MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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No. Mr. Chambers was told his daughter was walking down the road by the first responders.

My comment references someone, who over the past 10 days, altered their physical appearance. Similar to the popularity of fishing in the area and the fact that Lehman-Rodgers is in the area, a broader perspective than third-party, media-focused irrelevant nonsense (e.g., chicken wings).

In this video first responder Cole Haley states they found Jessica lying near the car, not walking on the road:

That's why I was wondering if the 911 caller reported seeing someone on fire (ie, maybe the murderer's jacket was initially burning) walking down the road. The first responder(s) could have told Ben Chambers what the 911 caller said AND what they found at the site and he mixed it up. Why would the first responder(s) change their story??

As for the person who changed their appearance, I am thinking it is the woman who you have referenced or hinted at in your previous posts. I'm not paying attention to the media nonsense.
I probably didn't spell that right but it does have the emergency calls listed for access for premium members and shows 12/07 as well. I am not premium member so I can't access them but perhaps someone here is a premium and can check them out.

No no, you're good :) and thank you for pointing that out. I did notice that myself + registered (hah!) but hesitated at the premium page. I don't mind dropping $15 for the access but based on what I'm understanding of Mississippi law on the matter, there's no guarantee I'd be able to listen to anything.

On the other hand: If it allowed us to hear the responders's half of the conversation, or at least verify the precise call time, that'd be worth it.
GrayMatter - how comfortable did you feel there in the gas station, with the other men (6 of them you said?) present? I personally think, given all that's happened, I'd have been somewhat nervous.

Yes, I think this too. He could be genuine or sly like a fox. Difficult to discern at the moment. It would be so much more telling to talk with him outside the gas station environment.
WE were discussing acceptance of different people and cultures. That is how it got to this point. I mentioned it because he got weird here, made me question what he believes or supports in his home country. Relevant to the fact that there were accusations of terrorism directed toward AA.

Only accusations I saw were islamophobic off the wall stuff.

Not being "yay, Israel!" does not make one a terrorist. I honestly don't see the relevance.
You'll never hear the actual 911 call (convo between 911 dispatcher and caller) on a scanner. All you'll hear at most is the dispatcher relaying basic info about the call over the air to LE officers..........just an example, "caller over on ____ Rd reports a car on fire".........and then you'll hear one of the officers, likely whomever is closest, will respond to indicate they're on their way......etc. And nowadays in the case of super-sensitive info, LE will often communicate not through car radio (as they're aware that people listen to scanners) but via cell phone.

Not sure what digitally trunked means. But I'm not sure all communities have this, my hometown still had all the chatter. Back in 2013 at my home in Michigan, there were a bunch of sirens one eve. I had an ominous premonition (I get these-its weird sometimes). I looked at my girls and said, "Do you think Sean's house is on fire?" I felt compelled to load the scanner app at that moment, and all the chatter was there. Yes, among the hundreds of houses in the neighborhood it was the house of my daughters good friend. I was the first to notify them that their house was on fire by texting them. these things happen to me all the time.
In this video first responder Cole Haley states they found Jessica lying near the car, not walking on the road:

That's why I was wondering if the 911 caller reported seeing someone on fire (ie, maybe the murderer's jacket was initially burning) walking down the road. The first responder(s) could have told Ben Chambers what the 911 caller said AND what they found at the site and he mixed it up. Why would the first responder(s) change their story??

The more reputable news sources have stated that a passing motorist dialed 911 after seeing a car fire. I have not seen where Cole Haley has deviated from his own account of that evening, though. I would take his statements on that video link to be truthful.

As an aside: I don't believe a person can walk upright all that long while on fire. It is one thing to imagine this + another altogether in reality. It is graphic, but I suggest searching for "self-immolation" on YouTube if you really want to understand how physically unlikely this is.
The more reputable news sources have stated that a passing motorist dialed 911 after seeing a car fire. I have not seen where Cole Haley has deviated from his own account of that evening, though. I would take his statements on that video link to be truthful.

As an aside: I don't believe a person can walk upright all that long while on fire. It is one thing to imagine this + another altogether in reality. It is graphic, but I suggest searching for "self-immolation" on YouTube if you really want to understand how physically unlikely this is.

I wasn't thinking they were walking long, just maybe for the time it took for the 911 caller to pass by. They may have just walked down the hill to the street after setting the car on fire. Maybe just a small part of their jacket caught fire and then they extinguished it (took it off and stomped it out, or dropped and rolled). That's all I meant.
GrayMatter - how comfortable did you feel there in the gas station, with the other men (6 of them you said?) present? I personally think, given all that's happened, I'd have been somewhat nervous.

It was a little unnerving at first with the greasy windows and bars across the doors and windows. And when I first arrived there were no pumps available so I parked to the north and got my lab out for a potty break. I was terrified that someone was going to abduct me. Everyone was watching me. When I was in the gas station two of the guys made a comment, "That's a big dog." "Yes, she's big, she's my dog." None of the men seemed threatening, all seemed interested in why I was there. AA seemed relaxed with me and the others showed no aggression. In fact one guy wanted a hat that was on a peg rack next to me, he couldn't reach that high so I said, "Watch this…" I jumped up and grabbed it in my heels and all, was kind of funny. I don't think they knew quite what to make of me. Nor I them. Mr. Marblemouth was the quirkiest, he kept engaging me in conversation but I couldn't understand him, I actually think he might of had a mental deficiency just by his speech and manner and how the others treated him. He was the one with the $1 and AA told him to give it to the other cashier, and I chimed in, "Ali, he came over here to give you the money so he could get a closer look at my legs." This is when the guys chilled, I guess I was cool enough now and AA was giving acceptable vibes as well. There was a big guy working the register with Ali, he is the one that made me uncomfortable. He seemed to glare at me, never laughed or joined the jocularity, seemed pensive. Was a little nervous going back out to my truck as the drivers side was occluded from view, it was on the side of the dark gravel lot. I mentally berated myself for not being more careful. The lot was tight with cars and people, difficult to maneuver my Suburban.
There is no social contract. Life on this spinning orb of clay and water is just a day by day adventure of hoping some waste of air doesn't kill you for the $3 bucks you have in your front pocket. If there were a social contract, little kids in this America wouldn't be raped and killed.


No, you misunderstand. There is a 'social contract' as per JP Rousseau; it is just a very poor one in the USA. In no way does a social contract preclude awful crimes, irrespective of poetic language like 'spinning orb' (etc.).
im so confused LOL but when a mod wakes up this thread gonna get :jail:
Last installment which is #5…
One other important observation I made today concerns gas stations. Although this is the closest gas station to JC's house, it is only a few minutes difference to head north to Batesville. Batesville had several well lit modern gas stations. It seemed a much safer place for a single woman and it was definitely cleaner. They have bright gas stations, a car wash and food places; everything JC was supposedly going to do was available to her in Batesville. I was actually a little surprised how quickly I arrived, it was closer than I had surmised. Also gas was cheaper in Batesville.
Last installment which is #5…
One other important observation I made today concerns gas stations. Although this is the closest gas station to JC's house, it is only a few minutes difference to head north to Batesville. Batesville had several well lit modern gas stations. It seemed a much safer place for a single woman and it was definitely cleaner. They have bright gas stations, a car wash and food places; everything JC was supposedly going to do was available to her in Batesville. I was actually a little surprised how quickly I arrived, it was closer than I had surmised. Also gas was cheaper in Batesville.

That is something I wondered a lot about. AA once said that he spoke to JC almost every day, if I remember correctly. It makes me wonder why she went there so often.
GrayMatter,thanks for your 1st hand observations! I realize there was only so much time to drive around town;but did you check your GPS or (using old school) maps like I do notice any signs to Lake Enid?

I am intrigued with that idea.Let me explain my theory, it was a full moon & the place where Jessica was found was likely the primary route anglers used to trave to the lake.(Or fishing was a ruse or alibi for being in the area of the accident).Or,could Lake Enid have been the rumored party destination?

Thanks again for reporting back!

GrayMatter,Thank-you for answering my question.:smile:


BBM Actually, I did not and I love old school maps; it was also getting dark and I was alone in an unfamiliar area.

Now,here is where I am going. I looked at a map and could not figure out if the road Jessica was found on is how anglers travel to Lake Enid. Obviously,this must be a popular destination for anglers to use when conditions are optimal. (I take it a full moon is the best time to catch this species of fish).:fish:

Not to :deadhorse: but,I just want to understand involvment/knowledge anyone has on the hours leading up to and immediately after Jessica's murder.

Now,the other question I have is perhaps Jessica was lured to a different 'party' than the one Auntie Sha Sha mentioned. One at Lake Enid?

Or,perhaps I am chasing a school of herring.:trout:

Thanks for reading my post & any insight you can give me. MOO

Last installment which is #5&#8230;

How was the ground area by the gate near the crime scene? Is the area completely saturated or can someone walk without falling into mud? What about the cleared area of land beyond the gate? Could someone hop that baby and walk 1.5 miles right into Courtland? Most importantly, are the residents Bulldogs or Rebels fans? Lastly, did you seek out a little ink to remember the journey? JC
Last installment which is #5&#8230;
One other important observation I made today concerns gas stations. Although this is the closest gas station to JC's house, it is only a few minutes difference to head north to Batesville. Batesville had several well lit modern gas stations. It seemed a much safer place for a single woman and it was definitely cleaner. They have bright gas stations, a car wash and food places; everything JC was supposedly going to do was available to her in Batesville. I was actually a little surprised how quickly I arrived, it was closer than I had surmised. Also gas was cheaper in Batesville.

Curious how much was it a gallon in Batesville? Exactly.
LOL I am beyond confused. It must be less complicated than it seems. Staying tuned....JMO
LOL I am beyond confused. It must be less complicated than it seems. Staying tuned....JMO

There is no reason for confusion. It is certainly less complicated than chicken wings and gangs.
I live in a rural area in Va. We have some mom&pop stores and if you ain't local you don't know what you don't know. But one thing I do know is some have the best fried chicken. And as far as the mineral spirits talk I call hog wash to that, check out the price compared to gas a gallon. People that don't have alot are not going to spend frivolously on mineral spirits, just sayin. jmo idk
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