MO - Michael Brown's stepfather being investigated for inciting riot

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Good lord , the man has lost his stepson of course he is angry. I would be likley to say the same in that situation, if I lost my unarmed teen to an armed officer. Details aside. Is he responsible for the crowd reaction to the verdict?

With all due respect, yes. The crowd looked to him (and mom) as a focal point -- for direction. They took their lead from him. It was also their way to show their support for the family, and what they perceived as this injustice committed against them. I agree that he just lost his stepson and was probably angry. However, I've never seen another parent who has lost a child react in that way. They've been able to grieve while not directing people to "burn this b***** down!".
I think the stepfathers comments were clearly inappropriate . But I don't think it changed a darn thing to be honest. I doubt many people even heard him, and I doubt many people even knew who he was. The only way he should be charged IMO is if it can be proven there was some sort of premeditation and that there were rioters waiting on his word as to what to do.


Oh...I don't know. Let me play devil's advocate for a minute, here. Let's say, instead of saying, "Burn this b**** down!", the stepfather said to the crowd, in a calm, but sad voice, "We are all disappointed by the GJ's decision...however, to further honor and respect Michael, I ask you all to disband peacefully, and go home and hug your children tonight." I wonder how many people would have looked at him and said, "Hell no! We're going to burn this b***** down!!"
Michael Brown's Stepfather apologize's

Something came over me as I watched and listened to my wife, the mother of Michael Brown, Jr., react to the gut-wrenching news that the cop who killed her son wouldn't be charged with a crime. My emotions admittedly got the best of me.
This is my family. I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were, and granted, I screamed out words that I shouldn't have screamed in the heat of the moment. It was wrong and I humbly apologize to all of those who read my pain. Snipped
(this was just on CNN- I do not have a link)
Michael Brown's Stepfather apologize's

Something came over me as I watched and listened to my wife, the mother of Michael Brown, Jr., react to the gut-wrenching news that the cop who killed her son wouldn't be charged with a crime. My emotions admittedly got the best of me.
This is my family. I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were, and granted, I screamed out words that I shouldn't have screamed in the heat of the moment. It was wrong and I humbly apologize to all of those who read my pain. Snipped
(this was just on CNN- I do not have a link)

.........but you already knew the decision of the weren't just now finding this out, when you "screamed out words that" you " shouldn't have screamed out."
IMO I hope they accept his apology so the madness ends. To many people have been killed. The Holidays are coming in a few weeks and I do not want any other child without their parents. I want the children to sing their holiday songs in school and be with their families. It will spread more violence everywhere.

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Martin Luther King Jr.
Michael Brown's Stepfather apologize's

Something came over me as I watched and listened to my wife, the mother of Michael Brown, Jr., react to the gut-wrenching news that the cop who killed her son wouldn't be charged with a crime. My emotions admittedly got the best of me.
This is my family. I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were, and granted, I screamed out words that I shouldn't have screamed in the heat of the moment. It was wrong and I humbly apologize to all of those who read my pain. Snipped
(this was just on CNN- I do not have a link)

He's under investigation of course he's sorry now. Give me a break.
Oh...I don't know. Let me play devil's advocate for a minute, here. Let's say, instead of saying, "Burn this b**** down!", the stepfather said to the crowd, in a calm, but sad voice, "We are all disappointed by the GJ's decision...however, to further honor and respect Michael, I ask you all to disband peacefully, and go home and hug your children tonight." I wonder how many people would have looked at him and said, "Hell no! We're going to burn this b***** down!!"

Probably most would have acted that way, that is my point. I don't think it mattered one little bit what he said.
I wonder how the local business owners and their employees feel right about now.
Will they say ok he was just upset?
The owners now have no income.
The employees now have no income.
And Christmas is right around the corner I bet they are not in the mood to sing Christmas songs!
My heart goes out to the owners and employees!
IMO I hope they accept his apology so the madness ends. To many people have been killed. The Holidays are coming in a few weeks and I do not want any other child without their parents. I want the children to sing their holiday songs in school and be with their families. It will spread more violence everywhere.

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Martin Luther King Jr.

They could have accepted the GJ's ruling and none of this would have happened from start to finish.
BUT.......... They didn't now look :(
Michael Brown's stepfather sorry for outburst in Ferguson protests

Head said Wednesday that "emotions got the best of me" on the night of November 24 in Ferguson, Missouri, when he yelled "Burn this motherf---er down!" and "Burn this ***** down!"

"I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were, and granted, I screamed out words that I shouldn't have screamed in the heat of the moment," he said in a statement obtained exclusively by CNN's Don Lemon. "It was wrong, and I humbly apologize to all of those who read my pain and anger as a true desire for what I want for our community.
In a statement obtained by NBC News, Louis Head, who is married to Brown's mother, apologized to those "who read my pain and anger as a true desire for what I want for our community. It wasn't."

Authorities are considering whether to charge Head for inciting a riot. Angry crowds burned buildings, looted stores and clashed with police on Nov. 24 after the grand jury returned its decision. St. Louis County police said they were aware of the statement but would not comment further.
Probably most would have acted that way, that is my point. I don't think it mattered one little bit what he said.

No, they would not have. Because they have not. Other parents have had children killed. He is the only person I've ever seen (or heard of) do this.

ETA: Although we will probably never agree on this point, I do admire your tenacity in your support of MB's family.
Maybe the family should have grieved in private. Maybe they should have put more effort in listening to what the GJ heard. If they knew their son at all, they weren't surprised by the video of the robbery, by the fact that he had been smoking pot, or that he had attacked the officer who asked him to get out of the road.
I am sorry for anyone who loses a child, even if that child was robbing a bank when it happened. But, that does not excuse what he did, or their behavior. I also feel for a young cop, trying to do his job, and being attacked. His life will never be the same. I listen to other cops, black and white, who said he was within his rights to shoot. But no one in the media wants to publish that, cause it makes sense to people like me, who do not see LE as the enemy. The people of Ferguson are being used, to cause a problem, to open a dialog, that is not even about what they are upset over. I don't even know how many people from Ferguson are even still involved in this.
This is a sad day for America. As for being on the white side, it changes my opinion of how I am felt about by the black race, and I have many black friends, co-workers, in-laws.
All MOO.
Question...If LH is arrested for inciting a riot would he just get an appearance ticket to appear at a later date?
Michael Brown's stepfather sorry for outburst in Ferguson protests

Head said Wednesday that "emotions got the best of me" on the night of November 24 in Ferguson, Missouri, when he yelled "Burn this motherf---er down!" and "Burn this ***** down!"

"I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were, and granted, I screamed out words that I shouldn't have screamed in the heat of the moment," he said in a statement obtained exclusively by CNN's Don Lemon. "It was wrong, and I humbly apologize to all of those who read my pain and anger as a true desire for what I want for our community.

Cnn states that this statement was obtained by Don Lemon...
I have a feeling that the step- dad didn't write those words.
Imo someone wrote them for him.
Oh yea, right. Blame the cops when some low lifes set the cars on fire. It's the cops fault the city burned down too, right?

Mike Brown set his own death in motion by attacking the cop. Just like his stepfather set the riots in motion, imo.
Thank you!!!! Well said. Take responsibility for YOUR OWN actions!!!

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