Found Deceased MO - Nicholas Diemel, 35, & Justin, 24, brothers missing, Clinton County, 21 July 2019 *ARREST*

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Thanks for alerting us to this!!

Thanks for posting the link.

Yeah. There are ALL kinds of red flags about that dude just from the short video. It's a huge jump from fraud to murder but I definitely don't get a good feeling about this case. Especially the longer it goes on.

From watching the video, I could see how he would be able to sell the Brooklyn bridge.
Hi all!

Been following along and just thought I’d share a little info about feeding cattle that may help answer some questions. My husband has a cow/calf operation, has fed cattle at similar to what these two brothers do, and also used to be a financial lender for cattle feeders.

It’s not surprising (to me) that the men would feed cattle with someone who is known to be a criminal. Finding a quality lot to feed at is tricky, and even though he may have committed fraud, if he’s a good feeder (meaning he feeds cattle well, they gain weight and stay healthy in his care, show well at a sale), then I could see them giving him a shot at caring for their animals. There are also times where you just need a place to take your cattle at the last minute and if the “good” lots are all full, you may settle for a less than ideal place.

Because buying often happens at the drop of a hat (prices fluctuate greatly based on markets, number of cattle at the sale barn that day, etc), the last minute nature and short duration of their trip aren’t red flags to me. My husband often traveled like this (still does), and if you didn’t know the ins and outs of his business it would seem super sketchy. I think it’s also fairly common to show up at a feed yard unannounced with plans to only stay a short while as you look your cattle over.

While there are many less than upstanding feeders out there, the whole situation is pretty mind boggling! We’ve been shorted money or billed unfairly, and my husband has even had to report a feeder who had actually committed fraud, but it’s hard to imagine a scenario that would lead to the murder of two adult men. Hoping things aren’t what they seem and these two can get home to their families!
Thanks for alerting us to this!!

Thanks for posting the link.

Yeah. There are ALL kinds of red flags about that dude just from the short video. It's a huge jump from fraud to murder but I definitely don't get a good feeling about this case. Especially the longer it goes on.
Perhaps it is because he has already spent 2 years in federal prison that made him go so far as murder, so he wouldn't have to return. Maybe he got caught in the same kind of fraud by the brothers and he took the chance of eliminating the accusers thinking that with them gone he may not get caught.
Thanks for alerting us to this!!

Thanks for posting the link.

I agree that it's a huge jump from fraud to murder. That's why I think it was an unannounced visit that escalated and ended badly. I feel if he knew they were coming, he would have gotten some type of story together beforehand. He's obviously a good talker.

Yeah. There are ALL kinds of red flags about that dude just from the short video. It's a huge jump from fraud to murder but I definitely don't get a good feeling about this case. Especially the longer it goes on.
6 days missing and 3 days searching is so disheartening. Can't even begin to imagine what the families are going through. I'm wondering if there'll be an announcement at tonight's PC to say they've found remains in that burn pile like in the ML case. I mean, I really hope not but that's what it's looking like to me JMO
This J guy, has he been named in MSM? I appreciate all of the information about him but has he been named with respect to this investigation? TIA
Is it possible that a perp (or perps) took them to and left/buried them in a place that won't be searched, i.e. not on their property?
authorities have searched multiple locations. At least one of the locations they searched was an open area which did not require a search warrant. At least one of the search locations was in Caldwell county. Source: KTTN

If these 2 brothers have been victims of foul play, which unfortunately at this point appears to be more likely than not, Missouri does have the death penalty:

Capital punishment in Missouri - Wikipedia

IF, indeed, something nefarious has happened to these 2 men, I would certainly expect the prosecutor to file capital murder charges against the perpetrator(s), given the utter devastation this would wreak upon their family members.

Tragic case.

I hope they're find alive.

I hope they're found, period.

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I thought the same thing. He was very young when convicted. I'm from the area and I don't remember many young men having such large farms unless it was a family farm. It's also incredible that after his conviction he seems to have gone back into the cattle business again...

This is my exact thought. I’m only a couple hours away and I haven’t ever
I saw on the wife's FB page that their plane tickets were purchased on 7/17 (just 3 days before their trip) so that appears to me that it was a last minute trip IMO
Perhaps it is because he has already spent 2 years in federal prison that made him go so far as murder, so he wouldn't have to return. Maybe he got caught in the same kind of fraud by the brothers and he took the chance of eliminating the accusers thinking that with them gone he may not get caught.

That's a good point. But why not, you know, just stop committing fraud? Obviously not a snarky question to you but to him. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think they can outsmart LE when it comes to stuff like this. I mean, we're talking about two grown men who have gone missing.

I agree that it's a huge jump from fraud to murder. That's why I think it was an unannounced visit that escalated and ended badly. I feel if he knew they were coming, he would have gotten some type of story together beforehand. He's obviously a good talker.

I tend to agree with you, especially now that we know their flights were purchased on the 17th (I think it was the 17th). It may just be because of what we suspect him of but I did not see him as a good talker or salesman at all. I found him to be quite childish and unable to take responsibility for what he had done. I totally rolled my eyes when he said that it's not like he had taken a trip to Hawaii or
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