MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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In the Mister-Tutor interview, the reporter asks, "Was Jessica into any trouble?" [camera cuts to Mister with Tutor to his side behind him] "[pause] We don't know. Ya know? We don't know what, what the problem was, that got her killed." During Mister's response, Tutor does a little eye rolling and head shaking and looking at the ground.

Two things:
1) We don't know WHAT the problem was that GOT her killed? Excuse me? So a reporter asks you whether a victim friend was into any trouble, and rather than saying that you don't know if she was in any trouble or not, your response PRESUMES that there was trouble---you just don't know what it was---and that her trouble GOT her killed? To me, he just reveals that Jessica was into "trouble" and that her death was a homicide arising out of such trouble. IMO.

2) At the beginning of Mister's response, Tutor looks to Mister to see how he's going to answer, and once she hears how he's going to respond, she follows his lead and puts on a, IMO fake, sadness routine.

Am I seeing things through paranoid eyes? Anyone else catch this? Didn't see it mentioned yet.

[A note about the link. I originally had trouble getting it to pull the correct video from my iPhone, but I was able to view the desktop version of the news site, search for Mister, and then it came up no problem.]

Giving Mister the benefit of the doubt for just a moment. This doesn't seem like a random act of violence. One would likely assume Jessica had done something to someone to merit her murder. Most of us in the world outside of systemic violence understand that no one deserves to be murdered, however not everyone lives restricted by things such as laws, or ethics. The way he sees it, someone did something bad to Jessica for a reason, he's just not sure what the reason is.

RDT is a funny animal, let me clarify that by animal I mean creature, I'm not trying to dehumanize her. At times her behavior on camera seemed fearful, at others straight up deranged. As you observed, she looked to Mister, for guidance, frequently she looked toward the ground either in fear or shame. Finally her expression when asked how she knew Jessica, I don't know how I'd classify that, it looked like a combination of satisfaction and coquettishness. Whatever it was, it felt deranged and surreal and most definitely out of context with rest of the interview.
I'm going to assume, for the purpose of this post only, that whoever did this is not some random person or serial killer. if I rule random/serial killer out, I'm left with anger/rage. Even IF this had been a gang initiation, JC was chosen. Why? In an area this small, With everyone knowing each other, JC would not have been the chosen victim if the one being initiated liked JC.

Someone had a bone to pick with JC. Judging from what was done to her, it was a very large bone. Who would be SO angry as to set someone on fire? Yes, people are set on fire. I've read more about it than I care to in the past few weeks. Even isn't a super-common way to kill someone. It takes some planning. It isn't like she was set on fire after she was killed solely for the purpose of destroying evidence. She was set on fire while ALIVE. That says RAGE. The perp(s) planned this. They executed the plan. And they have gotten away with it for over two weeks now.

We also know that red hoodie sent a text to JC. What did that text say? I'm assuming since Tutor and Mister were brought in for questioning, it wasn't a friendly one, especially since they alluded to a "lover's quarrel" in their interview on camera. If there had been a confrontation at the gas station a week prior, my guess is that somehow, these two were involved in that altercation. Mister said he was swabbed. Lie detector test was mentioned. As far as I know, LE hasn't stated anything public about these two. Ther aren't required to give us an explanation for why they interview people.

I'm saying all of this because I feel that this boils down to rage/jealousy. This is all my opinion. I cannot imagine ever being angry enough to set someone on fire. And the only way I can see anyone else doing this is if they feel they had something to lose with JC living.

It said, "Oh hey there! Just wondering where my Avon order was and let's get together next week and do our nails." (That video is amazing!)
Giving Mister the benefit of the doubt for just a moment. This doesn't seem like a random act of violence. One would likely assume Jessica had done something to someone to merit her murder. Most of us in the world outside of systemic violence understand that no one deserves to be murdered, however not everyone lives restricted by things such as laws, or ethics. The way he sees it, someone did something bad to Jessica for a reason, he's just not sure what the reason is.

RDT is a funny animal, let me clarify that by animal I mean creature, I'm not trying to dehumanize her. At times her behavior on camera seemed fearful, at others straight up deranged. As you observed, she looked to Mister, for guidance, frequently she looked toward the ground either in fear or shame. Finally her expression when asked how she knew Jessica, I don't know how I'd classify that, it looked like a combination of satisfaction and coquettishness. Whatever it was, it felt deranged and surreal and most definitely out of context with rest of the interview.

Next time you watch it, watch it twice. Mute it. Watch him the first time and then watch her the second time.

Isolating her movements from his are difficult. Underneath all of that is a girl that wanted to be good but is so entrenched she can't see the sun or the moon. And .... maybe?

I would still wish very strongly for the 911 caller to be identified.

Perhaps identifying her, (him) would put them in danger.

Just thinking through my keyboard here...

(But I do not believe that she was the catalyst that started this thing in, we need to look for a MUCH stronger female for that. Someone spiteful.)
As I've mentioned previously on this thread (at large), I have property not far from Courtland. I had never paid much attention to that area, but I decided to go stay at my place this past weekend. I don't get cell service out there, so I've had to do a lot of catching up last night and this morning, so I'm a little delayed in sharing.

Courtland is out of the way from almost any route of travel, situated along Hwy 51 between two interstate exits, Batesville to the north and a rural exit to the south labelled for Pope and Courtland. There is basically nothing west of Courtland; the communities in that direction are far enough away that anyone from there would travel to either of those interstate exits on other roads that don't come close to Courtland. Therefore, Courtland truly is an island separated from the outside world by an interstate to the east, country to the west, and interstate exits both north and south that pull drivers in those directions and prevent passers by. Herron Rd is only travelled by people living in the country, people having business/recreational reasons for visiting somewhere in the country, occasional and routine law enforcement patrols, joyriders, and apparently once an arsonist(s).

My excursion through the area was this past Saturday night around 9 PM. Not having a big dog or cute female legs to flash locals (I'm just teasing you, GreyMatter), I decided it would be imprudent to get out of my car anywhere, and I also didn't want to visit the scene on Herron Rd because I didn't have confidence that I would find anywhere to quietly turn around for miles.

I got gas to the south in Grenada County. I saw a deputy parked at that station and drove over to say hi and offer encouragement. I did so, and our conversation was friendly. He was good friends with the Panola Co sherif and shook his head about the negative statements people were making about the law enforcement effort. This deputy said the sherif was a really good guy. I changed the subject because I didn't like the guy and didn't want to pry and then left. My impression was that this deputy was as good ole boy as they come, bordering on redneck, and definitely would be close minded and a know if all. IMO I can extrapolate that impression to his colleagues.

Driving up interstate 55, I exited at Pope/Courtland. Nothing. Dark. I got on Highway 51 and turned right going north. This is not a big highway. This is a very small two lane road in the country that is called a highway ONLY because it was built by the federal government years ago as one of the only vehicular conduits from New Orleans to Chicago. If you didn't know it was a highway, you would just call it a road. The asphalt is good quality, but there really is not much on either side. You would not want to have a flat tire or run out of gas because it's in the middle of nowhere, or so it feels.

Very quickly, I mean very quickly, the terrain becomes picturesque hills with pretty hardwood trees and homes dotting the landscape. It reminds me more of rural Pennsylvania than Mississippi. You come to a stop sign, and there is a green sign indicating that Courtland is to the left. This is Main Street and the only forced stop in "town." It didn't really feel like a town, more like a loosely grouped bunch of small homes and nice trailers and simple inexpensive structures for houses, businesses, and local government services. It strikes me as the size of what I have always considered to be a community or village rather than a town.

A very short distance later, in a mostly undeveloped stretch, I saw the gas station on my left. The front of the store was well lit, but everything else was pretty dark. There was only one car. This was a Saturday night around 9 o'clock, and there was nobody outside hanging around. Granted, it was like a cold Mississippi 38° (a biting humid cold). I did not dare to stop. The buildings attached looked so so creepy. Lights off, curious structures that really had no clear identity of purpose. Maybe an old motel? Just weird. But not necessarily nefarious. There were a handful of structures in and around the community that were just old and empty, but do not get the impression that the town was dried up… It was not: it just had a few rundown structures like any town in America.

I kept driving north, and the terrain BRIEFLY returned to empty country, and then all of a sudden there was Batesville. Very close. I saw gas stations, and then I turned right and I found myself on the typical bright lit strip of fast food places, strip malls, banks, and gas stations that are typical of all cities that size. Kept going, and I crossed over the interstate and saw more development.

In all, my impression of the Courtland area was really nice. From my limited vehicular browsing at 9pm on a Saturday night in December at 38°, it looked quaint, peaceful, and very well kept for an area without much visible home or vehicle wealth. It seemed like the town took care of itself. I wouldn't be happy there because the people are probably not very cosmopolitan (lol) or intellectual, but they looked like "good folk."

All IMO. Note to mods: If any portion of this post is impermissible, I ask that you only snip that portion rather than deleting the entire thing.

TYVM. Nice of you to take a drive then take the time to share it, even if with no legs or a big dog, you did it real well. Wish you, Courtland's and all good folk well.
In the Mister-Tutor interview, the reporter asks, "Was Jessica into any trouble?" [camera cuts to Mister with Tutor to his side behind him] "[pause] We don't know. Ya know? We don't know what, what the problem was, that got her killed." During Mister's response, Tutor does a little eye rolling and head shaking and looking at the ground.

Two things:
1) We don't know WHAT the problem was that GOT her killed? Excuse me? So a reporter asks you whether a victim friend was into any trouble, and rather than saying that you don't know if she was in any trouble or not, your response PRESUMES that there was trouble---you just don't know what it was---and that her trouble GOT her killed? To me, he just reveals that Jessica was into "trouble" and that her death was a homicide arising out of such trouble. IMO.

2) At the beginning of Mister's response, Tutor looks to Mister to see how he's going to answer, and once she hears how he's going to respond, she follows his lead and puts on a, IMO fake, sadness routine.

Am I seeing things through paranoid eyes? Anyone else catch this? Didn't see it mentioned yet.

[A note about the link. I originally had trouble getting it to pull the correct video from my iPhone, but I was able to view the desktop version of the news site, search for Mister, and then it came up no problem.]

I agree. Good catch with the interview.
Found another gas station that is strikingly similar to M&M First Stop. If you didn't know any better, you would think they were owned by the same person.

Not alluding to any connection. Just found it interesting while surfing Google Maps and its location in

Panola First Stop:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sLWECz5u-OjjRCIktn4pUPA!2e0

M&M First Stop:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sinZ-eTnNNfR_dvZQMkXtaA!2e0

GREAT catch.

Someone wanted to help. Someone called 911.

Someone did not want the, "never would imagine" to happen to JC.

Someone is still out there.
Giving Mister the benefit of the doubt for just a moment. This doesn't seem like a random act of violence. One would likely assume Jessica had done something to someone to merit her murder. Most of us in the world outside of systemic violence understand that no one deserves to be murdered, however not everyone lives restricted by things such as laws, or ethics. The way he sees it, someone did something bad to Jessica for a reason, he's just not sure what the reason is.

RDT is a funny animal, let me clarify that by animal I mean creature, I'm not trying to dehumanize her. At times her behavior on camera seemed fearful, at others straight up deranged. As you observed, she looked to Mister, for guidance, frequently she looked toward the ground either in fear or shame. Finally her expression when asked how she knew Jessica, I don't know how I'd classify that, it looked like a combination of satisfaction and coquettishness. Whatever it was, it felt deranged and surreal and most definitely out of context with rest of the interview.

Classically so, I think. I'm not sure what, but the combination of words she uses in that interview, her timing as she speaks, body language, the way the two of them stand in relation to each other, it had a this is strange stamp all over it for me, from the first time seen. I hope that she comes to her senses before she comes to a bad end, too, I fear. Your observations make sense to me.
As I've mentioned previously on this thread (at large), I have property not far from Courtland. <snipped for space>

In all, my impression of the Courtland area was really nice. From my limited vehicular browsing at 9pm on a Saturday night in December at 38°, it looked quaint, peaceful, and very well kept for an area without much visible home or vehicle wealth. It seemed like the town took care of itself. I wouldn't be happy there because the people are probably not very cosmopolitan (lol) or intellectual, but they looked like "good folk."

All IMO. Note to mods: If any portion of this post is impermissible, I ask that you only snip that portion rather than deleting the entire thing.

Thank you so much for this meaningful, well written post. Your detail helps tremendously toward getting a good mental picture of how this area is.
Found another gas station that is strikingly similar to M&M First Stop. If you didn't know any better, you would think they were owned by the same person.

Not alluding to any connection. Just found it interesting while surfing Google Maps and its location in regards to GM.

Panola First Stop:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sLWECz5u-OjjRCIktn4pUPA!2e0

M&M First Stop:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sinZ-eTnNNfR_dvZQMkXtaA!2e0

Nice catch, indeed.From your map link, car wash.jpg
Maybe reviewing cam footage from the stations along the RL highway may have something, considering jamiefind's drive?
He is out on bond and awaiting trial - I think that was posted earlier but I don't have the link

Thank you! I must have overlooked that while reading.

I can't imagine he'd be found not guilty, with all of those charges and the victim alive and well to testify. If Mr. Mister may be going away for a long time, that actually makes him more suspect to me. While I doubt he wants to add murder to his list of crimes, it does seem like he'd have almost nothing to lose in committing another crime -- that is, if he knows he's probably going away for a very long time.
Nice catch, indeed.
Maybe reviewing cam footage from the may have something, considering jamiefind's drive?

Did you ever get the feeling you've been somewhere before and you haven't? Well if it isn't deja vu, it's something else. ;)
re: the whole "lover's quarrel" thing

well first of all i should say this, jsut like many others i dont like that little smirk by denise tutor when mister is asked how he knew jessica, it isnt proof of anything but it is very notable

but anyway to the lovers quarrel comment - it is not mister and tutor saying that there was one, it is them saying that that is the approach police took with them "was this some kind of lover's quarrel? just a simple argument that maybe got out of hand?"...

seems clear to me that this is the context of their remarks in that interview.

could the police have good reason to suspect taht and ask about it? sure. absolutely.
re: the whole "lover's quarrel" thing

well first of all i should say this, jsut like many others i dont like that little smirk by denise tutor when mister is asked how he knew jessica, it isnt proof of anything but it is very notable

but anyway to the lovers quarrel comment - it is not mister and tutor saying that there was one, it is them saying that that is the approach police took with them "was this some kind of lover's quarrel? just a simple argument that maybe got out of hand?"...

seems clear to me that this is the context of their remarks in that interview.

could the police have good reason to suspect taht and ask about it? sure. absolutely.

BBM- Given the fact they are talking about a girl they knew who is dead and was set on fire, the smirking and smiling is completely inappropriate and strange.
I must be viewing a different video because I don't see the smirking and the smiling, the eye contact, and the furtive glances that others have observed.

re: the whole "lover's quarrel" thing

well first of all i should say this, jsut like many others i dont like that little smirk by denise tutor when mister is asked how he knew jessica, it isnt proof of anything but it is very notable

but anyway to the lovers quarrel comment - it is not mister and tutor saying that there was one, it is them saying that that is the approach police took with them "was this some kind of lover's quarrel? just a simple argument that maybe got out of hand?"...

seems clear to me that this is the context of their remarks in that interview.

could the police have good reason to suspect taht and ask about it? sure. absolutely.
We're in total agreement with regard to the "lovers quarrel" remark. So maybe we're viewing the same video after all.
With regard to the mannerisms + behavior of those questioned...we don't know for certain, but if any of these individuals are on drugs or are recovering drug addicts, etc. or have any substance abuse issues - that will undoubtedly have an impact on their mood and interactions with others. Just something to keep in mind.

I question just how lucid some of the interviewees are, not just as a "maybe they could be on drugs" angle, but that emotions are running high as well in that community in response to Jessica's death.
I must be viewing a different video because I don't see the smirking and the smiling, the eye contact, and the furtive glances that others have observed.


Same here. I think I know which facial expressions people are keying on here, but I don't see them as smirks, and I certainly don't think that they are indicators of culpability or knowledge of the crime at all.

I have noticed a tendency for some people to impute all sorts of emotional states to the expressions of those they suspect (often suggesting that they are smug, are smirking, etc.), and while I have a lot of training and experience in reading expressions, I very rarely agree.
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