MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #12

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What was the motivation for the intruder - burglary or kidnapping? Usually one or the other, not both. I agree, however, it is difficult to come up with a plausible scenario.


I agree that it is not usually both. But there are that rare breed of crazy, creepy intruders that do not fit the usual mode.

Your average opportunity burglar, finding an open front door is going to grab the cell phones and look around for anything else they can quickly take. But they also do not usually turn on all of the lights. [ if they did so]

But there are crazy transients who do weird things that make no sense. And these are the types of perps that make a crime scene really confusing and it makes the innocent victims look possibly guilty because of all of the inconsistent circumstances.
Yes, she said "We aren't mad", I believe it's on the interview with ABC on Friday. She said it a couple of times.

I believe Trisha said she sent Dr. Glass a video to watch and then comment on re: the body language, ect.

Debbie was saying that she wasn't mad AT POLICE....not that she wasn't mad at whoever took her baby.

She was trying to convey the sentiment that she understood the need for LE to interrogate her, and that she was still willing to work with LE.
If the boys were sick, maybe they had been given Nyquil. Maybe that's why they slept so good. I'm not sure if I can ask this question, but I'm assuming school has started in KC. And I'm assuming the boys go to school. What did mom and baby do while the boys were at school?

Also, is mom's room in the basement? When I lived in a basement apt, I always heard the tenants upstairs. I could hear every little move both on carpet and wood and linoleum floors.
"We're not angry". Was she freaking out when she said this? Crying while saying it? To me this means that she's speaking to someone in particular, like she knows. A child? A young person? Her partner?

I think to anyone who took her child. I definitely wouldn't want to piss them off either by telling them I was angry or mad. I know you didn't address that in your post, I was just continuing a thought.
First night that hubby worked night shift, IMO, I wouldn't sleep that well without my guy.
JMOO. always took me a few nights to get used to him gone.
Speaking of sleeping....I hear my grandbaby when she cries, but I do not hear my daughter when she is up and about with her. I guess it would be possible to come in my front door and if no crying baby you could take what you want, lol. I do have a window ac and I have been keeping it on fan just because I need the noise.
Thanks Shelby1. I guess she could have said "we are very pissed and whoever has Lisa better bring her back now". Maybe Debbie thought that a response such as that would anger the kidnapper? Just an Idea.

I don't know whether she said that in regards to LE or the kidnapper (s) gut tells me LE. But, I've been wrong a LOT before lol.
(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
[FONT=&quot]#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago



"We're not angry". Was she freaking out when she said this? Crying while saying it? To me this means that she's speaking to someone in particular, like she knows. A child? A young person? Her partner?

I agree with you, Matou. While a part of me (well, most of me) thinks the mom is involved somehow, it does sound like she is talking to someone specifically. The teen? Someone else she suspects? That's how we talk to our children when we want the truth - "We won't get angry - just tell us what happened", etc.

ETA: Okay, I see that this may be in response to LE...
Can someone tell me what would happen if the intruder lived very close by, took the phones, turned them off and then tossed them under a bush on their OWN property?

Would the phones still ping as possibly still being on the Irwin property or would they ping showing that they were on the property of the offending neighbor?

Would that be too close for the "ping machine" to differentiate?

Not an expert at all but in the Gail Palmgren threads, we have talked pings quite a bit and my understanding is that they don't ping when off or when the battery is removed.
I don't think it is plausible. Calling 911 and/or Poison Control is the way a loving parent would handle an OD....or even by taking a trip to the ER. The children don't die because they receive immediate medical attention. An OD or poisoning handled any other way would raise suspicion.

In Silar Newton's case no one tried to get him any help, and I think he was deliberately drugged.

There was the week, back in 1992, when I had to call poison control twice in one week. Twins. That says it all.

They worked in tangent like little elves in Santa's Toy Shop....what one could not do, two certainly could. Fort Knox has never invented a child-proof lock that these two identical girls could not unhinge.

The first call was because they found their way into the cleaning closet and worked like master-thieves to break in and get the ammonia. When I found them, they had opened the lid and poured the ammonia into the tub....and they were in the tub. I couldn't be sure they didn't have any in their mouths so I had to call poison control
The second call, a few days later, came because they opened a brand new box that contained Children's Nyquil. Do they even make this toxin anymore? I don't know. But they worked together to open the new box, take off the plastic pressure seal, unscrew the child-proof lid, slide a chair over to the kitchen sink and attempt to medicate themselves. They did this in the 2 minutes I ran to answer the phone.
I just knew Family Services would ring my bell within 48 hours. But no. I continued to raise these Houdini twins to adulthood....and am happy to report that they are 20 years old and quite lovely. Believe it or not, their older brothers also survived my parental abilities~or lack thereof.
Hey Everyone,

Shelby1 was a guest on Websleuths Radio this week and she did a FANTASTIC JOB. She explained her timeline.

Thanks Shelby1. I guess she could have said "we are very pissed and whoever has Lisa better bring her back now". Maybe Debbie thought that a response such as that would anger the kidnapper? Just an Idea.

Don't kill the messenger.:innocent: I think Dr. Glass used that as an illustration when Tricia asked her what she thought was a little "off" about Debbie. IIRC Dr. Glass said she thought she was a little too nice, a little too calm.
There is something else that I was thinking of that makes the intruder perp story less plausible to me. DB says she closes all the doors, even the bedroom doors, at night. So the perp comes in, and selects the right door to kidnap Lisa. He/she doesn't accidentally open the wrong doors, or if he/she does it wakes no one?
Must say good night now, however not without saying a prayer that Lisa is found soon, and that she is safe. Hopefully tomorrow there will be some good news!


(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
[FONT=&quot]#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago



Thanks! I had not seen that quote until just now.
I'm going to try to sign off for awhile but I hate to because this thread moves a mile a minute! Feel free to sloooooooooowwwww down for awhile. ;)
Can someone tell me what would happen if the intruder lived very close by, took the phones, turned them off and then tossed them under a bush on their OWN property?

Would the phones still ping as possibly still being on the Irwin property or would they ping showing that they were on the property of the offending neighbor?

Would that be too close for the "ping machine" to differentiate?

That depends on the cell phone and if it has GPS. If it has GPS, they would find it. If it doesn't, they would only know the general area. Also, just so you know, FBI can remotely activate the microphone on most cell phones these days and listen in to the conversations going on around the phone...they don't have to be GPS phones to do this. It's known as the 'Roving Bug'. You can learn more about it here.....
Prayers....big prayers that baby Lisa is ok, being cared for, and will be brought back to her family as I rest.

Timeline is in my signature.

It's raining here...a LONG LONG needed rain in the land of the sunflowers. I'm going to shut my eyes to the sound of drops hitting my downspout. It's lovely.[/QUOTE]


Thank you for your work with the timeline. Here we may get snow and those flakes are way too silent. ;)
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