Ted Bundy) that he had first killed a girl when he was very young, and he liked it, so he did it again starting years later, in a different manner and in different places. It is possible that Kara's case could be completely different if she is found deceased, than Kelsey, and yet have the same perp.
Just my opinions, and ideas....
I don't think he looks like he has FAS but he does look creepy with his eyes all spread so far apart and that big nose nothing attractive about him at all like I said looks creepy to me. :silenced:

He doesn't do a thing for me either. I guess it just depends on your taste. I do think he looks pretty normal though. I don't even think he looks threatening. Which is to his advantage if he was out trolling for victims.
He doesn't do a thing for me either. I guess it just depends on your taste. I do think he looks pretty normal though. I don't even think he looks threatening. Which is to his advantage if he was out trolling for victims.

I totally agree with you, SuziQ. And, I really think that he wouldn't be described negatively (not the police video or a police pic--no one looks happy in them) if all of this didn't happen.

If Kara had left a full packet of ciggies at home, I doubt she would have had another packet at school. I've smoked for 16 years and never have umpteem packets in different places!

So, if she sneaked out for a ciggie break... who did she get one from?

Although, I don't have a link, chicoliving posted this

chicoliving said:
FNC is covering this now. Her ATM hasn't been used in a month, no contact with anyone. Everything the same in her bedroom at home including an almost full carton of cigs which her mother points out.

People who buy cigarettes by the carton generally are the type that do not want to run out of cigarettes. The carton was described as almost full. She most likely had a pack with her. Even if the carton was full, she most likely had a pack with her that was from a previous carton. And, even if she had no cigarettes with her, she reportedly went to go have a smoke, so she may have borrowed one from a class mate.

It is even a remote possibility that she went out hoping to find another class mate having a cigarette and planned on asking for one. I think we should not lose site of the bottom line. She reportedly went out to have a smoke and was not seen again(unless the later report was accurate). We can only speculate what we do not know about.

IMO, Kara had gotten out of class to get her book. And saw the opportunity to grab a quick smoke. No one else would have been with her. Otherwise we would have a witness, or suspect. The last person with Kara would be considered a suspect until cleared. I wonder though, where kids at Kara's school go to smoke. Is it on or off school grounds? Is it secluded? Is it by a street? Were other girls aproached by anyone suspicious in the days or weeks prior to Kara's dissapearance? I hope LE is asking all of the questions. Sorry for the crappy spelling and grammer. I'm very tired and sore today. I've been doing big landscaping projects.
IMO, Kara had gotten out of class to get her book. And saw the opportunity to grab a quick smoke. No one else would have been with her. Otherwise we would have a witness, or suspect. The last person with Kara would be considered a suspect until cleared. I wonder though, where kids at Kara's school go to smoke. Is it on or off school grounds? Is it secluded? Is it by a street? Were other girls aproached by anyone suspicious in the days or weeks prior to Kara's dissapearance? I hope LE is asking all of the questions. Sorry for the crappy spelling and grammer. I'm very tired and sore today. I've been doing big landscaping projects.

Good thinking, and this may have been what happened. I sooo hope that dear Kara is found, but it looks very grim concerning whether nor not she is still alive. I really don't think she ran off leaving her cigarettes, with nothing but the clothes on her back. Oh, and you articulate and spell just fine, SuziQ:).

Lol, thanks. I look at my posts sometimes and think "I was an english major in high school?!" Sheesh.
I don't think he looks like he has FAS but he does look creepy with his eyes all spread so far apart and that big nose nothing attractive about him at all like I said looks creepy to me. :silenced:
Dont kill me here but other than the mugshot, I thought he was attractive. And no I am not in love with a psyco, just pointing out who you may think is ugly, the next person might not agree.
He doesn't do a thing for me either. I guess it just depends on your taste. I do think he looks pretty normal though. I don't even think he looks threatening. Which is to his advantage if he was out trolling for victims.
This has probaly helped him through the years, if he is who we think he is.
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