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What was Casey's motive to Kill?

  • Caylee interfered with Casey's partying lifestyle

    Votes: 45 9.3%
  • Caylee tattled on Casey to Cindy

    Votes: 15 3.1%
  • Revenge/rage against Cindy

    Votes: 83 17.2%
  • Tony didn't want a little girl around

    Votes: 22 4.6%
  • more than one of the above

    Votes: 366 75.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I know that Casey is responsible for Caylee's death but for the life of me I have no idea what the motive could be. I've read everyone's excellent posts, but I still can't get a sense as to what motivated her to kill this beautiful little girl. Since the day this was "not" reported, nothing has made sense.

this is exactly where my heart / mind is right now........many posters seem to be able to say how/why this could have happened........I guess I just can't get my mind to go to a place where this could happen...but this is not the first mother who did who knows what to their child....never dreamed I would get so involved .........beautiful Caylee ....sorry mods.......just having a weak moment here..........
I'm not necessarily sure the new "honey" had anything to do with her decision. She wrote, very recently before Caylee "disappeared", in an I'm session that she wasn't so sure she should invest nuch in Tony when there wa a good chance he would move back to NY within a year (I'm paraphrasing). So I don't think it was within her realm of reasoning to think that getting rid of her daughter would benefit her in that relationship. I also don't think anyone would make that sacrifice, knowing that, for a 7 week old relationship. Casey's had a lot of "relationships" during Caylee's lifetime and she never had to give Caylee up to maintain those relationships.

Further to this piint, I will add that the "chloroform/neck breaking/missing child" searches on her computer were done in March. She wasn't even dating Tony at that point, was she?
Freedom calling her, just doesn't make a bit of sense to me. This chick lives in Orlando. A town full of visitors with money, money,money. If she wanted out, she would have landed one and moved on.
Something was keeping her local and I don't think it was Caylee. Almost 3 means hey soon this little girl goes to school all day, no more diapers, no more being dependent. Casey definitely qualified for financial help with daycare, etc. She wasn't using any of the resources she had available to her if she wanted out doing it by herself.
I don't think that girl could plan a birthday party at McDonalds.
I think Casey did not view Caylee as a person, just a thing. An accessory, cute sometimes, a pain in the azz most of the time. I don't think Casey is capable of bonding to people, she is a sociopath and those folks can't understand that there are other people as important as themselves. She discarded her in anger, in a fit of rage, simply for existing. Caylee got in the way of Casey's pleasure and she simply removed the problem. She didn't report it because she doesn't think anyone would care if Caylee is gone. She didn't care, why would anyone else. When she cries it's for herself, frustrated no one will let her go. She is boxed in and cannot stand it.
This monster needs to never see the light of day ever again.
I think I can safely say Caylee was not what Casey wanted this time of her life. Remember we've heard she did not want to keep Caylee. She wanted to give her up. As the story goes Cindy was not having any of that. To me, Caylee became a constant, day-by-day, minute-by-minute reminder of a mistake she made. And Cindy reinforced that feeling.
I believe Cindy was the type of parent that believed that Casey should be punished for having a child out of wedlock. I think she insisted Casey keep the baby and become a good respectable mother, as Cindy saw herself to be. Cindy thought she was teaching her daughter a lesson. But what she really was doing was making Casey erase any love or attachment from the child she brought into this world.
Although this would not be sane reason to kill your child, in Casey's sick mind, she saw only that her depression, lack of self respect and the constant reminder from Cindy that she had to be a mother to Caylee made her resent the baby and her mother too.
Her only way to escape this type of life was to leave the environment of a harsh mother and eliminate Caylee.
Part of me, because of the evidence on the computer search, tells me that Caylee's death was planned. But there is an equal part that says it was an accident perhaps because she overdosed Caylee in order to get her out of the way while she partied. It might have worked once, maybe twice, but the third time Caylee died.
Casey never wanted Caylee. Casey rid herself of that that burden and her mother's constant demands she be a mother, a good mother.
She had a new honey who probably didn't want to be bothered with a little one, so in KC's world...what do you do? Get rid of the "bother". When I see the video of her walking all cuddled up with AL in the video store on the day LE thinks that Caylee was killed, it nearly kills me. Sick.....sick....sick.

I agree! I think this was the biggest factor.. and youre right.. its beyond sick..
Did anyone here read TL's comments on the SM forum? It's pretty obvious by what he said that the only interactions he had with Caylee were great ones. He enjoyed her a lot and thought she was adorable. He even made her show off to his neighbors. Any normal mother would say to herself, "Wow, this guy is great with my daughter. Maybe if this works out he will be a great father figure to her." If you want to work the man angle regarding TL, with TL's comments about Caylee in mind, you can only figure that KC was jealous that yet another person enjoyed Caylee and paid less attention to her. The reason that KC killed Caylee is that she has mental problems and does not have normal human emotions. Her own self-absorption set her off and cost Caylee her life.

I agree that TL wasn't part of her motives. Remember that was simultaneously with a total of something like five guys during the time she was dating TL. I think she was playing "wifey" to TL so she had a hideout. TL was someone her mom wasn't even aware of.

Further, I think KC played everyone around her. She morphed herself into whatever she thought that person wanted to see. She was an adoring mother around TL, but the cop that was fired because of her seemed not to appreciate that she had a daughter, so KC starts calling her "little snothead." Who on earth knows the real KC? She has so many sides...
I think she thought about it all the time for exactly the three reasons you stated.

At that particular moment - when she finally acted on her thoughts - I think the order of the motives were:
1 revenge on cindy
2 stifled social life
3 jealousy

Perfectly stated. This was no snap decision, accident, or fit of anger. The computer searches show this was long thought-out and planned. She searched for missing children back in March to know what to expect when her own little daughter "went missing". And, she searched for chloroform back in March so she could knock her daughter out before breaking her neck (or, perhaps, chloroform was an alternative method of killing to breaking her neck).
I think casey at one time was fond of her child. She may have even believed she loved her. But, Caylee became a nuisance, she began to replace casey as the family princess and casey wanted to get back at Cindy for trying to force her to take responsibility for her child (by yelling at her to get and keep a job, not steal and not dump the baby with the grandparents every time she wanted to party). I think Cindy got on casey's back on a regular basis and went ballistic when she realized the extent of casey's lies about having work, source of money, etc. I think casey began to see little Caylee as the problem. If she got rid of her, her mom might calm down. But, the murder also served to punish Cindy for her devotion towards the baby and disapproval of "precious" casey.
This was a cold-blooded, premeditated, horror of a crime perpetrated by a very cunning, diabolical nightmare of a person. Yes, casey could act like a normal person. She had feelings, probably did nice things for people, treated her daughter fairly well, like any caring mother. Most people are not all good or all evil (Hitler loved children and was devoted to his dogs). But the fact is, her behavior showed the core of who she really was. Everything about her spoke of a deep seated irresponsibility and superficiality. She could not be bothered with getting or keeping a job. She could not manage to even be bothered with finishing her last credit towards a high school diploma. Everything about her also showed an inherent criminal nature: casey stole from everyone close to her - her friends, her parents and even her grandparents. She also lied so convincingly about everything that people did not know what to think. I mean, my gosh, this nut even created fake domain names so she could create fake e-mail addresses and send fake e-mails to herself from her "boss", so she prove to her family that she was working!
This murder did not come out of no where. The signs were all over the road. But I think the question in part was, what could justify what casey did? Nothing could ever justify the murder of any little girl.
OMG! OMG! OMG! I remember the insurance conversation with Amy. KC was too irresponsible to think of getting health insurance for either herself or KLee. She couldn't get car insurance because you have to own the car. Maybe you can get drivers insurance. I don't know. But, she would probably have been insured under her parents' policy. She wouldn't need homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance. That leaves only life insurance. She probably wouldn't get life insurance on herself because her parents were supporting KLee. I doubt she could afford to get insurance on her parents because it would be expensive to start with people in their 50s. Her mother just had a 50th birthday and GA is 7 years older. But, life insurance on a child is cheap. Remember the $15,000 she said she had? KC told her friends, in about May or early June that she had $15,000. Well, a $15,000 policy on KLee would have been cheap. It would have taken a few months to set it up and she started her internet search on how to make chloroform on March 17, 2008. So, she was taking extreme risks with KLee using it for knock-out so she could bring KLee to parties and KLee, being unconscious, would "sleep" through anything. Just knock her out in the car before she brought her in. But, then she needed more time and used more. Maybe she made up a make-shift bed for KLee in the trunk -- sheet from her bed, KLee's blanket from her bed and the pillow that matched with the white ruffle that we saw sticking out of the box that LE just took in evidence.

KC talked to Amy about renting a house and maybe had the insurance mailed to the new residence ... or to an apartment she knew had been vacant since February ... because it was at Sawgrass near where two of her friends were living (was one of those Amy?) She goes to Sawgrass to pick up her mail being delivered to the empty apartment and goes to the desk to get it. There she sees ZFG's name registered to see a vacant apartment. She saw the car and could describe that. But, she dared not identify her as the Zanny Nanny.

Just speculation, but it is starting to fit. If so, she either didn't care that she was being so reckless with KLee or figured someday soon it would kill her and she would collect insurance. She couldn't tell where the body was because of the duct tape. Oh, she also had to stay around until the kidnapping story stuck and she had the time to file an insurance claim and collect the $15,000 insurance benefit because ... she was the sole parent. CA's threats to get custody or terminate KC's parental rights threatened all of this fueling the fight.

Oh, but I just thought of something. KC lied about being a college student and turned 22 years old in March. That would have sparked the need to get her own health insurance and/or car insurance. But, why have it sent to another address when they hadn't actually rented the place? No. Maybe her parents gave her some money to start health insurance, but she bought life insurance instead?
I don't think the cover-up was done well enough for her to have some sort of insurance collection plan in mind. It was too close to the home, too much like typical filicide.
OMG! OMG! OMG! I remember the insurance conversation with Amy. KC was too irresponsible to think of getting health insurance for either herself or KLee. She couldn't get car insurance because you have to own the car. Maybe you can get drivers insurance. I don't know. But, she would probably have been insured under her parents' policy. She wouldn't need homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance. That leaves only life insurance. She probably wouldn't get life insurance on herself because her parents were supporting KLee. I doubt she could afford to get insurance on her parents because it would be expensive to start with people in their 50s. Her mother just had a 50th birthday and GA is 7 years older. But, life insurance on a child is cheap. Remember the $15,000 she said she had? KC told her friends, in about May or early June that she had $15,000. Well, a $15,000 policy on KLee would have been cheap. It would have taken a few months to set it up and she started her internet search on how to make chloroform on March 17, 2008. So, she was taking extreme risks with KLee using it for knock-out so she could bring KLee to parties and KLee, being unconscious, would "sleep" through anything. Just knock her out in the car before she brought her in. But, then she needed more time and used more. Maybe she made up a make-shift bed for KLee in the trunk -- sheet from her bed, KLee's blanket from her bed and the pillow that matched with the white ruffle that we saw sticking out of the box that LE just took in evidence.

KC talked to Amy about renting a house and maybe had the insurance mailed to the new residence ... or to an apartment she knew had been vacant since February ... because it was at Sawgrass near where two of her friends were living (was one of those Amy?) She goes to Sawgrass to pick up her mail being delivered to the empty apartment and goes to the desk to get it. There she sees ZFG's name registered to see a vacant apartment. She saw the car and could describe that. But, she dared not identify her as the Zanny Nanny.

Just speculation, but it is starting to fit. If so, she either didn't care that she was being so reckless with KLee or figured someday soon it would kill her and she would collect insurance. She couldn't tell where the body was because of the duct tape. Oh, she also had to stay around until the kidnapping story stuck and she had the time to file an insurance claim and collect the $15,000 insurance benefit because ... she was the sole parent. CA's threats to get custody or terminate KC's parental rights threatened all of this fueling the fight.

Oh, but I just thought of something. KC lied about being a college student and turned 22 years old in March. That would have sparked the need to get her own health insurance and/or car insurance. But, why have it sent to another address when they hadn't actually rented the place? No. Maybe her parents gave her some money to start health insurance, but she bought life insurance instead?

:eek: Mind churning here.

Just want to add: Didn't GA also say in one of his interviews that KC said JB she had $15,000 to pay him? Or was it $5,000? I'm thinking $15,000
I am not sure if kc used chlorofrom..She would have had to purchase it and it is not cheap.. Making it would not be easy because it is not stable. It must be stored in dark glass and kept cool. I can't picture her making it. Only possibility is if someone else gave her some.

KC was a cruel person when no one is around. I am familiar with this personality type. She may have drowned Caylee in the pool or she may have smothered her during the night. She may have overdosed her...just know that she wanted to be with TL that night. Her home life was upsetting her. She wanted out. She took her anger out on Caylee and went overboard.

KC lives in the that moment she didn't want Caylee and she wanted to be with TL and her mother was stopping her. KC gets what she wants and she wanted to be with TL.

Very similar story with Scott Peterson. Amber was the catalyst.
She had a new honey who probably didn't want to be bothered with a little one, so in KC's world...what do you do? Get rid of the "bother". When I see the video of her walking all cuddled up with AL in the video store on the day LE thinks that Caylee was killed, it nearly kills me. Sick.....sick....sick.
I agree with you, She's a party girl and Caylee was a burden to her. The truth will come out soon and she will pay for crime.What a waste of a little girl's life. I don't think it was an accident I believe she planned on how to get rid of the child.:mad:
KC had no natural affection for Caylee
I think the motive was born when those first searches were made. Something was going on. Because let's face it, she didn't get rid of Caylee during the hardest part of being a mother 3 years old and below. After 3 years they start doing things for themselves, start preschool. Mother's get more freedom. So in my opinion, I don't think the motive was because she couldn't go out. She could have stuffed her in a trunk, put her to sleep with medicine or just left her at home alone. She could have done a lot of things that didn't have to cause Caylee to die. This was murder because of her mom. She wanted to hurt her mom and be free.
I feel horrible even writing this, but wouldn't it have been easier for KC to have drowned beautiful Caylee in the swimming pool and made it look like a terrible accident rather than this whole pretence thing she has going, if this was pre-meditated?
I think she wanted to go out and be with her boyfriend, but she was furious with her mother, so she couldn't ask her mom to babysit, so she knocked Caylee out. She put her in the trunk to "sleep", put tape over her mouth in case she woke up and started making noise. But I think she left the rag in the trunk. The heat, the humidity, the confined space, that soaked rag... too much and it took Caylee's life. When Casey realized what happened, she didn't know what to do, so she drove around with her in the trunk for a few days. She later then left her in that black bag by the elementary school.

She did want to punish her mother. She did feel like Caylee was the darling of the family. She was jealous of her own daughter. I also think that she wanted Caylee out of her life so that she could try to pursue a future with Tony. He had made mention that 1. he might move away and 2. he wanted all sons because of what he had witnessed with the girls in his family. Remember Susan Smith? She thought that she could eliminate her children, get loads of sympathy, and still get her guy. I wonder how much of that factors into Casey's situation.

i remember somewhere reading that tony wanted lots of kids, and all boys...
remember casey was a follower...
in some of her pics, she has lighter hair, exactly the same color as Amy H.

what i don't understand is why she kept the initial kidnapping from tony?
i would think she would want sympathy, to be "held" in his arm...poor KC....

forgot to mention, sometimes i think it was accidental....oops too much cholororm or xanax....
then when i think that zanny existed for quite a while, the missing children's searches....then i think pre-meditation

although zanny existed because she needed an alibi for where her child was (knocked out somewhere with a sedative...but tells people she's with the nanny)
but the missing child website searches??? that reeks of pre-meditation

i wonder how long caylee was being drugged for?
did she use xanax to do it? was it cindy's xanax? is that why cindy freaked out on her on the 15th?

sorry guys, i have all my info in my head just jumbled and all over the place!!

reasons: when something is in your way what do u do? u get rid of it....plain and simple...assuming this was pre-meditation
i always take into consideration her age, she was only 22, a few yrs ago she was still a teenager...and her mind still works like one...
I think the problem that KC ran into with her whole plan....was the decomp and smell in the car...

I also think she was planing on taking off.....

If she would have been able to get rid of Caylee.....with no mess or decomp in the car...she could have taken off....and just told her parents she wanted time away to raise Caylee on her own.....

oh...and she didnt just dump her car somewhere.....because she was having trouble with it running....I think do to the gas/mixed oil she took from the shed....GA mentioned that of the gas cans that he kepted in the shed was for the like the weed wacker...that doesnt take just plan takes gas with oil
There is a motive thread already, but here is what I said on that one:

I really think that Casey looking up websites in March coincides with Caylee verbalizing and Casey realizing that all her lies and any new ones were about to be blown because Caylee was beginning to be understandable.

I think she knew she wanted to get rid of her for that reason and because she wanted to be free and party as much as she wanted, etc...

So, after the fight on the 15th she decided, "Okay, now is the time." and killed her then.

The reason she would never have just given Caylee to George and Cindy is because of Caylee talking and having more of an ability to expose her lies as each month went by.

Marlap that is my opinion too. A talking Caylee is just too dangerous to have around when your life is a web of lies.

In March when the "neck breaking" etc websearches were done, Caylee would have been 2 1/2, really starting to verbalize. In Caseyworld, Caylee was a growing liability.
IMO..she DID murder. She premediated on how, where, when...she knew why. It was the final "F.U." to her mom. She could be "free" travel and chase boys and be young and cool.

She began plotting this premediation several months prior, and determined she had to do it. Evidence proves it. Her hatred for parents, her free lifestyle is the motive.

WS'ers can argue that she doesn't reach premed because of the manner in which she disposed of her. Someone can premediatate a murder....but not think out the burial. Maybe she had several premediatated ideas....the dumpster....alleged kidnapping....accidential drowning...but once she killed her she was done and didn't care. I feel she could of just as easily set her out on the curb or in a dumpster. The "after-murder" plan was to live the lifestyle she would have from killing her. Not disposing her.

But I feel the reason she tossed her daughter in the scrubs is NOT due to her lack of planning...or shock that she did it...or an accident...rather, her TOTAL disregard to what happened to the remains.

When she met her pre-assigned "goal", she just went on in evidence shows....uncaring, unconcerned, because she had accomplished her agenda. Completely unfazed by what she did. LIKE SHE EXPECTED TO DO IT.

The LE needs to put DP back on the table to scare the beJesus out of her.
I agree with your thoughts, Valrico. The monster planned the murder, in fact she'd been contemplating the killing of Caylee for a while. And I believe the DP will be back on the table soon.

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