MO MO - Ricky McCormick, 41, St Louis, 30 June 1999

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Solved and sent to FBI.
without looking at what I sent the other day, the message is how to write and encrypted text using just the first letter of the word. It is only a best guess to what word is used, but, the last line at the bottom of the Page (DRFXL)
or "Did Reader find Extra Letter?" the last symbol is a question mark. CBE - "Can Be Encrypted" The majority of the text is a reference to PSE- Plain Sight Encryption.

I could be wrong..
He was ordered to have a mental health evaluation which it says was done on an inpatient basis. It doesn't say anything about being found insane.
Since it was pretrial, am guessing it was a competency exam.

In other words, what I am saying is... "Sex Offender" has a lot of views.
Agreed, however in this case, and from my read of the court docs, McCormick was in his 40s and the victim was under 14.
Solved and sent to FBI.
without looking at what I sent the other day, the message is how to write and encrypted text using just the first letter of the word. It is only a best guess to what word is used, but, the last line at the bottom of the Page (DRFXL)
or "Did Reader find Extra Letter?" the last symbol is a question mark. CBE - "Can Be Encrypted" The majority of the text is a reference to PSE- Plain Sight Encryption.

I could be wrong..

I think if Ricky wanted to challenge the reader to find an extra letter, he would have written his note more carefully. :crazy:

Honestly, the part after the part that says "D-W-M-Y" used to look like "MIL" or "HIL" to me. But if I enlarge it lots, it's starting to look like "1786"!
What looks Arabic to you--maybe if you shared some specific letter, I might see it too? To me the most confusing letters are the "N"--is it an N or a dash/tilde and the "E" which sometimes looks like an arrow. But, I'm not seeing Arabic.

Here's an example of Arabic writing:

Well, I looked through the mirror again- with Arabic writing in mind, but did not see it as I had, when just relying on first impressions.I think it was the up and down sort of lines, that to this western eye- seemed exotic and somewhat Iraqi-like.Just a quick first impression from a reflection.
The n's were not unlike w's and I agree that the E is arrow-like.
I still see, or think I see numbers/pictures? tucked into letters, not unlike the infamous initials of the Simpson's show creator Matt Groening, that form Homer's ear.
The problem with this charge is, you can have a 16, 17, or 18 year old kid who has a fling with a 15 year old girl, and he is labeled for life!! This whole area of SO status needs to be redefined on a national level IMHO. I honestly would not be surprised to hear that RM had a sexual encounter with a girl that was "under age". He was not assaulting toddlers, I would bet my small fortune on that! I would also love to see a system capable of distinguishing 18 year old people who have sex with 15 year old girls from the likes of Joseph Duncan, et. al. In other words, what I am saying is... "Sex Offender" has a lot of views.
it's different in this case...
in a previous post
Originally Posted by DeadCat:
(snip)The below article explains that 2 of RM's children were from this "sexual affair".

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri), November 19, 1992, THURSDAY,
Hi guys....I have just sat here for the last 3 to 4 hours reading this whole thread and the one thing that stumps me more than the code itself is Why the hell are the FBI interested in this case and gone public with it?????

After being on websleuths for a couple of years now, there have been so many murders that the FBI havent even been involved in. This guy was an uneducated guy with a criminal record, probably associating with others on the outer of nice society, with a heart and lung condition. He could have been killed by someone he was hanging around with or just randomly tumbled and killed. They dont even know if this code is of importance, it could be ramblings. It is a big call to say it is linked to who killed him and it seems a lot of time and money spent following that lead that may be nothing.

I think there is way more to this and as others have mentioned maybe he is a victim of a serial killer or maybe was a serial killer, there has to be another reason for this level of interest. I am way more interested in getting that answer.
I think if Ricky wanted to challenge the reader to find an extra letter, he would have written his note more carefully. :crazy:

Honestly, the part after the part that says "D-W-M-Y" used to look like "MIL" or "HIL" to me. But if I enlarge it lots, it's starting to look like "1786"!

The IL definitely looks like an 86, when enlarged. I still can't make out the first part maybe 1 -1 before the 86. The reason I say that, is the - doesn't touch the 1st 1 and the 1 extends above the dash on the second 1. Maybe H 86? It is too hard to read for my eyes.
Some good questions regarding RM rap sheet in the last few pages of the thread... I had similar questions so did some research.

The (free) archives of the STL post-dispatch gives some specific details about the rape/pedophile trial and conviction from 92/93:

RM was 34 at time of arrest (Nov 92) and charges were for recent events.

Victim was girlfriend's daughter (15 at time of arrest).
3 years of abuse, two children born of it, latest born one month before arrest.

At the time, RM lived in 2800 block of Pennsylvania
Full name given as Ricky Cleophus McCormick

He was ruled competent to stand trial so major here.
What happened to RM "urges" after he was released from prison? Can meds help with something like that?

IMO Some links to pedophiles and underground sex rings seems the most logical reason why the FBI is involved in this case
IMO, guys into children tend to make them the whole focus of their life, whether through a vocation, or through tricking an adult partner who has children- they always seem to find a way to steal what they want one way or another, and jail does not change that inclination.
I would imagine a kiddie-diddler might spend alot of time watching the kids/young teenagers and taking notes of the places they go, things they do and who they are with and when.That sort of person, probably seeks out or is sought by others of the same mind-set, that could probably have one mixing with some dangerous characters.IMO.
Today when I was making a 4 and it looks like an H I thought I'd report that. Also, I still have so much trouble with p, b, d, q and 9, that I can see those ending up as an easy part of a code, once a guy decided he wanted everything to be secret. I know with my slant on what's here, I'll never be the solver, though.
Some good questions regarding RM rap sheet in the last few pages of the thread... I had similar questions so did some research.

The (free) archives of the STL post-dispatch gives some specific details about the rape/pedophile trial and conviction from 92/93:

RM was 34 at time of arrest (Nov 92) and charges were for recent events.

Victim was girlfriend's daughter (15 at time of arrest).
3 years of abuse, two children born of it, latest born one month before arrest.

At the time, RM lived in 2800 block of Pennsylvania
Full name given as Ricky Cleophus McCormick

He was ruled competent to stand trial so major here.
What happened to RM "urges" after he was released from prison? Can meds help with something like that?

IMO Some links to pedophiles and underground sex rings seems the most logical reason why the FBI is involved in this case

Thanks for the middle name...might help with code. This abuse, makes me wonder if his current girlfriend found out about this charge when they went to court for the rent problem. Wonder if it was brought up that RM had past charges....also would be interesting to know if girlfriend had kids at the time....might be motive if she found out they might have been abused. Horrible to think of someone taking advantage of a preteen like he did.
New article detailing LE who still works on zodiac code.

Decoding cryptograms has played an integral part in many criminal investigations, according to an FBI spokeswoman. While stressing that no case is ever solved by a single piece of evidence, she said "decryptions" have uncovered murder plots, confessions, the existence of criminal enterprises and the recovery of stolen classified documents.

Undoubtedly, the odds of Lewison's work breaking new ground in the Zodiac case are fairly slim. None that has been submitted to Olson's unit has ever yielded significant developments in the investigation, Olson said.

Nonetheless, Lewison is not discouraged. As a law enforcement officer, he said, he feels obligated to see if his decoding efforts pay off.

Read more:
Could it be the reason he got off of his charge is he simply claimed insanity?It might be why he was getting disablity checks.Just a thought...
He didn't "get off" of his charge. His atty requested a psych eval, which was denied the first time. Another psych eval was requested and ordered. The end result saying trial would proceed. This suggest the psych eval was for competency to stand trial. As for disability, several articles indicate he was being treated for heart and lung problems, and indicate his last medical treatment occurred a few days before he was found murdered. To save time, please review the chronology of events, to include links, that I previously posted ( link )
I've read tons of interpretations and ideas, including the "episode log" version. None satisfy me. While the episode log seems to make sense and fit the logical razor, there is one huge artifact about this note that hit me when I first looked at it.

The writing is inconsistent. It wasn't written by one person, or it was written by one person in a variety of severely different mental states, or the writing difference is intentional. IE: The letters E and R appear written differently throughout such that they were physically drawn in different ways on the paper.

Here is a probably worthless alteration of mainly the first letter as I pattern-saught (with it upside down to trick my heuristics), but it's easy to find patterns in noise, so while the groupings are definite, the alignment may not be important at all.

Some letter shapings look definitively more like numbers when you look at it upside down. IDK.

Will post more soon.
heh heh nancy, funny, FBI rules! Another agency, the CIA. They done much since Tenet told Bush that the WMD thing was a slam dunk? CIA is in other news today with tin hats. JFK asked them for a briefing on UFOs...10 days later there was that motorcade thing.
I've been playing around with his full name and the "Hardy Boy" code that I posted earlier, using a key and the alphabet.


So far, no success. Several letters repeat in his name. Then I notice the "SM" (last of middle and first of last name). Could the (A(SM)) at top right of P1 be a key, where the code is a mixture of single and double letters representing the alphabet. So, could A=SM? Then I remember someone (Bessie?) mentioning that the AL words are on each page and are on the left side. What if he started any page not containing the (A(SM)) with a word that would trigger him to think of the key? Now, I'm trying to figure out some logical way that L would be a vowel...thinking ALPNTE would be SM???? Thought some of you might want to play around with this, as well. Wished we could get this solved.

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