MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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What keeps me puzzled is that her emergency brake was on. That makes me think she was of a clear mind when she pulled up that embankment, or hill. If someone had just rear-ended me or forced me off the road, I am not sure I would have thought to do that. My first thought would be if my doors were locked and then where was my phone. What are your thoughts?
What keeps me puzzled is that her emergency brake was on. That makes me think she was of a clear mind when she pulled up that embankment, or hill. If someone had just rear-ended me or forced me off the road, I am not sure I would have thought to do that. My first thought would be if my doors were locked and then where was my phone. What are your thoughts?

Why would you assume she did that or the perp/s or to tow it later? There's no way to know, I would guess until trial.
What keeps me puzzled is that her emergency brake was on. That makes me think she was of a clear mind when she pulled up that embankment, or hill. If someone had just rear-ended me or forced me off the road, I am not sure I would have thought to do that. My first thought would be if my doors were locked and then where was my phone. What are your thoughts?

I agree that IF the emergency break was on, it's a sign that whoever was driving intentionally parked there.

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she bought $5 in gas each day says the gas station attendant, but bought $14 the night she died. how far can you get? here gas it just under $3 per gallon. so that's not even 5 gallons (100 miles approx depending on car/MPG) to "go somewhere" - as she told the station attendant she was doing - and back. her daily route must have been less than 20 miles and she must have been paid cash daily if she had to buy it day-to-day instead of once or twice a week? did her job pay her under the table?'s_(store)

Or, her parents were doling out limited amounts of money to her. Perhaps in hope of keeping her out of trouble?
Welcome Mattieo86! Thanks for joining us! Your input is most welcome.

Regarding the seatbacks, my "wanna be cool" children drove like that for a while. Fortunately they are not thugs. It seemed as though most of their friends drove that way too, with a baseball cap sideways or backwards or some such nonsense. Fortunately, they grew out if it. I was always annoyed when I got into my car that I couldn't even reach the pedals and was laying so far back trying to get my seatbelt on, it looked like no one was even in the car. I second your mom! :)

I just wanted to add that the seat being back could be what is being suggested or it could not. I actually got in my car around noon today and the seat was all the way back. My 9 month pregnant cousin drove my car last. It made me think, perhaps the person was big and needed room? Maybe not pregnant per say, but tall or heavy. This was my thought and then I just saw Matthew's post. Now seeing that my thoughts aren't alone.
She's always maintained it was "wash her car out, grab something to eat." It hasn't changed, the reporting has.

I didn't find that through the links provided. Was that said in a news video?

I wonder if it was normal for her to wash her car at night. From what I am reading here, she didn't work, so I wonder why she would wash her car at night. Curious if she just told her this or if she actually had intentions to do it.
so on WMC5 news they just talked to the woman who is off screen in the gas station parking lot that jessica talks to, she said she called her over to ask for a cigarette, and they talked to the guy in the striped shirt who was filling up the gas container who has been said to be cleared.

one interesting point - these two people were there together, they mention that he got into her car and they left.

they also talked to the guy who said he heard a loud vehicle go down the street about that time.

that was pretty much the extent of the newscast.

Also would seem to confirm that her parents were wrong about Jessica not smoking.
Thank you SStar, that has been driving me nuts since page 19 of this thread. AA said around 11 the police came and got the tape. The News is saying a few days later they requested the tape and they turned it over to the police. Which is it? Who gave it to whom, and when? And if it was the news giving it to the police days later, why wasn't this tape put into evidence that night? I remain respectfully confused by this. Perhaps there are several tapes to be handed out...I have no clue but dang this is bothering the heck out of me.

My guess (and it's only that) is that the night of the fire, police stopped at the gas station, presumably asked if she'd been there that night. AA said yes, police asked to look at security camera tapes - they look, see nothing out of the ordinary and leave. A day (two?) later the media asks about the tapes, at which point the police realize they should have taken them, and go back and retrieve them. Sloppy, but quite likely not nefarious.
Worked at Goody's, where according to another MSM report I'll try find, she'd been working there this fall and was very well liked by other employees.

Thanks so much. I read the People magazine article three times looking for it.

Thanks for always posting links and being able to find them. I think it's so important to have a link if we say something as a fact. Not that this was that important. I was on another thread where someone did just that and turned out the "fact" was wrong. Domino effect....
My guess (and it's only that) is that the night of the fire, police stopped at the gas station, presumably asked if she'd been there that night. AA said yes, police asked to look at security camera tapes - they look, see nothing out of the ordinary and leave. A day (two?) later the media asks about the tapes, at which point the police realize they should have taken them, and go back and retrieve them. Sloppy, but quite likely not nefarious.

I just re-read these details in a few articles this AM, it was on MSM link. Trying to find now.
I remember bc I thought it was in slightly poor taste. The news team was boasting that they actually discovered the video footage that night, before police. (In that annoying "news123 was first on the scene! Give us an award" manner)

Investigators were notified (probably when the tow truck came through) & that's when we got the ridiculous screen shots of the cops videotaping the surveillance tape w their camera phones.
The cops didn't take possession of the tapes then but neither did any investigators or news teams.
Pretty sure they didn't take possession until Monday or Tuesday. It shocked me that it too k so long.

Wonder if they've even bothered to look for any other cameras along her potential routes. They'll probably wait so long that the footage will be gone...
Is it the ex-boyfriend who now lives in Waterloo, Iowa? I thought they already cleared him?

They might be interested in him not as a suspect but for information on who her friends or enemies are. He would likely know about the friend circle, habits, and hangouts of JC.
I really think the important thing is not the "missing" video, but the fact that JC was "going somewhere" farther away than usual, and that she didn't tell her mom but mentioned it to AA in general.
Why was she leaving?
Where was she going?
Why that night?
Why not tell her mom?
Why did she buy $5 of gas in cash every day? (I never have cash on me anymore).

I have been bothered by the "going somewhere" quote. Why is this considered fact although it has only been stated by AA, who seems to lack credibility in being consistent in his statements. We also have no proof that she bought $14 in gas except AA's statement.

These statements are difficult to understand out of context. For example, "going somewhere" could mean literally a physical destination or in an abstract sense be referring to moving ahead, going forward in her life and the extra gas is fuel she needs to get to her job so she can go somewhere with her life. Just a thought.
I have been bothered by the "going somewhere" quote. Why is this considered fact although it has only been stated by AA, who seems to lack credibility in being consistent in his statements. We also have no proof that she bought $14 in gas except AA's statement.

These statements are difficult to understand out of context. For example, "going somewhere" could mean literally a physical destination or in an abstract sense be referring to moving ahead, going forward in her life and the extra gas is fuel she needs to get to her job so she can go somewhere with her life. Just a thought.

in what way was he inconsistent? thanx.
unless you mean the commetns about the videos being given to police, i have seen that reported various ways in various places so im not sure its him being inconsistent so much as imperfect early reporting.
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Originally Posted by LayzeeDayzee View Post

Another question, pls.................does anyone else find it a bit strange that JC's car was towed from the burn site so quickly? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have left it there until the next day, tape it off as a crime scene, have officers guard it until the daylight that next day where they could properly assess the scene for evidence, foot prints, etc.............versus having a tow truck driver in there in the dark? Maybe they do things differently in tiny towns but where I'm from, they'd have never moved it at night in the dark. They would have done what I described above.....and then gone back the next day (or once daylight) and really done a good thorough assessment of the overall scene.........position of vehicle in relation to tire tracks, footprints, look for any evidence (shoes, cig butts, booze bottles, rags, etc etc) around the scene, maybe tossed into the brush, etc? Was there any LE guarding that site overnight to ensure that nobody came onsight to remove any possible evidence?

This made me very suspicious, too. In California, when there is a potentially/ fatal crash, they shut the road for HOURS. Lots of re-creating the accident, marking tire spots, photos, etc.
I don't see how they could've gotten all the investigative people on the scene so quickly, done a proper investigation In The Dark, and had that car towed in 2 hours.

I did some searching on accident investigation procedures. Couldn't find a Mississippi guide, but other states are online. I don't think Panola county ever saw one of these guides.
They all say to Secure the Scene & Tow the Car Directly to the impound lot.
None mentions stopping for gas or smokes ;) (See 5a)
Texas' guide was pretty informative, too accident investigation.pdf

For those of you interested in tire tracks, here is more than I ever needed to know, from the AZ training academy

BBM. I think that local LE did a piss poor job, the same with first responders, with regard to the crime only. I don't see complicity, rather just incompetence. It's a very small town, in a very rural locale, these people aren't accustomed to murder/arson cases on a regular basis. The wrecker who picked her car up... There are no official practices published that I'm aware of (former wrecker) that dictate where or when you can stop with a wreck or evidence in tow. The only nearby place by my assessment where he could stop was M&M's. A really poor choice, but probably the only one he had. Rather than stop on the way, he was probably told "get your *advertiser censored* there fast" he chose to stop on the return trip. LE probably didn't tell him "straight to the impound yard" because they probably felt it was implied. The fact that he left the vehicle unattended is going to give the DA nightmares, whether or not it's substantiated, claims of evidence tampering will be made if any evidence is pulled from the car.

Why AA chose to photograph and publish same to SM, I can't imagine, but damn did he make a poor choice.
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