MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

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What is in those woods??? Why keep going back to the woods - if cell phones are pinging from the woods, they should be able to locate them easily within 2-3 feet using GPS technology.

Have talked myself into that it is not the cell phones pinging which is causing them to go back into the woods again.
I gotta go. something will happen while im gone. it always does. I think that the phones are pinging from the woods. Lots of searchers in there. moo
IMO, no. By the time I had baby number 2, I didn't care what they wore to bed as long as it was clean(ish) LOL and wasn't hazardous to sleep in. There's enough laundry to do with 3 small children, no sense in making more for no good reason.

lol, you're funny. Yes I can imagine. I was just curious about it.
not to me. particularly if they were part of a sleep outfit or if they were daywear but made of something like cotton. As long as they were comfortable, I can see her being put to bed wearing them. I have had sick little ones that age and if the baby was sleepy or sleeping when she was put down, I would see no reason to disturb her by changing her into a sleeper after a long day of dealing with a child who is under the weather. kids slept and still sleep in whatever they fall asleep in. I'm not a tucker-in kind of family. It was always "where ever they dropped"....still that way and they are 18 and 14
It was stated in one of the news conferences or news reports. It was the police spokesman who stated it though.

This makes no sense. He would have his own phone, on the truck or on his person.
Didn't Netz/Bradley live in Fort Bragg NC? Pope AIr force base is right nearby.
I have the notion her former/estranged? spouse was in the military. Ft Bragg houses airborne divisions - but I didn't think there was a whole lot of interaction between Army and Air Force.

The airforce base is now part of the army base. Yes they interact. soldiers leave from the airforce base to deploy. I didnt know that she lived in the fort bragg area?
The phone interview that the father did with Fox news this morning was clear, concise, concerned and completely appropriate in terms of speech pattern, tone of voice and specific responses to all questions to which he was replying.


Yes you are right on that interview. I watched the action 5 news one and he was also concise. It was the one on the Today show with Anne Currie that I was concerned about. That was the only one I had seen before I posted.
I have to wonder if mom or dad has any ex's that are abusive and controlling.

Just a thought.

This is what I've been thinking, too. A bitter and disgruntled ex who has been unable to 'get on with his/her life'. Sees that Deborah and Jeremy have a happy family, complete with a beautiful baby girl. Decides to punish someone by destroying that happy family scenario.
I am seriously wondering if they have found any evidence/markings out in that woods where somebody had been camping/staying for any period of time.

I do not believe it is the cell phones pinging as they could be traced to almost within inches using GPS technology.

Bet they have found evidence that someone was staying in the woods - sort of on a surveillance mission so to speak.
This is what I've been thinking, too. A bitter and disgruntled ex who has been unable to 'get on with his/her life'. Sees that Deborah and Jeremy have a happy family, complete with a beautiful baby girl. Decides to punish someone by destroying that happy family scenario.

Hope you are wrong, would make me think LIsa is under the manhole covers.
dont u have to have a smart phone to gps track? what if the phones werent smart phones? moo
If the phones were to be of help (pinging, etc.) that should have been able to be accomplished very quickly, probably by Tuesday morning wouldn't take this long.
and u live in the neighborhood? right? :seeya:

Yep. most of my life in fact. Just barely out of site of their house, but I either drive past it or walk past it almost daily and have seen this family out with the kids very often.

I sure feel for them, but not to sound bad, I am so ready to go back to our tranquil, boring little neighborhood. The constant drone of the helicopters and media lights and generators is kinda grating on everybody's nerves.
This is what I've been thinking, too. A bitter and disgruntled ex who has been unable to 'get on with his/her life'. Sees that Deborah and Jeremy have a happy family, complete with a beautiful baby girl. Decides to punish someone by destroying that happy family scenario.

I'm leaning towards that theory as well in light of what the Lisa's mom said in the PC. She said their family was now complete with Lisa's arrival <paraphrasing>.

I may have missed discussions about the home. Did they purchase this home together or was it a home that one or the other previously lived in and the other moved in? Who else may have had a key to the home?
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