MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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My BF is a retired cop. I showed him a picture of the car and he said, "that's a lot of gasoline"...

I just had a sickening thought. What if the accelerant is indeed just gasoline, and only gasoline from Jessica's car? Did someone call her and ask for help, to get extra gas and drive over to meet them? Was she then made to siphon it? Something is really, really effed up about this timeline: with her phone, when she left the house, going to the gas station, the extra gas, the open gas cap (if this is accurate), the early claim of "accelerant" in her mouth + throat, the condition of that car... Urrggh.

Droopy said:
Another question I have is, what is known about the previous fire the firefighters were at? Was it a house, a business, grass or woods? Where was that fire in relation to Jessica's car? What time were they called to the first fire and how long were they there? Given that the firehouse is located on Herron Road and not far from her car, could someone have set that first fire in order to draw the fire department further away from her car in hopes that it would allow the fire to burn longer, which would suggest pre-meditation?

Oooh. Good, good questions. I'm curious...
The only witness to her uttering a name was the firefighter who was the first on the scene. He was the first on the scene and he immediately recognized Jessica even though she was either engulfed in flames or very badly burned. He is very young. Almost the same age as Jessica. Surely one of her contemporaries. But he was the first on the scene, immediately recognized her as Jessica and holds the mysterious clue of the last word she uttered. This bothers me.

My understanding is that he did not recognize her, she said her name and the name of her attacker.
Excellent post. I can't believe not one of us had thought about spring loaded seats.

You have made some excellent points! I think you are probably correct on how the car was parked when they found it. I had wondered about the position of the car and I think you just answered the question! I had only seen pics of the car on the flatbed, but didn't take the extra step to reason it out as you so brilliantly did.

The spring loaded seats---another gem piece of info! Those seats were most likely reclined by those sitting in them and NOT by fire. Could be one of the reasons LE assumed someone had been in the car with her.
I agree that she may have lied to her mom about the car wash. Sounds like she was making excuses to be out longer.

But my kids did used to go to parties in the 6 to 8 pm time frame. They called them 'pregames' or kickbacks. And people would get together in small groups and get ready for the main event. Small groups would get together and make plans for the upcoming night, and 'kick back.'

As for the women;s shelter, I still think it was possible she in a court ordered women's shelter--like a halfway house thing. She had a couple of assault charges herself which may have been DV related?
But didn't she have on pajama bottoms. So I think going to a party is out the question. But I do believe somebody asked her for a ride to pick up some drugs and had her drop them off at the party house. Maybe drugs came up missing and JC was blamed. Or the person she was with had a jealous lover who attacked JC and then had help covering it up.
But didn't she have on pajama bottoms. So I think going to a party is out the question. But I do believe somebody asked her for a ride to pick up some drugs and had her drop them off at the party house. Maybe drugs came up missing and JC was blamed. Or the person she was with had a jealous lover who attacked JC and then had help covering it up.

At the 'pre-game' kickbacks girls wear sweat pants etc. This is before they get ready to go to the parties. But I do agree that she might have been asked to drop something or someone off somewhere.
I have a few thoughts and questions...

What is known about the parking brake? Was it engaged? If so when? Was it engaged when the firefighters arrived? Was it engaged after the fire was out? After it was loaded on a flatbed or at the impound yard?

I also looked into what type of seats were offered. There appears to be only a manual seat and no power seats offered on either model which means you have to pull a lever to adjust the seat back. It has already been mentioned by a couple of different posters already that the seats didn't collapse due to the fire, but I will report back what my firefighter friend had to say about it. While he wouldn't say that it is 100% impossible, in all the car fires has he has been called to, he has never seen a seat collapsed back like that. He still believes it is highly unlikely the fire caused it.

After I spoke to him, I spoke to my auto tech friend about the seats construction and asked if the seat could have collapsed from a fire. Besides mentioning that the frame and a few of the other parts are made of stronger metals and it takes a lot more heat to melt those than the rest of the seat. He said something else that didn't dawn on me before. In a manual seat, it is spring loaded. If you have ever owned a car that you pull a lever to adjust the seat back, then you know if you aren't sitting in the seat when you pull it, the seat back collapses towards the front of the car. You need to apply a little weight or force to make the seat back recline back. He also said that fairly recently he had two cars come into the shop that had saltwater damage. The saltwater corroded the seat enough that it made the seat back collapse, but it collapses forward not back.

As has been said before, perhaps the firefighters reclined it to access more of the fire, but that doesn't seem to make sense. Clearly in the pics you can see there is nothing left of the seat but the frame. Anything still on fire or smoldering should be easily seen without having to recline the back...right?

Regarding her body, it was burned 98% with the exception of her feet. If she was outside of her car and doused, that would make me think that none of the accelerant got on her feet area. If she was in her car that makes me think that none of the accelerant was poured on the floor of the car or she was able to escape her car prior to the floor being engulfed. Most likely if any of her clothes survived, it would have only been small patches of them. What kind of footwear was she wearing? Would that have survived?

I'll answer what I can, without speculation...

I read somewhere in MSM the parking brake was engaged. Considering the intensity of the fire, I'm betting the brake linings burned away, and wouldn't have held the car in position even if the brake were engaged. This leads me to believe the car was an automatic, and the transmission shear pin held.

With manually adjusted seats, the mechanism is a spring loaded ratchet. placing the handle in the open mode propels the seat forward, closing it engages the ratchet closest to the pawl. Placing weight or force against it loads the spring and moves the back of the seat toward the rear floor. If the ratchet or pawl fails, assuming the spring has not fully distorted or melted, the seat would propel forward. If the entire control mechanism melted, the seat back *could* fall all the way to the floor.

When I was a stupid teenager, I got very drunk at a bonfire party. I fell asleep with heavy leather sneakers on, they were very close to the bonfire. My "friends" watched laughing hysterically as my shoes caught fire. then my pants. I woke up when my lower extremities told me it was time to do so. The rubber and the leather of my shoes were ablaze, I assume for maybe two or three minutes. I got them, my socks and my pants off before I was burned seriously, but it did hurt like hell. By the time I got my shoes off there was no saving them and I just let them burn. They burned until they were done. Not a lot left, and I assume there was no accelerant involved. Considering that every combustible bit of material in the car was consumed, I'd venture the entire interior of that vehicle was saturated with volatile, not just a combustible, fuel source.
I'll answer what I can, without speculation...

I read somewhere in MSM the parking brake was engaged. Considering the intensity of the fire, I'm betting the brake linings burned away, and wouldn't have held the car in position even if the brake were engaged. This leads me to believe the car was an automatic, and the transmission shear pin held.

With manually adjusted seats, the mechanism is a spring loaded ratchet. placing the handle in the open mode propels the seat forward, closing it engages the ratchet closest to the pawl. Placing weight or force against it loads the spring and moves the back of the seat toward the rear floor. If the ratchet or pawl fails, assuming the spring has not fully distorted or melted, the seat would propel forward. If the entire control mechanism melted, the seat back *could* fall all the way to the floor.

When I was a stupid teenager, I got very drunk at a bonfire party. I fell asleep with heavy leather sneakers on, they were very close to the bonfire. My "friends" watched laughing hysterically as my shoes caught fire. then my pants. I woke up when my lower extremities told me it was time to do so. The rubber and the leather of my shoes were ablaze, I assume for maybe two or three minutes. I got them, my socks and my pants off before I was burned seriously, but it did hurt like hell. By the time I got my shoes off there was no saving them and I just let them burn. They burned until they were done. Not a lot left, and I assume there was no accelerant involved.

I hope you found some better friends. LOL That was mean to just laugh and watch you catch on fire.
I don't trust anyone residing in this town. NO ONE.
When this is all over (hopefully sooner rather than later), I think we're going to have quite a few arrests. I believe many people know what happened to poor Jessica that night. IMO, she had a lot of information on people and that's why she was silenced. literally.
I think if the case is solved the conclusion will surprise many and disappoint more than a few.
I too feel there is something with this issue and the "he has been ruled out" could just be a cover up from LE as well since we know we don't always get good and accurate case facts. I for one find the striped shirts odd as well because this guy was in one and I briefly read about her friend being in one on Vinelink and I saw one of the store owner in an identical one as well?
I have a few thoughts and questions...

From much of the posts I have read on here that mention the position of her car at the scene, the consensus seems to be that her car was driven to that spot nose first. Has that been stated anywhere by law enforcement or MSM or is it speculation?

What if her car wasn't driven in nose first but backed in? Front ends of cars normally have a lower clearance than the rear end.
If you look at that pic of the crime scene, it would appear pretty steep.

Now if you look at it from this view
It doesn't seem quite that steep. You could definitely back up that incline where the rear end wouldn't at the very least bottom out. It appears you would also be able to drive up nose first, but it is possible that the front end at the very least would scrape the ground, possibly scuffing the bottom of the bumpers paint.

Another reason to think it is possible that her car could have been backed in. In the pic of her car taken at the gas station, her car is on the flatbed nose first. If her car was backed up to near the tree, all the flatbed had to do is back his truck up to the car and load it on. If her car was driven in nose first then in order to get it on the flatbed nose first, the car would have had to been rolled back down the incline and far enough that the flatbed would be able to access the front end.

What is known about the parking brake? Was it engaged? If so when? Was it engaged when the firefighters arrived? Was it engaged after the fire was out? After it was loaded on a flatbed or at the impound yard?


This theory makes a lot of sense to me. And, it may solve the mystery of the parking brake being engaged. It's an automatic reflex for some people (like me) to pull the brake when on any incline.

I don't see the firefighters reaching into a burning car to 1) recline the seats, or 2) engage the brake. However, if she was maybe hanging out with a lover, seats reclined, having some fun, that brake would be right in the way. I'm not sure what to think!!
I think if the case is solved the conclusion will surprise many and disappoint more than a few.
Could you elaborate? Other than the perps I can't figure out who would be disappointed at the solving of the case.
I hope you found some better friends. LOL That was mean to just laugh and watch you catch on fire.

It took a lot of years, exposure to idiots and the worst that mankind had to offer, but I did eventually straighten my life out, got an education and got away from the type of people I believe murdered Jessica. I don't know how many nights I almost ended up a statistic like her, but I know of at least five.

My only wish is that they find the people who did this to her. I fully believe this was a concerted effort. People fight too hard when they know death is waiting. I don't care how little or petite she was, she fought, I know she did and it leaves me in tears to think about it. There's more than one animal behind this, and I almost hope they get biblical justice before they make it to jail.
She is not the one filling the gas can in the video - that man, named Eric, was cleared. One or more of the media links have an interview with him.

Now the mug shot of Charlotte, and the timing of it, is interesting - I saw it on an unapproved internet site, but it came from VINElink. Is VINElink approved? Offender ID: 36208

BBM - The guy filling the gas can at the tank while JC can be seen in the video is named Eric? Do you have a link for that? I have missed that somehow. I knew an Eric had been interviewed and released but have not read that he is the man in the video! Thank you!
BBM, this bothered me too. Honestly I believe two types of accelerant were used. One for Jessica, one for the car. After they doused her down they realized it just wasn't going to be enough to do the job. They siphoned gas from the vehicle. I'm pretty sure she had set up a meeting with someone, in a not so nearby city who was in on it. She was being tailed by another culprit, she was not able to continue on Herron Rd because another culprit had a vehicle blocking the road. When she got to the roadblock, the vehicle behind her closed the way completely and she drove up the embankment to avoid the collision. There may have even been more cars present on the dirt road. Why would she drive up the embankment otherwise?

This was definitely more than one person, it was definitely a hate driven crime (not race), whoever did this wanted her to suffer, maybe even to make an example of her. We're definitely talking about people with sociopathic anger. It was premeditated.

I can't understand with her cellphone being disabled, the position of her car, the method of her execution, and the amount of suffering she was forced to endure, how anyone could consider this an accident.


I concur to some extent with your analysis. I believe though that it was a one-on-one crime instead of multiple attackers. I also agree that there were two different types of accelerants used. If you haven't read my earlier, lengthy post on page two of this topic you might desire too. It seems you and I are of similar although somewhat different opinions.

Just came across this article - It's a MS News Site so I believe it's OK to talk about, they do mention anonymous but more importantly, it had an interesting timeline I haven't seen before of AA's interaction with the police and tow truck driver right after the crime. It has an audio interview. I need help with some of the earlier times.

00:00? Fire is Extinguished and Jessica is taken away. Anyone know about how long this took/approximately what time they left?

00:00? Tow truck takes the car away and stops at the gas station for cigarettes. I don't have access to the social media that would show about what time the pictures of the car at the station were taken. Was there any footage of this interaction?

I support LE enforcement. So my post is only for the way evidence was handled in the Jessica Chambers case. I was doing some catch up reading and I was floored when I read the following on the chain of command of evidence in this case.

:thud:I simply cannot believe that any LE would not 1st and foremost preserve evidence in a potential arson case.Does any one comprehend the 'willy nilly' towtruck driver's cavalier route; stopping for cigaretts and casually waiting while photo's of the Jessica's-burned car are taken? A clever defense attorney could have a field day questioning the way LE handled the chain of custody in towing Jessica's vehicle. MOO

Looking at the various pictures of her car, there appears to be no glass remaining. What do you make of that? Would I be correct that the side windows are made of tempered glass and the windshield laminated? Any ideas on what the melting point would be for both types of glass. I tried researching it and was only able to find one place that mentioned auto safety glass melts somewhere between 1000-1200 degrees. Does that sound about right? Would a fire have blown out the windows or melted them? Perhaps they were destroyed by the high pressure fire hose?

There is really only one quality pic of the tires on the car or what's left of them. That one being the right front, which appears to have no rubber left and is just a rim. If all four tires are like that, I think that would make it difficult for her car to be pushed back down the incline, because the rims would dig into the ground. Or at the very least it would require quite a few people to push it, which would give more credence to her car being parked on that incline rear end first. Any opinions?
But didn't she have on pajama bottoms. So I think going to a party is out the question. But I do believe somebody asked her for a ride to pick up some drugs and had her drop them off at the party house. Maybe drugs came up missing and JC was blamed. Or the person she was with had a jealous lover who attacked JC and then had help covering it up.
Just shopped at an outdoor store, Cabella's, recently. Near the full-bib type camos they had sweat pant style camos with elastic cuffed leg bottoms. I could see those being stylishly acceptable in JC's community and among her age group. I can tell ya, they were NOT cheap by any stretch. I'm not sure her age group even thinks of these as pajama bottoms as much as "casual wear". Can any other moms in similar communities address this? I wondered if maybe some even hunt in them.
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