Motive For Murder

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No, we are sure he complained TO her. If he had complained ABOUT her, the animal care supervisor would be the one speaking to her about whatever the issue was.

I have read both scenarios. I read in one article that the emails were directly to her and one that said a supervisor did. Her response was conciliatory.
The cause of death strongly insinuates a personal relationship or sexual assault. .

I do not agree. I believe law enforcement is saying that there was no sexual assault.

I am not saying that RC is a true animal lover...he has been said to be quite cruel to his dogs. BUT, he certainly could justify his actions by saying Annie was mistreating animals. Could even be part of his defense ("animal lover snaps")....

If true, look for Peta, Alf, Shac and other organizations to pick up his cause. Pour money into his defense....could work....
I do not agree. I believe law enforcement is saying that there was no sexual assault.

I am not saying that RC is a true animal lover...he has been said to be quite cruel to his dogs. BUT, he certainly could justify his actions by saying Annie was mistreating animals. Could even be part of his defense ("animal lover snaps")....

If true, look for Peta, Alf, Shac and other organizations to pick up his cause. Pour money into his defense....could work....

Could be that will be the defense but not the truth. I don't think being an animal lover is true, but I totally agree with you on the defense. Will be interesting when they pick a jury, won't it?
Could be that will be the defense but not the truth. I don't think being an animal lover is true, but I totally agree with you on the defense. Will be interesting when they pick a jury, won't it?

Honestly, if I were his defense attorney that is the way I would go. "Animal Lover Who Snapped"... What other chance does he have? Seems like the evidence will be very hard to argue against....
I wonder if putting his hands on her throat (assuming that's how he killed her) was a reflex for him, not necessarily as a reaction of "passion" or "sexual aggression." He's a documented abuser. It's possible he's abused women in the past by putting his hands around their throats. Maybe in the heat of the moment, he was physically repeating what he's done in the past?
Honestly, if I were his defense attorney that is the way I would go. "Animal Lover Who Snapped"... What other chance does he have? Seems like the evidence will be very hard to argue against....

I hear ya. I am surprised that he didn't off himself already. Your theory is about the only way he will gain some sympathy that I can see.
Honestly, if I were his defense attorney that is the way I would go. "Animal Lover Who Snapped"... What other chance does he have? Seems like the evidence will be very hard to argue against....


Another defense is going to be that he was framed. The fact that the crime scene was not sealed for 5 days could be a major point that they make. I could go on and on about this. Don't get me wrong, it won't work.
I do not agree. I believe law enforcement is saying that there was no sexual assault.

I am not saying that RC is a true animal lover...he has been said to be quite cruel to his dogs. BUT, he certainly could justify his actions by saying Annie was mistreating animals. Could even be part of his defense ("animal lover snaps")....

If true, look for Peta, Alf, Shac and other organizations to pick up his cause. Pour money into his defense....could work....

Oh no. I sure hope the animal rights activists don't take up his cause. He's no animal lover. (But he is one sick puppy.)
I wonder if putting his hands on her throat (assuming that's how he killed her) was a reflex for him, not necessarily as a reaction of "passion" or "sexual aggression." He's a documented abuser. It's possible he's abused women in the past by putting his hands around their throats. Maybe in the heat of the moment, he was physically repeating what he's done in the past?
Where did that information come from? "He's a documented abuser?
I have not seen that anywhere. can you please direct me there?
I wonder if putting his hands on her throat (assuming that's how he killed her) was a reflex for him, not necessarily as a reaction of "passion" or "sexual aggression." He's a documented abuser. It's possible he's abused women in the past by putting his hands around their throats. Maybe in the heat of the moment, he was physically repeating what he's done in the past?

Not fully understanding the point here. Putting one's hands on someone's throat IS an an action of anger (passion, aggression, whatever you want to call it) no matter whether not he's done it before. Afterall, documenter abusers in fact may be more prone to acting with anger/passion/aggression instead of using their heads.
I absoultely agree, I think one of his issues was obsession over control, perhaps obsessive and compulsive. I also think he felt inadequate being surrounded by so many highly successful individuals. He probably felt like he was looked down upon. Annie probably didn't want to do things his way or made light of a situation that he took seriously and he just snapped.

I'm thinking along those same lines, Indianagirl....also, with regard to anything Annie may have said to him that day, she could have done something as simple as ask for clarification of whatever he said to her...I worked with a guy who was bipolar & was in the midst of one of his 'worst of times', and I was trying my best to bear with the situation until it got better...anyway, he'd asked me to do something, and I told him I wanted to be sure I was doing exactly what he wanted then asked a couple of questions & he went OFF on me yelling I was being "insubordinate" (did not at any point say I wouldn't do it)! Yowza! It came from nowhere & it was very unsettling - as tho he'd had a break with reality or something....we'd worked together for years & I never saw this coming at all.

So yeah - I think people can snap at the perception of provocation or confrontation.
Opinion: Still thinking illicit affair triggered workplace violence on this one.

Concern: Lawyers running the show for the suspect, police have said workplace violence. Hope the guy doesnt try to plead temporary insanity, or walk free from all the botched evidence from LE not sealing building when it happened.

Opinion: New Haven Police, Yale Security and FBI in this instance, really screwed up..Keystone cops?

We will find out in trial I guess. Am sure suspect's lawyers will be going full blast at trying to destroy Annie's character and make the guy the victim and her the provoker of it all. The illicit affair was the initial trigger

Illicit affair gone bad causes WorkPlace Violence (could see this in the future headlines after trial)

RIP Annie, she didnt deserve to be killed

I work at a University in a medium-level administrative position. Higher education is full of prima donnas (male and female) who think the rules do not apply to them. I see coworkers daily who are expected to "clean up" (figuratively, in our cases) after faculty members who have much more important things on their plates than to follow protocol. RC had anger management/control issues, and AL was probably in a rush getting caught up with her work before leaving for her wedding. I do not want to speak ill of the dead, but I would venture to say that she was not always diplomatic with those "beneath" her level, considering her less-than-high-road response to Princeton (i.e. wanting to send them a pic of her rear end). I think he'd had it and couldn't control his rage. Not making any excuses for him, just trying to understand.
It could've been something as small as her rolling her eyes over his obnoxious demands.
Not fully understanding the point here. Putting one's hands on someone's throat IS an an action of anger (passion, aggression, whatever you want to call it) no matter whether not he's done it before. Afterall, documenter abusers in fact may be more prone to acting with anger/passion/aggression instead of using their heads.

Yes, I agree hands-on-throat is an act of anger/aggression. I mean maybe it looks like it was (partially?) sexually motivated because this is how he may have treated his girlfriends in the past. He may not have been sexually attracted to her, but this method would mimic what he's done in the past.

I don't know, just speculating, trying to put myself in his head at the time.
After I wrote this:

If found this in the comments section of the article below written by SC:

The latest report about the possible motive for this murder is that the alleged killer RC as an animal lover was very disturbed about the way Annie Le was treating the animals. I'm sorry to say I called that one. It's unfortunate and tragic that she had to loose her life, equally tragic for the killer if that was the reason. Maybe it will help to shine a spotlight on these unnecessary and cruel practices. These animal cruelties in research labs which are done mostly for the pursuit of ambition needs to stop

As you can see, some so called animal lovers seem to sympathize more with RC than with Annie.....amazing...

i am an animal lover (as you can see from my screenname). IF it turns out that the motive was that she was mistreating the animals somehow, I don't think people will necessarily sympathize with him, but I think they will understand why it happened more. That doesn't mean they think she deserved to die or what he did was ok - no way. I think it is easier to understand why someone would snap and kill someone because they were hurting an animal rather than they snapped because they were obsessed with a girl and couldn't have her. But yes, there are those animal rights activists who are extreme and they might use him as a martyr.
Please note:


RC's job involved caring for the mice. It was his job. In all likelyhood he took it seriously. It doesn't mean that he had a fifth grade education or the IQ of a toad. If it was his job to make sure the mice were taken care of properly, and in a humane fashion, and Annie's concern was only the results of her lab work, that could cause some friction. If Annie wasn't keeping to protocol, or perhaps didn't really care about the mice themselves, only what they could provide her, wasn't cleaning up after herself, leaving things in cages.....that would all impact RC's job. Just because she was brilliant doesn't mean she knew every in and out about the lab, or was perfect. Add to that a seemingly fairly severe control issue on RC's part and you have a powder keg that only lacked a match to start a bonfire. Does anyone know how long he had been working there? Because Annie just started in that lab, I read somewhere, if that is still correct. If he was a long time employee, and she was new....

And I stand by my statement that Annie was carrying the lab protocol book on the video and was about to figuratively wrap it around RC's neck (to make her point). PLUS, Annie had a way with words when angry, from what I've read. I could easily see her finally getting enough, what with the stress from the upcoming wedding. I don't believe that would go down well with RC.


~snipped, BBM by me
Clark was an honor student at Branford High School in suburban New Haven. He graduated in 2004, and according to the school's yearbook, he was a member of the Asian Awareness Club his senior year.

High school friend Lisa Heselin remembers Clark "as a jokester, kind of a class clown," she said. "Everybody knew him. Everybody liked him."

She and others who knew Clark in high school are shocked that he was arrested in connection with Le's murder, she said. Watch what acquaintances say about Clark »

"They can't believe it, and then, of course, you're reminiscing, like, 'Oh my God, remember when we went over to his house and we all hung out?' You don't expect somebody you grew up with to be involved in something like this," Heselin said.

Most of his current neighbors in Middletown, about 30 miles northeast of New Haven, said they moved in after Clark or knew him only in passing. Many said he shared the second-floor apartment with his girlfriend and a dog.

Police said he drove a Ford Mustang, which was seized as evidence.

Neighbor Ashley Rowe described Clark as "decent" and said he asked a lot of questions when he spoke to people and wanted to know their full names and where they were from.
Rowe also remembered the first time she met his dog.

"His dog was very excited and he was just like, 'Oh, don't worry. He's friendly.' You could pet him," she said. "Pretty much, he just loved his dog and he walked around with his dog all the time."
If it's true that he dismembered her, I wonder what on Earth would've been his motive for that. Was it simply to compact the space of the body to hide it? Did he disect her and/or subject her to some of the experiments she had done on the animals as some sort of revenge on behalf of the animals? I still just cannot get over how it took them so long to identify the body when they knew it was a female. One can only wonder in what kind of shape her body must've been in.
Yes, I agree hands-on-throat is an act of anger/aggression. I mean maybe it looks like it was (partially?) sexually motivated because this is how he may have treated his girlfriends in the past. He may not have been sexually attracted to her, but this method would mimic what he's done in the past.

I don't know, just speculating, trying to put myself in his head at the time.

Exactly Ailina

This is how he may have treated HIS GIRLFRIENDS in the past (not all girls)

I keep thinking illicit affair was the trigger of it all

Just opinion though
I will be very interested in hearing about the scratch pattern and whether her own skin was under her fingernails. That will be very telling about the type of strangulation applied and thus possible motive.
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