Motions Hearing - Fri., Jan. 30, 2009 @8:30 AM

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No, Leila, but the SA did mention she hoped it would take place later this year, with a furtive glance at JBaez.

Thanks! I had a feeling that the trial might be late 2009 or early 2010.
Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread updated and to Patty G!

What happened to the other motions which were not addressed? I realize the one motion over the defense witness list was taken care of, but what happened to the others? JG's is one in particular I wanted to hear about and it sounds as if they didn't even bring it up.

Yes, I would also like to hear more about JG...if anyone knows anything.
Other than the fact that I think JB is reaching, by filing all of these motions, several things about todays hearings stick out to me:

1st, why does JB think it necessary to always touch Casey at every opportunity he gets? She's outright making goo goo eyes at him, yet he eggs it on by taking every opportunity to touch her shoulder, whispering in her ear saying God knows what, which once again gives her this beaming smile, all the while, the rest of the court is taking the issues seriously, which is talking about a murdered little girl, Caylee, who it appears was murdered by this woman, Casey. Since is has been reported already that he has acted inappropriately with her, you'd think he'd remember this and keep his hands to himself. I didn't see Baden reaching over and touching her or continuously whispering in her ear. Are we entirely sure, that Casey has no other connection with JB before he became her attorney? My hinky meter just goes way off the radar every time he reachs over to touch her & this crap eating grin that comes on her face, like a dog in heat if you ask me :furious:

This may mean nothing, but it did to me. 1st BC goes before judge to say the Anthony's have no problem with NeJame representing EquSearch, which I think is huge, considering how the Anthony's have treated Tim & his teams. 2ndly, it appeared to me, and this just may be me, but I like the fact that BC choose to sit on the prosecution side, and it wasn't because there was no room for his wheelchair on the defense side. I know he spoke with JB, and attempted to speak to Casey, but he "choose" to sit on the prosecution side.

Is it me, or does this make you really wonder if he, BC, inadvertly might be showing how GA & CA, or he himself, really thinks when it comes to who actually committed this horrendous crime?

And lastly, NeJame, he rocks & puts JB to shame with his knowledge of the courts rules & proceedings :woohoo:
This was as MN was speaking of TES searching for the remains of Caylee, saying her name, & she is behaving as a schoolgirl throwing a pen, smirking, flirting with Counsel, in the court regarding the MURDER of her daughter:furious::furious:

I'm sorry, this should be in the Rant page, but this ##### defies description, or logic of a Mother. How in God's name does she come off as soooo ABOVE it all without any emotions. This can't be new, her mother condoned & nourished this behavior. I can't help always going back to Cindy, & I hold her responsible for this disgusting display of a human being!

Caylee is in a better place compared to this Madness!:furious::furious:


I'm already over on the rant thread today about this one, so feel free to join in over there :) There is some consolation in knowing many, many others feel the behavior is inappropriate for the courtroom, also.
Not making fun of her because I have to watch my weight
all the time but it looks like Casey as gained alot weight in her
backside anyone else see that are is it just me seeing things.
That big smile she had on her face made me sick I don't think
she even thinks about Caylee only herself and in her dumb
mind I think she thinks it's all a game and one day she will
be set free...But jail now and later prison for a lifetime .
She did it and she needs to pay for what she did.

Yes.............I noted the weight gain too, and it's most noticeable in her backside.
Shades of Lady Macbeth.. "out, out, da*n spot"

Oh yes, yes, she definitely shows signs of extreme nervousness. Especially with her hands. She has been overwhelmed since realizing how serious this is when she was behind bars. She is near hysterics in the August video session.

She is relying heavily on her lawyers to "fix it". Alas, she is not old enough and wise enough to realize that is a mistake. Too bad she doesn't get to talk to many other inmates who could help her realize that her next fight, after this one, will be with her lawyers who will lose.

Question about the logistics of seating in the hearing....

Is there a protocol in the hearing proceedings, of who sits where, other that the obvious- Prosecution on one side, defense on the other. It seemed MN, BC were on the side behind the Prosecution. Does that have some significance?
Jean Kasaris (Tru Tv) commenting on how "young" Casey looks and acts in court and how this could be an advantage with jurors at trial. Personally, I agree that Casey appears to have the emotional intelligence of a 6th grader but have faith in the strength of the states case to underscore who the real victim is (Caylee Marie Anthony) and why, based on the evidence, Casey Anthony and only Casey Anthony had the means, the motive and the opportunity to murder her own child.
Just one more thing:

I've gone on searches before, (although not for Caylee) looking for a child's body. It's a very difficult task, one that is without any glory, but something that becomes necessary when someones missing. Things are always found that could mean something, but usually doesn't. People from all over come out, mostly for the one purpose of doing what they, personally, can do to help.

Although I don't have any skeletons in my closet that I would be afraid or ashamed of if my name were released to JB, we have to remember, so far, everybody that has had any contact whatsoever in this case to Casey, has been ridiculed, researched, talked about, stories made up about, etc, and most have been publicly outed in someway. I shudder to think what JB would do with such a list, as I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, it would nothing good, but more and more lives ruined, and for what?

Judge Strickland needs to seriously think of all the ramifications, all the lives that could and probably would be ruined, just like everybody else that had dealing with that monster!!!
My observations....

JB is woefully ill-prepared for a serious trial. All of the other attorneys ran circles around him in terms of their command of trial decorum, trial procedures and their command of the applicable laws and case precedence.

When he began by saying, "look Judge" I was horrified. You don't address a presiding judge like that - the judge shoud always be referred to as your honor. MN did a fabulous job and displayed nothing but the utmost in professionalism and preparation.

And when JB kept interrupting the judge at the end, I was even more horrified. To ask a question in court, you have to ask permission of the judge. Court proceedings are all about showing deference and extreme respect to the judge.

When JB referred to "civ pro 1" to the judge = introduction to civil procedure -I was beyond horrified because of how casual he was speaking when addressing the court.

It was clear to me from this hearing that JB does not have the experience to give KC the quality of representation that someone who is on trial for 1st degree murder needs. I believe this lack of adequate represenation will be grounds for her appeal should she be convicted.

As for LB, she talked so fast and used such convoluted legal language that I noticed that the people in the court didn't pay attention to her. The other lawyers started chatting among themselves. To command the court's respect and attention, you have to pace your speech. I know I tuned out what she was saying as soon as she started - instead, I looked around at all the people in the room.

However, I did listen to every word MN said because he did it so eloquently. BC came across unprofessionally. He did not have a motion before the court and just wanted to speak. Plus, coming in late looked really bad. MN came in late too, but it wasn't as flagrant as BC was.

As for KC - she looked very pale and like she had completely zoned out. Her mind was a thousand miles away for most of the hearing. The "pen episode" looked like they were in junior high school. She is putting on weight - I noticed it in her chest - probably because the jacket was a little small and pulled at the first button. She had under eye circles, but otherwise looked fine.
Bold by me.

But I am sorry something was just not right there.

I felt the same way. I didn't know exactly what she did there. I thought she was pointing to something he wrote. Was a little "friendly". But then again... Baez is her only friend.
Love & Light
I certainily hope Baez is above such low tactics. I have seen no reason to believe he would do that, at this point and certainly wouldn't judge him without cause. Maybe he wouldn't but Florida's Sunshine Law certainly would.

How could they expect to remain anonymous if they stepped into public, and met with the search team? The minute you walk out the door you expose yourself to being involved in what ever is going on, especially what you choose to participate in. They shouldn't have any problem with helping justice along. I have never tried to remain anonymous about searching, heck I've told everyone because it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I'm 67 years old and I'm all for helping justice along.

Yes, they are taking the chance that something unfair could happen. Not really!

I have no problem with the defense knowing my name and the fact I searched but they have no right to my personal information.

There are many people that have spent many years in jail unjustly. Is that what we want? Of course not but knowing my personal information is not going to keep someone out of jail!

I don't and would be willing to take my chances, in order to do my duty as a citizen and fellow human being. Again how is knowing my personal information going to keep Casey out of jail??

Yes, she is a fellow human being too.
You are so right but you know what so was CAYLEE!!!

In fact, who and I might both find our mitochondrial DNA is the same as hers, whether tracing back to Eve or Lilith. Doubt that very much!!

Don't mean to sound harse but this is personal! I think anyone who searched would come forward on their own if they searched the exact area in question but we all know that exact area was not searched because TM has stated many times it was called off due to the water and he has been backed up by many others.

Love & Light
Of course not.

But, if appearances didn't matter, lawyers wouldn't need to tell their clients how to dress for court.

The defense wanted Casey to look as young and professional as possible.However despite the obvious prepping, LKB forgot to tell JB and Casey not to carry on while the cameras were rolling. I bet when LKB sees THOSE video clips she will be fuming.

I think courtroom strategy (which includes making an unsympathetic defendant more appealling) is interesting.

Well, IMO, they didn't succeed. The matronly look made her look older to me.
Did anyone else notice that KC seemed to be trying so hard NOT to smile, like this is so amusing to her. It makes me sick! :furious::sick:

Yes, I saw that. Flat out disgusting. She thinks she's a star and the center of attention. KC just has to be evil there are no other words to describe her. She is Satan himself.
I'm not at all sure this is an accurate statement. They organised the search in co-operation with OSCO. ie, they used the information that LE had collected. That is not the same as taking orders.

Exactly, just like they do when they go into any town to search for someone. They have to coordinate with local LE and usually local LE is also searching at the same time. When they came out here Tim was with LE going over maps and such, it doesn't mean they were working for them.
That's what I thought... it just such a manipulative statement... ie. just pretend to be interested. All for show.

Everyone keeps reference a playful interaction btw JB & KC... can someone tell me at what time in the video it occurs? I missed it.

at the 44 seconds mark, give or take. While Mark Nejame is addressing the court about the TES searches.
And this type of behavior may be the reason JB was trying to keep her from attending the hearings. MNJ is speaking about "searching for remains of Caylee"..."the remains of a child"......"the remains of a child (again)".......and Casey playfully tosses her pen onto the paperwork in front of JB and SMILES!!!
I am horrified with this behavior--imagine what a jury will think!!! What can be going on in her head? Unbelievable!!!
Another question (I'm sorry I'm obviously law-challenged) why do some lawyers address the judge as "Your Honor", and JB sometimes says "Judge" and other times "Your Honor"?

"Judge" doesn't sound as respectful somehow. Is that OK, etiquette-wise?

Yes, both are fine.
Question about the logistics of seating in the hearing....

Is there a protocol in the hearing proceedings, of who sits where, other that the obvious- Prosecution on one side, defense on the other. It seemed MN, BC were on the side behind the Prosecution. Does that have some significance?

I was wondering about this too, because when BC came in he sat on the prosecution did Mark N. I was surprised no-one else noticed this and posted about it ....with the exception of one poster in this thread.
Casey took useless notes to appear as if she is smart. Heh. The suit thing was probably an "in your face, court" statement.

I agree about the note taking. I could tell at one point she was writing a number, circling it... she was playing the role of assistant to Mr. Baez. Looks like she got a stylist to come in and do her hair.

Ms. Baden, on the other hand, forgot to brush her hair.
Question about the logistics of seating in the hearing....

Is there a protocol in the hearing proceedings, of who sits where, other that the obvious- Prosecution on one side, defense on the other. It seemed MN, BC were on the side behind the Prosecution. Does that have some significance?

As a formal matter, IF they'd filed oppositions (which they did not) to Baez's motion, then they would sit alongside the prosecution/SA.

If an interested party's counsel is present in court, but did not file nor oppose any particular motion, they can pretty much sit where they like (no specific rules.) A more "neutral" spot would have been in the bench or in a jurors' seat (commonly done, too.)

I find the fact that Brad Conway waived any conflict of interest re: Mark Nejame, who'd at one time represented the Anthony family, and who now represents TES, together with the fact that both he and Mark Nejame sat with the SA, to be very interesting for the following reasons:

(1) as a procedural matter, waivers of conflict are usually handled privately, behind closed doors between the parties affected by any such conflict (usually in writing, too. My state requires that any such waiver be reduced to writing and signed by all parties to said waiver + their counsel,) and

(2) one would expect that if the Anthony family were really "standing behind Casey and supporting her 100%", etc., they would not agree to such a public waiver, so this has me laughing about Brad Conway's in court statement to Casey that her parents supported her, yadda, yadda.
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