Motions Hearing - Fri., Jan. 30, 2009 @8:30 AM

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She has a right to a speedy trial, and I believe there is a bail of some sort that if someone pays, she could get out until the trial. Then of course if she is convicted, she is back in jail. Can anyone verify that this is true?

And yes there is a theories thread about Caylee .... Part 4

St3phanie: Her parents were not there.

Also, wanted to add my :twocents:

It is very important how KC looks and what she wears to court, as this is all a part of the defense strategy, of course, and also gives clues into understanding how such a crime could happen to a defenseless child like Caylee. Everyone wants to understand the psychology, the clues of which often lie in the demeanor of a suspect like KC.


She isnt going any where in the state of Florida there is no bail for 1st degree murder :)

OMG, that interplay with the pens shows me that She is still the Boss!! & I feel JB is coddling her, saying, how good everything will be, for his own self-serving time in the spotlight:furious:

This is just plain nauseating!:waitasec: WTH is Wrong with this woman:confused:

Disgusting!!! :furious: WTH is wrong with this woman and this man???
Oh my!! Did you guys see as BC was leaving....he stopped right next to JB and KC and looked right and KC and started to tell her something and she looked all kinds of nervous..... JB looked PISSED.... then all I could hear JB say, "I'll ask her"...and BC wheeled away and JB leaned in and asked/talk to KC and she shook her head yes!

Wonder what that exchange was all about????

I saw this exchange, too, and this is EXACTLY why I said in another thread, here: , that I disagreed with JBaez's motion.

It is enlightening to be able to see Casey's facial expressions and body language during the hearings.

Way to go, Judge Strickland!!!!! :gavel: :gavel: :gavel: (Though I wasn't surprised at all this was denied - Judge S KNOWS what he's doing ;) )
Fox continued to air audio after the video ended.....some still in courtroom discussing stuff.....any chance anyone recorded and can post somewhere like youtube? Heard some interesting tidbits about letters thru the jail vs. thru JB, but not everything...

I agree, what is going to do depose 4000 volunteers and run background checks on all of them. I don't think he has deposed the people already on the witness list.

I think he mentioned conflicting statements or conflicting reports about the search. That is his job after all. Gotta poke holes wherever you can.
I don't get KC. You'd think they could at least train her to act sad. She acts like this is an unfortunate hs drama.

Sorry for the o/t
I missed the proceedings this morning. Did they set a trial date?
I too have had to stay out of this thread for many reasons today. One, I am behind TES 100%!
I DO NOT think that it is fair for Baez to ask TES to turn over anything what so ever. And although I understand others points about the reason he should, let me ask you this? If it is so imperative that Baez has this information on searchers and all there personal information, then why the hell does he not disclose who is paying for the defense of Casey?
Honestly, who's to say that the people responsible for paying for this defense has another motive other than helping this girl out? Who's to say that they are plotting, scheming for something down the line? Now if the defense can scream that a searcher may have moved the body, then who's to say that the state can't suggest that the money source for the defense didn't plant the body or hasn't compromised a crime scene?
If Baez wants full disclosure, then he should follow full disclosure as well.
My opinion may not be popular, but if this comes down to what Tim morally should do, I think he should allow Casey to rot before he even thinks of giving this information over to keep his organization strong. The lives of so many people are being allowed closure because of what this man does, and if Tim had a choice to help Casey, or loose what he built around the death of his own daughter, then I'd say let her fry...:)
I am watching the replay now and wondered if the huge coughing fit by the blond defense lawyer was a signal to "drop it", when Baez was attempting to lodge a complaint against Nejame for conflicting representation.
I gotta say I am deeply disturbed by the flirty behavior between KC and JB. Oh and wearing her hair in a dippy bun only made her appear fuglier, not professional nor innocent looking, and therefore more capable of murder. JMO...

Never realized a hairstyle could make someone capable of murder
Would someone please explain to me what BC was asking for about the discovery? Something about the wishes of the Anthony's or something? I just didn't get it at all. Would really appreciate if someone would post what he said and what it meant. Thanks in advance!

Oh never mind; I now see there is a thread about. :D
And another thing about demeanors ... JB looked quite miffed in the beginning when the Prosecutors were laughing loudly.
BC did not look happy with JB..I also noticed KC didn't look happy with BC..She took one look at him & then turned her head right away.

Haven't read thru the whole thread yet.
Perhaps BC is putting pressure on JB/Casey because this clients, the A's, want to have Caylee's remains signed over to them asap so they can finally lay Caylee to rest and have the funeral
Not making fun of her because I have to watch my weight
all the time but it looks like Casey as gained alot weight in her
backside anyone else see that are is it just me seeing things.
That big smile she had on her face made me sick I don't think
she even thinks about Caylee only herself and in her dumb
mind I think she thinks it's all a game and one day she will
be set free...But jail now and later prison for a lifetime .
She did it and she needs to pay for what she did.
I have just a minute before returning to work...and I will take this to the "Rant" thread later, but why did it get me so incredibly angry that this poc was able to wear a suit?!!!!!!!!!!!! I only pray that I will be able to see justice for Caylee in my lifetime!!!
Haven't read thru the whole thread yet.
Perhaps BC is putting pressure on JB/Casey because this clients, the A's, want to have Caylee's remains signed over to them asap so they can finally lay Caylee to rest and have the funeral

That has to be why BC was there. BC looked pretty ticked off after the exchange with JB.

Also, I don't really care if JB's feelings were hurt because he was turned into the bar...he is juvenile and he should have known from day one what taking KC on was going to mean.
In one of the pictures she was wiping her palms? Do you think she was nervous? Sweaty palms? I never figured KC to be nervous about anything.

Shades of Lady Macbeth.. "out, out, da*n spot"
Never realized a hairstyle could make someone capable of murder
Of course not.

But, if appearances didn't matter, lawyers wouldn't need to tell their clients how to dress for court.

The defense wanted Casey to look as young and professional as possible.However despite the obvious prepping, LKB forgot to tell JB and Casey not to carry on while the cameras were rolling. I bet when LKB sees THOSE video clips she will be fuming.

I think courtroom strategy (which includes making an unsympathetic defendant more appealling) is interesting.
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