MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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i'm a heavy smoker and have bummed many of cigarettes in my time. If you really are wanting a smoke you don't care if it's menthol or non and i can't believe that she wouldn't have known what type of cigarettes jessica smoked.

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
....o/t but it's almost midnight here on the East Coast, so Merry Christmas everybody!
....o/t but it's almost midnight here on the east coast, so merry christmas everybody!

thank you. Merry xmas to all as well. Iam sorry we have to meet under these conditions. Happy holidays.
Why was JC allowed to live with BR and his family for 2 years, if she was only 16/17 at the time. Didnt her family live right down the street. This could be why some people are saying its JC's dad fault. They may think that he could of did more to stir JC away from the path she was going down.
Since there is plenty of females on this site; Can somebody share advice on the best way a parent should interact with their daughter thats 12 and up. Thanks.
The video posted, which is what some may consider grossly sensational, and I would have to agree, is also old news by now. It does have a few seconds of really clear video though that I haven't been able to find elsewhere. So, if you just please focus @ :43 to :50 secs, from which the frame grabs were taken, you'll notice a person, could be a man, big white shoes and a reddish hooded sweatshirt, or it could be a woman, as at one point it looks like she may have a hair bun. This woman is part of a four people who are on the video as Jessica returns to her car to pump gas. This is the last person to the left of the screen, walking toward the other side of Jessica's pump. This person, you'll see, is preceded by a woman, in what looks like a light color pants, shirt and long hair. This woman light colored clothed woman passes close to Jessica just as Jessica is reaching for her door. If you play it real slow, @ .25 speed, it looks like Jessica moves to the side a little to avoid the woman, then looks over at her as she reaches in her car. In the meantime, the other person has disappeared behind the pump and never re-appears on the other side or on the videos, clearly. Just as the video is about to fade and Jessica closes her door to pump gas you see the hint of movement behind the pump. Perhaps something shining appears, could be light from somewhere else, but what looks like an arm extending from behind the pump Jessica is about to pump gas from appears. I could just be seeing things, of course, and this person could just be walking there from a strange angle to pump gas in their own car, but more footage from that angle would be telling, while Jessica pumps gas. I wonder if LE has been able to identify or interview these people?

Redisj hoodie maybe with a bun about to disappear behind pump and woman in light clothes about t.jpgRed hoodie person reaching in back, and disappearing behind pump.jpgWhat looks like arm from behind gas pump Jessica is about to use.jpgFadeout image of what looks like a person from behind pipe just as Jessica closes her door..jpgScreenshot 2014-12-25 at 12.36.54 AM.jpg
Thats strange. She had no money for ciggaretes but was picky about the brand/flavor. She knew what kind of ciggarettes JC liked from the beginning. Is she kidding us. Plus I think she was with the guy who got the gas in a can.
Maybe it wasn't a tobacco cigarette she was looking for....Maybe that's what she meant when she said it wasn't her flavor....:thinking:
The video posted, which is what some may consider grossly sensational, and I would have to agree, is also old news by now. It does have a few seconds of really clear video though that I haven't been able to find elsewhere. So, if you just please focus @ :43 to :50 secs, from which the frame grabs were taken, you'll notice a person, could be a man, big white shoes and a reddish hooded sweatshirt, or it could be a woman, as at one point it looks like she may have a hair bun. This woman is part of a four people who are on the video as Jessica returns to her car to pump gas. This is the last person to the left of the screen, walking toward the other side of Jessica's pump. This person, you'll see, is preceded by a woman, in what looks like a light color pants, shirt and long hair. This woman light colored clothed woman passes close to Jessica just as Jessica is reaching for her door. If you play it real slow, @ .25 speed, it looks like Jessica moves to the side a little to avoid the woman, then looks over at her as she reaches in her car. In the meantime, the other person has disappeared behind the pump and never re-appears on the other side or on the videos, clearly. Just as the video is about to fade and Jessica closes her door to pump gas you see the hint of movement behind the pump. Perhaps something shining appears, could be light from somewhere else, but what looks like an arm extending from behind the pump Jessica is about to pump gas from appears. I could just be seeing things, of course, and this person could just be walking there from a strange angle to pump gas in their own car, but more footage from that angle would be telling, while Jessica pumps gas. I wonder if LE has been able to identify or interview these people?

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The video that you're refering to is incomplete and this is the reason why you can't see the last person after that. I watched a longer version of the surveillance videos and I saw that man go back to the front door of his car to open the gas latch.

Am I actually looking at the right person?
First of all, I want to say that I've seen teenagers/young adults go live with their girfriend/boyfriend's family at least four or five times. I never really asked for the reason why they did.

There could be many reasons for this. Perhaps Jessica didn't like the way her parents wanted to control her life. Perhaps she wasn't treated well at home. Perhaps Jessica and her bf were so infatuated with each other that they wanted to be together 24/7. Perhaps she felt more free to do whatever she wanted at her boyfriend's house. This is all just speculation on my part, and I'm not trying to insinuate that her parents weren't treating her right. Anyways, teenagers often think their parents don't want them to do anything they like and wish of moving away from home as soon as possible.

The shelter part is what puzzles me the most. Like, let's say she'd been in an abusive relationship for two years with a guy who moved away. What need did she have to go to a shelter? There must a another reason. Couldn't she just go back to her parents'?

Another thing about the shelter... I don't know exactly what type of shelter that was (I can't find its name right now and I'm too tired to search for it) but I know there are shelters that help women with different type of problems. For example, a good friend of mine went to one because she'd been severely depressed for years and her relationship with her husband was dragging her down (he wasn't physically or verbally abusive but he didn't treat her right) and she was fed up with her life in general. And also, I know a 20 year old girl who just got into one of those shelters because she's been having problems with caused by either bipolar disorder or borderline, and she made at least one suicide attempt last year.

Anyway, this was just to say that the reason why she went there could be related to her death... or not. In my opinion.
First of all, I want to say that I've seen teenagers/young adults go live with their girfriend/boyfriend's family at least four or five times. I never really asked for the reason why they did.

There could be many reasons for this. Perhaps Jessica didn't like the way her parents wanted to control her life. Perhaps she wasn't treated well at home. Perhaps Jessica and her bf were so infatuated with each other that they wanted to be together 24/7. Perhaps she felt more free to do whatever she wanted at her boyfriend's house. This is all just speculation on my part, and I'm not trying to insinuate that her parents weren't treating her right. Anyways, teenagers often think their parents don't want them to do anything they like and wish of moving away from home as soon as possible.

The shelter part is what puzzles me the most. Like, let's say she'd been in an abusive relationship for two years with a guy who moved away. What need did she have to go to a shelter? There must a another reason. Couldn't she just go back to her parents'?

Another thing about the shelter... I don't know exactly what type of shelter that was (I can't find its name right now and I'm too tired to search for it) but I know there are shelters that help women with different type of problems. For example, a good friend of mine went to one because she'd been severely depressed for years and her relationship with her husband was dragging her down (he wasn't physically or verbally abusive but he didn't treat her right) and she was fed up with her life in general. And also, I know a 20 year old girl who just got into one of those shelters because she's been having problems with caused by either bipolar disorder or borderline, and she made at least one suicide attempt last year.

Anyway, this was just to say that the reason why she went there could be related to her death... or not. In my opinion.

I think your post was great. The truth is, we don't have all of the info to fill in these gaps. I'm thinking there was a boyfriend AFTER Bryan. It seemed to me that JC's dad alluded to bad "relationships", so it may have become a pattern and not just a one-time thing.

As for her living with the Rudds? Who knows? If JC was under the age of 18, she cannot legally make that decision without a parent's consent in my state. If her parents had pushed the issue, the police could have forced her to go back home. Maybe JC ran to the Rudd house every time she fought with her mom and her mom just got tired of fighting about it and stopped pursuing the issue. Could be any number of reasons for her living with another family, but we don't even know that she did. JC's parents have never confirmed that. Would be VERY helpful to know who (if anyone) she was seeing before she went into the shelter.
I thought the person she was seeing before she went in the shelter is in jail...
Thats strange. She had no money for ciggaretes but was picky about the brand/flavor. She knew what kind of ciggarettes JC liked from the beginning. Is she kidding us. Plus I think she was with the guy who got the gas in a can.
Didn't she live across from the Chambers home or am I confusing her with someone else?

Aunti* Sh* Sh* lives or lived across the street from JC. She is Charl*tte Wilkers*n.

I'd be curious to know if Aunti*'s man, boyfriend or hubby lived there as well.

Anyone know who else lived in her house?
Since there is plenty of females on this site; Can somebody share advice on the best way a parent should interact with their daughter thats 12 and up. Thanks.
IMHO With honesty

IMO parenting is hit and miss. It always feels like flying blind and hoping you are making a sound decision when dealing with your kids. I always tried to maintain an open and honest relation with my girls, (and boys) being their friend whenever possible BUT parent first. By that I mean, if something I was not going to allow them to do made them not like me for now but was in their best interest as far as I could see, then that is the path I took. Hoping they would thank me one day. Frankly, it sucked sometimes because I like them (not just love them) and I wanted them to like me all the time, but I just felt like my primary job was to raise them into adulthood. I did always try to explain to them the why of it. example: I love you and only want the best for you and I've been tasked with seeing you raised into a decent person, so I need you to be honest with me about xyz so that I can do the best job possible. Usually they were, if not, then one of their brothers or sister were on their behalf (thank you, my little narcs)

An example of that sometimes uncomfortable honesty was talks about drugs: I would never tell my kids that I thought pot was a bad drug (I do not do drugs, did smoke pot as a teen/early 20y/o) because I knew that one day they might try it and if they did I wanted them to still believe me that crack,meth,cocaine etc was horrible and would take over their life and possible kill them and to never put any of those in their body.

Was that right? I don't know but it just seemed to me that if I wanted honest communication with them, I had to give it also.

For whatever reason, they don't do drugs ( as far as I can tell), they are all gainfully employed even tho many in their age brackets are not in this economy. We are friends and they often call me for advice .

I'm not trying to say that I was a great parent, Lord knows I can look back and see many mistakes. I'm sure they can see more. But I fumbled my way through it the best I could, with their interest at heart . I can't help but to believe tho, that the reason they are friends with me and want to just hang out and talk is rooted in that established honesty.

Merry Christmas to all of you.
I was hoping to check in and find a Christmas miracle of JC's killer all locked up. The day is still young.
Aunti* Sh* Sh* lives or lived across the street from JC. She is Charl*tte Wilkers*n.

I'd be curious to know if Aunti*'s man, boyfriend or hubby lived there as well.

Anyone know who else lived in her house?
I don't but I keep thinking that if anyone knew when JC was leaving her house, it was Sha Sha.
My parents and I had a very difficult period when I turned 18. Legally, you are an adult, but emotionally, you still need your parents. I desperately wanted to make my own decisions with no interference from them and I made some poor choices. I finally figured out that being an adult came with responsibilities and turning my back on the people who loved you was not a good idea. I got into a bad relationship, got pregnant and had to admit I didn't know everything. I got my life back on track by 21. JC seemed to have her own set of issues I know nothing about. But she appeared to be working through them. Very tragic circumstances.
Merry Christmas! :sleigh:

Ms Pramatic,*
Just Wow! What a powerful testimony. My belief is ~we all get a shot at grabbing the'brass ring' to success.Some people squander theirs.

I do want not to derail the thread. I will simply say with all my heart that Jessica (if her life had not been snuffed out) held the 'brass ring for success' but simply did not live long enough to 'grab on for dear life & not let go.'

Women i.e Jessica could all be 'Masters of the Universe'. That is why I beg women please get a vocation or skill. Many women do not understand how treacherous and unkind the world can be.

Someone up thread asked for advice on how to converse with an adolescent girl. Please tell them the importance of having a strong sense of their 'own' self identify.

I could seriously could give an entire lecture on this theme. (ask my son :smile: & nieces)

Thanks Ms Pramatic :hug: for your post it made my day!,

*Because of Ms Pramatics' post I lam limiting my comments to women only.
Since there is plenty of females on this site; Can somebody share advice on the best way a parent should interact with their daughter thats 12 and up. Thanks.

I totally agree with everything WhoaIsMe wrote above ... open communication and trust is key. I wanted to add one thing that seems important to me. Although I told them not to drink, I also told them to never-ever drink and drive or ride with a friend who had been drinking ... but to call me instead for a ride. It's kind of like what WhoaIsMe said about pot. I don't want them to drink, but I know it's out there. But I REALLY don't want them to drink and then get behind a wheel or in a car with someone who's been drinking.

And in terms of safety, I told them and their friends to call for help if they ever felt unsafe. One night my daughter called me quite late from a sleepover at a friend's house. Some of the girls had walked to a convenience store and were freaked out by a gray car that kept repeatedly passing them. They called my daughter's cell, and then she called me. I was so happy to go pick them up, regardless of the time! (I was also glad my daughter hadn't gone with them.)

I think we also need to keep reminding them to not walk alone and to be cautious in parking lots, etc. I may have been a little overboard with that (I grew up in an area that had a child serial killer), but it seems important, as teens do think they're invincible at times!

I'm sure you'll do great. :)

PS: Edited to add one final thought. Keep an open dialogue about bullying. I never thought my teenage daughter would be bullied, but she was. Today's bully is very often female and SM savvy.
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