MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #12

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Wouldn't it make more sense that the exit was made through the front door?

Is there a floor-plan of the house available? I thought I may have seen one a few days ago but have no idea were to find it.
Messy house equals child killer? Oh man, am I in trouble!

Me intruder wouldn't want to come in here, if he/she doesn't trip and fall and break their leg in the dark on a toy left on the floor they will trip on our black friendly cat who is always underfoot!
So I assume nothing new? Just checking in before bed... I keep hoping to come and find that she has been found. I'm still on the fence but as time goes by, I just don't know.
Nope, not a thing. (Sigh.)
There is something else that I was thinking of that makes the intruder perp story less plausible to me. DB says she closes all the doors, even the bedroom doors, at night. So the perp comes in, and selects the right door to kidnap Lisa. He/she doesn't accidentally open the wrong doors, or if he/she does it wakes no one?

If the kidnapper was not a stranger, then he/she would know where the baby's room was, so no guessing would be necessary.

Most excellent observations - I think this was very Sherlock Holmes like Tuffy.

As EllaMae points out, the "kidnapper" IS NOT A STRANGER.

There is simply no way that a stranger could have selected the right room, selected the perfect night to do this, etc.

That eliminates 6 billion people.

It leaves about 12.

ALL have been cleared.

Except the mother.
My youngest daughter is in so much trouble then. I was over watching her kids for a few minutes today and pointing out the chips on the floor to the dog to eat. LOL LOL LOL

I never have to swept my floor. It's in the dog's mouth before it can hit the floor.
MHA if this has been explored in earlier thread but has anyone read and discussed:
Headline: Cop Shop: Relatives pray for missing Missouri

Quote from Article: "Deborah Netz Bradley, the mother of baby Lisa, is a second cousin to Donna Pretti, an investigator for the Delaware County Medical Examiner’s office, and Eddystone Patrolman Joseph Pretti. Donna and Joe are first cousins."

I'm guessing: The parents have some pretty relevant and knowledgeable advice-leading on how to deal with LE. And media?
I didn't follow this case the first 2 days so I want to ask if there were any reports of LE doing the through the window experiment before today? If not, what took so long? Were they focusing on mom too much and ignoring the intruder angle? I noticed in the early photos there are blue bins (recycling?) next to the front porch and now they are gone. They would make a great step for climbing in a window. I made DH watch the window video and told him "this is why you need to lock the window when you close it, not just close it!" (he has a bad habit of that) I am a stickler about closing the windows and securing them at night. Our home does not have adequate shade so when the sun goes down and it is cool outside our house is still very warm but I would rather shut the windows and pay for the a/c to run than have someone come in my home and have something awful happen. We live a few miles from a state park that has a small male correctional facility within it and low security. Inmates have walked away before. Non-violent offenders but ya never know!

Not that I've read. I'm not sure maybe they were trying to rule in the window or rule it out. Theorize about possibility or not?
Most excellent observations - I think this was very Sherlock Holmes like Tuffy.

As EllaMae points out, the "kidnapper" IS NOT A STRANGER.

There is simply no way that a stranger could have selected the right room, selected the perfect night to do this, etc.

That eliminates 6 billion people.

It leaves about 12.

ALL have been cleared.

Except the mother.
I personally think that some of those six billion are probably still in play.

And neither the mother nor father has even been named a person of interest, let alone a suspect.

But we know that the former undoubtedly is, at least unofficially, to LE.
My granddaughter has stayed with me 3-4 nights a week since she was born (and is with me 6-7 days a week besides). She is just over 3 years old. When she is sick with a cold or other bug, she wants to lay in my bed with me for a few minutes of comfort, but then she wants to go back to her bed. Sometimes when she is having trouble breathing, we will sit in the rocking chair and she will doze with her head on my chest, but then she awakens and wants to sleep in her own bed. Only when she was a newborn did she ever sleep a full night in my bed with me. Once she realized that she had a bed of her own, she wanted to sleep in it, even when I preferred that she sleep with me. She has never been one to fall asleep on the floor while playing, or while watching a movie--she has always let me know that she is sleepy and ready for "nappies."

She also wakes up if someone puts a key in the door lock, or touches the end of her bed--none of that "dead to the world" deep sleeping for her. She wakes up if a fly changes direction in mid-air! I have never seen anything like it--her daddy slept through diaper changes and even through middle of the night (necessity) baths!

And on that train of thought--I sleep like the dead. I have slept through hurricanes, earthquakes, and even being carried by a fireman out of my burning bed and being set into the snow as an adult.

When I still had my granddaughter sleeping in my room with me, I woke up whenever she turned over or stretched her legs. Now that she is in her own room, I can hear her if she clears her throat or starts whimpering in her sleep.
A while back I was watching a crime show and I can't remember exactly what the story was about but the police were calling BS on this guy who said he crawled in this window. There was a table and knick knack stand right by it and blocking a big part of the window. They filmed him crawling in it again and he did it without knocking anything over or off. It looked like he just had about a 12 inch by 12 inch area to do it. Everyone's eyes bugged out when he did.
Not that I've read. I'm not sure maybe they were trying to rule in the window or rule it out. Theorize about possibility or not?

The policeman was able to get in through that window, so it's clearly possible.
Although of course when the policeman got in, the screen was not in it.
Grrrrr....can find nothing new on KCTV5, the station in one of BeanE's posts which tweeted they'd have a story from Wyandotte County KS tonight. Still looking though.
Most excellent observations - I think this was very Sherlock Holmes like Tuffy.

As EllaMae points out, the "kidnapper" IS NOT A STRANGER.

There is simply no way that a stranger could have selected the right room, selected the perfect night to do this, etc.

That eliminates 6 billion people.

It leaves about 12.

ALL have been cleared.

Except the mother.
It happened to Polly Klass. Stranger abductions do take place.
Grrrrr....can find nothing new on KCTV5, the station in one of BeanE's posts which tweeted they'd have a story from Wyandotte County KS tonight. Still looking though.

Wondering if the tag line for that promo was a little sensationalistic....I believe the race today where the flyers were being passed out is in Wyandotte County? I think that may be what they are referring to?
I see nothing odd about closing the bedroom doors when sleeping. That is something that we do. The girls go to bed and I don't want to keep them awake because of the tv so we shut their door. I usually sleep a little later than they do so I shut my door so that they won't wake me up, especially when one or both of them will get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

About an intruder breaking into the house when people are asleep and mom not hearing anything or the boys not waking up, I can see that as entirely possible as well. During the spring and fall we usually have our windows open at night to allow the cool air in. We live on a hill so the back of our house is 2 1/2 stories up off the ground. One night someone apparently used a knife and slit open our bedroom window. I never heard a thing and neither one of our dogs alerted me to what was going on. We discovered it the next day and looked outside to see how it was done. They had placed a plastic lawn chair under our window to stand on. Apparently they either heard me making noise and got scared off or they simply couldn't reach high enough to climb in.

I remember during the first few media interviews of women such as Susan Smith, Billie Dunn, Cindy Anthony, etc I always had a gut feeling that they were not being honest and had something to do with the missing persons disappearance. With this case I have not had that feeling, not with the mom anyway. I have however sensed that something is not right with dad. During their Today Show interview on Friday I noticed something that bothered me. When mom was getting upset, talking and crying harder, dad put his hand on her leg/knee and squeezed it. It reminded me of Cindy Anthony doing the same thing to George when she was wanting him to shut up about something.

I hope and pray that Lisa is found safe soon.
Tough to do - hundreds and hundreds in the KC metro area of about two million people.

Yabut, not that many stores open at 3 am. Walmart is usually open, but then he would likely be seen as unusal carrying a baby around at that time.

I think cities should get rid of the red light cameras and put them on every street corner for surveillance.
EricKCTV5 Eric Chaloux
KCPD went to WYCO to investigate lead in #LisaIrwin case. We will show you where and why when the news starts at 1030 on KCTV5 News.
24 seconds ago
Here's BeanE's original post.

Hmmm....don't think passing out stuff at NASCAR event is "a lead," but if that's what they're referring to, they perhaps did overhype it just a bit, lol. Not sure if race was in Wyandotte Co or Johnson Co though, both on KS side, so there's that.
OK so Mom remembered during the Judge P show or at least the first time we heard this was that she was using the computer and forgot to shut the window? Do I have that right?

And mom remembers that she closed all the bedroom doors but she forgot to lock the front door?

And all of the lights were on but she had shut them off right?

And the dog didn't bark or she didn't hear it, the baby monitor was on but she didn't hear anything?

She didn't hear her husband entering when he got home from work? That would be another door opening and closing. Until he woke her?

Even with him trying to shut the window with the broken screen which he said he couldn't shut. That had to make some noise. Then he opened the doors to the boys room and then baby Lisa? And she still didn't hear anything?

I want to know if Mom took some medication or if she took a sleep aid because she seemed to not secure that house before going to bed, and seemed to sleep through intruders and her husband moving through that house undetected. Scary that multiple people were moving about that house and she didn't hear them. She didn't hear his vehicle either when he got home?

I don't know guys. That is allot of not hearing.
Yabut, not that many stores open at 3 am. Walmart is usually open, but then he would likely be seen as unusal carrying a baby around at that time.

I think cities should get rid of the red light cameras and put them on every street corner for surveillance.
That's be a way to reduce it, true, but still - that's still many hours an already worn-out and tired LE would have to spend, betting on an off-chance.
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