MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #12

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I understand that there will be many ODs, but there has to be a way that we can find out how many children have DIED from an OD. This theory comes up in so many cases, but is it really plausible? That's why I would like to see the statistic.

I don't think it is plausible. Calling 911 and/or Poison Control is the way a loving parent would handle an OD....or even by taking a trip to the ER. The children don't die because they receive immediate medical attention. An OD or poisoning handled any other way would raise suspicion.

In Silar Newton's case no one tried to get him any help, and I think he was deliberately drugged.
I missed part of the show. In what context did Debbie say they were not mad. Not mad at whom or what?.

(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
[FONT=&quot]#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago


Can someone tell me what would happen if the intruder lived very close by, took the phones, turned them off and then tossed them under a bush on their OWN property?

Would the phones still ping as possibly still being on the Irwin property or would they ping showing that they were on the property of the offending neighbor?

Would that be too close for the "ping machine" to differentiate?
One thing I haven't really seen mentioned regarding mom's sleep that night is the possibility of sleep issues. I have sleep apnea. Before I got my CPAP machine, I slept like the dead while raising young twins. Since I got it (7 years ago), I can't hear a thing when I have it on and literally have to be shaken awake (I just sleep more normal hours now).

IMO unless you have a sleep disorder, you have no idea how it affects your life and your sleep patterns.
I understand that there will be many ODs, but there has to be a way that we can find out how many children have DIED from an OD. This theory comes up in so many cases, but is it really plausible? That's why I would like to see the statistic.
I can find ODs by name of drug, but I am still looking for total number of all ODs. The problem with this is that many ODs will not be reported to those who tabulate such data and parents frequently don't recognize that their child's new strange symptoms were from being overdosed. Not all ODs children end up in the ER receiving treatment, but this doesn't mean that they were not overdosed. Overdose does not always =death.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
Eyes for Lies got it all wrong in the Somer Thompson case with the her study of Diena Thompson's interview.
Prayers....big prayers that baby Lisa is ok, being cared for, and will be brought back to her family as I rest.

Timeline is in my signature.

It's raining here...a LONG LONG needed rain in the land of the sunflowers. I'm going to shut my eyes to the sound of drops hitting my downspout. It's lovely.
I missed part of the show. In what context did Debbie say they were not mad. Not mad at whom or what?.

IIRC, Debbie says she wasn't mad at LE for the extensive questioning. She understood why it was necessary.
Prayers....big prayers that baby Lisa is ok, being cared for, and will be brought back to her family as I rest.

Timeline is in my signature.

It's raining here...a LONG LONG needed rain in the land of the sunflowers. I'm going to shut my eyes to the sound of drops hitting my downspout. It's lovely.

Nothing like rain in a Kansas October.
Maybe I am not the typical cat lover, but I find it odd a mother would allow a stray cat she knows nothing about health wise to sleep in her bed and with her 6 year old? And with a sick baby in house. A sick baby would be enough to tend to without worrying about a stray kitty.And the father questions why the child is in bed but not the stray cat??? Just another thing that strikes me odd.

You're right, you're not the typical cat lover.


Seriously, however, the boy may have wanted the kitten to sleep with him, and mom relented. It made the boy happy. I have also brought kittens into my house where there are other cats without them first being checked by a vet; as the other cats have all had vaccinations and one can often tell if a kitten is sick by outward appearance.
"We're not angry". Was she freaking out when she said this? Crying while saying it? To me this means that she's speaking to someone in particular, like she knows. A child? A young person? Her partner?
(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
[FONT=&quot]#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago



I never understood when that was said that she was talking about the kidnapper but rather LE.
(thank you BeanE for gathering these)
[FONT=&quot]#LisaIrwin's mom:We want to thank everybody who has helped us so far.
1 minute ago

#LisaIrwin's mom: we are not angry, we just want our daughter home, that's all we care about.
2 minutes ago


Thanks Shelby1. I guess she could have said "we are very pissed and whoever has Lisa better bring her back now". Maybe Debbie thought that a response such as that would anger the kidnapper? Just an Idea.
Does anyone know if the floors in the home are carpeted? tia
I can find ODs by name of drug, but I am still looking for total number of all ODs. The problem with this is that many ODs will not be reported to those who tabulate such data and parents frequently don't recognize that their child's new strange symptoms were from being overdosed. Not all ODs children end up in the ER receiving treatment, but this doesn't mean that they were not overdosed. Overdose does not always =death.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Found a statistic from the CDC on 2-year-olds and overdoses:

One out of every 180 two-year-olds visits an emergency department for a medication poisoning.

Realize that many parents do not understand that their child's new bizarre symptoms are related to medication the child ingested and therefore, many overdoses will not be seen in the ER. Other parents will be too afraid to seek treatment for their overdosed child especially if they administered the med. CPS might be contacted and they could lose temporary or permanent custody of their children.

From the same site:
In 2007, 29,846 (74 percent) of the 40,059 poisoning deaths in the United States were unintentional. Unintentional poisoning death rates have been rising steadily since 1992. Unintentional poisoning includes the use of drugs or chemicals for recreational purposes in excessive amounts, such as an “overdose.” It also includes the excessive use of drugs or chemicals for non-recreational purposes, such as by a toddler.
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