MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #1

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Map Updated (a little) added the car wash close to the crime scene and the fire station
A perp doesn't have to confess in order for there to be a case. Forensic evidence, cell phone evidence, witness testimony, etc, all can be used to build a case without a confession.

Yes I realize this. I was talking about this case specifically. Doesn't seem they have major evidence except maybe cell phone pings and possibly someone who will talk, but its been 2 weeks and nobody had yet. JmO
So what is the purpose of the gate which is by the locations of the car fire? What is there? I have not head what it is.

Also has anyone here constructed a timeline of Jessica's activities. I had heard that the tape at the gas station was off by an hour so I wonder if that is so and how does it affect the timeline (less time or more time from gas stations sighting to 911 call?).

I'm under the impression that the purpose of the gate is to keep trespassers out. Most likely ATVs. If you Google a satellite view of both sides of the road, and if you zoom it to 50-100 ft. you'll note that there really isn't much except woodlands. Thus I imagine someone of authority (and with some cash, as those gates cost $$$) does not want ATVs, or hunters, blazing trail ways.

Also, I believe that if the time stamp is off by an hour, then that would place Jessica Chambers at the station one hour earlier than currently imagined. Thus her 90 min from gas station to the 911 call would be more like 1 hour and 90 mins (i.e. 05:22:24 to 08:00:00, rather than 06:22:24 to 08:00:00 -- the 911 time is fixed on CT realtime and not the responsibility of fools like Ali Fadhel and the M&M gas station computer.) Yet Jessica's mother claims that she spoke with her daughter at 06:48:00 so it would seem that the 1 hour time/computer offset is incorrect.
I was just thinking this also. Was it a way to make sure she came to the party? Was someone setting her up? Wish I knew where the "party" was and who called her phone.
Looking at a couple of those pictures, it almost looks like there might be long-term "dented" tire tracks, for want of another way of putting it. Might this normally be a known "parking" spot where kids park to make out/drink or whatever? Something I read said that it had rained heavily for a couple days before hand - if so, the ground might have been soft, and the car sunk in or even got stuck when someone tried to pull it into the "usual" spot.

I wonder if there are any lights there at night? Would parking there in the dark keep you away from being seen from passing cars better? From the marks, it would seem the car sunk in a bit due to more than weight, but I'm no expert on these things. Why wouldn't a driver take the easier way to the same spot? Any ideas on the condition of the foliage around it and how long or hot the fire burned?

Discounting social media, and for now, for me, and that she was at the party as well because it is all third hand so far even on MSM. LE would know better, but IIRC, they didn't say anything about confirming the party at the press conference, as it could all just as easily be smoke screens. Somebody burned her and her car and left her to die, and escaped the scene either alone on foot or in a pre-positioned car nearby, or with somebody else waiting for them. The car was in a strange position in a semi-hidden place driven there in an odd and what looks like abrupt way, to me. She was at the gas station 90 minutes earlier and had told her mom about wanting to clean her car. Did she clean her car that night and where? Is there any confirmation on that yet either or where she cleaned it, because there could be more security footage of her around there?
Also, I believe that if the time stamp is off by an hour, then that would place Jessica Chambers at the station one hour earlier than currently imagined. Thus her 90 min from gas station to the 911 call would be more like 1 hour and 90 mins (i.e. 05:22:24 to 08:00:00, rather than 06:22:24 to 08:00:00 -- the 911 time is fixed on CT realtime and not the responsibility of fools like Ali Fadhel and the M&M gas station computer.) Yet Jessica's mother claims that she spoke with her daughter at 06:48:00 so it would seem that the 1 hour time/computer offset is incorrect.

Maybe it's an hour late, not early.
So what is the purpose of the gate which is by the locations of the car fire? What is there? I have not head what it is.

Also has anyone here constructed a timeline of Jessica's activities. I had heard that the tape at the gas station was off by an hour so I wonder if that is so and how does it affect the timeline (less time or more time from gas stations sighting to 911 call?).

COURTLAND, Miss. — Jessica Chambers' mother said her daughter spent all day and early evening Saturday at their home here before heading to put gas in her car and clean it.

Jessica left home a little after 6 p.m. She never returned.

Lisa Chambers said Jessica came home Friday night after ending her shift at Goody's Department Store in Batesville, where she had recently started working. She woke up Saturday morning for a little while, but went back to sleep for most of the day, Lisa Chambers said.

Not long after waking up, Jessica drove to a gas station on Highway 51 to grab a bite to eat and put gas in her car before heading into Batesville to clean it. The last time her mother spoke to her was just before 7 p.m

This is the closest thing to a timeline I have seen in MSM.

I don't know how the time stamp on the CCTV can be claimed to be an hour early when her Mom stated she left home to go there a little after 6PM. If she arrived there per the time stamp (I think it says 6.23) the timing adds up about right. JMO
I think that the reclining parts have to be strong metal to withstand crash forces and not recline as a result of them.

But the reclined seats are a puzzle to me. If there had been any "laid back" activity right before the fire was started, it sure was not a very good spot for it. Right next to the road with the car on a slope for all to see? Normally, for "laid back" activity, you are down a secluded road. The car was left there knowing it would be found soon. If it had merely run off the road and a killing occurred, the seats would not have been reclined. Or in other words, the seats were purposefully reclined after the vehicle was driven there for burning. I think there is another crime scene somewhere.

As in maybe something happened at the party.. could she have been knocked out there and driven to this location? If so.. did whoever driving the vehicle back into something at the party location?


Investigators think Mississippi teen may not have been alone when she burned

only links

Forced to drink lighter fluid now???

I can't even take what MSM is typing up to be accurate! SMH

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3 candles lit.

1 for Jessica
1 for Malik Drummond
And 1 for my friend Baljeev, who in 1 hour will have been missing for exactly 10 weeks.

I'm not very good friends with life right now :(
Forced to drink lighter fluid now???

I can't even take what MSM is typing up to be accurate! SMH

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seriously, this sentence doesnt even make sense...

"District Attorney John Champion said investigators are trying to figure out if someone else was with her just moments before she was forced to drink lighter fluid and set ablaze"

im going to assume if she was forced to drink something then someone else was there... maybe my logic is off tho...
I know this could be normal in a small town, but I think it is interesting that the gas station owner was so interested in her and asking questions like "why are you buying more gas than usual" and saying she would have told him if anything was wrong. Why would she till HIM?? And then he is still watching her drive off so he knows what direction her car went? Seems too interested in what is up with her to me. Since she was so well liked, this could be someone who wanted her and knew it would never happen. I am not accusing the gas station guy, just think it could be anyone who felt this way about her.
Much more


OMG you must watch and listen to the 2nd video down the page

I have come across this timeline in a few places on the internet so i am posting it in answer to my own question above about having one.

1) Jessica arrived at M&M First Stop Gas at 6:25pm
2) Exits car, approaches store, then walks out of frame until 6:27pm
3) Enters store at 6:27:15 pays (for gas?) then exits store at 6:28:15pm
4) Arrives back at car 6:28:27pm
5) Opens car door, either places something inside or uses interior latch to access gas tank.
6) Pumps gas from 6:29pm to ? (news footage didn’t show timestamp)
7) Gets in car and drives away–estimated time now around 6:32pm?
8) Jessica’s mom, Lisa Chambers, has phone conversation with Jessica at 6:48pm (Jessica is going to get something to eat)
9) Fire Department respond to a 911 call at 8:13pm (Jessica Discovered)
3 candles lit.

1 for Jessica
1 for Malik Drummond
And 1 for my friend Baljeev, who in 1 hour will have been missing for exactly 10 weeks.

I'm not very good friends with life right now :(

You're the good stuff of life here, skibaboo. I hope your friend is found.
Wow!! I had not read this article. I sure hope Homeland Security gets involved in this case.

AND, from the CNN article...

The business, which Champion characterized as a rural mom-and-pop store, is about 2 miles from Chambers' home. It sells fried chicken, pizza and deli sandwiches, and there is a constant stream of people sharing rumors and random chatter about the killing that has rocked their area.

REALLY? "Mom-and-Pop" store. GMA#B!!!
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