MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #7

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I'm a fence sitter as well - I don't want to think poorly of the family OR of LE. That said, just because there's nothing bad about LE in the news or in rumors, does not mean that there may not be issues. With my job, I've seen LE who have skirted the line, or behaved unethical, without hearing anything prior - or even come from the issue.

That same skepticism can go towards the family. Some families can appear very happy and loving - with no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I'm sitting on the fence with this one. I'd love to believe the best of both parties, but I'll also acknowledge its totally possible LE has botched this or the family is at fault.

I'm right here with you on both counts.

Is the FBI and other agencies involved? The more agencies that are working together on a case like this, the more I would be leaning toward LE making sure their I's are dotted and there T's are crossed before publicly announcing the mom is a person of interest.
iirc there is also an inconsistency in the time mom put baby Lisa to bed. Deborah said she last saw the baby when she put her to bed @10:30PM. Dad said the baby was put to bed@ her normal bedtime, around 7-8PM
OMG. I'm never going to catch up! I finally got to the last page of the previous thread thinking, "Whew. I made it!" Then I found out that the last post was the link to the new thread! Nooooooo!

Me, too, Beachy - c'mon, I'll race you to the finish line lol!

First one there buys drinks. :crazy:
I'm a fence sitter as well - I don't want to think poorly of the family OR of LE. That said, just because there's nothing bad about LE in the news or in rumors, does not mean that there may not be issues. With my job, I've seen LE who have skirted the line, or behaved unethical, without hearing anything prior - or even come from the issue.

That same skepticism can go towards the family. Some families can appear very happy and loving - with no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I'm sitting on the fence with this one. I'd love to believe the best of both parties, but I'll also acknowledge its totally possible LE has botched this or the family is at fault.

I'm curious, though. Does it necessarily mean that LE has botched anything? This case is only 4 days old.

I'm wondering if LE just told Deborah that she failed as a tool to increase pressure so they can be sure they are getting everything out of her that they can?
If the report about the 2:30 AM phone call is true, how could an intruder be involved? The only scenario I can think of is that the kidnapper forgot their cell phone, and had to made a call to their accomplice using the Irwins' phone. But why would they steal all three cell phones in that case?
Kimster a lot of hinky stuff that each one could be explained but putting them all together is what makes that hinky off the chart for me.

Notice the statements made, they go from (Husband) "They took the phones so we couldn't call LE" (ME) how does he know THEY?

Mother said we, then I then we, very mixed. On the surface all looks innocent can be explained as stress but again, putting it all in the bigger picture each one fits to start to complete the puzzle.

For me anyway. It seems there are very mixed views on this case. I was the first one who said this Mother is innocent on day one. Day two she is innocent, day 3 she is innocent, day 4, my gosh this mother is involved. MOO
I'm a fence sitter as well - I don't want to think poorly of the family OR of LE. That said, just because there's nothing bad about LE in the news or in rumors, does not mean that there may not be issues. With my job, I've seen LE who have skirted the line, or behaved unethical, without hearing anything prior - or even come from the issue.

That same skepticism can go towards the family. Some families can appear very happy and loving - with no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I'm sitting on the fence with this one. I'd love to believe the best of both parties, but I'll also acknowledge its totally possible LE has botched this or the family is at fault.

And then there are the cases where LE seems to have botched the investigation and the family seems to be at fault (Hailey Dunn, anyone?).
She failed a polygraph...miserably. :cry:

Note - this was not confirmed by Young, and this was Fox News reporting. They stated that it was a confirmed LE source, but Young would not confirm it. Although reported in MSM, we're not sure where this statement came from.
I don't know a lot about this case like you guys do who have been following it, but unless LE has had some prior issues in the news (like the LE dept in the Hailey Dunn case), I can't imagine why they would be looking at the mom's direction unless there was something concerning them - whether the problem is right or wrong. There must be something she did or said that is deeply troubling them.

Have there been inconsistencies in what she's said in the news?

Failed polygraph and alleged phone call made from the mom at 2:30 AM from one of the missing cell phones she said were taken from the home. This came from FOX claiming the info came from a police source.
Real life has interfered with my WS reading. Trying to catch up. I just don't see this mom as guilty. I hope I am right and little Lisa is found and comes home safely.
Me, too, Beachy - c'mon, I'll race you to the finish line lol!

First one there buys drinks. :crazy:

Oooh! I'll race too! (but will make sure I only come in second :D)
Note - this was not confirmed by Young, and this was Fox News reporting. They stated that it was a confirmed LE source, but Young would not confirm it. Although reported in MSM, we're not sure where this statement came from.

Mom admitted to failing the polygraph.
I posted the links to the pictures. Here they are again:

danbharris dan harris
Hanging on the wall in missing baby Lisa Irwin's nursery: tiny hand and footprints. @Nightline
2 hours ago

danbharris dan harris
The crib where missing baby Lisa Irwin was, according to her mom, last seen. More on @Nightline.
2 hours ago

Apparently momtective loaded them to her photobucket.

Since the pics are from the reporter's yfrog account, they were most likely taken today. The reporters take pics with their phones all the time, and load them to yfrog, and tweet them.


Re: the bold - I agree with reporters snapping and tweeting pics, however the glaring red flag to me about that pic being current is that that there is no way they could have currently been using that infant tub to bathe 10 month old Lisa. She is far too big for that now, kwim?

I'm just not sure the photo is current... and have reporters even been inside the home to take photos? Or could someone have just furnished them a pic, per their request maybe? Sorry if this is repetitive. Just playing catch up here...
Forgive me for even typing this, but my theory is that this is " an accident that snowballed out of control". Mom looks and acts terrified and full of grief, while dad looks totally stunned. Still praying for this beautiful baby, but it's not looking so good.
I don't know a lot about this case like you guys do who have been following it, but unless LE has had some prior issues in the news (like the LE dept in the Hailey Dunn case), I can't imagine why they would be looking at the mom's direction unless there was something concerning them - whether the problem is right or wrong. There must be something she did or said that is deeply troubling them.

Have there been inconsistencies in what she's said in the news?

Sometimes a reputable LE keeps their cards close to their bullet-proof vests. I'm willing to bet they have something and we just don't know what it is yet. I respect that.
Note - this was not confirmed by Young, and this was Fox News reporting. They stated that it was a confirmed LE source, but Young would not confirm it. Although reported in MSM, we're not sure where this statement came from.

If LE leaked the results of a polygraph to Fox News, then there's something rotten in the local Police Department. That's a VERY unethical thing to do, especially as polygraphs are not reliable enough to be admissable in court.
Wow, this was an interesting video, for studying body language. JMHO

When Lisa breaks down and starts to cry, she pushes her head into Jeremy's chest and he doesn't put his arms around her to comfort her at all. His mom and dad are in back, the mom pats Lisa's shoulder, barely.

Either those are the coldest people in the world, or they don't believe her.

Yup. I agree--their body language screams that they are suspicious of her. I think that LE has shared info with them that has changed their view of her--I am still thinking maybe she was having an affair that can be proven by texts/email. But I don't think that they suspect her of having done something to the baby herself. I can't imagine them standing next to her if they thought she was directly responsible. They probably figure, well, we will put whatever else aside for now, and work together to try to find this baby.
I'm curious, though. Does it necessarily mean that LE has botched anything? This case is only 4 days old.

I'm wondering if LE just told Deborah that she failed as a tool to increase pressure so they can be sure they are getting everything out of her that they can?
When cases are botched, they're generally botched early, I think. Hard to recover from, too. Hoping it's not the case here.
I'm right here with you on both counts.

Is the FBI and other agencies involved? The more agencies that are working together on a case like this, the more I would be leaning toward LE making sure their I's are dotted and there T's are crossed before publicly announcing the mom is a person of interest.

Yes, FBI is on the case...I don't think they jump on parents for the heck of it, IMO.
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