MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #12

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I agree with you, Matou. While a part of me (well, most of me) thinks the mom is involved somehow, it does sound like she is talking to someone specifically. The teen? Someone else she suspects? That's how we talk to our children when we want the truth - "We won't get angry - just tell us what happened", etc.

ETA: Okay, I see that this may be in response to LE...

Here is the entire quote, in context...

On Thursday night, Kansas City Police Department captain Steve Young announced at a press conference that Irwin and Bradley “decided to stop talking to detectives, and I don’t have to illustrate how that affects the investigation. That speaks for itself.’’ The police still say there are no suspects in the case.

“We don’t have any hard feelings,’’ Deborah Bradley told Lauer. “We’re not mad. We understand this is what they have to do. We’re not angry. We just want our daughter back.’’
There was the week, back in 1992, when I had to call poison control twice in one week. Twins. That says it all.

They worked in tangent like little elves in Santa's Toy Shop....what one could not do, two certainly could. Fort Knox has never invented a child-proof lock that these two identical girls could not unhinge.

The first call was because they found their way into the cleaning closet and worked like master-thieves to break in and get the ammonia. When I found them, they had opened the lid and poured the ammonia into the tub....and they were in the tub. I couldn't be sure they didn't have any in their mouths so I had to call poison control
The second call, a few days later, came because they opened a brand new box that contained Children's Nyquil. Do they even make this toxin anymore? I don't know. But they worked together to open the new box, take off the plastic pressure seal, unscrew the child-proof lid, slide a chair over to the kitchen sink and attempt to medicate themselves. They did this in the 2 minutes I ran to answer the phone.
I just knew Family Services would ring my bell within 48 hours. But no. I continued to raise these Houdini twins to adulthood....and am happy to report that they are 20 years old and quite lovely. Believe it or not, their older brothers also survived my parental abilities~or lack thereof.

Oh I can so relate!!!
If one looks at the floor plan of the house and notes where bedroom doors are placed in relation to where the bed would most likely be, it is possible that very little light was visible in the room to awaken a sleeping person. JMO
Originally I was very suspicious of the mom. Mostly because of the hinky circumstances. But as time goes on I am starting to think that it may have been a break-in. perhaps a couple of drugged up teens even. imoo
Did anyone listen to Dr. Lillian Glass on WS radio? I liked her analysis of the whole thing. Especially the part where she talked about DB saying that they were not mad. She said, "I would be mad if anyone stole anything of mine, not to mention my child" i thought she made a good point. I have been listening to her for years, and to me she always is spot on.

:waitasec:Mad at who? I thought DB's point was that she wasn't mad at LE, not the purported kidnapper. Not to mention, that maybe DB has enough sense to try to keep a decent relationship with LE. How would it benefit them for her to say "she's mad". I've watched Dr. Glass a lot on HLN, etc. Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I don't. JMO
I agree that it is not usually both. But there are that rare breed of crazy, creepy intruders that do not fit the usual mode.

Your average opportunity burglar, finding an open front door is going to grab the cell phones and look around for anything else they can quickly take. But they also do not usually turn on all of the lights. [ if they did so]

But there are crazy transients who do weird things that make no sense. And these are the types of perps that make a crime scene really confusing and it makes the innocent victims look possibly guilty because of all of the inconsistent circumstances.

When I was a young adult a neighbor teen who was mentally ill preyed on the area for years. He meandered all over at night and would spend many hours in houses with the occupants there sleeping. Eating, drinking their liquor, going through all the drawers. He would take their cigs, lighters, wallets and anything else right off their nightstands. Most people never woke and caught him. IIRC there were only a couple of times he was caught and arrested. there were many nights this kid went on a mini crime spree in a single night. Breaking into houses, cars, lighting things on fire, letting dogs out of their yards and houses.
When I was a young adult a neighbor teen who was mentally ill preyed on the area for years. He meandered all over at night and would spend many hours in houses with the occupants there sleeping. Eating, drinking their liquor, going through all the drawers. He would take their cigs, lighters, wallets and anything else right off their nightstands. Most people never woke and caught him. IIRC there were only a couple of times he was caught and arrested. there were many nights this kid went on a mini crime spree in a single night. Breaking into houses, cars, lighting things on fire, letting dogs out of their yards and houses.

Now that's scary!
I don't know whether she said that in regards to LE or the kidnapper (s) gut tells me LE. But, I've been wrong a LOT before lol.

Hey thanks. If it was in regards to LE then she did right by saying that. If it was in regards to kidnappers, there could be room for some debate.
Maybe I am not the typical cat lover, but I find it odd a mother would allow a stray cat she knows nothing about health wise to sleep in her bed and with her 6 year old? And with a sick baby in house. A sick baby would be enough to tend to without worrying about a stray kitty.And the father questions why the child is in bed but not the stray cat??? Just another thing that strikes me odd.

Several cat ailments have an incubation period in which you'd notice nothing abnormal for several days to a couple weeks. There's ringworm to consider, tape worms, fleas, scabies an other parasites. I'm not your typical cat lover either. I used to run a rescue that specialized in cats. I absolutely adore them and it's nothing for me to cart home a dumpster kitty occasionally, even now. Under NO circumstances would I put a newly acquired cat/kitten near my child..especially in close proximity to another child who's sick and is obviously going to potentially have an already compromised immune system. You can vaccinate what you have...but what you bring in may have something you can't see.
Of course, consider that I'm wrapped entirely too tight over the sick cat thing after some of what I've witnessed in the years I spent in rescue work. The average person just doesn't know what could happen. Worst case, you could unknowingly bring in a cat who looks perfectly healthy, but in reality carries the rabies virus. Pretty scary, huh?
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That reminds me of Charles Manson and his gang of drug addled misfits. They used to enter homes at night while the occupants were sleeping, and roam around just for fun. They called it something...I think it was "creepy crawling".

Can you imagine waking up one night to find that group crawling through your house?
I don't think it is plausible. Calling 911 and/or Poison Control is the way a loving parent would handle an OD....or even by taking a trip to the ER. The children don't die because they receive immediate medical attention. An OD or poisoning handled any other way would raise suspicion.

In Silar Newton's case no one tried to get him any help, and I think he was deliberately drugged.
If a parent accidentally overdosed their child on a medication that made the child sleepy, the child would just go to sleep and might never wake up. The parents would not know that they had OD the child until they found the child dead. There would not be an ER visit or poison control call. This is the precise danger of giving adult cough syrups that contain dextromethorphan to children.
There was the week, back in 1992, when I had to call poison control twice in one week. Twins. That says it all.

They worked in tangent like little elves in Santa's Toy Shop....what one could not do, two certainly could. Fort Knox has never invented a child-proof lock that these two identical girls could not unhinge.

The first call was because they found their way into the cleaning closet and worked like master-thieves to break in and get the ammonia. When I found them, they had opened the lid and poured the ammonia into the tub....and they were in the tub. I couldn't be sure they didn't have any in their mouths so I had to call poison control
The second call, a few days later, came because they opened a brand new box that contained Children's Nyquil. Do they even make this toxin anymore? I don't know. But they worked together to open the new box, take off the plastic pressure seal, unscrew the child-proof lid, slide a chair over to the kitchen sink and attempt to medicate themselves. They did this in the 2 minutes I ran to answer the phone.
I just knew Family Services would ring my bell within 48 hours. But no. I continued to raise these Houdini twins to adulthood....and am happy to report that they are 20 years old and quite lovely. Believe it or not, their older brothers also survived my parental abilities~or lack thereof.

They still make it, although the ingredients have probably changed since then. My son drank an entire bottle of YELLOW triaminic, if you remember that awful stuff. I knew he had it, but the lid was clicking and I figured I could get the diaper on his nb sister. Noooo, he got it off and drank it. I called poison control and went to the er because I didn't know about the syrup that makes them throw up. When sister got bigger I had 2 of these scares, one with iron supplements! That one got us a night in the hospital, they both survived and are now getting paid back by their own kids. My son's youngest drank some peroxide when they first moved a few months ago.
I would like to know if Dad volunteered for the late shift or if it was assigned to him at random. My suspicion is that something happened to Lisa sometime after the party that they attended and that Dad might have traded shifts or volunteered for the night shift to facilitate a staged kidnapping. I suspect that Lisa was removed from the home before Dad went to work. Mom may had had the lights on late into the night while she cleaned house and got rid of any soiled sheets or clothing.

I think they ditched the cell phones thinking that it might keep LE from being able to track where they went to dispose of the body earlier in the day. Even if just one of the phones had calls or pings which could cast suspicion, they decided to ditch them all so there would not be a question of why the "kidnapper " would take one phone and not the others.

That's just my latest version. I'm sure it will change. MOO

I think the only thing burned in the dumpster was clothing or sheets or cleaning rags. Cell phones would stil be identifiable even if burned, and if they had tried to burn a body the fire wouldn't have completely consumed it and it would smell like a burned body.
When I was a young adult a neighbor teen who was mentally ill preyed on the area for years. He meandered all over at night and would spend many hours in houses with the occupants there sleeping. Eating, drinking their liquor, going through all the drawers. He would take their cigs, lighters, wallets and anything else right off their nightstands. Most people never woke and caught him. IIRC there were only a couple of times he was caught and arrested. there were many nights this kid went on a mini crime spree in a single night. Breaking into houses, cars, lighting things on fire, letting dogs out of their yards and houses.

Exactly. I knew if a similar situation, but not as extreme. There was a crazy guy in his early 20's who moved back in with his parents. He used to break into people's homes in our neighborhood when people were mostly at work. He would shower, make food, watch cable tv, and then leave. Finally people began putting in cameras and he was busted. he did not really hurt anyone so he ended up in a hospital.
That reminds me of Charles Manson and his gang of drug addled misfits. They used to enter homes at night while the occupants were sleeping, and roam around just for fun. They called it something...I think it was "creepy crawling".

Can you imagine waking up one night to find that group crawling through your house?
Yep, creepy crawling it surely was.
Hey thanks. If it was in regards to LE then she did right by saying that. If it was in regards to kidnappers, there could be room for some debate.

Post #61 above gives the interview in context and the link. She was referring to LE.
Don't kill the messenger.:innocent: I think Dr. Glass used that as an illustration when Tricia asked her what she thought was a little "off" about Debbie. IIRC Dr. Glass said she thought she was a little too nice, a little too calm.

I think Dr Glass is great. What was your opinion. Do you agree with Dr.Glass?
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