MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #9

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Samantha, I'm praying they know the answers to all the above questions and they are simply keeping information close to the vest. The initial investigation from 8:15(ish) on has me worried. The pressers from those in charge aren't filled with hope. I am not as scared of what they know as opposed to what they have no answers to after almost 2 months.

After 5 years of WS, am very aware that solving a crime isn't an episode of prime time TV where in 60 minutes everything is solved and everyone gets a great night's sleep. In my 'questions' they were simply yes or no, my respect for the process was only being reassured that they have answers and after the last presser, am not sure they do. That was reason I wrote out my questions. Didn't mean to reflect that this should have been solved in 60 minutes. Just trying to help.

I understand you, but don't be surprised if there is no public information pertaining to evidence by LE to the media. If you've been a member of WS for 5 years then you have to be aware of the time it takes for many arrests to be made with enough evidence to go to trial. I joined WS a few years ago when a murder occurred in the N. GA mountains (actually there were 2 murders .... both by perverts .... one woman was walking along a road and talking to her boyfriend on her cell phone when she was kidnapped and murdered .... the kidnapper finally shot himself to death in a suburb of Atlanta. And the other young lady was hiking with her dog on a local mountain and an old geezer pretended to befriend her and then he kidnapped and eventually killed her (both were very brutal murders and the community was in a state of shock and horror) much like Panola County MS is now. I hadn't been back to WS since those murders but this case brought me back. I'm trying to be patient too and I know it's hard but there's a reason LE is keeping quiet.

(word of caution .... never walk or hike alone)
Not sure I understand; What is the 'extra time' and why would the public be notified? What can the public contribute with regard to the forensics? How do we know the results came back AFTER the burial? Would it not seem logical they had results BEFORE the funeral and thus were able to release the body to the family?

If they told what they found wouldn't they also be telling the murderer? Is that desirable?


ETA":The final results of the autopsy might not be available for about six weeks, Champion said, but officials have what they need to know what happened to the teen before her tragic burning death."
And considering the fact that LE KNOWS "what happened to her" they never changed the fact that this is a HOMOCIDE. Not a suicide.

And considering the fact that LE KNOWS "what happened to her" they never changed the fact that this is a HOMOCIDE. Not a suicide.

That's a very good point and one that should be remembered. Jess died a brutally agonizing death. The reality of what happened is chilling. Thankfully she received medical attention. Thanks to all the emergency and fire personnel.
It was raining when Jessica was driving her car on Saturday. Were the windshield wipers and defogger in Jessica’s vehicle on when it caught fire?
It was raining when Jessica was driving her car on Saturday. Were the windshield wipers and defogger in Jessica’s vehicle on when it caught fire?

We weren't told anything that I recall about the car except the basic position it was in. It was never told to my knowledge if a door was open. Some people have questioned whether or not the car was backed in.
Did motorists turn on their windshield wipers and defogger on Saturday evening to remove rain and condensation from their vehicles? If they did, then Jessica should have turned on her windshield wipers and defogger too when she was driving her car.

An inspection of Jess's car would still show whether the wipers and defogger were on when it caught fire. If they are still "on", that might prove Jessica was driving when her car caught on fire. If her vehicle was parked before it caught fire, she would likely turn the wipers off.

Two more things came to mind about the car. The keys were in the ignition and the parking brake was on.
Someone posted that the car was off. gear in park, keys in ignition and parking brake on but I cannot find a link to verify that

Was Herron Road slippery Saturday night? Did the rain and/or condensation inside Jessica's car impair her vision? It was dark when Jessica was out so maybe driving in the rain on a dark slick highway made her panic so she immediately made a sharp turn with the steering wheel to get her car off the road and she turned the ignition off and pulled the emergency brake to stop it and when it did, it burst into flames.

LE seem absolutely sure that this was homicide. I have no idea what evidence/proof they have. Since the latest interview where Champion said that they may soon release more specific info on this case, we may soon be able to put some more pieces together. Cause of death is succumbing to thermal damage beyond the point of viability. Manner of death has been stated (and by the ME if IRRC) as homicide.
For review:
[In 1967, the Twentieth World Health Assembly defined the causes of death to be entered on the medical certificate of cause of death as “all those diseases, morbid conditions or injuries which either resulted in or contributed to death and the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced any such injuries”.]
[manner of death
The fashion or circumstances that result in death, which are designated either natural or unnatural. Unnatural deaths are designated as accidental, homicidal, suicidal, or, in absence of a determination based on the balance of probabilities of the manner of death, undetermined.]
[A forensic autopsy is used to determine the cause and manner of death. Forensic science involves the application of the sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system. In United States law, deaths are classified under one of five manners:

Wikipedia definition of various forms of homicide:
Hmmm well I guess that spells it out.:moo:
Was Herron Road slippery Saturday night? Did the rain and/or condensation inside Jessica's car impair her vision? It was dark when Jessica was out so maybe driving in the rain on a dark slick highway made her panic so she immediately made a sharp turn with the steering wheel to get her car off the road and she turned the ignition off and pulled the emergency brake to stop it and when it did, it burst into flames.

Why would she stop to recline the seats after it caught on fire? She surely wasn't driving with them both laid back. Very uncomfortable and makes driving difficult.
LE see absolutely sure that this was homicide. I have no idea what evidence/proof they have. Since the latest interview where Champion said that they may soon release more specific info on this case, we may soon be able to put some more pieces together. Cause of death is succumbing to thermal damage beyond the point of viability. Manner of death has been stated (and by the ME if IRRC) as homicide.
For review:
[In 1967, the Twentieth World Health Assembly defined the causes of death to be entered on the medical certificate of cause of death as “all those diseases, morbid conditions or injuries which either resulted in or contributed to death and the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced any such injuries”.]
[manner of death
The fashion or circumstances that result in death, which are designated either natural or unnatural. Unnatural deaths are designated as accidental, homicidal, suicidal, or, in absence of a determination based on the balance of probabilities of the manner of death, undetermined.]
[A forensic autopsy is used to determine the cause and manner of death. Forensic science involves the application of the sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system. In United States law, deaths are classified under one of five manners:

Wikipedia definition of various forms of homicide:
Hmmm well I guess that spells it out.:moo:
Champion said detectives have other sources of video too, but like 911 calls and autopsy results, those videos won't be released to the public.

"Nothing that is protected by the grand jury, or that is subject to being taken to the grand jury is a public record under Mississippi law and that's why we're not releasing it," Champion explained.

Did I miss the ME and LE releasing the final autopsy results? If so, please link them.
Nope just the ME saying she died from heat/fire/thermal injuries. We have not been given any more info. Suicide isn't that far askew to me. Desperate and totally not understood by most it still happens all of the time. And as more time passes without a POI or suspect that we know of it becomes more likely; the other idea I have is a random murder. JMHO
Wouldn't the murderer already know what they know/found and then some...?


The murderer would be aware of any and all evidence one would suppose. However, they won't know how much of that was discovered or how much was destroyed before LE had a chance to examine it.

You know initially I saw the announcement from Champion that they'll release what they have as a sign of exasperation. After much thought, I was exposed to "The Dukes of Hazard" film on TV the other night, my wife was watching it, and unfortunately the first thing it brought to mind was this case. Seeing Enos made me think, yeah Panola County's finest right hyarr. Then a light went off in my head, it wasn't exasperation, it was a threat. Champion might be a lot smarter than I thought. If he knows some detail that's going to enrage the general populace, "releasing the information they have" may encourage vigilante justice. Seriously, why else would he make a statement like that, well we can't figure it out, so, this is what we know. That's beyond bizarre.
ITA. I have been following cases here for about four or five years, and on my own for far longer. I understand that crimes such as this, where there is no single 'most likely to have done it', do take a while to solve usually. I do worry that no progress at all appears to have been made in the two months since this gruesome murder took place, if Champion and Darby were being honest in this latest press release, which can pretty much be summed up by three simple words..."we got nothin". It is bad enough that they have nothing, and even worse that they readily admit it. JMO

I do work-a-rounds (find equivalents ) routinely & my substitutes must pass inspection. Because of my background I have an almost 6th sense for tracking an individual's progress in their task.

I have expressed concern on previous occasions on the somewhat lackluster adherence to chain of custody in the handling of Jessica's car evidence.(i.e.the willy~nilly route the tow truck driver took to the LE impound lot. Ref:timeline) Let me make this clear,the mistake is not a function of a small rural department it is sloppiness because administration does not emphasize excellence and accountability from its departments.

Based on this,I have concerns that too much valuable time has frittered away & the DA only now warns us little progress has been made in his investigation. I am encouraged that there is an interest on his part to release portions of the timeline & in doing so progress can be made. :kickcan: MOO
The murderer would be aware of any and all evidence one would suppose. However, they won't know how much of that was discovered or how much was destroyed before LE had a chance to examine it.

You know initially I saw the announcement from Champion that they'll release what they have as a sign of exasperation. After much thought, I was exposed to "The Dukes of Hazard" film on TV the other night, my wife was watching it, and unfortunately the first thing it brought to mind was this case. Seeing Enos made me think, yeah Panola County's finest right hyarr. Then a light went off in my head, it wasn't exasperation, it was a threat. Champion might be a lot smarter than I thought. If he knows some detail that's going to enrage the general populace, "releasing the information they have" may encourage vigilante justice. Seriously, why else would he make a statement like that, well we can't figure it out, so, this is what we know. That's beyond bizarre.

Champion has stated that LE will not release any evidence to the public .... any evidence on this case will be presented to the grand jury.
Champion has stated that LE will not release any evidence to the public .... any evidence on this case will be presented to the grand jury.
I cannot provide a link because the latest article was updated and that portion was removed, but in his latest comments to the media, Champion did indeed say that if there is not a break in this case soon, he may release the details that they have to the public. It was MSM and several of us saw it. I guess if they get no breaks, there will be no need for a grand jury. JMO
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