MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #9

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Also in almost a MILLION miles, I have never see any driver ever whip out a zippo, or buy the lighter fluid covered in dust. Always a bic or a cricket lighter. Not trying to be snippy but a murder could occur in a field 15 miles from a road and there's always gunna be the "It could be a truck driver" that would sometimes go against all logic. And there is always someone implying but saying they are not implying that we're horrible meth addled, hooker loving, cursing, serial killers. Yes I get defensive over some stereotypes that are but aren't being hinted at.

Monster: A truck driver would be the last person I would suspect -- they are hard working folks with a tough job to do. I've done my share of night driving in a car and although the traffic is lighter, it is also more difficult to stay awake. That, plus with a truck I understand that a loaded trailer is all the time jerking your tractor around, so not the most comfortable ride in the world. You may have misinterpreted my "Love's Truck Stop" post as implicating a truck driver in the Jessica Chambers murder. Not so, it was merely illustrating that what I thought could be a valuable clue, that a "rare" user of a Zippo-type lighter was involved, turned out to be not so rare after all, since it's something more popular today than I had thought. Charlotte has many, many truck terminals and we love the business. Best regards!

:rubberducky: "Listen trucks, this here's the Duck..."
This was reported back on December 17, 2014.

The autopsy has been completed, but officials are tight-lipped on what the results add to the case.
"We know what happened to her," said District Attorney John Champion. "We're not going to comment on that."
The final results of the autopsy might not be available for about six weeks, Champion said, but officials have what they need to know what happened to the teen before her tragic burning death.

“Six weeks later” would be January 28, 2015.
Jessica was buried on December 13th:

I would assume the extra time after her burial was for a lab to examine tissue samples for toxicology, DNA, etc. When will we hear something from the (black hole) Panola County Coroner’s office about “final results” of the autopsy? Probably never.

Yes there have been too many serial killers that were truck drivers to count. In saying that I am not labeling truck drivers in any bad light. They are tested for drugs, have to pass federal background checks these days especially if they haul hazmat. But the underbelly of truckstops is often dark indeed. While riding with my buddy all over the country some years back just to see what it was like, he repeatedly warned me that even the nicest stops can be dangerous. And he would know because he had been robbed by transients himself. These drivers are aware of where it is best not to stop. As far as overnighters, most drivers who stay out for weeks at a time spend every night parked at a truckstop. Can't count the times I've seen friends/family/others come visit with a driver at them and many times they go off to have a chance to eat at a nicer restaurant, see a movie, whatever. So the idea of taking a truck down Herron Road is obviously not possible, but one or more leaving a lot with a friend is very possible. Also someone could have followed in their car meaning the person (not necessarily a trucker) would've had a way back to the stop.
As far as this death being labeled a homicide it used to be that successful completion of suicide was homicide, just like legal execution was a homicide by the state. I think it's possible as well as it could have been an accident and JC was actually alone in the car. The gash on her head (if there was one) could be explained by thermal injuries.
Just throwing this out there.
I can't get there on a couple of things, although they are possible they're just not probable to me.
1. A truck driver did it.
2. She committed suicide.

For me it's someone (more than one) that has known Jessica for awhile and committed the ultimate betrayal. Not only do I believe she knew her killer(s), I think she spent time with them on occasion.

ETA: People really need to be careful who they take their children around. The kids pull something from everyone they're in contact with, be it good or bad, even when they're young. The life you live around them becomes their norm more often than not.

This is a lot of great info, and I appreciate the time it took to put it together to share. Like you, I feel certain that LE is aware of all this info as well, and surely have checked out the two RSO's, as well as any others in the area. The only question I have is about the part that I bolded. I am not aware that LE has put out a description of any vehicle they are looking for, other than possibly a vehicle with loud pipes that was mentioned by a neighbor who allegedly heard one the night Jessica was killed. Since we can't possibly tell whether a vehicle has loud pipes from a Google photo, I am wondering if I have missed something. Can you point me to a MSM link that details the vehicle LE is seeking? TIA.

Please accept my apology, you are correct that a suspect vehicle was never described in MSM. I tried to edit my post to reflect this but couldn't.

While the vast majority of the trucking industry is made up of honest, hard-working Americans who go through painstaking measures to conduct themselves under a code of ethics and safety, the transient and solitary nature of the work can attract crooked characters. The anonymous lifestyle allows them to unleash pent-up demons between 11-hour stints and hightail it out of town before sunrise >snipped much more at link<

A look at things thru the eyes of a dedicated female trucker:
NATSO CEO Lisa Mullings tries to make it seem as if the &#8220;Travel Plazas&#8221;, as they have tried to rebrand the truck stops, are family friendly safe havens, but this is untrue. I find safer and quieter parking at welcome centers and rest areas, unfortunately, many of these rest areas are closing. NATSO has not cleaned up their &#8220;Travel Center&#8221; act which permits activity like truckers see at TA locations in Nashville, Barstow, Ontario, Jessup, Maryland, Gary, Indiana, West Memphis and Little Rock Arkansas, to name just a few.>snipped<A major problem is the denial, indifference and apathy within this industry, which protects a few predators and retaliates against the people who speak out. Violence occurs regularly to females entering truck driver training, domestic violence occurs regularly at truck stops and women are often thrown off of trucks at &#8220;travel plazas&#8221;.
There is no way to know who these women are and often law enforcement treats all women at or near truck stops as if they were expendable lot lizards. The entire industry is responsible for looking the other way at this issue.
> trying to define what areas truckers see as high crime not to indict the entire industry but to offer help for travelers who are not as educated on the places WE truckers avoid due to high crime.<
&#8220;Don&#8217;t Stop because even Truckers are scared of the Place&#8221; (this is a list but for instance check out #32)32. Olive Branch, Mississippi Loves, Pilot(not the Loves in question but yet a Loves which are considered safe). &#8220;I no longer park in back row or walk between trailers after having someone hit me on the back of the head to rob me.&#8221;>The irony behind it all is that the USA Today article implies that many serial killers are truckers, avoiding the real issue that truckers are actually targets and victims of violent crimes themselves, mainly due to the inadequately patrolled truck plazas that are havens for criminals. The fact is that there are criminals who are opportunists, and they see a trucking career as means of hiding their criminal activity through the cover up of a legitimate job.<
Interesting reading on trafficking and everything else.
Unfortunately, I think that I have ran out of material to sleuth for this case. I'm left baffled in many aspects, but will post a couple of final thoughts so as to have a place to pick-up from should any new information become available.

1. JC was killed by someone/somebody/some people that she knew.
2. JC was killed by a RSO from the local area.
3. JC was killed by a random person who may have repeated a similar murder in Tennessee
4. JC died as a result of an auto accident.
5. JC died from suicide.

No more running in circles for this guy, I sure hope the case gets solved!
Also in almost a MILLION miles, I have never see any driver ever whip out a zippo, or buy the lighter fluid covered in dust. Always a bic or a cricket lighter. Not trying to be snippy but a murder could occur in a field 15 miles from a road and there's always gunna be the "It could be a truck driver" that would sometimes go against all logic. And there is always someone implying but saying they are not implying that we're horrible meth addled, hooker loving, cursing, serial killers. Yes I get defensive over some stereotypes that are but aren't being hinted at.

Thank you .... where would America be without our truckers?
This was reported back on December 17, 2014.

The autopsy has been completed, but officials are tight-lipped on what the results add to the case.
"We know what happened to her," said District Attorney John Champion. "We're not going to comment on that."
The final results of the autopsy might not be available for about six weeks, Champion said, but officials have what they need to know what happened to the teen before her tragic burning death.

&#8220;Six weeks later&#8221; would be January 28, 2015.
Jessica was buried on December 13th:

I would assume the extra time after her burial was for a lab to examine tissue samples for toxicology, DNA, etc. When will we hear something from the (black hole) Panola County Coroner&#8217;s office about &#8220;final results&#8221; of the autopsy? Probably never.


Probably not until a trial.
Serial killers come in all shapes, colors and sizes no matter their occupation.

Yeup, anyone can google search OCCUPATION+SERIAL KILLER and there's going to be results. I assume most serial killers work and that particular job has nothing to do with jack diddely squat, unless that job is assassin or hit man. I know there are truck driver serial killers, but I also know there are surgeon sk, teacher sk, law enforcement sk.

Yes and women are targets at TS, that's why I always have a taser on me and my honey bunny always walks with me. I've been followed and felt threatened and it doesn't help that I look like a 5ft tall 14 year old. I know what goes on at truck stops because that's home 300 days of the year, it's scary ain't gunna lie.
This was reported back on December 17, 2014.

The autopsy has been completed, but officials are tight-lipped on what the results add to the case.
"We know what happened to her," said District Attorney John Champion. "We're not going to comment on that."
The final results of the autopsy might not be available for about six weeks, Champion said, but officials have what they need to know what happened to the teen before her tragic burning death.

“Six weeks later” would be January 28, 2015.
Jessica was buried on December 13th:

I would assume the extra time after her burial was for a lab to examine tissue samples for toxicology, DNA, etc. When will we hear something from the (black hole) Panola County Coroner’s office about “final results” of the autopsy? Probably never.

Not sure I understand; What is the 'extra time' and why would the public be notified? What can the public contribute with regard to the forensics? How do we know the results came back AFTER the burial? Would it not seem logical they had results BEFORE the funeral and thus were able to release the body to the family?

If they told what they found wouldn't they also be telling the murderer? Is that desirable?


ETA":The final results of the autopsy might not be available for about six weeks, Champion said, but officials have what they need to know what happened to the teen before her tragic burning death."
Perhaps in the next interview some basic questions could be answered. Even questions posed without 'leaking' evidence that could be simply answered with yes or no.

1) Do you know who placed the call to Jessica's home before she left? (Y or N)
2) Do you know what time Jessica left her home? (Y or N)
3) Is the time stamp on the M&M footage correct? (Y or N)
4) Do you have more footage than what has been shown at the M&M, including areas not previously displayed? (Y or N)
5) Are you privy to what was discussed between Jessica and her Mother for 20 minutes at 6:48. (Y or N)
6) Were you able to ascertain her location at the time of the phone call? (Y or N)
7) Do you have film of Jessica besides the tape at the M&M (Y or N)
8) Do you know her whereabouts after her exit from the M&M by eye witness or phone tracking (Y or N)
9) Have you ventured into SM accounts beyond Jessica's accounts? (Y or N)
10) Do you know what kind of accelerant was used? (Y or N)
11) From your previous interviews you have earnestly stated you have no suspects almost 2 months after her death. Do you believe this case will end up in the Cold Case Files?

These are off the top of my head and I'm sure there are many more. Even with all the LE involved in this case each interview seems to move further and further away from resolution. Am just wondering is this by design or simply the God awful truth because they do not have any information.
Monster thanx for being a hard working trucker because this country relies on them. Around christmas my buddy tells his kids he has to work harder cause he's making deliveries for Santa:)
Also thanx for letting everyone know to be careful at truckstops as well as rest stops. Heck anywhere they can be a target. It's dangerous out there. Dangerous enough in your own home and statistics show that.:gaah:
11) From your previous interviews you have earnestly stated you have no suspects almost 2 months after her death. Do you believe this case will end up in the Cold Case Files?

I, for one, do not .... if any of you read true crime books and/or watch Discovery ID then you realize that solving crimes takes time.
Samantha, I'm praying they know the answers to all the above questions and they are simply keeping information close to the vest. The initial investigation from 8:15(ish) on has me worried. The pressers from those in charge aren't filled with hope. I am not as scared of what they know as opposed to what they have no answers to after almost 2 months.

After 5 years of WS, am very aware that solving a crime isn't an episode of prime time TV where in 60 minutes everything is solved and everyone gets a great night's sleep. In my 'questions' they were simply yes or no, my respect for the process was only being reassured that they have answers and after the last presser, am not sure they do. That was reason I wrote out my questions. Didn't mean to reflect that this should have been solved in 60 minutes. Just trying to help.
Samantha, I'm praying they know the answers to all the above questions and they are simply keeping information close to the vest. The initial investigation from 8:15(ish) on has me worried. The pressers from those in charge aren't filled with hope. I am not as scared of what they know as opposed to what they have no answers to after almost 2 months.

After 5 years of WS, am very aware that solving a crime isn't an episode of prime time TV where in 60 minutes everything is solved and everyone gets a great night's sleep. In my 'questions' they were simply yes or no, my respect for the process was only being reassured that they have answers and after the last presser, am not sure they do. That was reason I wrote out my questions. Didn't mean to reflect that this should have been solved in 60 minutes. Just trying to help.

ITA. I have been following cases here for about four or five years, and on my own for far longer. I understand that crimes such as this, where there is no single 'most likely to have done it', do take a while to solve usually. I do worry that no progress at all appears to have been made in the two months since this gruesome murder took place, if Champion and Darby were being honest in this latest press release, which can pretty much be summed up by three simple words..."we got nothin". It is bad enough that they have nothing, and even worse that they readily admit it. JMO
Steve thank you for succinctly stating what I meant. Thank you. :blushing:
Perhaps in the next interview some basic questions could be answered. Even questions posed without 'leaking' evidence that could be simply answered with yes or no.

1) Do you know who placed the call to Jessica's home before she left? (Y or N)
2) Do you know what time Jessica left her home? (Y or N)
3) Is the time stamp on the M&M footage correct? (Y or N)
4) Do you have more footage than what has been shown at the M&M, including areas not previously displayed? (Y or N)
5) Are you privy to what was discussed between Jessica and her Mother for 20 minutes at 6:48. (Y or N)
6) Were you able to ascertain her location at the time of the phone call? (Y or N)
7) Do you have film of Jessica besides the tape at the M&M (Y or N)
8) Do you know her whereabouts after her exit from the M&M by eye witness or phone tracking (Y or N)
9) Have you ventured into SM accounts beyond Jessica's accounts? (Y or N)
10) Do you know what kind of accelerant was used? (Y or N)
11) From your previous interviews you have earnestly stated you have no suspects almost 2 months after her death. Do you believe this case will end up in the Cold Case Files?

These are off the top of my head and I'm sure there are many more. Even with all the LE involved in this case each interview seems to move further and further away from resolution. Am just wondering is this by design or simply the God awful truth because they do not have any information.

Great questions I think we all would love to see answered. I have a few I would like to add...

12) Do you know if Jessica was currently involved in a romantic relationship, or seeing someone secretly? (Y or N)
13) If answer to 12 is yes, does that person have a wife or significant other? (Y or N)
14) Do you know if Jessica had confided in anyone that someone had expressed a romantic interest in her, that she had no such interest in? (Y or N)
15) Are you aware of any new friends Jessica made at while at Leah's House or after her release, Either real time or online? (Y or N)
16) Do you know the date Jessica left Leah's House, and why she left early? (Y or N) Her decision to leave? (Y or N)
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