More Misty Jailhouse Video Calls Released during March 2010

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I can't be too wrong Debs cause Angel Who Cares just posted them under news. :) I think these are just the complete tapes! I tried to listen from work. About mid way through the first one Misty is telling Chelsea something about someone she cares for may get hurt. Hard to listen at work so I will listen again when I get home.

I heard this video and to me there is some revealing information here. So, if Misty talks there are two people who are going to be hurt by what she says. Two people she and Chelsey care about. One they really care about and one they don't cared as much about. (these are my words, not Misty's). Misty tells Chelsey to think, to use her brain and figure out who she is talking about. No, not Ron, but someone else that they don't much care about. :waitasec: Is she indicating that Timmy (both she (Misty) and Chelsey care a lot about? and is the one that they don't care much about Tommy or Joe? If she is eliminating Ron as the one not cared about much, then it leaves Tommy or Joe. Misty hasn't hesitated to throw Tommy under the bus since day one. She also hasn't hesitated to throw Joe under the bus. Joe was staying with Timmy and Chelsey, van was moved and damaged and Misty called Timmy that night. Sorry, but I'm still sticking to my opinion that if Misty's brothers were involved, it was with the cleanup and not by harming Haleigh. I'm still sticking to Ron being the one involved with harming Haleigh.
I really think it's because Ron can't control himself. He can't stop from saying absurd, narcisstic, idiotic statements and his grandmother and mother both know that. To protect his precious image they have to stay away. Gee sounds just like the Anthonys. :sick:

Dejuvu! Yeah, either no one is talking to Ron or his calls are being kept out of the public limelight. Why???????????
Toms next to the last tape just says Bill came to jail trying to get him to say he used drugs around Lindsay and the kids.

The more I hear Tommy talking on these tapes the less I am feeling "sorry" for him. I never felt sorry but I did feel he just needed drug rehab and to get away from Misty and co. Now I just think he's a jerk who puts himself before his kids (drugs of course but also the not buying the kids beds in case he needs bail money-that pizzed me off) and the tape where Chelsea keeps saying I can't believe you called me back (the kids were whining and crying like crazy and she sounded exhausted) but he still kept talking to her. Also he does sound jealous of Bill and I don't like how he orders her to disobey her grandparents and let someone stay at her house. She keeps saying that she will get kicked out if she lets hsi relative stay but he doesn't care. What an :censored:!!
Ya know- I think the only time this family has come together, come through for one another (as most families would every day simply because they love one another and that's what family IS) has been in a crisis. Misty is like a CHILD in these tapes.. it's very sad. This jail trip is like she's in a hospital and she's sick so she's getting all this attention, a crisis, everyone showing up, paying attention to her, doing everything she wants them to do, listening to everything she says. It makes me think of Munchausens in a way... really... these people get arrested an awful lot. Do we have Tommy's tapes too?

That is so funny you say that. I've spent a lot of time in the hospital (2 week stays each time) and I was thinking that same thing listening to these tapes. They are so similar to calls between me and my family/mom especially. I would be depressed saying I want out of here and stuff like that and my mom would baby/soothe me. They need to toughen up with her. She is not sick, she is in jail for dealing drugs. Maybe if they had whacked her on the behind a few times while she was growing up she wouldn't be such a brat. Me-me (Lisa's nickname for her) is totally right!
have not finished listening. I got very upset with Tommy in the one where his wife is telling him about the boys being sick--he did not once ask if they were ok, feeling better, sorry or anything, he just kept telling her to tell the dude to get him out. Then he wants her to let his grandmother stay with her knowing that her family has set rules for her to stay in the condo. If she lets her stay , her grandfather may kick her out. he needs to start thinking about is family and what this is doing to them. rant over (lol)
2 people are going to get hurt according to MC talking to ChC. I just have a feeling its ToC- and LyC Someone they really care about. I don't know why, I just don't think she would have put a suspicion against TiC WHILE she was talking to HIS wife, I'm not getting that. But I may feel differently in 5 minutes or so. LOL. This is based only on this conversation and considering who she was talking to at the time...
ETA- She says kinda when asked again if its someone they care about. So strange, I just dunno...sigh.
have not finished listening. I got very upset with Tommy in the one where his wife is telling him about the boys being sick--he did not once ask if they were ok, feeling better, sorry or anything, he just kept telling her to tell the dude to get him out. Then he wants her to let his grandmother stay with her knowing that her family has set rules for her to stay in the condo. If she lets her stay , her grandfather may kick her out. he needs to start thinking about is family and what this is doing to them. rant over (lol)

LOL LL, I just had that same rant a few posts up. ITA- he is a selfish husband and father. I hope Lindsey can get over him and find her a decent man with a job. I really dislike him a lot more than I did before. I was kinda so-so about him like whatever but now I hope he stays in there long enough for Lindsey to get on her feet and see that she doesn't need him- she is better off without him. *sigh* as always the children come up the losers in these situations :furious:
When Misty told her father and Chelsea two people are involved that they care about, Hank Sr cut her off and said he didn’t believe her before she named the persons of interest. IMO this conversation proves Hank Sr knows more but he is refusing to accept the truth from Misty possibly because his sons are involved in HaLeigh’s disappearance. Neither Lisa or Hank Sr were in Satsuma the night HaLeigh disappeared so how can Hank Sr know for sure Misty doesn't know the truth?
When Misty told her father and Chelsea two people are involved that they care about, Hank Sr cut her off and said he didn’t believe her before she named the persons of interest. IMO this conversation proves Hank Sr knows more but he is refusing to accept the truth from Misty possibly because his sons are involved in HaLeigh’s disappearance. Neither Lisa or Hank Sr were in Satsuma the night HaLeigh disappeared so how can Hank Sr know for sure Misty doesn't know the truth?

This tells me Misty knows more than her self proclaimed nothing. She keeps playing this game to try and save her own self, guess she isn't smart enough to keep to her story after all. Can't have it both ways. Hank cutting her off seems to me to be the same thing as him popping off comments that he wants heard (.i.e. Ms. Nancy). I don't think Hank knows squat but he is smart enough to know on this issue Misty better shut up and talk only to her lawyer.

I do wonder how come she never asks about Nay Nay, her good friend though...
Yes, there are certain people, things she does not mention.

It would seem Nay Nay could have helped Misty.....

Can someone help me start a new thread. I would like to discuss the "Coslin book" and whoever is buying Mom and Dad a new house.

All you have to do is go to the Haleigh main page down towards the bottom of the main page it says "new thread" click that and a thing will pop up that looks just like a reply post, type up your thread hit submit and your done, if you still need help let me know.
All you have to do is go to the Haleigh main page down towards the bottom of the main page it says "new thread" click that and a thing will pop up that looks just like a reply post, type up your thread hit submit and your done, if you still need help let me know.

I couldn't find that for the life of me! Thank you!
It seems to me that if there were two people involved (besides Ron and Misty), in Haleigh's diappearance, Misty would have named them, before her head hit the pillow, on that first night in jail. I'm sure plenty of people cover for family, but Misty is not one of them. Ron's silence tells me all I need to know, so does Misty's.

I think Hank, Sr knows his daughter and he knows that she's lying, because the truth would get her much more than drug charges. When Hank said he didn't believe Misty, I think he was being brutally honest. He knows her very well, it seems.
I noticed that each call is numbered- it'll say Misty Call 2 or 3 and then a date. It skips number 10- goes from call 9 to call 11. I wonder if whoever was in charge of posting them just misnumbered or if there is a call missing. I can't tell if one is missing- in call 9, Misty is talking to Lisa and in call 11 she tells her grandma she just talked to her mom. But in call 11 she asks her grandma to call someone else's house and let them know about the girl in jail with her but doesn't mention it to her mom at all in call 9.

I don't think it's important or anything. It was just something I noticed.
Not sure where to put this but I didnt want to start a new thread-

In reference to MC canteen:

CANTEEN: An inmate Canteen service is available. The Canteen services will be going through some major changes in the near future. Those inmates with money deposited in their account may purchase Canteen items once weekly. A shopping list will be provided weekly for each inmate who wishes to order Canteen.
Inmates will be allowed to spend a maximum of $30.00 on food weekly. There is no money limit on other items including clothing. Canteen items will be packaged and delivered to those receiving Canteen. Limits will be placed on items and designated on the Canteen slip. No trading, exchanging or refunding allowed.
Money can only be used for Canteen purchases. Transfers to immediate family, Attorney’s or Bonding agencies may be arranged by written request.
Inmate money can only be received by money order, government check, and checks from other institutions. We do not accept cash, personal checks or payroll checks. Money left for inmates Canteen Fund must be received two (2) business days prior to the scheduled Canteen day for the money to be available for purchases that week.
Money left by inmates, after their release, is mailed to them if an address is left as to where to send the money.
Be sure to review purchase requests on Canteen form before turning in as no exchanges or refunds will be made.
Regular Canteen will not be available to inmates in 23-Hour Lockdown and/or Disciplinary Confinement. A modified Canteen list for hygiene items or stationary will be available.
Scheduled canteen days will be posted in each block.
All food items purchased from the Canteen will be consumed in the cell or dayroom. Food items will not leave the cellblock.
If a 23-Hour Lockdown occurs after a Canteen slip has been filled out and before delivery of the order, the order will be delivered on the next regular Canteen day for that cellblock. If an inmate is on a DR or 23-hour lockdown, they will only receive hygiene items. If the lockdown occurs the day the Canteen sheets were printed or the day Canteen is passed out, they do not receive food items. Inmates in cellblock fifteen (15) are only eligible for non-food items on Canteen day. There will be no playing cards for this area.
CANTEEN - INDIGENT: To be eligible, inmate must have less than $1.00 (one dollar) in his/her account for the previous fourteen (14) days.
The following materials will be dispensed once weekly;
Hygiene kit to include comb/toothbrush/toothpaste/deodorant;
One pencil;
Two sheets paper;
One stamped envelope.
Tennis shoes will be issued, upon request, one (1) time during incarceration.
If the indigent inmate violates the recreational procedure for the wearing of tennis shoes, his/her tennis shoes will be removed.
If the indigent inmate receives money in their account after the tennis shoes are issued; the cost of the tennis shoes will be deducted from their Canteen account.

I heard MC say that she is on 23 hour lockdown, and that she has a lots of food and plays cards...

We have bigger problems to figure out, but just wanted to share.
I haven't listened to the audios released and I just read a comment on the AH site that said Tommy told Lindsy he wrote her a long letter and he hoped she wouldn't be mad at him after she read it. Does anybody remember this or anything else about the coversation?

I haven't listened to the audios released and I just read a comment on the AH site that said Tommy told Lindsy he wrote her a long letter and he hoped she wouldn't be mad at him after she read it. Does anybody remember this or anything else about the coversation?


He tells her that at the very end of this phone call, it was after they got the one minute remaining warning:

They are saying I love you, I miss you, blah blah blah and then he tells her "I sent you a serious letter out today, don't be mad at me, but it's pretty serious" .... Lindsy says "alright love you", he tells her to kiss his kids for him and tell them he'd be home soon, no matter what happens he'll be alright.
He tells her that at the very end of this phone call, it was after they got the one minute remaining warning:

They are saying I love you, I miss you, blah blah blah and then he tells her "I sent you a serious letter out today, don't be mad at me, but it's pretty serious" .... Lindsy says "alright love you", he tells her to kiss his kids for him and tell them he'd be home soon, no matter what happens he'll be alright.

I wonder if MC & ToC are going to save their own behinds, Hank Sr. has been fairly adimate in telling them Haleigh needs to be found. Maybe they do feel it's time to talk and save their family (father's) name?

These tapes are a few weeks old already, MC talking about "It" hurting 2 people, and TC sending LyC a serious letter?

:waitasec: wonder when we will hear more detail of the letters MC sent?

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