MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #4

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I wonder if the guy talking about loud pipes, could of been hearing jake brakes?
In the beginning of the video, Mister seems to kind of casually throw his hand up in front of Rachel's face. It's a sign of his disrespect for her IMO. And the strange look that seems to pass from his face to her's is weird. When she speaks she also confirms LE seemed to have the lover's quarrel thing as a point of investigation concerning them. Rachel then goes on to say she had her ups and downs w/JC but that no on can imagine why anyone would do something like this to her. That little part of the interview seems fairly genuine to me. Perhaps the entire thing started as a "warning" in the form of a beating that then escalated in her death and immolation, with the person/s who lit the fire thinking she was already dead. Either way the poor girl was alive enough that the fire made her escape the car. These types of "warnings" such as the woman received 2 years ago for the missing drugs is obviously acceptable in the minds of those involved. And the 2 perps who helped Mister in that incident came from Indy. Maybe the perp/s in JC's murder came from Memphis because that particular gang is heavy heavy in the Memphis area. Uuuugggggh.
In the Memphis area one of the most common reason for beatings of women with known gang associations is money that the victim was deemed to have to give to the "leader". About 10 years ago I saw a woman beaten on a public street with a 2 by 4. And no one called the police. I didn't live there nor did I have a cell phone then but it has never left my mind.
I'm going to assume, for the purpose of this post only, that whoever did this is not some random person or serial killer. if I rule random/serial killer out, I'm left with anger/rage. Even IF this had been a gang initiation, JC was chosen. Why? In an area this small, With everyone knowing each other, JC would not have been the chosen victim if the one being initiated liked JC.

Someone had a bone to pick with JC. Judging from what was done to her, it was a very large bone. Who would be SO angry as to set someone on fire? Yes, people are set on fire. I've read more about it than I care to in the past few weeks. Even isn't a super-common way to kill someone. It takes some planning. It isn't like she was set on fire after she was killed solely for the purpose of destroying evidence. She was set on fire while ALIVE. That says RAGE. The perp(s) planned this. They executed the plan. And they have gotten away with it for over two weeks now.

We also know that red hoodie sent a text to JC. What did that text say? I'm assuming since Tutor and Mister were brought in for questioning, it wasn't a friendly one, especially since they alluded to a "lover's quarrel" in their interview on camera. If there had been a confrontation at the gas station a week prior, my guess is that somehow, these two were involved in that altercation. Mister said he was swabbed. Lie detector test was mentioned. As far as I know, LE hasn't stated anything public about these two. Ther aren't required to give us an explanation for why they interview people.

I'm saying all of this because I feel that this boils down to rage/jealousy. This is all my opinion. I cannot imagine ever being angry enough to set someone on fire. And the only way I can see anyone else doing this is if they feel they had something to lose with JC living.
Do some of you think Jessica Chambers was romantically involved with Mr. Mister? That's a depressing thought. Especially if she was trying to turn her life around. (imho)
Do some of you think Jessica Chambers was romantically involved with Mr. Mister? That's a depressing thought. Especially if she was trying to turn her life around. (imho)
I do not feel that she was. The thought is horrifying to me. But, no, I feel strongly that she was not romantically involved with him.
i also wanted to add that their interview was unsettling to me. Mister and Tutor. Very disturbing.
In the Mister and Tutor interview, when Mister and Tutor are asked how they know Jessica, Mister kind of smiles and says "she's a good friend". Watch the video and now pay attention to Tutor when Mister answers. Tutor really smiles like there is way more to the story than good friend. Then later Misters says, "they are saying I" and Tutor interrupts and says "it was a lover's quarrel". Is Mister a boyfriend? We know Tutor and JC got into a fight/argument the week before.
I know I can't post FB posts or info, so if you get a chance, look up some of these characters and read for yourself. If you have not done it, you will be blown away. Its completely unbelievable. Poor JC! Didn't have a chance. <modsnip>
Jamiefind, your post about how rural that part of Mississippi is reminds me of when Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane crashed in Gillsburg, MS (far south of Courtland, but in a rural area). The survivors walked to a farmhouse and explained they'd just been in a plane crash. The people in the farmhouse were pretty dubious about these long-haired hippie-types just showing up in such a rural area of Mississippi!
Mister's aka's can be found with minimal googling on this case. Some as easy to find as an explosion that goes BOOM and a couple more that sound very similar.
ETA...and I was complaining about cryptic posts. Oh well.

BBM. See, it's not so hard to do after all ;)
In the Mister-Tutor interview, the reporter asks, "Was Jessica into any trouble?" [camera cuts to Mister with Tutor to his side behind him] "[pause] We don't know. Ya know? We don't know what, what the problem was, that got her killed." During Mister's response, Tutor does a little eye rolling and head shaking and looking at the ground.

Two things:
1) We don't know WHAT the problem was that GOT her killed? Excuse me? So a reporter asks you whether a victim friend was into any trouble, and rather than saying that you don't know if she was in any trouble or not, your response PRESUMES that there was trouble---you just don't know what it was---and that her trouble GOT her killed? To me, he just reveals that Jessica was into "trouble" and that her death was a homicide arising out of such trouble. IMO.

2) At the beginning of Mister's response, Tutor looks to Mister to see how he's going to answer, and once she hears how he's going to respond, she follows his lead and puts on a, IMO fake, sadness routine.

Am I seeing things through paranoid eyes? Anyone else catch this? Didn't see it mentioned yet.

[A note about the link. I originally had trouble getting it to pull the correct video from my iPhone, but I was able to view the desktop version of the news site, search for Mister, and then it came up no problem.]
I'm shocked too that Mr. Mister didn't seem to do much or any time for his crimes. Is it possible he turned informant?

It just occurred to me that maybe Mr. Mister waived his right to a speedy trial for the amassed charges from the December, 2012 incident. If that is the case, would he possibly be out on bail, awaiting trial? I hope that is the case. It would make me feel a wee bit better about the enforcement of laws in that region.
I'm shocked too that Mr. Mister didn't seem to do much or any time for his crimes. Is it possible he turned informant?

He is out on bond and awaiting trial - I think that was posted earlier but I don't have the link
Maybe Mister wanted Jessica as a "side piece" and, Jessica might not of giving a firm "no" and going on about it in a round about way. Tutor could of perceived this as a lovers quarrel. Few here think including myself, this is personal with jealously written all over it.
Thank-you,Zool for your contribution!

I want to say 'Goodbye' to everybody; it's been real!

I'm going away now happy that I can return to just reading the news, and watching tv.

I look forward to Jessica's murderer(s) being brought to justice.

It will happen; I've seen the light!

So long.

I just saw your reply machiado. Thank-you for connecting the dot for me. I was so sleepy when I posted last night (it didn't register to actually 'look' at Denise Tutor.). I was simply lazy & googling for a video link.

So,just now I went to my 'history drop down' menu & looked at 'Denise'. Dang, this is interesting. My hinky meter is going haywire. I go back to my gut 'instinct' to put under a microscope the people interacting with Jessica the days lending up to her murder. Now, I hope LE was able to extract some clues from 'Denise'or 'Rachel's' (or what ever alias she uses)text to Jessica.

I'm was too tired to look in our thread for their video. I wanted to study the 'coy' smile once more. So I gloogled to link to that video & good grief how many 'alias' make up the 400 people thus far interviewed by LE. Gosh,if one person has multi names LE will be lucky to finish this towns population in the next decade. Back,to my search instead of a Rachel Tutor I found a Denise Tutor. I give up. I will hunt down the video in the morning. Gosh,I need a scorecard alone to figure out what name each 'player' is using per/each article I find. :smile:


And,thanks again machiado. Here's your well learned Websleuths gold star. :star:

Rachel and Denise are the same person - one or the other name is a middle name.
I'm going to assume, for the purpose of this post only, that whoever did this is not some random person or serial killer. if I rule random/serial killer out, I'm left with anger/rage. Even IF this had been a gang initiation, JC was chosen. Why? In an area this small, With everyone knowing each other, JC would not have been the chosen victim if the one being initiated liked JC.

Someone had a bone to pick with JC. Judging from what was done to her, it was a very large bone. Who would be SO angry as to set someone on fire? Yes, people are set on fire. I've read more about it than I care to in the past few weeks. Even isn't a super-common way to kill someone. It takes some planning. It isn't like she was set on fire after she was killed solely for the purpose of destroying evidence. She was set on fire while ALIVE. That says RAGE. The perp(s) planned this. They executed the plan. And they have gotten away with it for over two weeks now.

We also know that red hoodie sent a text to JC. What did that text say? I'm assuming since Tutor and Mister were brought in for questioning, it wasn't a friendly one, especially since they alluded to a "lover's quarrel" in their interview on camera. If there had been a confrontation at the gas station a week prior, my guess is that somehow, these two were involved in that altercation. Mister said he was swabbed. Lie detector test was mentioned. As far as I know, LE hasn't stated anything public about these two. Ther aren't required to give us an explanation for why they interview people.

I'm saying all of this because I feel that this boils down to rage/jealousy. This is all my opinion. I cannot imagine ever being angry enough to set someone on fire. And the only way I can see anyone else doing this is if they feel they had something to lose with JC living.

There have been multiple other murders in the area going back to 2012, the oldest of which I believe I posted in #3, where no one has been convicted. It's a pattern of literally getting away with murder.

You can assume that Jessica, like most teenagers or young adults 16-25, doesn't do regular deletions of her SMS messages. As a result LE know exactly what Little red riding hood sent her. Conjecture abounds but I'd be willing to bet it wasn't "Wanna go get cookies and chocolate milk?" It had to be aggressive, or at very least cryptic. The question you have to ask at that point is why if that is the case, did they (LE) take so long to address it. If JC is anything like me, she has separate password protection on her SMS program, exclusive of the others on her phone which has it's own pin or password. It took time to crack it.

The method of her death was unusually cruel. It may have been a matter of symbolism, an expression of rage or envy, whatever it was it seems far too personal and punitive to have been spontaneous. The selection of location implies premeditation in my opinion, and gross familiarity of the locale. At very least it was done to rob her of her life, her beauty and even her humanity. I just wish the perpetrators had done some more research. I've found many examples where similar attempts at execution left a survivor, near death, some even surviving more than a few hours after the crime. No evidence published thus far suggests that the blaze was anything other than the choice of murder weapon.
I'm shocked too that Mr. Mister didn't seem to do much or any time for his crimes. Is it possible he turned informant?

I read about a man in my state who broke into a FEDERAL building and stole a bunch of things out of it. He got...wait for it...SIX MONTHS.

Now, I don't know about you, but if I were one of this man's business associates, I would be watching every step. Six months. If I would have been the guy that robbed the federal building and got six months and they published it in the paper? I'd be running.

Six months is big, fat book the size of "A Tale of Two Cities" only the title was changed to: "RAT".
Maybe Mister wanted Jessica as a "side piece" and, Jessica might not of giving a firm "no" and going on about it in a round about way. Tutor could of perceived this as a lovers quarrel. Few here think including myself, this is personal with jealously written all over it.

They are good friends.
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