GUILTY MS - Linda Reed for embezzlement, Copiah County, 2012

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Haven't heard anything from the local gal, NancyDrew2 lately. Hey NancyDrew, where are you? Anything new to share? :seeya:
I also wanted to share a bit of wisdom an older divorce lawyer shared with hubby and me one time. He said that in all his years of counsel, he noticed that a person will not leave a relationship (even a bad one), until they have something else (either real or perceived) to go to.

I think he hit the nail on the head there.

I guess he never met me then. :floorlaugh: I left a horrible marriage with nothing but a little money, a vehicle and headed out of town not knowing where I was going or what was going to happen. But, I slept so soundly that first night away.... :)

Who knows what someone might do. I just find it hard to believe she'd disappear with no contact with her children. Husband maybe, but children? People aren't always who they seem to be. We aren't privy to the intimate family dynamics, so it's hard to say.

I've wondered like others if Linda discovered the discrepancies in the books (that she's now being blamed for), and someone was forced to make sure she never told. Money is everything to some people. :(
We need a "verified" update from a GOOD source. :maddening:
I guess he never met me then. :floorlaugh: I left a horrible marriage with nothing but a little money, a vehicle and headed out of town not knowing where I was going or what was going to happen. But, I slept so soundly that first night away.... :)

and.....he never met me :floorlaugh:
Just wanted to say that I got another Crystal Springs paper , The Meteor, yesterday. There was NO story, updates, or anything in there about Linda Reed.
I didn't realize that LR's husband was the one that reported her missing on Sunday night!? IIRC the other reports had stated she had talked to her husband on the phone on Sunday night around 9 PM. I thought it was after she didn't show up for work on Monday that she was reported missing.
So how could her husband have known she was missing on Sunday night if he had talked to her by phone that same night, and he assumed she was home for the night? :confused: Anyone have any light to shed on this? TIA
Elderly Woman Missing
Published: 4/30 7:08 pm Share Updated: 5/02 3:43 pm
Rescue teams are searching for an elderly woman. 65-year-old Linda Reed was reported missing by her husband Sunday night. Reed was last seen on surveillance cameras at 7:45 Sunday night when she bought groceries at the Walmart in Hazelhurst.
This is what is reported on AMW:
The next morning, coworkers found the gate to their parking area locked from the outside, indicating she'd not returned home.......
That same day, her friends, family and colleagues reported her missing and the Copiah County Sheriff's Office green-lit a massive search for her.
A shame that many of the early Clarion Ledger article links are no longer working.
I did find this article where it states that LR's husband was the last person to talk to her Sunday night. Am I the only one that finds it odd, maybe suspicious if it's true that he was the one who reported her missing on Sunday night?

Family members say Lou Reed was the last person to talk with Linda Reed on Sunday evening, about 9 O' clock.
I didn't realize that LR's husband was the one that reported her missing on Sunday night!? IIRC the other reports had stated she had talked to her husband on the phone on Sunday night around 9 PM. I thought it was after she didn't show up for work on Monday that she was reported missing.
So how could her husband have known she was missing on Sunday night if he had talked to her by phone that same night, and he assumed she was home for the night? :confused: Anyone have any light to shed on this? TIA

He didn't. The article was wrong.
He didn't. The article was wrong.

Thanks missingm. I knew there was that possibility but wasn't sure. Strange how these news reporters never correct their misinformation.
This has always been suspicious to me. Who goes to Walmart twice in an evening, unless it's some kind of emergency or something. Something's up with this. Doesn't pass the "smell" test, if you know what I mean... I personally think there was something else going on, and it comes down to one of two situations:
- either this was an excuse LR was using for them to leave the gate unlocked, or,
-the employees claiming this are being untruthful.

Any other explanations? Much welcomed... TIA :dunno:

The only other thin explanation is that she forgot something and only realized it when she got back. But really, going to WalM. is such a pain, it would have to be something really important IMO
I said a while back, maybe she really did forget something, and instead of going to Walmart decided to go to another store, maybe a convenience store at a gas station. I only go to Walmart if forced, it's too much of a hassle.

I change my mind and go somewhere else all the time too. If I were to go missing after saying I was going one place, and went somewhere else in the other direction instead... wow, maybe I should go where I say I'm going...

I'm not familiar with the area though, and Walmart may be the only place available nearby. I'm still all confused with the various reporting of the times too, so not sure if it would be after other stores would be closed, and only Walmart or a gas station would be open at that hour.

But, maybe it was all a lie. Maybe she was going somewhere private, and telling her co-workers she was going to Walmart was easier than either incriminating herself, or she just wanted to keep her destination private and didn't want to draw unnecessary attention?
I'm not surprised at all. She did make sure to dodge Moore Fabrication's surveillance. She had no way of knowing the quality of the camera next door and if they would be able to see her and/or enhance the video in order to see them. Also, perhaps they actually parked between the businesses in order to dodge the cameras at Moore's. Thinking they were out of range of both. I don't know were they parked the vehicles, I just know they are on tape at the other business.

I wish they would give the list of items as well.

I'm confused as to how they could dodge the surveillance camera's at Moore's Fabrication. Wouldn't the camera's be placed in a position to see anyone entering or leaving through the gate that LR had the keys to and is in charge of locking / unlocking ? So is there another entry / exit other than "the gate" allowing them to avoid the surveillance cameras at Moore's ?
I'm confused as to how they could dodge the surveillance camera's at Moore's Fabrication. Wouldn't the camera's be placed in a position to see anyone entering or leaving through the gate that LR had the keys to and is in charge of locking / unlocking ? So is there another entry / exit other than "the gate" allowing them to avoid the surveillance cameras at Moore's ?

Good question

I haven't been here daily so this may have been answered...

I was under the impression that her son said that the video was so poor, it was impossible to tell who left the place of business

What I don't recall is if it was Mrs Reeds vehicle or a white truck
I think this is the first post that indicates that LR and an unidentified other were alluding the surveillance cameras at Moore's Fab.
I'm not surprised at all. She did make sure to dodge Moore Fabrication's surveillance. She had no way of knowing the quality of the camera next door and if they would be able to see her and/or enhance the video in order to see them. Also, perhaps they actually parked between the businesses in order to dodge the cameras at Moore's. Thinking they were out of range of both. I don't know were they parked the vehicles, I just know they are on tape at the other business.

I wish they would give the list of items as well.

Then there is this post that suggests the same thing:
But I always look at things from my perspective and don't really like to remove my blinders and see that some people do crappy things. The points that started turning me were- the items left behind. Reading glasses-most people w/reading glasses have several spares. The tooth was from her partial. Not hard to imagine self removal of that. No struggle. No blood. Only her scent at the SUV dump site-in the car and leading from the car. Her and another vehicle @ 4 am on surveillance tape leaving Moore fabrication. (Some of you aren't too keen on that, however, I am 99% sure of the validity. If they ever crack this case, I promise I will post my source). I could overrun the board with the rumors in town-how much money is missing. Did she or didn't shave a boyfriend. Is she sitting on a beach in the Bahamas? Crazy conspiracy stuff...

AFAIK, nothing else has been reported regarding this possible scenario. This kind of information comes out without any explanation as to how Mrs. Reed and an unnamed other could allude the surveillance cameras, just that they did. No follow up, no nothing, just absolute silence since these posts. Just. Absolutely. Nothing. A complete and total mystery. :what:

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm starting to feel that we've just entered into The Twilight Zone...THE TWILIGHT ZONE THEME - YouTube :what::what::what:
I think this is the first post that indicates that LR and an unidentified other were alluding the surveillance cameras at Moore's Fab.

Then there is this post that suggests the same thing:

Yes, NancyDrew is the only source that I am aware of. I wonder if our local source is out there.

Honestly and IMO, I am so much more suspicious of the business owners since the rumor of LR's arrest in Mexico has died off. Can't wait for the feds to give us an update... if there's one thing they should be able to do, its following money.
IMO, the talk of LR and man seen leaving Moores is complete garbage. The tape viewed is I believe that of the sheriffs dept. No one has said Moores had cameras, and Id think if they did, we wouldnt need to be here. Unsure if its been said here, but the sheriffs dept is on same hwy as Moores Fabrication. If you stood outside on Sheriffs grounds, you can see backside of plant as well as trailer LR stays in. The cars seen on the tape were nothing more than hwy traffic which no one could identify and it was said, last I heard, it was thought to be shift workers leaving chicken plant also nearby. If a big secret was on some tape, and it needed to be all hush hush, I doubt any of us would have heard of any tape to begin with. I personally think the family just wanted to see the tape regardless, as I would have myself if my mom.

This inside source mess sounds like a load to me, but if its not, perhaps that is what happened to Nancy. Perhaps the sheriff has pulled her in to run the show, being she seems to know SO much. :) This ordeal is confusing enough without others making extra drama. Hopefully the local news never comes here to read, or the next headline will be LR spotted leaving with lover ... tune in at 10 for the latest breaking news, Folks. I think the lady here is full of a lot, but its not info, IMO. Maybe if Nancy Drew doesnt show up, she can send the Hardy Boys to fill in while she is absent.
Unsubstantiated information is just rumour
So for me, at this time, the information about her alluding cameras is just rumour
Its certainly possible, but unproven at this point.

I worry that this kind of information makes people less likely to care about her disappearance.
Running off with the money AND a lover or accomplice?

I don't know how long it would take for forensic accounting to be completed
I don't know how big or successful the business was.

I wish more information would be released
Her family must be frantic
I live in the area and thought I would answer a few of your questions.

The trailor IS located within the gated grounds of the business. As well, her husband has spoken to media. While I can not say which local news station has him speaking on camera, the 3 major news outlets are wapt16, wjtv12 and wlbt3.... just search her name.

LR has at least 2 children and numerous grandchildren living in Copiah county, a son and a daughter ... and she herself has lived here many years. Knowing this, it isnt so strange she stays here during the weeks. I assume she has ties to Carrollton only because she married a man from there.

I personally do not believe there ever was any 2nd trip to Walmart. This was only stated once, and by someone she worked with. Im fairly certain that info hasnt ever come from the sheriffs office.

Shannon Moore is a male, should anyone be thinking that is the name of the wife ... it isnt. His facebook page lists him living in Brandon, Ms, within Rankin county, which is about 30 miles northeast of Copiah. I have heard only good things about him, including he is a part time missionary.

According to the sheriff, the blanket, phone and glasses were inside the car, not spread out, outside. One problem I believe is the media seems to report just whatever is being told to them, by whomever, and as it changes, they are not correcting their previous reporting. Depending on which news outlet you visit, they even have the make of her SUV wrong.

The following things are only rumor floating about the town. I have heard her current husband makes dentures, however, I have also heard the ex she was married to twice, Von Slay, made dentures. Could be the tooth wasnt her tooth at all. In fact, in the beginning, the sheriff said there was no cause to suspect foul play, nor have I heard the sheriff mention any tooth himself. I would think had they found a tooth or blood, they wouldnt have went with no foul play in the beginning hours. It is my understanding that the local son called cell company and had them ping his mothers cell, which then sent him to the general location of her SUV. I have always been confused as to why the sheriff ever thought this was a case of dementia being the family found SUV, and present to say she was of sound mind.

In my opinion, this is a case of a lot of talking to the media before ANY facts were really known. I imagine the sheriff is doing a fine a job as he can, but frankly, in this area, he hasnt really ever had any case such as this. Overall, not a lot of killings here, and certainly no disappearance case such as this before. The areas they knew to search were searched, but this county doesnt have the personnel to search day in and day out ... especially with no leads.

Oh yes, I almost forgot ... It is being said that LR owned 3 pieces of land and had recently sold them off causing some bad feelings within the family. Im sure there is more Ive seen here I could answer, and have forgotten ... but maybe this helps a few questions. Or, adds more confusion, one.

I have enjoyed checking here daily because you guys are doing a fine job of digging up info, and you dont even live here. I myself didnt know of this second family business til you guys said so, so, thanks! That is rather interesting. And Id like to say that if any of you are here because of missing someone yourself, Im very sorry. We shouldnt need forums such as this.

And maybe adds to the question, was LR liquidating these assets in preparation for early retirement and to leave town ? Maybe she just got tired of it all. Tired of taking care of everyone. Tired of driving back and forth from one house to another. Tired of living in a trailer behind a metal fab. plant. Only saw her husband on weekends? Idk, but that doesn't sound like much of a marriage if you ask me, but that's jmo. So, maybe she thought she'd take her chances and did go to Mexico or somewhere else, though probably not alone imo. It certainly wouldn't be the first time some family member decides they've had enough and just disappears themselves. Unfortunately, doing it so secretly without informing her children, and fleeing in the middle of the night, if that's what she did, does make it appear there was some motivation that involved something illegal, such as the embezzling allegations.

As far as Mexico, I've read that a lot of Americans are going there to retire because one can live there very inexpensively. Lake Chapala comes to mind as an American retirement destination. They can live a very comfortable lifestyle with maids and gardeners, in a beautiful area with a great climate, on the same amount of money that in the States they would basically subsist on.

Of course, the question remains to be answered, again, if this is what happened, if she has cleaned out her bank accounts. Or, did the bulk of her money from the property sales, etc. even go into local banks or was it deposited in off shore accounts, or maybe in Mexican banks, if that's where she went ?

One thing nags at me constantly, why was her vehicle left there and they picked up her scent, no one else's. What was never clear to me is if they tracked her scent all the way back to the main road and that's where it ended?

Whatever the case, this is all nothing more than mere speculation, for which there is plenty of room, all because LE has remained so tight lipped, and now even the local press has become mute. I wonder if we'll ever get answers. :maddening: Regardless, something tells me that they know more than they're saying.

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