Motions Hearing - Fri., Jan. 30, 2009 @8:30 AM

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Yes, I saw that. Flat out disgusting. She thinks she's a star and the center of attention. KC just has to be evil there are no other words to describe her. She is Satan himself.

I saw a psychiatrist on NG, I think it was, talking about why Casey didn't want to come to court. The doctor said she believes Casey just doesn't want to take responsibility for anything she does. This is just Casey's way of ignoring responsibility for her actions.
And this type of behavior may be the reason JB was trying to keep her from attending the hearings. MNJ is speaking about "searching for remains of Caylee"..."the remains of a child"......"the remains of a child (again)".......and Casey playfully tosses her pen onto the paperwork in front of JB and SMILES!!!
I am horrified with this behavior--imagine what a jury will think!!! What can be going on in her head? Unbelievable!!!

If THAT was his problem, then he needed her to come to court now and read how her actions are seen by others. So that she doesn't act like that in front of the jury when the time comes.
Around 14:34 on, JB calls Nejame "Knee-Jam", then corrects himself. You think he purposely did that?
I am still stuck on the dippy hair bun. Making her appear more professional/older looking makes her look more like an adult. Appearances are important to the jury. To me, making her look older/less attractive/less like a 22 year old kinda flies in the face of it was an accident scenario (if that is the way the defense ends up going). Course they could be going with an insanity defense...the fishing expedition is ridiculous.
GrannyL, I agree with you. I haven't gotten the impression Baez is asking for, or that his goal is to get personal private information. The only way he would need that if something made him think a searcher was hiding something. It looks to me, reading between the lines of his words to the judge, that the descrepencies he is referring to has something to do with thinking in the early days that area was searched. If not, he certainly needs to at least get clear if LE and/or Equisearch or any one else searched that area. That is the very least he needs to do. I find a problem with the fact that LE should have taken the dogs through that whole wooded area on July 16, or ASAP after that day. Since they haven't been turning over maps and other notes or reports having to do with any searches done, through proper discovery then he has to demand it. The information he is seeking should be in LE's notes and reports. They couldn't organize a search for a child without keeping track of what has been searched already.

Also, Tim could hand over the maps, etc and make Baez petition for any other info if he wanted to but he just flat out refused everything. I honor and respect him and his work. But I don't agree with his complete refusal for everything.

Why would you highly doubt your DNA could be traced back to the same line as hers? Do you have some info about MDNA that I don't yet understand that would back up what you are saying? I can say, I'm greatful 2 of my 7 sons have daughters because I have none and my MTDNA chain would have ended otherwise. But that still doesn't discount that it traces back to a limited number of Eve's, if you agree that the science is sound.
Did anyone else notice that KC seemed to be trying so hard NOT to smile, like this is so amusing to her. It makes me sick! :furious::sick:

This was obvious. I just watched a re-run of the hearing. She had a little subdued smirky grin when walking out the door to have the cuffs removed.
In this link of raw video, at approx 2:09, he rips off some paper and gives it to the trying-not-to-look-like-a-perp Perp. I *think* he says to her "Here I'm gonna give you some paper - pretend to write - be very careful guarding it"

Can someone with better ears see if they hear the same thing?? :waitasec:
Some other guy off camera is talking at the same time so it's a little difficult to hear.


This has made me crack up... I don't know why...

I'm hearing "here I'm gonna give you paper and a pen to write. Be very careful guarding it."
As a formal matter, IF they'd filed oppositions (which they did not) to Baez's motion, then they would sit alongside the prosecution/SA.

If an interested party's counsel is present in court, but did not file nor oppose any particular motion, they can pretty much sit where they like (no specific rules.) A more "neutral" spot would have been in the bench or in a jurors' seat (commonly done, too.)

I find the fact that Brad Conway waived any conflict of interest re: Mark Nejame, who'd at one time represented the Anthony family, and who now represents TES, together with the fact that both he and Mark Nejame sat with the SA, to be very interesting for the following reasons:

(1) as a procedural matter, waivers of conflict are usually handled privately, behind closed doors between the parties affected by any such conflict (usually in writing, too. My state requires that any such waiver be reduced to writing and signed by all parties to said waiver + their counsel,) and

(2) one would expect that if the Anthony family were really "standing behind Casey and supporting her 100%", etc., they would not agree to such a public waiver, so this has me laughing about Brad Conway's in court statement to Casey that her parents supported her, yadda, yadda.

So from that, either BC/Anth's are trying to set themselves as separate from KC in the eyes of LE? Or I guess there's always the possibility that BC is inexperienced and unaware of the implications of the public waiver.
Now we are debating MTDNA from Eve?! LOL Sounds like a defense strategy...from the perspective of a defense team grasping at proverbial straws.

I wonder why the Judge or the SA's office failed to mention that JB's defense team was offered full access immediately after they were finished to the dump site which was refused by JB (after their public whining session standing in the street in force with Geraldo days before). I think this should have played a small role in today's motion and should have at least been addressed on the record for later.

So no one has figured out what happened to the motion involving JG's DNA? Did it simply vanish?
That has to be why BC was there. BC looked pretty ticked off after the exchange with JB.

Also, I don't really care if JB's feelings were hurt because he was turned into the bar...he is juvenile and he should have known from day one what taking KC on was going to mean.

If you mean that it was going to be on TV and his ablity to practice law was going to be laid out there for everyone to see.. Then yes, I believe he did know. He just thought he knew what he was doing. And it would make cliets run to him and he would earn big bucks.

I don't think he yet realizes he is in way over his head. He is one of those "It's everyone elses fault but mine."

I'm sorry. KC has a right to a fair trial and a real lawyer. Yet she is standing by her man. I honestly think she is doing it because she is guilty and expects to loose no matter who she goes with. That is fine. Except when she changes her mind later, and wants a retrial based upon JB.
If you mean that it was going to be on TV and his ablity to practice law was going to be laid out there for everyone to see.. Then yes, I believe he did know. He just thought he knew what he was doing. And it would make cliets run to him and he would earn big bucks.

I don't think he yet realizes he is in way over his head. He is one of those "It's everyone elses fault but mine."

I'm sorry. KC has a right to a fair trial and a real lawyer. Yet she is standing by her man. I honestly think she is doing it because she is guilty and expects to loose no matter who she goes with. That is fine. Except when she changes her mind later, and wants a retrial based upon JB.

JB and KC are two peas in the same grody pod. She does have the right to a fair trial and to a adequate defense. JB has, imo, destroyed her one avenue towards eventual freedom by telling her not to cooperate with LE. I remember in one of the docudumps there was a moment with investigators and KC they were in the car together and it appeared that she might tell them where Caylee was but then asked for a phone, called JB (or they dialed it for her or whatever) and as soon as she spoke to him...that moment evaporated. She clammed up...and whatever chance she had vanished.

JB is inadequate. Look at his other high-profile cases. Like the one where he defended that woman who clearly stole another woman's baby and his defense was laughable at best. If he thought putting a rabbit on the stand was a good idea I'd bet he'd do it in a flash.
One would think that if that were the case, then he wouldn't flirt back and make it look all that much worse.

ITA- that boy looks like he is in lust! His behavior was just as bad as Casey's and IMO worse because HE should know better! He's a friggin' lawyer for crying out loud, she's a sick, stunted little girl doing what she does best, using her imagined "sex appeal" to get people to like her.
That paternity motion from JB was just filed, and has not yet been set for a hearing.

I wonder how many times we will see KC dragged into court before the trial. I am guessing at this rate, over

I also wonder why he didn't file that motion with the other motions. If he doesn't want to keep dragging her guilty rear into court so she can laugh and giggle and play "pass the pencil" with him for all the world to see, why not combine a bunch of motions together.

While in court Friday, there was talk about a change of venue for the trial. Baez spoke with reporters about when he might file that motion.

"I anticipate it being soon, because we feel our client is innocent and we want to have her day in court. She wants to have her day in court. I know that's hard for everyone to believe, but she is innocent," Baez said after the hearing.

hahaha ~ oh don't worry Jose, she will get her day in court!!!! :clap:
So from that, either BC/Anth's are trying to set themselves as separate from KC in the eyes of LE? Or I guess there's always the possibility that BC is inexperienced and unaware of the implications of the public waiver.

We are actually discussing this on another thread. I think the waiver could backfire on BC if the As decide to turn on him, which is a real possibility. If they were not fully and independently advised about the possible repurcussions of such a waiver, and if that is not in writing, they may have a serious basis for complaint.
And this type of behavior may be the reason JB was trying to keep her from attending the hearings. MNJ is speaking about "searching for remains of Caylee"..."the remains of a child"......"the remains of a child (again)".......and Casey playfully tosses her pen onto the paperwork in front of JB and SMILES!!!
I am horrified with this behavior--imagine what a jury will think!!! What can be going on in her head? Unbelievable!!!

Umm...she's thinking that she's had contact with anyone in a long long time. But I agree with your comment. I didn't see it and just looked at it and my gosh, it's like a freshman and sophomore in high school. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall in his office for all those long and exhausting days she spent over there. (I'd probably choke on fly vomit though within an hour).

Whoa......that's not proper behavior at all.
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