MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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This is just a rhetorical question, loveamystery:

Would you be comfortable with your daughter hanging out at that gas station near you (modsnip)

And if you came by that information long before "anonymous" posted it?

No, I wouldn't, but I pretty much knew who my kids were hanging with because their siblings were snitches. LOL

I'm still not happy with all the negative references to the gas station and the clerk - because a lot of it is coming from invalid sources according to TOS. (modsnip) It was a busy gas station, just look at the single minute of video tape we have seen. Do you have any idea what kind of money gas stations pull in? Maybe there was illegal activity on the grounds, but thinking a gas station is a FRONT for something is kind of silly. I wonder if the owner had made any complaints about people hanging around before this. JMO
No, I wouldn't, but I pretty much knew who my kids were hanging with because their siblings were snitches. LOL

I'm still not happy with all the negative references to the gas station and the clerk - because a lot of it is coming from invalid sources according to TOS. (Those pics you're talking about could very well be photo-shopped.) It was a busy gas station, just look at the single minute of video tape we have seen. Do you have any idea what kind of money gas stations pull in? Maybe there was illegal activity on the grounds, but thinking a gas station is a FRONT for something is kind of silly. I wonder if the owner had made any complaints about people hanging around before this. JMO

Also, possibility Daddy said here, you can go and manage this business, but had no idea about the depth of illicit activity (if any) going on outside the different than other parents re their young adult children's activities.
You say, "At 5". Can you be more specific in Central Time (Mississippi)? The current "livestream" runs in generic 24hr from Grand Meridian (GMT) so 5pm could be anytime between London and Los Angeles (p.s. the latter is obviously an exaggeration. *smile*)

I have been gone all afternoon and am just now reading here. I am in Tennessee and we are on central time....Memphis is about 80 miles from me and is where WMCTv is. I just watched the video from an earlier broadcast today and they are going to have more information on their ten o'clock news....again, this is central time. HTH.
Lol! I think it is only here that you will hear anything about this being an accident. You don't have to eat your hat and post it. :) I am one of the people, when finding out the initial rumors were outrageous, posted some doubts here. The story originally presented as she was on fire walking down the road, then walked up to a fire fighter and gave the name of the perp, it goes on and on. This story was later determined to have many holes; despite that, the original conclusion on what happened to Jessica is still being perpetuated. I wonder if this isn't a lingering result of the initial rumors that have proven inaccurate. Accidents do happen- rumors happen too. The rumors are what led to some incorrect assumptions in the media... which have yet to be corrected. Awaiting autopsy results and the analysis of the vehicular crime scene...

I have some not so pleasant discussion about some of what a burning victim suffers during immolation in this post, if graphic discussion of what may have happened to Jessica disturbs you, skip my post.

We aren't going to see anything further on the autopsy reports until they have a suspect in custody.

I will agree in part with what you said. Initially the story was embellished, exagerrated, and enhanced as it first came out. Just look at the nature of the crime itself though, it's sensational (only in the strictest application of the word) and unbelievable.

Look at what we've heard and what applies and what doesn't.

Initially Jessica's father tells the MSM "They squirted lighter fluid in her nose and mouth". Later somewhat corroborated by Ali Alsani somewhat as he relates that the sheriff told him "they poured gas in her mouth."

This one is going to be hard to prove or disprove depending on the amount of damage done internally, and that was intentional. Whether the act was symbolic, or destructive in nature. When you're engulfed in flames, it doesn't matter if it's chemical in nature or not. You are going to have damage to the respiratory system. Fire pulls oxygen from wherever it is. It will follow it into your lungs, it will follow it into your stomach. If Jessica were forced to imbibe an accelerant it would burn inside as well and would definitely do colossal damage. The type of accelerant would dictate the amount of damage and residual matter. If gasoline were used, considering it's flashpoint is a volatile substance, that in mind the damage gasoline would cause would be more devastating. IMNSHO if Jessica had been forced to imbibe petrol, she wouldn't have lived as long as she did, nor would she have had a diaphragm to speak with. Considering lighter fluid as a accelerant, (I'm guessing they're saying lighter fluid like we do in my locale, charcoal staring fluid) that would be an adequate accelerant to start the fire on and in Jessica. Finally the point of this paragraph, she is going to have inhaled accelerant either way. Either in ignited state, or if it were introduced nasal/oral. The concentration of combustible residue will be the telling factor.

Next, was Jessica walking or found prone. Here's what we know, Jessica's father reported to MSM, she had burns over 98% of her body. The only unburnt part of her were the soles of her feet. I know from experience (I was a not so smart teenager) that shoes burn off almost as quickly as clothing, and that if you catch sneakers on fire, you will suffer some serious burns on the soles of your feet. If Jessica were not on her feet when or soon after the blaze began, the soles of her feet would be burned as well I guarantee it. We only have the statement from the Fire chief leaving her prone, next to the car. Which is completely contradictory to other statements with regard to the state of her feet. Why would he lie, he may not have seen her standing or walking, or she had some super durable boots/shoes on, or this is what he was told to say, or he's complicit.

Did Jessica speak? I think she did. This girl suffered hell on earth. I've suffered some bad burns in my day, but nothing like hers and I know the pain that accompanies them. I only hope hers were severe enough to extinguish the nerves with them. I believe her dying work was to try to expose who did this to her. I am however concerned that if the internal damage was so great that she couldn't effectively do so, either as a result of shock and her coherence, or catastrophic damage to the esophageal tract or the larynx.

What I'm trying to say is, don't dismiss something because it seems incredible. First and foremost, the human instinct to survive is incredible. How long did Jessica linger before her body just couldn't fight anymore. Next, that people could execute this child, the way they did, the way they made her suffer is unfathomable to me. Unbelievable, but, they did it.
Wow. That was a great deal to digest, flatfootjoe. And not an easy read. Makes me shudder. it thank you for the insight. Please please please let there be justice. For Jessica, her family, her friends and for the rest of the community.
Flatfootjoe: re: trunk area, are you saying it doesn't look like an explosion pattern, like something could have exploded by trunk? If so, does it look more like she was rear-ended by another car or could that still come from some car malfunction in the back area? Re: gas, I did not know that she put all of the gas in car tank or more fuel means less explosion, thanks for clearing up and info.

Having seen cars up close, that actually exploded, I can tell you it's not consistent with an explosion. When you have heat significant enough to liquify all the plastic and combustibles in a vehicle, vaporize the paint, you're going to have warping of the body panels. You're seeing a vehicle which was immolated, the trunk forced open by firefighters to make sure that the vehicle fire was extinguished. The missing plastic trim panels, bumper covers, light lenses, really change the appearance.
OR maybe JC was riding in the passengers seat and when she escaped the burning vehicle she didn't shut it? Just popped into my head.. JMO
Have just started following this in the case in the last few days. I have been following other cases but this draws you in wanting justice so badly. My thought is she encounters a person and a phone call before leaving the gas station. From that time there is roughly 90 minutes if I remember correctly before she is found. I have a hard time with an accident due to the phone. So my opinion is who ever was involved with this the evidence is on the phone. And was with her. Now my question or idea on this is in that 90 minutes she realized she may be in danger. What exactly transpired I don't know. Would this person have either taken over the drivers spot or forced her somehow to the location. She realizes she's in trouble so before the fire could she have without being noticed and with time permitting taken her phone apart and thrown it aside. Similar to Carlsbad Freeland. I would think that if there was something incriminating on the phone whoever did this would remove battery and take the phone. Or destroy it more permanently. So she throws it so she could be located but maybe with throwing it the back and battery come off. it's a dark rural road and so maybe this person doesn't want to take the chance sticking around to search for it if s/he even realizes it's not in the car. Maybe they were betting on it being in the car. Now S/he hurrys starts the fire and somehow leaves the area.

I'm sure it depends, but how long would it take to burn a car to that degree.
no breaking news from that live local newscast right now (wamc?) everything they are covering so far has already been reported
Having seen cars up close, that actually exploded, I can tell you it's not consistent with an explosion. When you have heat significant enough to liquify all the plastic and combustibles in a vehicle, vaporize the paint, you're going to have warping of the body panels. You're seeing a vehicle which was immolated, the trunk forced open by firefighters to make sure that the vehicle fire was extinguished. The missing plastic trim panels, bumper covers, light lenses, really change the appearance.

Flatfootjoe, would it be your opinion then, that the fire caused all of the damage visible on her car? And do you have an opinion as to what type of accelerant was used?
No, I wouldn't, but I pretty much knew who my kids were hanging with because their siblings were snitches. LOL

I'm still not happy with all the negative references to the gas station and the clerk - because a lot of it is coming from invalid sources according to TOS. (modsnip) It was a busy gas station, just look at the single minute of video tape we have seen. Do you have any idea what kind of money gas stations pull in? Maybe there was illegal activity on the grounds, but thinking a gas station is a FRONT for something is kind of silly. I wonder if the owner had made any complaints about people hanging around before this. JMO
I admire that you are careful about what you consider as fact. Actually, many posters here at WS gather their own information instead of trusting unknown sources. If you dont want to consider info from unknown sources to be automatically true, just start sleuthing. Take a trip down the rabbit hole. We cant post about most of what we find here, understandably, but at least you will have a better idea of what is silly and what isnt and you will know if, in this case, management minded having people hanging around.
Have just started following this in the case in the last few days. I have been following other cases but this draws you in wanting justice so badly. My thought is she encounters a person and a phone call before leaving the gas station. From that time there is roughly 90 minutes if I remember correctly before she is found. I have a hard time with an accident due to the phone. So my opinion is who ever was involved with this the evidence is on the phone. And was with her. Now my question or idea on this is in that 90 minutes she realized she may be in danger. What exactly transpired I don't know. Would this person have either taken over the drivers spot or forced her somehow to the location. She realizes she's in trouble so before the fire could she have without being noticed and with time permitting taken her phone apart and thrown it aside. Similar to Carlsbad Freeland. I would think that if there was something incriminating on the phone whoever did this would remove battery and take the phone. Or destroy it more permanently. So she throws it so she could be located but maybe with throwing it the back and battery come off. it's a dark rural road and so maybe this person doesn't want to take the chance sticking around to search for it if s/he even realizes it's not in the car. Maybe they were betting on it being in the car. Now S/he hurrys starts the fire and somehow leaves the area.

I'm sure it depends, but how long would it take to burn a car to that degree.

It depends on so many factors, the accelerant and how much is used, how much of the vehicle interior is combustible, the composition of the combustibles. Typically between 10 and 25 minutes. Honestly I've seen burned vehicles before, close up. I've never seen one burned so thoroughly. I would say this one burned nearer the maximum than the minimum, or the accelerant was gasoline, and they used more than a gallon.
Flatfootjoe, would it be your opinion then, that the fire caused all of the damage visible on her car? And do you have an opinion as to what type of accelerant was used?

IMO, the fire caused all the damage to the vehicle short of the pryed trunk. I believe two separate accelerants were used. The accelerant used on the car however was gasoline. A lot of gasoline.

" say the rumors are hurting them and law enforcement. "

Unfortunately, the family may have inadvertently helped spread the rumors. They accidentally posted the (modsnip) article on the Justice for Jessica site. People read the story they posted and by the time the family read it themselves, it was too late. The family had it removed, but their own site is how I found the article
With regard to the trunk...take a closer look at this image:
as well as this one:

There is a crowbar sitting on the trunk. So are the only photographs we've seen, photographs taken AFTER the trunk may have been pried open (to make sure the fire's totally out)? Let's hope that LE was cautious to preserve evidence as much as possible + that photographs exist at least in their record of the car before it may have been tampered with - even if in good faith + safety. Ugh.

Source site:
I wish I "really knew something", I'd be the first to come forward. Considering some of the awful hateful things being said on that page, I can understand their frustration. The rumors do however give LE "something" to investigate. Considering that they didn't anticipate any arrests, you would think that would be welcomed. No disrespect intended
I have wondered about this as well because in the letter to the niece JC says something to the fact of I've messed up in the past (from memory, not directly in front of me) and I'm going to be so much better when I get out. I have been in abuse shelters before and her wording there leads me to think it was either rehab or jail and not a battered women's shelter. Abuse shelters in that manner do not have timelines, you are free to come and go on your own will so the "when I get out" I don't think would apply/fit if she was in a battered shelter. Perhaps the family is embarrassed to bring a past issue to light. I do know the K2 is highly popular in her age group along with the many other issues out there. I tried to find an arrest history but wasn't successful. I kept getting scamming type websites for the area.

I also question the "party" because I have a now married 22-yo daughter, a 18-yo daughter, and a 17-yo daughter living in a very small rural town about the same size and although my girls have gone to parties I cannot once think of a party that would have ever occurred in the 6-8 p.m. timeframe, especially on a Saturday night. I'm thinking that isn't/wasn't legit and the one and only person who came forward may be a fame seeker.

I also feel the car wash was probably a cover to mom so mom didn't know her true plans. I feel like she was probably planning to pick up/meet up with a love interest whether ex or new and didn't want mom to know, thus why extra gas.

Do we know for certain it was a battered women's shelter? It could also be a homeless shelter or he may not have wanted to say rehab? Rx & street drug abuse seems to be rampant among young adults in many communities. (I'm in no way saying she "deserved" to die or is any less deserving of sympathy & a full investigation. It's just very curious to me that she was living in any kind of shelter.)

The only witness to her uttering a name was the firefighter who was the first on the scene. He was the first on the scene and he immediately recognized Jessica even though she was either engulfed in flames or very badly burned. He is very young. Almost the same age as Jessica. Surely one of her contemporaries. But he was the first on the scene, immediately recognized her as Jessica and holds the mysterious clue of the last word she uttered. This bothers me.

This bothers me too. The words I have heard from severely injured and dying patients was "Help Me". Or "Mommy". JMV
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