MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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Kind of ironic that a 19 yr old would be entrusted with a gas station to run, one that sells liquor, which as a clerk he'd obviously be selling....when he's not even legal to drink. How does that work I wonder? How can a minor sell booze?

Also, possibility Daddy said here, you can go and manage this business, but had no idea about the depth of illicit activity (if any) going on outside the different than other parents re their young adult children's activities.
Could you elaborate? Other than the perps I can't figure out who would be disappointed at the solving of the case.
I know it's a bit cryptic. Did provide lots of links in a couple-three fingerposts near the end of thread #1 pointing toward a possible answer, and another at the start of this thread.

But I don't know, not really; indeed, the truth may even turn out to be more bizarre.

One with no links: again, this may prove far far afield, but I once taught a young man whose lawyer bargained him into an Alford plea in a case like this -- hideous, that fiery circumstance, though the victim survived. It was his word against hers. I heard his story and did believe him, though a jury most likely would not have -- and thus the plea bargain.
I know it's a bit cryptic. Did provide lots of links in a couple-three fingerposts near the end of thread #1 pointing toward a possible answer, and another at the start of this thread.

But I don't know, not really; indeed, the truth may even turn out to be more bizarre.

One with no links: again, this may prove far far afield, but I once taught a young man whose lawyer bargained him into an Alford plea in a case like this -- hideous, that fiery circumstance, though the victim survived. It was his word against hers. I heard his story and did believe him, though a jury most likely would not have -- and thus the plea bargain.
Thanks. I see what you mean now and you may well be correct.
I don't trust anyone residing in this town. NO ONE.
When this is all over (hopefully sooner rather than later), I think we're going to have quite a few arrests. I believe many people know what happened to poor Jessica that night. IMO, she had a lot of information on people and that's why she was silenced. Perhaps literally.

I initially had felt that something sexual happened in that car and she was set on fire to try and destroy evidence of that. With the revelation that Jessica had spoken to an author about writing a book about her life, it is quite possible no sexual crime took place and she was killed to shut her up. I am curious to know if Jessica went into any details with the author about her life? Whatever she was planning on writing, was there anything that someone wouldn't have wanted to be known? Whatever accelerant was poured down her mouth, assuming that did happen, could have been the perp/s way of sending Jessica a message to keep your mouth shut.
A thing I've been thinking about AA is this, if he had not given that video information to a reporter, it's likely we all wouldn't even know who he was. The police are keeping whatever they are thinking close to the vest and that has left the public with little to focus on with regards to JC and who is responsible for her death. Same thing with that whole town and perceived corruption . The things many of us have seen around the internet may be a matter of perception. I don't know if that's the case or not but I'm just thinking here about how what we see influences our ideas about a situation, and how what we are not seeing might change our view.

For instance, back when BP had their oil spill, most not in the area I live in had a perception that the Gulf was a giant slick and all the fish etc were covered in it. That just wasn't the case but because the media played the same video of a crane drenched in it, it gave the impression that that was the typical situation along the Gulf coast.

For lack of a better way to phrase it, I wonder if a lot of what seems important now, because we don't have much else to go on, might not seem so crucial later. Like it's filling a void. Who would have thought Striped Shirt Guy had nothing to do with a death caused by fire, while they were watching him fill a gas can where the victim was last seen? Not me. I was all "holy H!@#! he's filling gas cans!!"

"We are seeing through a glass darkly" I hope the FBI can see clearly.
I'm trying to gather the right links, but the FBI may be questioning someone tonight. I see a lot happening in the next day or two, but I don't believe you'll see much activity with major news networks. IMO The truth will be uncovered soon, and more than a few arrests are coming. own opinion.
IMO, I don't believe that poor Jessica was able to speak. Based on what you explained above, flatfootjoe, I just don't see how any kind of intentional utterance on her part would have been possible - due to extensive damage/burns to throat/voicebox/lungs. Given that there have been varying and completely differing reports of how she was found (on fire walking down the road, next to the car, she was still on fire, she was not still on fire), this leaves me with a really uneasy feeling about what the real story was and why there are such varying versions. Also, if it's true that she had 3rd degree burns over 98% of her body, I just don't see how she wouldn't have been in shock/unconscious and thus unable to speak. I know the 22 yr old fire chief claims that she did 'utter some words to him' but with all due respect I'm just not buying it.

I have some not so pleasant discussion about some of what a burning victim suffers during immolation in this post, if graphic discussion of what may have happened to Jessica disturbs you, skip my post.

We aren't going to see anything further on the autopsy reports until they have a suspect in custody.

I will agree in part with what you said. Initially the story was embellished, exagerrated, and enhanced as it first came out. Just look at the nature of the crime itself though, it's sensational (only in the strictest application of the word) and unbelievable.

Look at what we've heard and what applies and what doesn't.

Initially Jessica's father tells the MSM "They squirted lighter fluid in her nose and mouth". Later somewhat corroborated by Ali Alsani somewhat as he relates that the sheriff told him "they poured gas in her mouth."

This one is going to be hard to prove or disprove depending on the amount of damage done internally, and that was intentional. Whether the act was symbolic, or destructive in nature. When you're engulfed in flames, it doesn't matter if it's chemical in nature or not. You are going to have damage to the respiratory system. Fire pulls oxygen from wherever it is. It will follow it into your lungs, it will follow it into your stomach. If Jessica were forced to imbibe an accelerant it would burn inside as well and would definitely do colossal damage. The type of accelerant would dictate the amount of damage and residual matter. If gasoline were used, considering it's flashpoint is a volatile substance, that in mind the damage gasoline would cause would be more devastating. IMNSHO if Jessica had been forced to imbibe petrol, she wouldn't have lived as long as she did, nor would she have had a diaphragm to speak with. Considering lighter fluid as a accelerant, (I'm guessing they're saying lighter fluid like we do in my locale, charcoal staring fluid) that would be an adequate accelerant to start the fire on and in Jessica. Finally the point of this paragraph, she is going to have inhaled accelerant either way. Either in ignited state, or if it were introduced nasal/oral. The concentration of combustible residue will be the telling factor.

Next, was Jessica walking or found prone. Here's what we know, Jessica's father reported to MSM, she had burns over 98% of her body. The only unburnt part of her were the soles of her feet. I know from experience (I was a not so smart teenager) that shoes burn off almost as quickly as clothing, and that if you catch sneakers on fire, you will suffer some serious burns on the soles of your feet. If Jessica were not on her feet when or soon after the blaze began, the soles of her feet would be burned as well I guarantee it. We only have the statement from the Fire chief leaving her prone, next to the car. Which is completely contradictory to other statements with regard to the state of her feet. Why would he lie, he may not have seen her standing or walking, or she had some super durable boots/shoes on, or this is what he was told to say, or he's complicit.

Did Jessica speak? I think she did. This girl suffered hell on earth. I've suffered some bad burns in my day, but nothing like hers and I know the pain that accompanies them. I only hope hers were severe enough to extinguish the nerves with them. I believe her dying work was to try to expose who did this to her. I am however concerned that if the internal damage was so great that she couldn't effectively do so, either as a result of shock and her coherence, or catastrophic damage to the esophageal tract or the larynx.

What I'm trying to say is, don't dismiss something because it seems incredible. First and foremost, the human instinct to survive is incredible. How long did Jessica linger before her body just couldn't fight anymore. Next, that people could execute this child, the way they did, the way they made her suffer is unfathomable to me. Unbelievable, but, they did it.
I initially had felt that something sexual happened in that car and she was set on fire to try and destroy evidence of that. With the revelation that Jessica had spoken to an author about writing a book about her life, it is quite possible no sexual crime took place and she was killed to shut her up. I am curious to know if Jessica went into any details with the author about her life? Whatever she was planning on writing, was there anything that someone wouldn't have wanted to be known? Whatever accelerant was poured down her mouth, assuming that did happen, was the perp/s sending Jessica a message to keep your mouth shut.
Well, since she was set afire, I think the perp's message to Jessica was "you're dead".

But the perp's message to everyone else may have been "this is what happens to those who talk". Yes.

ETA: like you, I also initially thought the reclined seats might indicate a sexual episode of sorts, leaning towards consentual. Can't imagine that now, though.
There's more than one animal behind this, and I almost hope they get biblical justice before they make it to jail.

If the person or persons responsible somehow just manage to spontaneously combust, I don't think there would be too many people who would be broken up about it.
Where did this ever come from, what reputable source claim she'd been planning to write a book? Just seems odd to me that a mere 19 yr old girl would have even lived long enough to even HAVE something to write about?

I initially had felt that something sexual happened in that car and she was set on fire to try and destroy evidence of that. With the revelation that Jessica had spoken to an author about writing a book about her life, it is quite possible no sexual crime took place and she was killed to shut her up. I am curious to know if Jessica went into any details with the author about her life? Whatever she was planning on writing, was there anything that someone wouldn't have wanted to be known? Whatever accelerant was poured down her mouth, assuming that did happen, was the perp/s sending Jessica a message to keep your mouth shut.

Looking at the various pictures of her car, there appears to be no glass remaining. What do you make of that? Would I be correct that the side windows are made of tempered glass and the windshield laminated? Any ideas on what the melting point would be for both types of glass. I tried researching it and was only able to find one place that mentioned auto safety glass melts somewhere between 1000-1200 degrees. Does that sound about right? Would a fire have blown out the windows or melted them? Perhaps they were destroyed by the high pressure fire hose?

There is really only one quality pic of the tires on the car or what's left of them. That one being the right front, which appears to have no rubber left and is just a rim. If all four tires are like that, I think that would make it difficult for her car to be pushed back down the incline, because the rims would dig into the ground. Or at the very least it would require quite a few people to push it, which would give more credence to her car being parked on that incline rear end first. Any opinions?

The paint on the car was vaporized, the glass appears to have been fractured or broken away and every combustible surface was consumed. An explosion could have blown the windows out, but there appears to be no massive buckling of body panels to suggest an explosion. IIRC gasoline assisted fires range about 1600F. That is enough to cause the windows to fracture, but the seals on the safety glass window would have failed and allowed those to fall out much sooner. Glass doesn't melt until around 2600F, so It wouldn't slag. The pictures I saw, all 4 rims were devoid of rubber. Repeating myself but, *every* combustible surface, including rubber, on the car was consumed. I do not see any evidence that a hose was ever taken to the vehicle at all.

As I worked many jobs, including that of a wrecker. As long as the car had 4 intact round rims, (it did) and I could get it in neutral, I could drag it on a rollback with a winch cable with a minimum of damage to the ground. All the ground panels were melted away. Round rims roll as well as tires, just not as fast.

Looking at that incline, I don't see any possible way you could reliably reverse up it in the dark, or why anyone would try with a suitable dirt path nearby. Before my wife and I were married, 200 years or so ago :) we parked in a place just like that frequently, and we always chose the road over the side embankments.

I've seen many people concerned over the direction of the vehicle, it seems almost intuitive to me it drove up the embankment, not reversed, why would others believe otherwise?

*safety glass. Safety glass is just glass with a protective plastic layer. The plastic would melt much quicker than the glass component, but the glass would melt at the temperature glass melts. Around 2600F. The rubber seals would have melted long before the plastic layer of the safety glass.
Where did this ever come from, what reputable source claim she'd been planning to write a book? Just seems odd to me that a mere 19 yr old girl would have even lived long enough to even HAVE something to write about?
It seems that she felt inspired by the speaker/speech she attended. That author had bared her own hardships and how she triumphed. I can see JC feeling like her own story might help other young women climb out of bad situations also. I lean towards the book being about triumphing over hardships.

But I do think it's quite possible she also had too much information on certain nefarious activities going on. Her prior associations and being in trouble with minor charges before may have set her up to be pressured by law enforcement to roll over information. A close family member who is a defense attorney says this is VERY common. Since her charges were only simple assault, I'm not sure this would have given them much leverage, but who knows.
Then again, maybe she wanted to tell all she knew about everything as a well-intentioned effort to "clean up" the town and naively didn't realize how bad the consequences could be or how deep the corruption might go.
I hope this case is solved soon. Given some of its aspects, I wouldn't be surprised if we never all the pertinent facts as some may be a matter of much wider investigations.
I concur to some extent with your analysis. I believe though that it was a one-on-one crime instead of multiple attackers. I also agree that there were two different types of accelerants used. If you haven't read my earlier, lengthy post on page two of this topic you might desire too. It seems you and I are of similar although somewhat different opinions.

I had read your post not long after you submitted it and I happen to agree with much of what you say. I have only two things that I don't totally agree with.

You mention killers only kill for three reasons. Money, sex or revenge. While almost all murders will fit into those categories, you're forgetting the certified crazy people, like people who throw a random stranger in front of a moving subway.

You also mention her cell phone having no merit. That would all depend on exactly where it was found, where the battery was found and what type of phone. Do we have any factual information regarding this? I've seen it written on here somewhere that the phone was found in a ditch not near the scene. If it wasn't near her car, then it wouldn't have been tossed out her car at the scene while her car was stopped. It would have had to happen while driving or tossed after. If the battery wasn't found nearby, then it couldn't have fallen out when the phone landed and it would mean it was taken out and tossed separately. Some of the phones now, you can't remove the battery without taking the phone apart. Much to my dismay I have a phone like that. I was disappointed to learn that if I should need a new battery, I will either have to learn how to take the phone apart or pay someone to do it for me. Had I known that prior to buying it. I probably wouldn't have bought it. If that's the type of phone she had, then the battery shouldn't have fallen out when it landed and the battery should still be in there unless the phone completely broke apart.
Oh Layzee, I'm sorry. You asked for a source and I don't remember the name. But a MUCH earlier post mentioned the author's name who spoke near Jessica's home. I believe it was the author herself who self-reported that JC had approached her afterwards about helping her write her own "story". And, yep, this 19 year old had lived quite a lot already. A cruise around the web will give you MUCH more information than we can here. Be safe out there, lol, it's getting mean.
Kind of ironic that a 19 yr old would be entrusted with a gas station to run, one that sells liquor, which as a clerk he'd obviously be selling....when he's not even legal to drink. How does that work I wonder? How can a minor sell booze?

Can underage persons work at licensed premises?
For beer only licensed premises, anyone who is legally employed may sell or otherwise handle beer, regardless of age. The minor employee is prohibited from consuming, purchasing or otherwise personally coming into possession of beer.

For ABC or alcohol licensed premises, employment to persons under 21 is generally prohibited. However, someone at least 18 years of age may wait tables, take orders and deliver alcohol products to the table IF that is in the normal scope of his/her employment. This exception does not allow someone to serve as a bartender or manager of the premises.

At an ABC licensed premises, someone under 21 years of age may unload sealed cartons, boxes or similar shipping packages of alcohol products provided the package remains sealed at all times. Someone under 21 years of age may work as an entertainer at ABC licensed premises.
IMO, I don't believe that poor Jessica was able to speak. Based on what you explained above, flatfootjoe, I just don't see how any kind of intentional utterance on her part would have been possible - due to extensive damage/burns to throat/voicebox/lungs. Given that there have been varying and completely differing reports of how she was found (on fire walking down the road, next to the car, she was still on fire, she was not still on fire), this leaves me with a really uneasy feeling about what the real story was and why there are such varying versions. Also, if it's true that she had 3rd degree burns over 98% of her body, I just don't see how she wouldn't have been in shock/unconscious and thus unable to speak. I know the 22 yr old fire chief claims that she did 'utter some words to him' but with all due respect I'm just not buying it.

I can understand why you feel that way.

I lived in the presence of animals like the ones I believe killed Jessica. I believe they used differing ignition agents for a reason. There are people who aren't like normal people, they think of horrible ways to hurt others. The fire that killed Jessica was to punish her. The fire which destroyed he car was to destroy evidence. That girl went through every hell imaginable for a young woman before she died. They used a combustible fuel on her, so she would languish and suffer, they used a volatile fuel on the car to wipe away any trace of evidence.

I'm honestly wondering how much value should be given to the statement of the fire chief. I believe she spoke, I don't think he's disclosing what she really said to anyone.

The swelling and blistering which accompany burn wounds is not immediate. It takes hours in many cases. In the case of gasoline, I don't think she'd have survived the blaze at all. Every breath would have fed vapor out, and she'd have inhaled 1600 degree flames in, her heart would have stopped if pulmonary embolisms didn't stop it first. She wasn't in the car when she was set fire, she was upright, on her feet, probably bound and they used a low temperature combustible like "charcoal starter" or kerosene because gas would have been too quick.

That last bit of thought, while prolonging her torture, may not have gotten the job done fast enough.
I think the store clerk just want the majority to think he's cool. He probably gives out free stuff just so people don't want to rob him. Now even though he likes guns; they may have been obtained legally. So I doubt he is in a gang. I think he just knows their lingo. Now being raised in Brooklyn; you will notice young, foriegn store clerks that work in the ghetto; tend to dress and talk like the surrounding natives. I guess; it makes them feel less vulnerable. But I do think the clerk does turn a blind eye to drug dealings in his store; Plus I also think that he may have been privy to aftermath gossip. Btw: Some foreigners come to the U.S with plenty of money from their rich families.
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