MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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Are you joking? You think some random black person was so enraged that they decided to set a white girl on fire? Or kill a white girl and burn the body if you want to go in that direction. A white girl with a history of dating black guys. Unless your hypothesis is that the person didn't know JC and just decided to burn the first white person they saw. In a town of 500 people nowhere near Mo. The satanic cult theory made more sense then your theory.

This is certainly personal but Ferguson had nothing to do with this. Think local. There was enough going on in Courtland to find plenty of motivation for this.

hostile/hypersensitive/defensive much? your response is just as absurd as the people who think there is a black-on-white race war in America.
It is a very viable theory, in fact, given the sentiments of people in her circle. although it's not my first theory. just one I threw out there bc right now, it's just as likely as anyone. clearly you have read none of my prior posts.

I never said a "random" anyone did this. this was not random by any means.
You could be right because it's so easy to confuse all of those sketchy characters! ;)
Anywho, I find the turning down of a cigarette when you're trying to bum one very unlikely & suspect.


how is it known that the cigarette was turned down? for that matter, how/do we know SR asked JC for a cig?
hostile/hypersensitive/defensive much? your response is just as absurd as the people who think there is a black-on-white race war in America.
It is a very viable theory, in fact, given the sentiments of people in her circle. although it's not my first theory. just one I threw out there bc right now, it's just as likely as anyone. clearly you have read none of my prior posts.

I never said a "random" anyone did this. this was not random by any means.

Your theory doesn't make sense. Okay, so you don't think she was chosen randomly. So she was targeted? How does that make sense when she was someone who had a long history of relationships with black folks in the community. What evidence is there that black people JC knew wanted to harm white folks?

If someone was so enraged by Ferguson they would surely strike back against a random target. Not someone they know.
If someone was so enraged by Ferguson they would surely strike back against a random target. Not someone they know.
Not necessarily, but I agree a random target that fits a certain profile would be more likely. Also, if someone was so enraged by Ferguson, there might also be some sort of obvious message or claim after the fact, like "this is for Ferguson!" I know of nothing to suggest that's the case.

If anything - Ferguson might be on people's minds, consciously or subconsciously, but based on what we do know, I think it's safe to say that it was NOT the primary motive.
Not necessarily, but I agree a random target that fits a certain profile would be more likely. Also, if someone was so enraged by Ferguson, there might also be some sort of obvious message or claim after the fact, like "this is for Ferguson!" I know of nothing to suggest that's the case.

If anything - Ferguson might be on people's minds, consciously or subconsciously, but based on what we do know, I think it's safe to say that it was NOT the primary motive.

Yes, exactly. This was not in the area of any protests. It's a weird way to get revenge/retribution when no one knows what you did or why you did it.
how is it known that the cigarette was turned down? for that matter, how/do we know SR asked JC for a cig?

how's this for yet another theory:

JC was "going somewhere" that night if we believe AA.
JC had a domestic abuser in her past.
JC may have been choked at least once or twice before her death (choking is highly indicative of DV which will escalate to homicide).
C was NOT dressed for a party, IMO.

where would someone who had received assistance for previous DV, who was being repeatedly physically threatened or assaulted, go or attempt to go?
how's this for yet another theory:

JC was "going somewhere" that night if we believe AA.
JC had a domestic abuser in her past.
JC may have been choked at least once or twice before her death (choking is highly indicative of DV which will escalate to homicide).
C was NOT dressed for a party, IMO.

where would someone who had received assistance for previous DV, who was being repeatedly physically threatened or assaulted, go or attempt to go?

Try and go back to the shelter or back to whoever helped her in the past?
I believe that is the same person, I'm just trying to retrace things to a source that proves it. Note I edited your quote to initials only.

I will say I ran a public records/white pages search on the name "CM" and it turned up nothing in the state of Mississippi. Running the same search with the first name C and last name R, I get a match with "M" as the given middle initial, age 38, addresses in Courtland, Batesville, and Sardis in MS, plus Plano, TX. There is also a returned entry with just the name CR, age 34, in Batesville, Pope, and Sardis, MS. The age discrepancy seems sketchy but it's not impossible that these are two different people with the same first + last name.

Thanks, I edited my post too.

And thanks for the information. That does make it seem likely they're the same person.

What if somebody she trusted asked her for a ride to someplace out of the area? Or to pick her up at some place farther away? (I'm thinking farther away to account for the extra gas.)
Thanks, I edited my post too.

And thanks for the information. That does make it seem likely they're the same person.

What if somebody she trusted asked her for a ride to someplace out of the area? Or to pick her up at some place farther away? (I'm thinking farther away to account for the extra gas.)

She also just got a new job. Which means she may have had more money than usual. Just a thought.
How long had she been working there? Would she have already gotten her first paycheck?
Auntie Sha Sha is not the person from the gas station that calls JC over for a cigarette. That was Cassandra Market, who is also Sandy Rudd, aunt of Bryan Rudd (JC's ex boyfriend). Not sure why she told the interviewer her last name was Market, she seems to use Rudd everywhere else.
You could be right because it's so easy to confuse all of those sketchy characters! ;)
Anywho, I find the turning down of a cigarette when you're trying to bum one very unlikely & suspect.


I'm a heavy smoker and have bummed many of cigarettes in my time. If you really are wanting a smoke you don't care if it's menthol or non and I can't believe that she wouldn't have known what type of cigarettes Jessica smoked.
Auntie Sha Sha is not the person from the gas station that calls JC over for a cigarette. That was Cassandra Market, who is also Sandy Rudd, aunt of Bryan Rudd (JC's ex boyfriend). Not sure why she told the interviewer her last name was Market, she seems to use Rudd everywhere else.

Yes, I thinks that's correct. Isn't Auntie Sha Sha = Charlotte Wilkerson, the friend and neighbor of Jessica?
I'm a heavy smoker and have bummed many of cigarettes in my time. If you really are wanting a smoke you don't care if it's menthol or non and I can't believe that she wouldn't have known what type of cigarettes Jessica smoked.

I find it hard to interpret as anything but a gesture of intimidation. "Hey there, I'm still around, and I can make your life miserable any damn time I want to."
how's this for yet another theory:

JC was "going somewhere" that night if we believe AA.
JC had a domestic abuser in her past.
JC may have been choked at least once or twice before her death (choking is highly indicative of DV which will escalate to homicide).
C was NOT dressed for a party, IMO.

where would someone who had received assistance for previous DV, who was being repeatedly physically threatened or assaulted, go or attempt to go?

I have had this similar thought myself. She may have gassed-up to hightail it out of there and go back to the shelter. Does anyone know how far that shelter was from M&M? Was Jessica's trunk packed?
Also, what if she told AA where she was actually going (and he only just refers to it in the media as "somewhere")? And suppose he told someone else of Jessica's plan to drive far and fast away to "somewhere"? Or suppose Jessica mentioned, to "the lady who bummed a cigarette" that she was driving far and fast away, and that lady told someone? Maybe someone was keeping a close watch on Jessica for any sign of fleeing. Just supposin'.
As I sit here in Virginia, only an hour and a half from it being Christmas morning, I am so extremely sad. A part of me wishes I had never even started reading this thread. I haven't slept much since. So much confusion in this thread, videos yall were discussing wouldn't play for me, so many crazy theories. Somebody down in Mississippi is evil, somewhere in some house evil sleeps, somewhere on some street evil walks. I cannot imagine the pain or the horror Jessica endured. I can't imagine what her own screams sounded like to her. This Christmas is not going to be one of the happy ones that I'll remember in my will be one of the worst as Jessica and her family continue to haunt my mind. Merry Christmas, Jessica...tell Jesus Happy Birthday for me..
Your theory doesn't make sense. Okay, so you don't think she was chosen randomly. So she was targeted? How does that make sense when she was someone who had a long history of relationships with black folks in the community. What evidence is there that black people JC knew wanted to harm white folks?

If someone was so enraged by Ferguson they would surely strike back against a random target. Not someone they know.

There absolutely is evidence of just that... but we can't discuss due to TOS. I don't know if that is what happened here, with Jessica. But, yes, it is at least a possibility.
This is the link for Cassandra Market as the person who asked JC for a cigarette at the market. "That someone is now identified as Cassandra Market, who goes by Sandy. Despite not being seen in the video, she says she asked Jessica for a cigarette that night, but the 19-year-old wasn't smoking her flavor." SBM

One can infer from this link (a birth announcement) that her maiden name was Rudd.

Thats strange. She had no money for ciggaretes but was picky about the brand/flavor. She knew what kind of ciggarettes JC liked from the beginning. Is she kidding us. Plus I think she was with the guy who got the gas in a can.
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